MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 764 Brother only recognizes money [2 in 1]

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  Chapter 764 Senior Brother Only Recognizes Money 【Two in One】

  South of the Yangtze River, Bailu Mountain.

  Looking around the river and looking at the sea, this place is considered to be the middle of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths' Immortal Gates according to the region.

  This day, the clear sky was exceptionally clear. In the huge gray stone courtyard on the top of the mountain, eighteen flags symbolizing the nine heavens and ten earths were fluttering in the wind. Only the side that once symbolized the Taotie City had been removed. The purpose of this meeting is to elect a replacement.

  Huyan Dongduan, who represented Mangshan City, sat in a corner, smiling and calm. Half of the men and horses following behind him were old confidantes of Taotie City who had been summoned back by him;

  People who see Hu Yandong will be a little surprised when they greet him. Although they have heard that the former gluttonous city lord is now in charge of Mangshan City, they will be somewhat surprised to see him running around for it.

   I don’t know if the Mangshan disciples have some kind of captive mechanism. After breaking through the Taotie City, they even captured the city lord. It can only be said that as a pure businessman, Hu Yandong's thinking is still too advanced compared with these old-school practitioners.

  The people who came in were basically old acquaintances from Zhuxianmen. Hu Yandong greeted them one by one familiarly and calmly. Finally, when the team from Tiangangmen came in, two faces he didn't know came.

  Tiangang Sect is led by a pair of men and women, a young man in a strong outfit with a sword on his back, looks handsome and heroic; a woman in a purple dress with gold hairpins, a pair of golden eyes, lively and lively.

  These two are exactly Li Fujian and Ji Lingyu, a young couple who married young.

  Among the younger generation of Tiangangmen, Yun Chaoxian's wisdom has always been the most outstanding, but after Li Fujian got married, he had an extra foreign aid by his side. Since then, many affairs representing the sect have been entrusted to him. To put it bluntly, he relied on Ji Lingyu's ability.

  Actually, Yun Chaoxian may not have no foreign aid, but his partner... is Miss Iron Hammer.

  The so-called crouching dragon and phoenix chick.

The match between Ji Lingyu and Ji Lingfeng is still going on, and it is foreseeable that there will be no winner in a short period of time. Although she is married, and Ji Lingfeng is also looking for a job, it is hard to say who will win. stronger determination.

  Although Li Fujian has been highly valued in recent years, he is the younger generation after all. It is somewhat insufficient to send him to lead the team for this kind of Nine Heavens and Ten Lands Conference, which is rare in many years. Maybe Tiangangmen used this method to express their displeasure.

  After all, Zhanling Mountain they promoted had always been a strong competitor before—at least in their opinion, but yesterday, the owner of Zhanling Mountain, Qiu Fenglie, was defeated by Zhang Chen in public.

  Even if Zhang Chen sacrificed the fragments of the Zhengqi scroll and caught Qiu Fenglie by surprise, it doesn't mean that his combat power is superior to Qiu Fenglie's. If it was really a life-and-death battle, he couldn't kill Qiu Fenglie with the fragments of the Righteous Qi Scroll, and Qiu Fenglie would most likely kill him after finding a way to deal with it.

   But it was a competition in the ring, and Qiu Fenglie was immediately drank off the ring by his three "back" sounds.

  Qiu Fenglie is also a man, without any excuses, he is willing to bet and announces that Zhan Lingshan will withdraw from the general election of the ten regions.

  So Tiangangmen came this time only as a witness, and lost the sense of participation.

  So when the Confucian brigade of Shenglong Academy, Junzitang, and Yushan Academy came together, Li Fujian's face was not very good-looking.

   Zhang Chen, who leads Yushan Academy, is undoubtedly the most beautiful person, attracting everyone's attention. His face was calm, but he didn't see the slightest arrogance, and he nodded politely to everyone.

  Being famous at a young age, with a heavenly appearance, asking questions early and defeating senior experts, in the past, he was definitely qualified to be called the first person of his generation.

  It's a pity that this generation of celestial beings is too prosperous.

  Before him, Yang Shenlong, Chu Liang, and Xu Ziyang had already reached the seventh realm ahead of schedule, and there might be more breakthroughs in the near future. The light that should have belonged to Zhang Chen has been diluted a lot.

  As soon as the Confucianists took their seats, the team from the Shushan School arrived.

  Foreign affairs are still led by Wang Xuanling, the first leader of the peaks. Although he is not the most powerful among the masters of the peaks, one of the two he can fight is taciturn and the other is embarrassing. Therefore, the position of the respected old king is still stable.

   Followed by Xu Ziyang, the first apprentice of Yujian Peak, he is tall and straight, with sharp eyes, and a bronze sword box on his back, which looks like he is hiding a peerless sword.

  Walking side by side with Xu Ziyang was Huan Leisheng, the head teacher of the Talisman Sect.

  Mr. Huan's expression is not very good-looking. Chu Liang has been hanging around outside during this time, and he just returned to Shushan yesterday. He asked Chu Liang about his preparations for the ten-place election, and Chu Liang's answer was still only one word, stable.

  Huan Leisheng was full of black lines about this. Now that the Fulu Sect has no inheritance, no disciples, and no canvassing, what can we fight for? People respond to changes by staying the same, and we respond to changes by playing badly.

   But Chu Liang still said that, I have my own arrangements.

   You're done.

   Even for a moment, Huan Leisheng had some doubts. Didn't Mr. Chu just want the talisman sent to make up the number? Is it possible that he didn't want to win the competition at all?

  With such doubts, he sat down with everyone in Shushan.

  After Xu Ziyang sat down, Zhang Chen next to him looked over, smiled and nodded, and Zhang Chen asked: "Didn't Young Master Chu come to such a conference today?"

  He thought that Chu Liang would definitely attend such a big event. Although Xu Ziyang is powerful, everyone knows that this generation of Shushan Chuliang is the champion.

  Of course, after Jiang Yuebai left.

  With Jiang Yuebai around, she must still be the chief. The woman said the last sentence, which can be regarded as the tradition of the Shushan School.

  Xu Ziyang heard the sound and replied: "He has something important to do, so he didn't come."

  Actually, the Shushan faction just wanted to make a formality this time, and it was okay to save face. There was no need for Chu Liang to attend in person. Xu Ziyang didn't intend to come, but Wang Xuanling forced his lover to join him in order to support the situation.

   "Oh?" Li Fujian also leaned over curiously, and asked, "What event is more important than the ten-place election? Don't you have a sect to be elected this time?"

   "Hmm..." Xu Ziyang thought for a while and replied, "The iron-eating beasts in Silver Sword Peak moved to a new nest today."



  Emperor Feng held the obviously meaty little iron beast with her own hands, and placed it on the table. On the table were special bamboo shoot flower carvings and spiritual fruit platters, which made the little guy's eyes twinkle.

  After returning from the Jiuli Secret Realm last time, Chu Liang proposed to rename it, taking "Chuchu" and "Jiuli Batiansha" each, and changing the homophonic name to Chujiu. After all, it was born and raised in Jiuli Secret Realm, so it should keep some memories.

  Of course, the little guy himself doesn’t care what the humans call it. He only knows that the spiritual fruit he placed is very fragrant, so he started to eat it with his head full.

  Xu Ziyang did not lie, today is indeed the iron-eater's "housewarming". Before that, it only had a temporary and simple nest in Silver Sword Peak—basically the same grade as the golden retriever's nest, but a few days ago when the Empress Phoenix was smelting copper, that nest was destroyed together.

  Chu Liang simply assigned a big job to Tumutang, asking them to build a large bamboo garden on the other side of Yinjian Peak, facing the closed Berry Paradise far away. In addition to a large number of spiritual bamboos, there are also various spiritual fruits inside, which are specially used as residences for iron-eating beasts.

  After looking at the huge garden, Golden Retriever's eyes were full of confusion, looking at Chu Liang and then at his own little nest, his eyes were full of grievances.

"Look, the place I live in is not that big, let alone you." Chu Liang touched his head, "He can make money for us by lying at home, and a lot of people line up to see it. ?"

   "Aww..." the big head whimpered a few times.

   "It makes money, we can use it to buy elixir, spiritual fruit, and spiritual plants, and then I will give you all to eat, isn't it delicious?" Chu Liang continued.

   "Aww..." His big head nodded, and the grievance in his eyes turned into a light of longing.

   "So that seems to be the home of the ninth day, but it is actually your future meal!" Chu Liang said leisurely.


  Lin Bei and the others were also celebrating the housewarming for the Iron Eater, and when Chu Liang stunned Jinmao for a moment, they all joined together.

   "Aren't you going to take a look at the big brother of the Fulu Sect?" Shang Ziliang asked, "That's the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Conference. How big is it?"

   "Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, why did you make that trip?" Chu Liang said with a smile, "It's not as important as helping the iron-eating beast move to a new home."

   "Electing a new sect from the ten lands will change the structure of the world of cultivating immortals." Ban A also said with interest, "But it's really not as good as Jiutian, even if there are changes, it won't be too big."

   "I don't know who will be elected, I will vote for Ice Soul Sword Sect." Lin Beidao: "Then the younger sisters of Ice Soul Sword Sect can come out for more activities."

   "Didn't you see what happened to Xuan Tiansha?" Shang Ziliang said, "If you dare to play their tricks, you don't want to die?"

   "In fact, most of the votes are fixed, and the Ice Soul Sword Sect should have no hope." Chu Liang shook his head and said, "Only the Taiyin Sect and the Endless Sword Sect will vote for it."

  Although he is busy these days, he still has information about the world of cultivating immortals through the circle of immortal friends. I also have a certain understanding of the general election in ten places.

  Although Ice Soul Sword Sect took the opportunity to injure Xuan Tiansha severely last time and sealed the secret realm of the opponent, he will not come out of the mountain in a short time. But Ice Soul Sword Sect's ruthless performance in advance also made Jiutian Tendi's impression of them greatly worse. No one wants such a sect to grow, who knows if he will be the next to suffer.

  So apart from the two Nine Heavens Immortal Gates in the Northern Territory, it should be difficult to get tickets.

  The same goes for Mangshan City. For those criminals, no one will vote for them unless they have an interest.

"The ones who will vote for Mangshan City are probably the imperial court, Chonglou Temple, and Yedaomen." Chu Liang calculated: "Before Chonglou Temple might hesitate between Buddhist friendship and imperial court orders, Xuantian Temple's withdrawal is a Let them completely reduce their worries, especially the relationship with Venerable Wanfa."

  Mangshan City is backed by the relationship with the Holy Mountain in the Northern Territory, which is indeed a possible variable.

   "The tickets for Taisui Dao are Tianwangzong, Tianshu Pavilion and Haiwangzong, there is no doubt about it." Chu Liang continued, "Zhenxing Island is Penglai Shangzong, Wuyin Xianshan and Thunder Fort."

  The basic votes of these companies are nothing to be shaken. Needless to say, Thunder Castle has been relying on Penglai for the past few years, so it will naturally follow Donghai.

   "Yushan Academy is Shenglong Academy, Junzitang, and there should be a Nanyinfang." Chu Liang said again.

  Nanyinfang and Junzitang are located in the south of the Yangtze River, and have always had a very good relationship.

  But the reason why he knew that Nanyinfang would vote for Confucianism is because the owner of Nanyinfang sent someone to Shushan to ask about it a few days ago.

  Before, several other companies were canvassing votes in private, but Shushan remained silent, as if nothing had happened. But Nanyinfang received help from Chu Liang in Fuyao Kingdom, and gave him the Huifeng Xun, just when he wanted to return the favor.

  Yan Yingluo specially sent someone to Shushan to ask, do you need to vote for the Fulu Sect? If necessary, they will not hesitate to stand on Shushan's side. If they don't need it, then they will vote with the Gentleman Hall, which has always been good friends, and the canvassing there is very earnest.

  Chu Liang's answer was, really, no need.

   Not at all.

  When the whole world is canvassing votes, only Chu Liang is going out to sell votes.

  Counting one vote of the imperial court and the existing nine heavens and nine places, there are a total of nineteen votes. The meaning of the existence of the Fulu faction is to make Shushan lose one of his votes, and the rest are scattered votes from the four schools of Tiangangmen, Yunque Temple, Four Seas Whale Gang and Sanjuegu.

   Both Tiangangmen and Yunque Temple were forced to withdraw from the competition because the sects they supported were temporarily killed, and there should not be many people to win their votes. The Four Seas Whale Gang and the Sanjue Valley didn't participate in this matter at all, and they probably will be exhausted these days.

   "Currently, several companies basically have three votes, which are close to each other, and they are not high." Chu Liang said: "Who can succeed, these four loose votes are very important."


  On the top of the snow mountain.

  A young man in white with his hands behind his back, looking at the vast sky in the distance, with a calm smile on his face.

  Twelve years old is a very fast age. After leaving Shushan, Chu Yi has grown a bit taller, and now his stature looks a bit thin.

  Behind him was Lu Jiangtong with a gloomy face.

"Are these all within your calculations?" Lu Jiangtong asked aloud, "If Xuantian Temple is destroyed, Chonglou Temple will stand firmly on our side. And the Ice Soul Sword Sect has also lost the rest of the immortals. Even if we don’t withdraw, we no longer have any hope. In this case, Endless Sword Sect and Taiyin Sect are also willing to accept the deal and come to support us.”

   "Take one step, see three steps, this is the most basic." Chu Yi said with a smile: "Everything is traceable."

  The boy's eyes were clear, as if there was nothing in the world that he couldn't see through.

   "Chu Liang didn't go to the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands Conference. Today, the Iron Eater Park in Yinjian Peak was completed, and he is holding a housewarming banquet for the Iron Eaters at home." Lu Jiangtong continued.

   "..." Chu Yi frowned slightly.

  He really can't see through this.

After being silent for a while, he said: "I've thought about it for a long time. With the personality of my brother, is it possible that he doesn't want to push the Fulu faction to run for election? Make up the number and vote for yourself, so that no one will be offended? Otherwise, why would he not do nothing at all, this is not his style of acting. "

   "This..." Lu Jiangtong also frowned and said, "Shouldn't it? Elections in ten places may be a major event that will affect the future of the world for thousands of years. Is it like a child's play?"

   "If it was someone else, they might care about the world and the world, but senior brother probably doesn't care..." The more Chu Yi said, the more he felt it was possible. He looked in the direction of Mount Shu and said slowly, "Senior brother only recognizes money."

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)

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