MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 9 No need for rotation [Add updates for the lord "Tianzhufeng"]

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  Chapter 9 does not need to be rotated [Add changes for the leader "Tianzhufeng"]

  Exchanging swords, Your Excellency, the atmosphere is not harmonious.

  After Chu Liang answered this sentence, a bit of embarrassment suddenly rose around him.

  Shushan disciples are like a family...except Silver Sword Peak and Jade Sword Peak.

  Originally, these two peaks belonged to the five peaks of Jian Dao in Shu Mountain, and they have been connected with each other since ancient times. However, the two peak masters of this generation, Wang Xuanling, the master of Yujian Peak, is the head of the peaks, with overwhelming power and a stubborn personality. However, Feng, the princess of Yinjian Peak, is young and energetic, and has never allowed anyone to surpass her, which makes it inevitable for the two to argue every time they meet.

  The two masters first set out the chariots and horses, and the disciples will naturally follow suit. Especially the recent bet between Wang Xuanling and the emperor's daughter Feng has spread all over Shushan, and Silver Sword Peak is naturally regarded as an enemy by the disciples of Yujian Peak.

   It's just that they probably don't have many chances to meet the only seedling of Yinjian Peak... Naturally, they don't know Chu Liang either.

  Chu Liang hasn't changed much, he still has a faint smile on his face. At a time like long as you are not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

  The expressions of several Yujianfeng disciples were a little stiff. After a pause, Lin Beilang still laughed: "Hey hey hey!"

  He grabbed Chu Liang's shoulders: "I heard that you have only one disciple in Yinjian Peak, and it's a coincidence that we met today."

   "Yeah, quite a coincidence." Chu Liang smiled and nodded.

   "Anyway, we've got all the task tickets, so let's set off quickly." Lin Bei looked at several Yujianfeng brothers again, and said loudly.

  It seems to be urging to start, but in fact, the implication is that the task sign has been received anyway, and there is no way to return it... so let's just do it.

  Hearing what he said, the other three Yujianfeng disciples nodded one after another, turned around and walked out. It's just that his expression was a little unnatural, and he didn't look at Chu Liang too much.

   Still pretty indifferent.

  Chu Liang didn't take it seriously, and walked behind Lin Bei side by side. In his opinion, it doesn't matter who you are with, as long as you can fight monsters.

  The thick-browed and big-eyed Lin Bei was very enthusiastic. Later, he introduced the other three disciples of Yujian Peak to Chu Liang.

   Walking in the front, the tall, burly young disciple with a cold face carried a wide long sword behind his back, his name was Fang Ting. He is the leading disciple of the Golden Core Realm this time, and he is currently at the early stage of the Golden Core Realm.

  Chu Liang nodded, sure enough.

  Their ordinary Shushan disciples wear the standard flying sword bracelet of the Shushan School, which can be worn on the wrist in changing shapes. Those who carry their own sword like this mean that the sword will be stronger, and people are usually stronger.

  Golden Core Realm seems to be only one level higher than Divine Artistic Realm, but in fact, there is a barrier between human and earth, which is an obstacle that many people cannot break through in their entire lives, and the gap is huge.

  The female disciple next to him was wearing a light yellow short skirt, plain white lining and trousers, decorated with strings of tassels, and she was petite and cute. She also has a white and tender oval face, very childish, with gentle eyes, she looks timid, the kind of little girl who easily makes people feel protective.

"This little junior sister is called Xu Ziqing, and we mainly accompanied her because this is her first mission down the mountain." Lin Bei smiled and said, "Her brother is Xu Ziyang, our senior brother of Yujian Peak, because Senior Brother Xu She has been in retreat recently, so we took her down the mountain."

  Xu Ziyang, Chu Liang knew it when he mentioned the name.

  Shushan sect has been in decline for many years, and the number of outstanding young disciples under the sect is much smaller than that of other nine-day immortal sects. The few people in this generation who became famous at a young age are Jiang Yuebai and Xu Ziyang.

  Xu Ziqing, like Lin Bei, is in the early stage of the Divine Artistic Realm and has only broken through recently.

  Actually, the disciples who have just broken through to the Divine Artistic Realm will usually participate in some team-building tasks like this when they go down the mountain for the first time, and ask their senior brothers and sisters to take them with them. Those who, like Chu Liang, couldn't wait to go down the mountain to eliminate demons for the first time belonged to the minority.

  As for the last male disciple, he has a mid-stage cultivation in the Divine Artistic Realm, with an ordinary appearance, and his name is Lu Ren.


   Several people walked out of Changing Jiange and came to the edge of Tongtian Peak. Xu Ziqing raised his sword and gave a clear drink.

  Seeing her raised fingertips emitting dots of light, as if there was a thread of traction, a loud long cry sounded from the distant sky immediately.

   Immediately afterwards, a huge white bird with a length of several feet came out from the sea of ​​clouds. It was covered with frost and mist, and it all dissipated as it flapped its wings and landed.

  This little girl actually has a spiritual pet as a mount, and it is impossible for her to afford it with her cultivation level. It seems that the elder brother loves her very much.

   "Hey—" the white bird immediately lowered its head and rubbed its soft feathered neck towards Xu Ziqing. The little girl smiled and hugged it, and then called everyone to get on the bird's back.

   It was just the person who called Yujianfeng, she didn't greet Chu Liang, she turned around and went straight up.

  Chu Liang didn't care, and followed up on his own.

  Long-distance flight, even though Yujian is fast, it is inevitable to be tired and cold. It is of course a good thing to have a mount at this time.

   Sitting on the back of the white bird, surrounded by long and soft white feathers, the wind whistling in the ear, and in a blink of an eye, it went to the sky again. Their destination this time is called "Zhennanyu Mountain".

  Town Nanyu Mountain is located at the junction of Nanyu and Zhongtu, with a length of 800 miles, like a high barrier separating the two places. Among them, the mountains are high and the valleys are deep, the dense forests are vast, and there are countless legends of monsters and monsters hidden.

  However, the place they are going this time is only the outer edge of Zhennanyu Mountain, a small forest on the edge, and it is not particularly dangerous. Coupled with the fact that there are Jindan disciples sitting in the town, it shouldn't be too difficult.

  With the bird on its back, Fang Ting, Xu Ziqing, and Lu Ren sat in the front, while Chu Liang and Lin Bei sat in the back, far apart.

"This jade flower with a human face is said to be a double flower that grows on two pedicles. It was met by a senior from Shushan, but it was not mature enough to be picked at that time, so I handed it over to Changjiange. Now that the flowering period is approaching, let us complete the task..."

  Lin Bei was talking non-stop beside him, and he was giving Chu Liang the content of this mission. But Chu Liang found that this fellow student didn't seem to be warm-hearted, he was just a simple talker.

  Since I met him, he has never stopped talking. It seems that there is a strange disease that makes people feel uncomfortable when they close their mouths.

  Chu Liang even felt that the reason why the three people in front sat so far away might not be isolating himself, but isolating Lin Bei...


   About half an hour later, the white bird flew to the foot of Zhennanyu Mountain, a gust of wind rippled, and everyone landed smoothly.

   "There are many demons and fierce beasts in the mountains in the south of the town. We can no longer fly in the air. The next way is to walk into the mountains." Fang Ting, who led the team, finally said at this time.

   "There are a lot of vegetation and monsters in this forest, and it is full of miasma during the day. We must hold our breath and move forward. At that time, the true energy will not be replenished, so we must be restrained in our actions."

   "I need to preserve my cultivation, so the next task of opening the road will be undertaken by Lu Ren, Lin Bei, and Chu Liang in turn. Do you have any comments?" He gave orders with a blank expression.

  Although there is miasma in the forest, practitioners who have reached a certain level have their energy channels connected, and it is not a problem to hold their breath for a long time. But if you can't breathe, you can't replenish your true energy, so everyone's true energy is limited and very precious.

  But if you encounter those green spirits and monsters blocking the way along the way, someone needs to open the way.

  As the person with the highest cultivation level, Fang Ting needs to preserve his cultivation level to deal with possible emergencies, and not waste his true energy on such trivial things as opening the way. And Xu Ziqing was the weakest in cultivation, and it was the first time he went down the mountain, so he protected in the middle of the team. The remaining three will take turns.

   Such an arrangement can definitely be called fair and reasonable.


   "I have a little opinion." Chu Liang, who had been standing at the end of the line, suddenly said.

   "Huh?" Fang Ting frowned and looked at him.

  Everyone's eyes also fell on his smiling face, vaguely unfriendly. I don't know what this guy from Silver Sword Peak wants to do.

   Then, I heard Chu Liang say: "The task of opening the way and eliminating demons can be undertaken by myself, and there is no need to rotate."

   Thanks to "Sky Pig Peak" for becoming the second leader of this book, thanks to my good brother.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion