MTL - Please Spare Me a Tail-v2 Chapter 39

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But the other two who rushed towards the flower field faced a sea of ​​bright red flowers, and as soon as they got close, they could smell a very pungent, spicy smell. The flower was indeed the same as the information said, more devilish than the devil pepper.

The two looked at each other: "Do it!"

One of them pulled out a flower and stuffed it into the prepared box, and suddenly tore it with a sound, and the hand that touched the flower quickly swelled up, while the other was about to explode the bomb, and the forest over there lit up with a blue sky. Purple light, and the screams of their companions at the same time.

The two were surprised: "No, there is a power grid. They have been prepared for a long time, so hurry up!"

The one with the bomb threw the bomb at will, and turned his head and ran out with his companion. After running nearly a hundred meters, there was an explosion sound behind them. They turned their heads and looked, expecting to see the scene where the sea of ​​flowers was destroyed. , there was a bit of complacency in his eyes, but he saw... the sea of ​​flowers fell to the surroundings under the explosion wave, but nothing happened, not a single petal was blown to pieces!

what happened? How is this possible, even if the ones farther away were not affected, the flowers in the center of the explosion are still fine! Even if a big living person stood there, he would be bruised all over his body!

But the fact is, under their helpless gaze, the shock wave ended, and the flowers stood upright again, swaying tenaciously, and the petals... seemed to be redder, and even seemed to be very happy.

Then the next moment, the flowers shook together, and each bud spit out a little reddish substance, which floated in the air, and the next moment, the flowers shook together again, and these substances swept around like a tide.

More menacing than the explosion wave.

"This is... what is this thing?"

Before they could finish talking, they were swept by this wave of pale red. They flew backwards, and then screamed in unison.


They fell on the ground and rolled endlessly, howling desperately, their bodies were red and even had large patches of blisters. And the light red wave swept across, the weeds were directly browned and dead, and the soil became dry as if it had been burnt.

On the pharmaceutical factory side, everyone had just seen the power of the guard vines when they saw the lightning flashing on the farm side.

That is... Lei Gong Forest has been discharged again? No, this level means that someone broke into the Thunder God Forest!

Those who work here are more familiar with the habits of Lei Gongshu. Although they usually like to discharge electricity, it is only in a small range and to a small extent, just like self-entertainment. And now almost the entire forest is glowing and discharging. This is a special trick, right?

People are going to run there immediately.

But then there was an explosion, and then the reddish air wave visibly swayed away.

Now people are stupid, what's going on? I have never seen this scene before!

Bai Xiaohu blinked her eyes, she couldn't figure out what was going on, but as the air wave approached, she sensed the explosive energy contained in it, her face changed, and she shouted: "The chili flower is rioting!" , close the window! Get down! Hold your breath! Protect yourself!"

Bai Xiaohu yelled these words not very loudly, but the penetrating power was so strong that even people in a relatively distant place or inside the pharmaceutical factory could hear them.

People are a little confused, but the people here, especially the guards, have been specially trained. They have practiced how to deal with emergencies many times. Now Bai Xiaohu is here, and she is their supreme commander. , just do what she says.

Most of these supernatural beings have also sensed the terrifying energy in this red wave.

As a result, the supernatural beings immediately displayed their own defensive moves. The non-supernatural beings either sought cover nearby, or hid under the defensive barrier of the supernatural being next to them. The windows of the pharmaceutical factory were immediately closed.

Bai Xiaohu quickly swiped twice in front of him, and set up a temporary restraint. Looking left and right, the chickens and cats were not around, and looking at the pharmaceutical factory, they seemed to be fighting each other in the packaging workshop. Bai Xiaohu stared, the two didn't know whether they got her signal or sensed the danger, they let go of each other at the same time, and hopped over to close the door.

The door slammed shut, and a wave of pink swept across. Everyone outside felt a thrust, and at the same time, it was as if they passed by a wave of violent boiling steam. Their flesh was sore and burning, and they were **** by guard vines and dragged to the ground. All the "medical troublemakers" were firmly recruited, and immediately howled like pigs.

Even the guard vine itself climbed up the leaves of the vine, twitching and jumping wildly, turning yellowish.

Feeling that the crisis was over, everyone withdrew their abilities and looked at each other with lingering fear: "Team Bai, what was that just now?"

Bai Xiaohu stroked his forehead: "It's the pepper flower, the pepper flower has been stimulated."

She just remembered that when stimulated, that kind of flower will emit pollen. The power of the pollen is not inferior to that of the flower juice, and even stronger. Just now, the pepper flower was stimulated and rioted, or in other words, excited.

Bai Xiaohu sighed: "Is anyone injured? If you are injured, go to the workshop to fetch water and wash the bubbles, or wet a towel and apply it."

There are two kinds of water in the pharmaceutical factory, one is spiritual spring water used to make anti-infective drugs, and the other is ordinary water.

When she said that she brought water from the workshop, she meant spiritual spring water, and soaking it in this water would have a good effect.

She looked at the medical practitioners who were rolling all over the floor. The exposed skin was blistered in patches, and the skin was flushed red. These must be soaked in the spiritual spring water.

After Bai Xiaohu gave the order, she took Pan Gu Shijian and others to the flower field. She wanted to see what happened. There was such a big commotion in the woods and flower field at the same time, and she saw two blood bubbles all over her body that were about to pass out. Strange guy from the past.

The guards guarding the flower fields are also quite annoying. Although they dodge, they are too close. Bai Xiaohu asked them to soak in the Lingquan water, and then went to the Thunder Forest. A group of people who intend to break into the Thunder Forest were caught here. The man, and three others, had just been carried out of the woods, and were struck by lightning.

Bai Xiaohu glanced at it, and said, "Let's send it to the healer first."

Then she patrolled around the farm, and both the magic chicken and the white cat came over. She asked them to help patrol together, and found no more problems.

But after the big move was released, the thunder gong leaves and pepper flowers that could have been harvested had to wait a few more days for them to recover, otherwise the effect of making potions would not be so good.

When she turned back, Wen Liansheng had already arrived, and Wan Zuochao, Baozi and others from the Zhongyang team also came.

Wen Liansheng and Wan Zuochao teamed up, one interrogated the captured people, the other went to investigate the background of these people, and quickly found out: "This is two groups of people, a group headed by Xiao Xinmin from the eighth area of ​​the base Idle gangs, who specialize in doing entrusted tasks to make a living, they are entrusted by others to steal the leaves of the thunder tree."

Wen Liansheng said: "The other group of people are the three people who broke into the woods and the two people who broke into the flower field. These five people seem to be unorganized, and they are all supernatural beings. They usually have a bad reputation. Their goal is to take advantage of Xiao Xiao. Those people in Xinmin stopped our people, collected samples, and then destroyed the forests and flower fields."

Bai Xiaohu frowned: "Destroy? Why?"

Wen Liansheng said calmly: "With the emergence of anti-infective drugs, some people are happy, while others are dissatisfied, or they just don't like our benefits, it's normal."

Bai Xiaohu was very upset. Who didn't know that the pharmaceutical factory had a heavy production task recently, and it was all for dispensing medicines for the troops who went to the base to surround and suppress the zombies. Without anti-infective drugs, it would be very dangerous for them to fight the zombies outside. A dead word. In other words, without anti-infective drugs, the base would no longer be able to send troops.

Whether the siege of zombies can continue, Bai Xiaohu doesn't care, but Lu Ye and the others have already set off, and if the reinforcements arrive late, they will be very dangerous.

Although the woods and flower fields are destroyed, she still has more raw materials here, but the mastermind behind the scenes must have the idea of ​​interfering with their production, it is really hateful!

Wen Liansheng said: "It's my fault. I should have thought of it earlier, but I didn't expect that the troops on the front foot would set off, and they would start to move on the back foot."

Bai Xiaohu said: "How can I blame you, the person who came up with such an idea is simply out of his mind, do you know who it is?"

Wen Liansheng shook his head: "I don't know for the time being. The five people were seriously injured. Only one managed to wake up for a few minutes. Asked something. Let's see if Lao Wan can find anything."

Bai Xiaohu snorted, these five people, they deserved to be treated so badly, Bai Xiaohu originally thought about taking out something to save them, but now it seems that soaking them in spiritual spring water and letting them treat The supernatural beings do it for them, it's all cheap for them!

Soon, Wan Zuochao came back, with a serious expression on his face, and said to Wen Liansheng and Bai Xiaohu, "We've found out, those five people should be employed by the Zhushen team."

The educated Bai Xiaohu: "Zhushen?" Are those two words she knows? That name is really arrogant.

Wen Liansheng narrowed his eyes: "I'm really afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

Bai Xiaohu asked: "What's the situation with this God-killing team?"

The two answered her.

Although this Zhushen team is also called "Squad", it has more than 100,000 members on the surface. It is not known how many members are not counted, and it is extremely important in the base.

Moreover, the style of this team is very domineering. The captain Mao Litie is bloodthirsty and brutal. The members below don't know whether they were led astray or they just recruited such people. They are not good people.

In short, it is an organization with chaotic rules, insidious and violent, vengeance for the rest of your life, and likes to follow some crooked ways. However, they are large in number and cannot be easily shaken. They contributed a lot in the battle when the Jiangcheng base was almost overthrown by the tide of corpses. It is considered a base. One of the veterans team, there are still people in the official, it is said that they are loyal to a high-ranking official.

Wen Liansheng said: "If it was them, it would be difficult to analyze whether the upper management was wrestling with each other, or the team was going to make trouble on its own."

Seeing that Bai Xiaohu didn't understand, he explained: "The captain of the Zhushen team was analyzed as an anti-social personality. Even if their team is not all such people, there are quite a few people who tend to be newspapers. They are not comfortable in the peaceful and prosperous times. On this stage of carnival, they can kill and fight monsters, disregard the law and discipline, act recklessly, enjoy the privileges brought by their strength, and even trample their lives.

"Such people don't want the end of the world to end. Anti-infective drugs have touched their nerves. Don't talk about hiring people to destroy it, even if they do it themselves, I wouldn't be surprised. The reason why they didn't do that is probably because they don't want to offend people. Zhongyang team.

"And if it's an official wrestling... General Xu proposed this plan to encircle and suppress zombies. Once the zombies in the nearby provinces are cleared, even if only a few surrounding cities are thoroughly cleaned, the expansion of the Jiangcheng base is imperative. Expand to one city? Two City? Or more? At that time, the social system will undergo tremendous changes, and General Xu, who has created all this, will become a well-deserved leader.

"And General Xu is loyal to the central government."

Bai Xiaohu: "Central?"

Wan Zuochao took the conversation and said with a smile: "The existing bases are divided into two types, and they are called public and private respectively. The public refers to the national background and is controlled by the state, while the private refers to private establishment and private management. Jiangcheng base It belongs to the former, while the Haicheng base, which is jointly ruled by the major chaebols, belongs to the latter."

"General Xu is the first manager of the base appointed by the central government. As long as he is still in this position, after the expansion of the base, he should apply for the central government to send professionals to take over the base. The government department will be re-established on this land, and everything It will return to the pre-apocalyptic model at the most efficient speed. To be precise, it will return to an orderly state that is beneficial to the vast majority of people at the bottom. Even when the situation of other public bases is not optimistic, this place will become the center of a country When the time comes, big shots will gather, and an existence as arrogant and domineering as the God-killing Squad will be dealt with sooner or later."

Bai Xiaohu was a little dazed when he heard that, so there are so many things going on inside and outside the base.

Wen Liansheng continued: "Once the situation mentioned by Lao Wan occurs, it will be a big reshuffle. Not to mention the Zhushen team, all private organizations will be restricted, supervised, and even rectified and banned, so many people don't want to see it. That scene. Most of these people welcomed the emergence of anti-infective drugs with surprise and welcome, but General Xu’s decision gave anti-infective drugs political significance.”

Bai Xiaohu asked: "What about you? Do you want public or private?"

Wen Liansheng and Wan Zuochao looked at each other and smiled. Wan Zuochao said, "Before the end of the world, we were law-abiding citizens."

Wen Liansheng explained a few more words: "If we care about this, we won't stay in the Zhongyang team that has no ambition to make progress. We don't care who the people above are, as long as the superiors have a good mind, they won't move around If we do some tricks, we can live well on our own. This is the case under General Xu, even if we go to the Haicheng base immediately, and it is even more so when we return to an orderly society. But in general , the state’s control will be more stable.”

Bai Xiaohu understands, this is the mentality of a strong man, let the situation change, I am not afraid, I can adapt to any situation, how confident I am.

They may not have supported General Xu much before, but General Xu advocated taking action against the zombies, which instead made them lean towards General Xu, so Lu Ye set off with most of the troops.

Bai Xiaohu doesn't care about the struggle of human beings, but she will definitely support people like Lu Ye, so the pharmaceutical factory should continue to operate in a hurry,

"Then this matter..."

"When something like this happens, General Xu will only be angrier than us. Just wait, it's time for his people to come to the door."

"Then why don't we do anything ourselves?" Bai Xiaohu looked very unwilling. He was bullied, how could they not fight back? Azusa

"how do you want to do it?"

Bai Xiaohu didn't answer, she hugged the chubby big devil chicken, a big white cat looked up at her with piercing pupils at her feet, she poked its pointed ears, but thought in her heart, if she dared to come and provoke her, she would definitely I want to pay back and go back!

The eldest brother said, come and don't be indecent.

Soon after, General Xu sent someone to come.

Several military vehicles drove in, and a group of intimidating officers came down from above. These people launched an investigation and interrogated the prisoners.

Soon, they took away the five people sent by the Zhushen team. As for Xiao Xinmin and others, they left it to the Baishou team to deal with. After investigation, those people really just wanted to steal the leaves, and their nature was not that bad. Leaving it to the Baishou team is also a respect and a gesture of favor to the Baishou team.

Xiao Xinmin and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the news, and if it fell into the hands of the officials, it would really be over.

Xiao Xinmin and his companions were locked in a small warehouse, and he comforted everyone: "It's okay, we didn't do anything, they will let us go soon."

Nothing was achieved this time, and many brothers were injured, but thinking about the tragic situation of those five people, Xiao Xinmin regained his balance, thinking that fortunately they are not good enough, otherwise they would be themselves if they were electrocuted like that.

Wow, the warehouse door opened, and Xiao Xinmin looked at the people who came in from the backlight, no matter who they were, he immediately admitted his mistake and begged for mercy, saying that he would let them punish him, and his attitude of admitting his mistake was very good.

The visitor laughed and said, "Let us punish you."

Xiao Xinmin hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, we can work for you, run errands for you, or beat and scold you."

"You don't need to beat and scold, just give our house guard rattan a practice hand."

Guard... teng? what?

So in the next few days, screams rang out from time to time around the pharmaceutical factory farm. Xiao Xinmin and his group were forced to challenge the defense line of the guard vines again and again. If they wanted to fly over with the help of wind power, they would be torn down from mid-air by climbing vines and bound into rice dumplings.

From their fiascos, the guards of the White Head Squad learned more and more about what an excellent partner Guard Vine is.

This side is the use of waste, while Bai Xiaohu's heart for revenge is not dead.

It was a little-known small organization that entrusted Xiao Xinmin to come and steal Ye Zi. She directly entrusted people from Zhongyang's team to call the door and taught them a lesson and intimidation. As for Zhushen's team, it couldn't be so simple.

She didn't sleep at night, and took a chicken and a cat to go out to scout the spot, roughly inquired about the settlements and activities of the Shenshen team, and then searched for usable things in the space.

After a few days, they finally found something good for her. One night, they went out and put that thing in their drinking water.

"Okay, let's go." Bai Xiaohu clapped his hands, and in a good mood, he led two little helpers who let her out. Clothed in the night, he crossed half of the base and sneaked back to the third area.

In the night, the base looked extraordinarily large, some places were as quiet as death, and some places were extremely noisy, Bai Xiaohu suddenly stopped on the top of a building, looking at the vast land.

After a while, she knelt down and stroked the fat cat's neck, gave a small fish, and murmured: "I don't know what your master is doing now? It's good that your cars here are not so scary, then I can go with you." Going out. Hey, you said, can we go find him?"

After the embarrassment passed, Bai Xiaohu felt more and more empty, and worried that something would happen to Lu Ye, but that was her tail!

But where is he now?

She thought about it, sat down cross-legged on the roof, took out her mobile phone, and clicked on the chat app. There were a lot of unread messages in the group. She browsed it, but there was no important information. She exited and clicked on Lu Ye's avatar.

Lu Ye's avatar comes with the system, a blue-haired cartoon avatar, it can be seen that this guy doesn't use this software very much, and the avatar does not change, her avatar has been changed to Mengmeng.

After she and Lu Ye became friends, they haven't contacted on it yet. After thinking for a long time, she typed one by one: What are you doing?

There was no response for a long time, and Bai Xiaohu suddenly remembered that the signal range of the mobile phone is limited, and Lu Ye should be in Tongcheng at the moment, so he must not receive the message.

She scratched her head and came up with an idea. She took off the hair belt coiled around her waist in the shape of a little fox, pulled out a fur with pain, rubbed it in her hands, and then blew gently, and the hair floated towards the phone , melting into the mobile phone like smoke and fog.

She rubbed her knees with a smile, and she should be able to receive it now. This is the great method of communication, and it has blessed her with a single hair, so it should work, right?

Lu Ye has been away for four days.

One day was spent on the road, and three days were spent fighting wits and courage with the zombies in Tongcheng.

Most of the zombies in Tongcheng had been exterminated, but because there were no living people for half a year, this cement city was filled with the smell of death and decay. More than 300,000 people poured in, but it didn't make it much popular.

At night, the city looked even more desolate and dilapidated, with howling corpses.

"You said, how long will it take to rebuild the city here?"

"It's not bad. Those cities that used artillery to fight zombies in the early days of the end of the world are miserable. But here, a single cleanup job is enough."

"Anyway, I don't want to live in Tongcheng. It's like a ghost town. It's fine to stay in Jiangcheng."

"Okay, don't talk, go to sleep, you may wake up at any time."

Night is the active period of zombies, but there are relatively large restrictions on humans, so they will avoid fighting zombies and find a suitable place to rest.

This is the temporary foothold of the Zhongyang team. People gathered in several large houses. After a moment of whispering, those who could rest quickly fell asleep, while the night patrolling personnel were still on guard.

Lu Ye inspected the surrounding defenses, made sure there was no problem, and took out the communicator.

The distance is too far to receive the signal from Jiangcheng, and the mobile phone is even in a state of no signal.

He was about to take it back when there was a sudden shock. Bai Xiaohu, the object of special attention, sent him a message.

He opened it in surprise.

-What are you doing?

Lu Ye immediately looked up and looked around, but found nothing. He looked at the phone again, and it was obviously still out of service. He immediately typed: Xiaohu is that you? Where are you?

Bai Xiaohu laughed triumphantly when she saw the sent sentence, she was a genius, she thought of adding the subpoena method to the mobile phone, and it really succeeded.

She typed: I'm at the base, isn't it weird that I can send you a message? I have my way!

After searching for a while, I sent a smiley emoji.

Seeing these words and the smiling face, Lu Ye couldn't help but smile, not surprised. He walked to the side and sat down, and replied: Yes, you are the one who can climb up to the twenty-fourth floor without making a sound.

Bai Xiaohu's face collapsed, could he not mention this matter.

She typed: Speaking of which, if you hadn't taken me out of the building, I wouldn't have been found! !

It was only later that she remembered that she could go back the same way through the window. In the middle of the night, with a cover-up, no one would notice that she had come, let alone run into Yu Jin and Lin Tao.

Lu Ye looked at the three exclamation marks and raised her eyebrows slightly. She was already proficient in expressing emotions with punctuation marks. Needless to say, it must have been taught by Pan Gu.

Thinking of her embarrassed appearance and reddish cheeks that night, his heart skipped a beat and he typed: My fault.

Across a long distance, at both ends of the phone, it seems that some words don't need to be overly restrained, and some emotions don't need to be too suppressed.

If it was face to face, he would definitely not say such a thing.

Bai Xiaohu probably won't mention that night again.

Bai Xiaohu looked at the three words "my fault" and was a little dazed. Although they were cold and square words, she seemed to be able to imagine him saying those words. Maybe it was with a smile, maybe it was a little helpless, maybe it was a look of connivance.

Bai Xiaohu felt her cheeks start to heat up again, and the surrounding was dark, only her face was faintly reflected on the phone screen, showing a slight blush.

"It's over, am I broken?"

She covered her face and muttered to herself, causing the two fat guys to turn their heads to look at her.

She pressed their heads: "Don't look at me!"

Then I typed to change the subject: You haven't said anything yet, what are you doing? Up so late?

As a result, I sent it this time, and there was no reply for a long time.

Bai Xiaohu frowned.

And Lu Ye was also frowning. He didn't get a reply for a long time, so he typed: still up so late?

As a result, this message was not sent, a red exclamation mark stood aside, and a line of small words jumped out below: Message sending failed.

No signal?

And Bai Xiaohu also realized that the subpoena method had failed, right? They only chatted for a few words, and it didn't take a minute!

She plucked another fur and cast the same spell.

Now a sentence over there was sent smoothly: Haven't slept so late?

Lu Ye also received Bai Xiaohu's question.

He thought for a while, and briefly talked about the things of the past few days. Arrived in Tongcheng three days ago, everything was going well, and the zombie harvesting was also going well, and now he is resting.

And Bai Xiaohu took the time to explain that she couldn't maintain the signal for a long time, and why didn't she sleep? She looked up at the night sky, and the crescent crescent was pitifully stuffed behind the clouds, revealing only a faint halo. She typed: Come out and look at the moon.

At the same time, Lu Ye's reply also arrived, she read it again, and replied: "Then you have a good rest, pay attention to safety, don't chat!"

Another emoji of a little fox sleeping under the covers.

It's a pity that this is a red fox. She didn't find the expression pack of the white fox, but this red fox is also chubby and cute!

She put away her phone contentedly, hey, what did you want to ask when you first contacted Lu Ye? Forget it, she said to the two little guys: "Let's go, let's go back to sleep!"

Lu Ye looked at the naive red fox for a long time, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked up at the dark night outside. Where is the moon? Can you see the moon in Jiangcheng?

He tapped with his long finger, and finally found a good night emoticon package that came with the software, and sent it, but the red exclamation mark jumped out again, and the sending failed.

He secretly thought it was a pity, but he couldn't hide his good mood, his brows and eyes were full of tenderness.

"Boss..." Yu Jin came in to report something, seeing their boss sitting by the wall with one leg bent, looking at the phone with a sweet (?) face, she was startled.

When I came out this time, although many of them brought their mobile phones, it was mainly for the convenience of checking the electronic map when flipping through the paper map, or taking a photo or something. First, there was no signal, and second, the task was stressful, and they even played games. No one, and their boss, who hardly touches their mobile phones, is smiling at his mobile phone late at night like this?

Just like all the cheesy teens who can spend hours texting nonsense with their girlfriends in a relationship.

Yu Jin's boxy and fierce face showed extreme gossip.

The next moment his expression changed, because Lu Ye had already put away his phone and looked at it calmly: "What's the matter?"

"Zombies were found in the northeast." Yu Jin said seriously.

Lu Ye got up: "Go and see."

You and I are not meant to be, it's all up to me to pluck the hair.

After a period of time, Bai Xiaohu found that his little fox had sparse hair and severe alopecia areata, so he cried bitterly, expressing that the long-distance relationship really can't afford to hurt, and the phone bill is too expensive!

Read The Mage of Eternity