MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 762 I have a dream [two in one]

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  Chapter 762 I have a dream [two in one]

   "It was just a small island without a name back then, and now maybe even the island is gone..."

  Xu Ziyang repeated what the Spirit of the Bronze City said at the time, and at the same time looked into the distance with a look of embarrassment on his face.

  Lin Bei and Chu Liang, who were standing beside him in the air, also looked at the distant direction, and both frowned. Lin Bei tilted his head and said, "He calls this a small island?"

   "How long has it been?" Chu Liang said: "The sea has changed, maybe some of the original islands have gathered here."

   They flew around the East China Sea for five days, and finally felt a warm vibration from the copper talisman.

  Tens of thousands of years have passed, but the pattern on the copper talisman still has spiritual power and can function. I have to say that Jiuli's refining technology is really top-notch. It is not uncommon for a large magic weapon to be preserved for thousands of years. Only when this small object can be passed down can it explain the problem.

  The closer you get to one direction, the stronger the vibration of the bronze symbol, until you come to an island.

  To be precise, there are three seats.

  Penglai, Fanghu, Yingzhou.

   That's right, in front of them are the three islands of Penglai in the depths of the East China Sea! Under the colorful clouds and mist, the three islands are boundless and surrounded by fairy spirit, and the mirage mountain above the clouds is like the cave of the gods in the sky.

  The copper talisman is among the three islands at the foot of Mirage Mountain.

   "It's really a bit difficult." Chu Liang also smiled wryly.

  The three islands where Xia Zong lives are the world's first blessed land where countless natural resources and treasures are planted, and outsiders are absolutely not allowed to enter. Instead, it is the Mirage Mountain where the Shangzong is located, as the place where the guests from the Immortal Sect welcome and send off.

  If it were another fairy sect, Chu Liang would be able to accommodate him by brushing up his contacts, and the dignified disciple of Yinjian Peak in Shushan Mountain would definitely not run to your house to steal Lingzhi.

  The relationship between Shushan and Penglai, even if there was a fight in the first place, it was not put on the surface. At most, Shushan and Tianwangzong are close, and there are some overt and covert targets against Penglai, but everyone can get along with face.


  A while ago, a heroic Shushan Tianjiao came here, called Qi Lin'er out, and beheaded him with a sword in front of the immortals.

  Since then, the struggle between Shushan and Penglai has developed to the bright side. Now Shushan people have to be very careful when they go around the East China Sea, let alone enter other people's sects.

   It belonged to the predecessors felling trees and the descendants exposed to the sun, but I didn't expect that the tree trunk fell on my head after going around.

   "If it really doesn't work, I'll think of a way?" Lin Bei suddenly said, "I have two in Penglai Shangzong..."

   "You have friends in Penglai?" Chu Liang and Xu Ziyang were quite surprised.

  I know that you have a lot of friends, but I didn't expect to be able to make friends with the enemy camp.

   "I'm not collaborating with the enemy, I'm not considered a friend." Lin Bei quickly waved his hand, and then said: "I have two offline members in the Penglai Shangzong."

  Chu Liang: "?"

  After Lin Beiyi explained, he finally understood what was going on.

  It turns out that the Penglai Shangzong strictly forbids his disciples to communicate with Shu Mountain. Even though the Hongmian Peak has been in full swing in recent years, the Penglai people have never set foot.

  However, the Mirage Mountain is divided into three factions. As the backbone, the Penglai faction and the Fanghu faction, who was born in Chiniu Taoist, have always been hostile to the Shushan faction, so they naturally resisted vigorously.

  The Yingzhou faction where Xi Miaoxian belongs has always advocated peace and aloofness from the world. It is somewhat insufficient subjectively for them to follow suit and boycott.

   Later, some disciples of the Shangzong of the Yingzhou line secretly picked spiritual plants in the three islands and sold them at the Cotton Tree Peak. Lin Bei got acquainted with a few of them, and gradually developed two of them as downlines, who were regarded as the eyeliner for Shushan to break into Penglai Shangzong.

"Actually, this kind of method is used by Penglai the most. They have placed their own spies in nine days and ten places, and they will make trouble from time to time." Lin Beidao: "Just like the split of the Tianxing God Sect, it may not be the result of the secret agitation of Penglai spies. In the early years, they tried to split the thirty-six peaks of Shushan Mountain, but thanks to the unity of the head teacher and the elders of Zhenshan, the influence was quickly eliminated."

   Only then did Chu Liang realize that the struggle had always existed, but he hadn't been exposed to that level before.

  Xu Ziyang has been in office for six years, and he already understands this, which is not surprising.

   "Shangzong of Penglai is determined to destroy me." Lin Bei finally sighed.

  He took out the token of the circle of immortal friends and sent out a message. Not long after, two rainbow lights flashed across the distant sky.

  Actually, it is quite convenient to open the private domain in Xianyou Circle now, but Wen Yulong has never found enough spiritual knowledge to deal with the complicated news, so the soul domain token that can chat privately has not been promoted.

  After all, if it cannot be supervised, then the circle of immortal friends is likely to become a convenient tool for evil and traitors to carry out illegal activities. In that case, it is better not to implement it.

  However, these close factions of Chu Liang have already obtained the latest fairy circle that can open a private domain, and Lin Bei is naturally included.

   "Brother Lin!" The two rainbow lights came to him, both of them were young disciples from Penglai dressed in green clothes, they said in unison: "You call us?"

   "Yes, let me introduce you. This is my upline, Chu Liang from Shushan." Lin Bei pointed to them again, "These two are the Penglai righteous men who abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, Lin Chuan and Xue Pu."

  Lin Chuan and Xue Pu smiled when they heard the words, "It's not a righteous man, it's just because of Brother Lin's friendship."

  Of course, the most important thing is to follow Lin Bei and give more.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Chu Liang got to the point, pointed to Fanghu Immortal Island, one of the three islands of Penglai in the distance, which is the direction pointed by the copper amulet, and asked, "We want to go to Fanghu Island to find something. , is there any way?"

   "Oh..." Lin Chuan frowned, "It's not easy to deal with, the mountain guard formation of Penglai Xiazong is much stricter than that of Shangzong, if there is no pass, it will immediately attract attacks."

   After all, there are fewer strong people in the lower sect and more spiritual plants, so the defense against thieves must be more stringent.

  Xue Pu continued: "The two of us have a pass, but we are on duty in the law enforcement team. Many people on the three islands know us, which may attract attention, and it is not convenient to find objects."

   "What if we go in with your pass?" Chu Liang asked, "Is there any risk?"

  Anyway, the access talisman of the Penglai disciples is actually just a secret key of the magic circle, and it is not real-named. It doesn't matter who uses it.

   "Huh?" Lin Chuan blinked and said, "This is fine, but..."

   Xue Pu continued: "You better paint your faces black."


  The three islands of Penglai are very vast, with a combined area of ​​more than one state. Moreover, the aura on it is extremely rich, and there used to be a spiritual plant growing dozens of steps away. For a long time in the past, the aborigines of the three islands lived in such a paradise.

  It's just that the cultivation of the indigenous practitioners is not systematic. Even if the resources are sufficient, few of them break through the sky. With the successive arrival of Kyushu eastwarders, these aborigines finally lost their dominance in the three islands and became the next clan of Penglai.

  Today, there are a large number of Penglai Xiazong, who live in three fairy islands and are responsible for the daily cultivation and care of the natural treasures on the islands. It may take dozens or hundreds of years for a spiritual plant to grow, and if no one takes care of it, there may not be one in ten that grows to maturity.

   But once these treasures of heaven and earth are mature, they have nothing to do with the next sect. The law enforcement team will pick them up, or use them for the cultivation of the disciples of the previous sect, or sell them by the sect.

  If the spiritual plant in charge of the next sect withers and declines, he will be severely punished; if he dares to steal the spiritual plant privately, it will be a death penalty.

   Whether or not it has been painstakingly cultivated for a hundred years, it has nothing to do with them.

  The only way for them to stand up is to be born as the seeds of cultivating immortals with excellent talents. In that case, they will be selected to go to the Shangzong, and they can become disciples of the Shangzong.

   Otherwise, you will continue to walk among many spiritual plants under the scorching sun of the East China Sea every day, taking good care of them but not using them.

  After thousands of years, the complexion of the Xiazong people is generally dark, which is the proof of their suffering.

   After being reminded, Chu Liang and Xu Ziyang also cast a spell to disguise their faces into darkness, and then took Lin Chuan and Xue Pu's pass talisman to board Fanghu Island.

  The island is vast with mountains and forests, and there are often people from the lower sect who look after Lingzhi working in the mountains, but no one notices them. They slowly rode the wind all the way, guided by the vibration of the copper talisman, to the outside of a wooden building deep in Fanghu Immortal Island.

  There were two figures in the building, and they temporarily stopped on the side of the hill, using their spiritual sense to detect the movement in the wooden building.

  In the simple room on the second floor, lying on the bed was a little girl with rough skin, dark and pale, who seemed to be eight or nine years old.

  She was lying there weakly, clutching a boy who was about sixteen or seventeen years old by the bed, and mournfully said, "Brother, I seem to be dying."

"You'll be fine, you won't!" The young man held the little girl's hand instead, "I've already found out from Grandpa Hu that there's a white butterfly summer grass that's matured on the Heron Mountain five hundred miles away. Refining alchemy can heal your wounds. I'll pick it up, and you'll be fine."

   "Don't!" The little girl immediately widened her eyes in horror, and tightly held the boy's hand, "Brother, don't go! You will die! I would rather die than let you go."

   "Don't worry, I'll be fine." The boy seemed to have already made up his mind, he gently moved the little girl's hand away, then turned and left resolutely.

   "Brother—" the little girl shouted in panic, but she couldn't get up again, so she could only wave her hands helplessly, and soon the boy's voice could no longer be heard.

  Her eyes were full of worry, and she could only hold an ancient bronze talisman on her chest with her hand. It was the only relic left to her by her mother before she died.

  For some reason, this bronze talisman, which is only half in size, has been vibrating today, as unstable as her heart.

   While thinking wildly, he suddenly heard footsteps outside.

   "Brother, are you back?" The little girl was pleasantly surprised immediately.

  The 500-mile journey back and forth is naturally impossible to be so fast, the brother naturally changed his mind again, she thought so, and immediately smiled.

  But the smile suddenly turned into fear. She looked at the two strange men who walked into the room, huddled into a ball, and asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

   "We are here to heal your wounds." Chu Liang smiled, but now his face is dark, and his trademark harmless smile has lost its effect.

  Looks pretty harmful with a smile.

   But that's okay, he has other ways to get closer.

   Chu Liang flipped his hands over, holding a suet-white spiritual plant in the palm of his left hand. Once he took it out, the rich aroma immediately filled the room.

   "This is a Baiyuning fragrant fruit, which can also heal your injuries." He said slowly: "We are here to give you this."

When they were observing outside the house, they discovered that this little girl obviously had an unsteady body foundation and insufficient blood in the first realm, so she wanted to forcibly enter the second realm to condense her energy. If you let it go like this, you will die soon.

  But if there is an elixir to reshape her Qimai to heal her injuries, she can recover as before.

  The white butterfly summer grass that the young man mentioned just now is one of them, and the Bai Yuning fragrant fruit that Chu Liang is holding is also one of them.

   Sure enough, seeing this spiritual plant, the little girl's expression softened instantly.

  She grew up on this fairy island since she was a child, and she has never seen anything else. Lingzhi is a compulsory course, so she naturally knows that what Chu Liang took out is not a fake.

   "But..." Her expression was still somewhat hesitant, "We are strangers, why did you give me such a precious spiritual plant..."

   "Because we want to exchange a treasure with you." Chu Liang pointed to the half copper talisman she was holding in her hand, "I'll give you the spiritual plant, and you give me this, is that okay?"

   "But..." The little girl was a little bit reluctant, "This is the only relic my mother gave me..."

   "That's too sad. When you are reunited with your mother in two days, she will definitely praise you as a good child." Chu Liang said in a gentle tone, and at the same time the Lingzhi that was handed out also retracted.

   "Hey!" The little girl quickly stopped him, and with a wave of her hand, she tore off the half bronze talisman hanging around her neck, and handed it to him, "Here you are."

  The copper talisman was given by my mother, but my life was also given by my mother. If I can only keep one, it must be my life.

  Chu Liang smiled slightly, turned over the spiritual plant in his hand, refined it into a ball of vitality with the dragon fire, and fed it to the little girl.

Immediately, her complexion changed from black and white to black and red. She seemed to be in a much better condition, but she did not relax for a while but said anxiously: "Thank you two benefactors, you can Do me another favor? My brother went to Heron Mountain to steal a spiritual plant for me. Now that I’m fine, can you tell him? Otherwise, he will die if he is caught!"


  After asking the direction of Canglu Mountain, Chu Liang and Xu Ziyang immediately set off and flew straight for five hundred miles.

  Although the task has been completed, there is no need to create extra problems. It will be a little more dangerous to stay here for a while. But a moment could save a life, and they did it without hesitation.

  As they approached the mountain, they heard a piercing sound of gongs.

  There are thousands of members of the lower clan gathered around the mountain peak, they were all watching something, when they probed with their spiritual sense, they saw two disciples of the law enforcement team in Tsing Yi in the middle of the crowd.

  These law enforcement teams are disciples of the Shangzong of Penglai, who take turns to take care of the subordinates.

   Taking a closer look, another disciple of the law enforcement team was holding a golden long whip, and a shabby-dressed boy was stepping under his feet. It looked like the little girl's brother!

  But the surrounding disciples just watched silently, not daring to take a step forward.

  A disciple of the law enforcement team on the left is holding a golden gong and is beating it one after another.

"It's been a long time since we Fanghu Xiandao has had a bad incident of stealing spiritual plants!" The disciple of the law enforcement team held a long golden whip and said loudly: "Today, there are some daring people who openly steal natural materials Dibao! According to the regulations of Penglai Mountain, he will be executed here today as a warning to everyone else!"

   After saying that, he flicked his wrist, and the golden whip immediately wrapped around the boy's neck and pulled his head back.

   "Ho..." There was a silent roar from his throat, his eyes were full of despair.

"Stop!" Chu Liang, who arrived in time, jumped out and said loudly: "He stole Lingzhi to save his sister. His sister was seriously injured and dying, and urgently needed Lingzhi's help! Even if you don't give Lingzhi, at least let him go." One life."

   "Bold!" The law enforcement disciple holding the golden gong suddenly shouted, "Who told you to come forward?"

   As he spoke, he hit the magic weapon in his hand heavily.


  The sound of the gong carried supernatural powers, and a rippling golden light suddenly spread out. The surrounding disciples all had low cultivation levels, and immediately retreated in mourning and pain.

  But Chu Liang remained motionless.

   At the same time, senior brother Yujianfeng has fallen from the sky.


  Amidst the sword qi, a cold light cut off the golden whip in the hands of the law enforcement disciples, and another cold light smashed the golden gong next to it. Another sword finger bang bang twice, and the two law enforcement disciples were already lying on the ground unable to move.

   In just a split second, Xu Ziyang had already dealt with the two law enforcement team disciples, landed calmly, and rescued the young man.

   Time is running out, if you can’t reach an agreement, do it.

  The so-called ruthless people don’t talk much.

  The crowd around looked at Chu Liang and Xu Ziyang, and they were stunned for a short moment, but soon burst into cheers: "Oh—"

"Everyone!" Seeing the atmosphere around here, Chu Liang's eyes flickered, and immediately jumped into the air, raised his hands and said: "Everyone, I ask you, this little brother, he just wants to pick a spiritual plant to save him Is he at fault for my sister's life?"

   "No!" The crowd responded loudly.

   "We spend our whole life taking care of these spiritual plants, but we don't enjoy any benefit. Is this fair?"

   "Unfair!" The crowd became more and more angry.

   "Then listen to me, starting today, it's time to make some changes!" Chu Liang clenched his fists: "I want everyone to know that I have a dream!"

  His voice was impassioned, as if with a demagogic magic.

   "I dream that one day, the three islands of Penglai will stand up. Not only the disciples of Shangzong, but all of us, just like the legendary world of saints, everyone is like a dragon!"

   "I dream that one day, on the top of Mirage Mountain, the children of the lower clan and the children of the upper clan can get the same resources and training, to prove that we are really no worse than them!"

  “I dream that one day we can gain freedom and justice, and no longer be oppressed by anyone above us!”

"If we want to no longer be oppressed, we must fight for it on our own! Let our voice spread from Fanghu to Penglai, from Penglai to Yingzhou, and let our voice resound through the three islands of Penglai, trembling Mirage mountain top!"

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)

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