MTL - Please Spare Me a Tail-v2 Chapter 37

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Lu Ye naturally thought that the dried fish was stolen by the fat cat.

Bai Xiaohu made it clear that the dried fish was dried for him, and although it wasn't anything special, it was impossible to give it to someone else without his consent, even if it was his cat.

Then all kinds of contact before and after, except that the cat ran over to steal it, what else is possible?

I really want to catch that cat and beat it up.

When Bai Xiaohu heard that Lu Ye was coming, he ran out of the house with loose hair: "You are here!"

Sure enough, the charm of fish is huge. This person also comes during the day and night recently. If they also have the intimacy value mentioned in the game, the intimacy value should be rising to almost full at this moment!

Lu Ye asked, "Did you see a cat in the past two days? A white-haired garden cat with gray stripes on its back, weighing more than thirty catties."

Bai Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, of course there is, isn't that you? But is it appropriate to say it here? There are many other people present.

She didn't know why, so she nodded in a daze: "Yes, yes."

Lu Ye sighed, and sure enough: "I have caused you trouble."

Shi Jian followed from the house, still holding a comb in his hand, and said to Bai Xiaohu, "Comb your hair first."

Lu Ye realized that he came too early. He didn't know that Bai Xiaohu played with the cat too late last night, and got up extra late today. He turned sideways and said, "I'll come back later."

He is now going to catch the cat.

Seeing him striding away, he seemed a little angry, but he didn't seem to be angry with anyone here, or the air pressure on his body was very low, Bai Xiaohu was a little inexplicable.

So I rushed here just to ask such a question? Did she see the cat, how could he not know?

But it seems that he really doesn't know it. Could it be that he doesn't have the memory of becoming a cat? Or is it because he turned into a cat unconsciously, for example, he turned into a cat when he fell asleep, wandered to her, went back to sleep after that, and automatically changed back to human form? The memory in the middle is completely blank?

What is this symptom called? By the way, it seems to be called nocturnal excursion among human beings. Lu Ye is quite special, he will turn into a cat when he swims at night!

It's scary to think about it, what if you encounter bad people when you travel as a cat? What if I get lost? What if someone discovers the secret of transforming?

What if, what if I fell asleep outside, wouldn't I have to be naked and have no clothes on when I woke up the next day?

The more he thought about it, the more he frowned, and Shi Jian looked strangely: "What's wrong with you? Is there something bothering you?"

Bai Xiaohu sighed, yes, but you can't say it, you don't understand the troubles of ghosts.

She felt sorry for Lu Ye even more. As a human being, he was abandoned by his own mother, and as a ghost, he had such uncontrollable problems. It was simply miserable.

So she prepared more big fish and small fish, ready to comfort his wounded heart.

As a result, we waited and waited, and the person who said he would come later just didn't come.

In other words, when Lu Ye walked out of the furniture store, he originally wanted to catch the cat, but a call came through the communicator, and General Xu called the leaders of various forces in the base for a meeting.

So I had to put the cat-catching plan on hold.

Bai Xiaohu didn't know about this at first, but Wen Liansheng told her that the top officer of the base invited the head of their Baishou team to a meeting and asked her whether he should go on her behalf.

Bai Xiaohu said: "Of course you are going, but what is it, will it be dangerous? If there is danger, I will go."

Wen Liansheng smiled: "It's not dangerous. It should be that the base has made a big move and needs more support from anti-infective drugs. Lu Ye and the team leaders have all been invited."

Hearing that Lu Ye was also going, Bai Xiaohu was relieved, but Wen Liansheng still asked Wen Liansheng to bring some people with him.

Wen Liansheng had to go to the pharmaceutical factory every morning on his itinerary, so he didn't have time to go today, so Bai Xiaohu went there by himself.

She doesn't come to the other side of the river very often. The defense here is tighter than that of the furniture store. There are not only five steps, one post, ten steps and one sentry around the pharmaceutical factory, but also cameras and the like. As for the planting area where thunder koko and chili flowers are planted (simplified by everyone as a farm), it is surrounded by fences, barbed wire, etc., high, and there are people patrolling back and forth every once in a while, and there are drones flying around. go.

In fact, it was the first time Bai Xiaohu knew that this place was so tense, and he was still very surprised: "Don't be so exaggerated, right? Is there still someone coming to steal trees and flowers?"

Zhang Meng, the head of their guard group, said with a wry smile: "It's not to guard against people, but mainly to guard against birds and small animals. A bird flew into the thunder forest before. What did you know at that time? The whole forest was discharged , I was startled, but luckily I let it go for a while, but the leaves were dimmed by a degree, so how much energy would have to be released!"

It's full of distress.

Bai Xiaohu remembered that there was such a thing. At that time Wen Liansheng came to ask her what was going on, but she didn't take it seriously, saying that it was Lei Gongshu. Their territory is even more subject to electric shock, and their tempers are very explosive.

It's just that she doesn't know that after that, the people here will be like grass and trees, and they are afraid that these thunder konjac trees will not grow well if they are discharged too much.

Bai Xiaohu said at this moment: "It's okay, there's nothing wrong with letting them discharge. When you're in a good mood, they grow better, and you don't have to guard around them like this. Why don't you just plant some other trees as a barrier?"

She looked around and saw that this area was originally a building, but the relatively low building was connected to a large piece of wasteland. Compared with Yang'an Road on the other side of the river, it felt a bit backward in the countryside.

Because they built a pharmaceutical factory and a farm, a large area of ​​houses were demolished and flattened. At this time, some houses in the distance were also being demolished.

Bai Xiaohu looked at it and thought, he can enclose that area and expand the scale of the farm. What kind of trees should we plant? Let's just plant red fruit trees. Anyway, she wants to use red fruits as wages and benefits, so it seems inconvenient to always take them out of her space.

When the Thunder God tree can be raised by thunder, the pepper flower can be raised by flames, and the red fruit tree grows, but it needs real aura.

Then change the whole environment, dig a spring, build a pond, fill the spring and pond with spirit stones, and you will naturally get the counterfeit version of spirit water. If you water the red fruit tree with spirit water, it will grow Watery red fruits are coming out!

It's just that the spirit stone contains a lot of spiritual energy, and she can't take it out of the space right now, and she still needs to take a good look at the whole terrain to see where to dig the spring.

Bai Xiaohu walked around, thinking about it, and then felt that it was too much of a headache, let Wen Liansheng come back and let him help as a staff officer!

There is also the job of guarding, you can also find a way to reduce the burden, it is too difficult now. In her original place, a restriction, a formation, and an enchantment can prevent people from approaching even half a step.

Of course she doesn't have that ability, but she has a mustard space! There are many good things in it.

She began to search and search in the mustard space.

While she was looking for it, some of the masons who were demolishing the building in the distance were secretly looking this way.

Among them, the man wearing a dirty hard hat with a few cobwebs cracked quietly said, "Brother Xiao, what do you see?"

Another said: "This building is too short, I can't see what's going on in the farm at all, but it's true that the guards are tight, so it's hard to handle!"

"Then, shall we give up?"

"Idiot! Do you know that if this entrusted task is completed, how long will it be enough for us brothers? Just one leaf, as long as one is enough, we steal it and leave, how much effort will it take? Give up!"

Brother Xiao directly hit the younger brother on the head.

The little brother helped the hard hat that was knocked down to cover his face: "Then, when shall we do it?"

Speaking of this, brother Xiao is also on wax, how would he know when to do it, he has no idea!

"No, don't rush, let's take a look."

In the afternoon, when Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng came back, they didn't dare to do anything.

Bai Xiaohu knew the purpose of the two of them going to the meeting: "Do you want to take the initiative to attack the zombies?"

"Yes, the base was shrunk to the ground before because it was too expensive to deal with zombies, but now that there are anti-infective drugs, you won't die if you get infected. General Xu wants to take Jiangcheng as the center and completely wipe out the zombies in the surrounding cities. Clear." Wen Liansheng explained.

Bai Xiaohu nodded, this sounds like a good thing.

Wen Liansheng said: "It's just that this requires us to produce more drugs. The base hopes to accept it at a 30% discount. I haven't responded yet. Can you supply the raw materials?"

Bai Xiaohu said: "It can be supplied."

Wen Liansheng smiled and said: "My idea is that you supply it for a few days first. The leaves on our farm and those from Zhongyang's team are almost ready to be harvested. Also, didn't we plan to sell saplings before? We can do it in advance Yes, spread out the saplings for other people to plant, we will recycle them at a certain price, make potions and sell them to the base.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded: "I can do anything." Then she talked about planting red fruit trees and digging springs and ponds. As for the spirit stone, she still hasn't said anything, after all, the spirit stone can't be taken out yet.

Wen Liansheng was very much in favor of planting trees. As for springs and river ponds, Wen Liansheng's understanding was to dig wells and puddles, and this was not a problem.

The Baishou team immediately got busy, and more people were put into production.

The Zhongyang team is also in a meeting.

Lu Ye drew a simple map of provinces and cities on the blackboard.

"The first target of the base is Tongcheng, which is adjacent to Jiangcheng. The scattered zombies in Jiangcheng are basically from Tongcheng. After nearly half a year of consumption, there are still about 2 million zombies in Tongcheng. The base is going to send 300,000 troops to the front. Go, our Zhongyang team cooperates with Shengtian team, Flying Eagle team, and Thunder team."

Next, Yu Jin raised her hand: "With 300,000 troops and four squads, so many people poured into Tongcheng, our pressure will not only come from the zombies in Tongcheng, but also the zombies from neighboring Yuecheng, Ningcheng, and Tongcheng. "

Zombies don't just stay where they are and beat you up. Wherever there is human interest, they swarm. That's why the zombies in Jiangcheng's territory have been wiped out again and again, and there are still so many zombies wandering around. That's why, the Jiangcheng base didn't take too many measures against the zombies in the surrounding cities. If they were not careful, they would be attacked by the enemy and drowned in the sea of ​​corpses.

Lu Ye said: "Yes, so, the second group of people will come to support five days after we set off, and they will bring the latest anti-infective drugs."

The people below looked at each other, Wan Zuochao pushed his glasses and said, "Then the last question, does General Xu really have such a strong control over the army?"

If something goes wrong at that time, or someone makes a trip, the reinforcements don't arrive in time, or there are some logistics problems, they may end up being dumped.

After all, the officials and the military of the Jiangcheng base are not tied together.

Lu Ye took a sip of water and said lightly: "I can't guarantee it, but we must participate in this operation, so half of us will be dispatched when the time comes, and I will personally lead the team. Wan Zuochao and the rest will guard the base camp and assist The Baishou team next door, five days later, you will personally **** a new batch of anti-infective drugs."

He propped himself up on the table, lowered his upper body slightly, and looked at the team members sitting around the table with heavy eyes: "Regardless of whether there will be moths in the base, as long as the supply of anti-infective drugs continues, we will be fine."

We will be fine, even if the reinforcements are not timely enough, even if we are surrounded by zombies, this is the promise he, the captain, made to the team members.

Pan Gu, who was next door, also knew about this meeting through the small group, and he was surprised: "Boss really said that!"

Seeing that he reacted so strongly, Bai Xiaohu also opened the group chat message on his mobile phone and looked at it: "He didn't say anything strange, why is it so unexpected?"

Pan Gu just had this expression on his face that you don't understand: "Our Brother Lu, to put it nicely, it's called being indifferent to fame and fortune, and to put it bluntly, it's like being frigid. He doesn't care about anything. He never He said 'we must participate in this operation', and he didn't have too many demands on everyone, but this time, his attitude is so positive!"

Bai Xiaohu thought for a while: "Probably because this matter is very important."

After all, the elimination of zombies is of great significance to all human survivors. Hearing that the base is going to take the initiative to attack Tongcheng, the whole base is very jubilant, which means that the human beings have formally issued the first horn to attack the zombies.

Others said that once the zombies are eliminated, the last days are over, and they will soon return to their former days.

Pan Gu thinks about it too.

Bai Xiaohu said: "Do you want to go too? Go, I have nothing to do with you here."

Pan Gu cried immediately: "Xiaohu, you actually said that you have nothing to do with me. I thought I carried a lot of weight in your heart, but you can throw me away casually." His expression froze suddenly, The tone also changed, "No, I can't leave you. Protecting you is my life's duty. Even if the sky falls, I can't let me move away."

Bai Xiaohu: "..." This dramatist.

She turned her head and asked Shi Jian: "Do you want to go? I heard that in this plan of encirclement and suppression, the amount of meritorious service is linked to the status in the new structure after the expansion of the base in the future, and even after the end of the apocalypse."

Shi Jian said calmly: "No matter how high your status is, can you have as many benefits as being by your side?"

Can red fruit be eaten anywhere? Can energy-rich spiritual spring water be drunk anywhere? Can this fish today and that fish tomorrow be eaten casually?

Most importantly, can such a beauty be seen in another place?

She went on to say: "And after the next door leaves, we have to strengthen our precautions here."

"You mean, someone will take advantage of the emptiness next door and come to our place to make trouble?"


Bai Xiaohu thought to himself, the second brother said that after the adults in the family go out, those thieves who seek revenge and find fault especially like to pick at this time.

For the teams on both sides, Lu Ye is the head of the family, the backbone, and the deterrent of force. Of course, this is only for those who don't know. If someone thinks that she is a soft persimmon that is easy to pinch, she must tell the other party to experience it. What is the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth.

The first wave of expeditions is about to start, with more than 300,000 people, at least ensure that no one can bring two sets of infection packages with them. This is 700,000 sets, and they have to be ready within two days. The pharmaceutical factory is crazy busy, Wen Liansheng A lot of thunder-type supernatural beings were recruited to work, and Bai Xiaohu had to secretly go to the warehouse to release the thunder leaves.

It is still a little early to pick the Leigong leaves in the two places, so the raw materials in the early stage have to be taken from Baixiaohu, and at the same time, the saplings have to be pulled up all over the valley for Wen Liansheng to sell, so she has no time to think about Lu Ye's changes. cat problem.

And Lu Ye had to organize the team, go to the base for a meeting, discuss the detailed battle plan, and didn't have time to come to her or catch cats.

After a busy day like this, and another busy day, the 700,000 sets of anti-infection packages were finally out of the warehouse. Tomorrow is the day when the expedition army departs. Bai Xiaohu was slightly relieved, and then found that Maomao didn't come last night.

She went back to the hut where she slept tonight, big fish and small fish were ready, waiting for the cat.

In the middle of the night, Bai Xiaohu was drowsy, and the little devil chicken beside the bed, oh, it should be called the big devil chicken by now, had already slept with both feet in the sky, and finally there was movement outside the window.

Bai Xiaohu opened his eyes, and met the fat cat who was poking a cat's head through the window.

Bai Xiaohu laughed immediately, went over to hug the cat's belly, and hugged it into his arms: "Have you been too busy these two days? You didn't eat fish yesterday, and your stomach is deflated. Come on, it's all me." Prepared for you, eat quickly!"

There were several plates on the table, including ready-made fish and dried fish. She also caught live fish from the space on the spot.

The white cat meowed and lowered its head to eat live fish.

Bai Xiaohu sat on the side watching it.

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that this white cat was not like Lu Ye. Of course, she did not suspect that the cat was not Lu Ye, but if Lu Ye in human form could not remember the memory of him becoming a cat, would he, who had become a cat, also No memory of being human.

Look at how sophisticated it is in eating fish! Watch it lick its fur while eating, how natural it is! Look at it scratching its ears with its hind feet, how flexible it is! Listen to its cry again, soft and delicate, is this the sound that Lu Ye can make!

Alas, why didn't she notice it before, this is a cat, without the memory of being a human, its nature is undoubtedly revealed.

Bai Xiaohu loved it even more, and stroked it lightly: "You said that you are leaving tomorrow, what if you have such a problem outside? There are many crises outside, and there may be no place to rest. What about the cat? Or run around after turning into a cat and being bullied by zombies?"

The more Bai Xiaohu thought about it, the more worried he became. Although Lu Ye seemed to be aware of the problem of becoming a cat, he might not know how to solve it!

She wanted to talk to him, if he really couldn't control herself, she either told him not to go out, or she had to go out with him!

This made a decision, so after the cat was full, he played with it for a while, and after it got out of the window as usual, Bai Xiaohu quietly followed.

With her level of cultivation, it is still very easy to track a cat. She saw it jump into the next door, and then ran up the wall of the office building. It just grabbed the wall with its four paws and walked up slowly. All the way up to the top floor.

Lu Ye's room is on the top floor.

Bai Xiaohu sighed, it really was him!

She gave herself a lightness tactic, and when the tiptoes touched the ground, she floated up lightly.

She is wearing a nightgown right now, a white dress, and her hair is loose. If anyone sees it, they will probably be frightened by the black-haired and white-clothed shadow, but she has used a blindfold to see it even if someone is below. Not to her.

She came to the window where the white cat went in, and jumped in lightly.

The office building was originally used for office work. Later, Lu Ye occupied this building and remodeled it into bedrooms, but it still looks a bit crude compared to the other side.

Marble floor, a bed, a table, and a bathroom cubicle, the layout is simple, some clothes are hung on a pole against the wall, and there is not even a wardrobe.

Bai Xiaohu's eyes fell on the bed, and the quilt on the bed seemed to be lifted, and at this time the cat was rolling on it.

Seeing its stupidity, Bai Xiaohu's eyes became more gentle. Who would have known that when Lu Ye turned into a cat, he would have such a stupid and cute side?

She walked over and hugged the cat: "Poor Lu Ye!"

The cat, which was frantically rubbing against the bedsheets, trying to catch its master's breath, so that it could continue to cheat, was stiff, stunned, its fur stood on end, and turned to look at her in disbelief, its two yellow and orange eyes widened. Mouths gape comically.

How did she come here? !

Is the cat about to reveal itself?

Can the stuffed cat continue to trick the little fish into eating?

The cat just wants to make a living. Why is it so difficult!

Bai Xiaohu interpreted its shock as fear, and patted its head softly to comfort it: "It's okay, it's okay, I won't tell your secret, don't be afraid."

After a pause, she suddenly felt that something was wrong. If the cat had no human memory, then why did it answer in the affirmative when she asked if it was Lu Ye the first night?

And since she already knew that it was Lu Ye, it would be a matter of time before she chased him into his room. As for being so shocked and frightened, as if he fell off the spot?

It seems that the front and back are a bit out of series!

Bai Xiaohu sat cross-legged on the bed, with the cat in his arms, unconsciously scratching the cat's chin with one hand, with a thoughtful face. Before she could figure it out, there was a sudden click in the bathroom next to her, the door opened, and the hazy yellow light and dense water suddenly filled the air.

Hey, there are people in the room!

Bai Xiaohu, who was completely focused on the cat, turned his head suddenly, and saw a man with a shirtless body and dripping hair coming out of the bathroom.

Their eyes met, Bai Xiaohu was dumbfounded, and Lu Ye froze in place.

The air in the room seemed to be stunned, and it was eerily quiet.

A drop of water rolled down from the tip of the man's hair along the blade-like profile, and hit his chest with a bang, smashing it to pieces.

Lu Ye woke up suddenly, stretched his arms suddenly, pulled the windbreaker jacket thrown on the chair over with lightning speed, put it on his body, and asked Bai Xiaohu in horror: "Why are you here?!"

Lu Ye: Is the little girl so scary now? !

Bai Xiaohu: Who am I, where am I, and what is the current situation?

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