MTL - Please Spare Me a Tail-Chapter 3

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Lu Ye looked at the panicked little girl in front of him. She was indeed very beautiful, and she looked very young. The way her eyes were wide open reminded me of a little white rabbit cornered by a hunter.

However, she was dressed a little strangely. It's been half a year since the end of the world. Would anyone still have such long hair, wear such long and layered white skirts, and run around outside with this image?

And apart from some dust on her body, there were no other scars, and she could be said to be clean.

The person who can maintain this state either has a deep background and someone is protecting her anytime and anywhere, but he has not noticed other people nearby; or he is extremely strong and has no scruples, but this appearance of fear is not like pretending …

He glanced at the chick-like thing in her arms that kept digging deep. Could it be because there are mutant animal guardians?

Then when he thought of the scene when he came here and looked down from the hole above, what he saw was the scene where she wriggled and touched Zhuang Qingzai's **** no matter how hard it was, his expression became a little weird.

Bai Xiaohu didn't know that in just a few seconds, his image in this man's heart had been wandering between the gamer world, a hooligan who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, and a hooligan who was very lucky and loyal to protect his master.

She was stared at furiously by him, afraid that he would give her a thunderbolt, the situation was unclear, the enemy was strong, I was weak, and I couldn't understand the language, so she rolled her eyeballs, gave a flattering smile, and gave herself a few snow-white, shiny little flowers. Fox teeth.

Among the beams of light, floating dust swayed leisurely. She was hiding in the darkness, but this smile was a bit more eye-catching than the sun. Everyone's eyes were uncontrollably attracted to her.

Lu Ye paused, turned his eyes away, and threw a small knife to Zhuang Qingzai who was beside him: "Untie, come out."

Then he turned around and left.

Zhuang Qingzai frantically caught the knife and cut the rope for other people. These people seemed to be in a gang. When Zhuang Qingzai was beaten, the others were silent like dead people. Now they are all moving, scrambling to First cut the rope.

No one paid any attention to Bai Xiaohu for a while, she sat by the wall, looked at the tightly bound ropes on her hands and feet, and couldn't get it off even though she was pecking and scratching on the ropes, she realized that the two of them are very different now. If he is weak, he looks at the hairy hair band hanging on his shoulders.

While no one was paying attention, she turned sideways and moved her hands to the side of the hairband. With a thought, the talisman was lifted up, and one end slipped across the rope, and the thumb-thick cable snapped silently.

"Hey, you!" a grumpy shout.

Bai Xiaohu quickly put down his hands, pinched the two severed ends of the rope in his hands, and maintained the tied state, looking up at the boy who came to him.

Zhuang Qingzai looked at the beautiful girl with a distorted face: "You, what did you do by touching my **** just now?"

Bai Xiaohu blinked, but didn't say a word, he couldn't understand, couldn't speak, couldn't make a sound.

Zhuang Qingzai looked at the innocent and even well-behaved girl with confusion in his eyes. Could it be that he made a mistake? Is he hallucinating? No matter how you look at it, this person doesn't look like someone who would secretly touch a man's ass.

Lu Ye's indifferent voice came from outside: "Move quickly."

Zhuang Qingzai said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Seeing him sharpen the rope with a knife, Bai Xiaohu was a little anxious for him. It seems that the humans here are not all that strong. The group of people here are very weak, and the few big men who fell just now are also very weak.

Thinking about it this way, I felt a little relieved.

The rope was finally frayed. She pretended to have just untied it, got the rope off her wrist, threw it on the ground, and then went to untie the rope on her feet. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to go with them first.

The place where they stayed was the inner room, and there was another room outside. They were both very large and tall, and there were many things piled up there. Bai Xiaohu later found out that it was an abandoned warehouse.

When I came to the outside room, the man was still there, standing in front of the two gates, and said indifferently when he saw that everyone had arrived, "After leaving here, I will arrange for someone to take you to the base. After that, you can do whatever you want, and I will do whatever you want Nothing to do."

Zhuang Qingzai hurriedly said: "Brother, you don't care about me? Don't, I came out with the caravan to find you!"

Lu Ye said indifferently: "I have no obligation to be your parent."

Zhuang Qingzai muttered: "Are you blaming me for being caught? I didn't expect that there would be a group of desperadoes here, but didn't I let Sister Litang escape to seek help from you? You came so fast, did you Sister Litang notified you, right?" He looked like I knew you would come.

Bai Xiaohu stood not far behind the crowd, and suddenly smelled a stronger smell of cats and cats. She looked at the two standing together in surprise.

came from them.

But the boy's body is not so strong, could it be from that man?

Enduring the fear of lightning on the man's body, she squeezed to the front, wanting to judge at a close distance, but who knew that the man suddenly raised his hand, a blue-purple lightning shot out, and the two doors in front of him were blown away.

Bai Xiaohu: "!!" Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Her hair was so excited that she flew back and hurriedly hid, but the others were also frightened and backed away. In a hurry, she was pushed forward and staggered into the man's arm.

The lightning in the man's hand was still there, and she was suddenly numb on one side of her body. The familiar tingling sensation of being struck by lightning made her whole body explode, and she jumped to the side with a groan.

Lu Ye: "..." Lu Ye turned his head and glanced at her.

Bai Xiaohu's face was full of shock, his long hair was messily draped over his shoulders, and his small face was pale.

Lu Ye looked at the electric arc on his palm again, is it so scary?

He clasped his palms together to accept the power, the arc was annihilated in his palm, and there was a slight crackling sound.

Bai Xiaohu saw how easily he said to strike the thunder and he struck the thunder, he said to stop the momentum, he stopped the momentum, he said to smash people, he smashed people like charcoal, and he said to break the door, he smashed the door into pieces on the ground, with a look that can play with the majestic thunder and lightning. The appearance between the palms of the hands is even more fearful and terrified.

What kind of world is this, what kind of person is this?

Difficult, is it the incarnation of heaven?

If he finds out that he is from another world, will he chop himself back at once? Perhaps...he has discovered his identity!

Bai Xiaohu frantically thought about it, and Leng Buding met the other party's deep eyes that were calm but seemed to be able to see everything, hurriedly avoided, and hugged the little devil chicken who was also trembling tremblingly.

As for the feline aura, there was nothing left when the person struck out the thunder and lightning, and she didn't dare to explore it anymore, she just wanted to stay as far away from this person as possible.

Lu Ye, who frightened people with a single look, changed color and shrank his neck: "..."

Lu Ye has seen a lot of respectful and awe-inspiring gazes towards him, but this is the first time he has been feared by a little girl like a tiger, as if "bully" and "bird/beast" are written on his forehead. This experience was so novel that he couldn't help but look at the other person again.

Bai Xiaohu moved away a few small steps like a crab, trying to keep calm on his face.

"..." Lu Ye withdrew his gaze and looked forward.

The door of the warehouse has been broken open, sunlight floods in, and everything in front of it can be seen at a glance. This is a factory built on a hillside in the outskirts, and the warehouse is only a small part of it. The entire factory is surrounded by high walls. At this time, Outside the fence was a dense crowd of zombies, looking around a large area, scratching and roaring through a layer of iron railings, and even stretched their hands in.

Others also saw this scene, all of them turned pale, and Zhuang Qingzai screamed, "So many zombies!"

Bai Xiaoqiao also looked over, and then just froze.

Where can she see any zombies clearly in her eyes, there is a vast black mist, and under the black mist, there is a vaguely human-shaped thing scratching and rushing stiffly, like a walking corpse.

That's all, what shocked her was that the black mist was simply demonic energy!

What a strong magic energy!

She thought that she used the formation method to calculate that this world is a world that is about to collapse due to the invasion of demonic energy.

She looked at the distance outside the wall, and there was also a lot of devilish energy on the hillside, and a cloud of devilish energy probably represented one or several "walking corpses". And farther away, be it the mountains and rivers, the faint city buildings, or the land farther away, they are all shrouded in thick or light magic energy, the world is gray, and the sky is also shrouded in a faint magic energy. Even glowing an ominous dark red.

Humans may not be able to see this devilish energy, but Bai Xiaohu can see it clearly, she feels out of breath, and thinks it's no wonder that when she inhales the first breath of air here, she feels very stuffy and uncomfortable.

Compared with Baishou Mountain, where her aura is overflowing with divine mountains and beautiful waters, this place is simply a hellish existence.

At the same time, she also understood why the demon energy in her body became restless and strong when Mengmeng came here.

Because there is devilish energy everywhere here, devilish energy that can be used for its cultivation!

Sure enough, Mengmeng poked her head out excitedly, looking at the demonic energy outside the wall with her jet-black eyes, and then chirped at Bai Xiaohu.

It was asking Bai Xiaohu if he could absorb the magic energy.

After being raised by Bai Xiaohu for more than a hundred years, it has never absorbed the magic energy, and its cultivation has retreated to the point where it almost does not exist. It is used to being a pet chicken that eats and sleeps, and has almost forgotten the nature of the demon race. However, feeling such a strong demonic energy at this moment, it still can't help but move around.

But if Bai Xiaohu doesn't let it absorb and practice, it will naturally be obedient.

Bai Xiaohu understood what it meant, and stroked the fluff on its body with complicated emotions.

In her world, the demons represented evil, cruelty and heterogeneity, but since she was able to secretly raise a little demon chicken, she naturally did not have much prejudice against the demons in her heart. The reason why she did not let it continue to practice was also because Bai There is no magic energy on the first mountain at all.

But here and now, her cultivation base has been greatly damaged, and the road ahead is uncertain. If Mengmeng is not allowed to practice, the two of them may not be able to survive for a day.

She rubbed the head of the little devil chicken, and said in a low voice: "From now on, the two of us will rely on you, but even if we are successful in cultivation, we can't harm innocent people, you know?"

"Chirp, chirp!" The little devil chicken happily responded.

Lu Ye heard Bai Xiaohu muttering something, the voice was soft and soft, but the language had never been heard before, and there was an indescribable rhythm, so he couldn't help but cast a glance, Bai Xiaohu & Moji moment: dare not move, dare not move.

Lu Ye: Is she this type of hooligan, or that type of hooligan?

Bai Xiaohu: A man who can artificially bring down lightning, don't dare to provoke him!


Secretly add an update and applaud myself~~

In the future, it is tentatively scheduled to be updated at 9 o'clock in the morning. If there is no update at 9 o'clock one day, it means that I have run out of saved manuscripts_(?3」∠)_

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