MTL - Please Spare Me a Tail-v2 Chapter 63

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Bai Xiaohu, who felt that he had plucked the string of fate, was summoned by the top leader of the base before he could get out of the inexplicable excitement and joy.

There is also Lu Ye who has the same treatment.

Apparently it was in response to Shiqin calling them over.

The two passed by overnight, and Lu Ye drove Bai Xiaohu's motorcycle with him. Both of them were in a relaxed mood, as if they were out for a drive at night.

When he saw General Xu, he was not as angry as he imagined, but asked them calmly why they concealed Ying Shiqin's whereabouts and didn't hand him over immediately.

Lu Ye's answer was that the man came for Bai Xiaohu, saying that Bai Xiaohu was from the same place as him, and they had to figure it out.

"Then have you asked clearly?"

Lu Ye said: "This person claims to be a book walker. He thinks that the person who can make anti-infective medicine is also the same person as him, but Xiaohu is not."

"Oh, is there any proof?"

Lu Ye asked back: "General Xu, do you think Xiaohu is the same as him?"

General Xu was taken aback, and said for a moment: "No." The man produced the corrosive liquid, but he was selling it for a price. He wanted to wait for people to suffer heavy losses before coming out, to demonstrate his value and establish his status. But Bai Xiaohu is not. From anti-infective drugs to guard vines to firewood trees, she took the initiative and timely to avoid tragic casualties and made great contributions.

Lu Ye said again: "Everyone knows that Xiaohu has a good background, so what is her background, is it very important, haven't you already accepted this, and are you silently enjoying the benefits she brings?"

General Xu was a little embarrassed, but what he said was indeed true.

Lu Ye continued: "But she is indeed not from the same place as Ying Shiqin, and she doesn't know any future plots."

General Xu squinted his eyes and said, "Do you really believe that there are people who wear books? The world we live in is a world of books?"

Lu Ye was silent for a while and said in a low voice: "No matter what kind of world this is, we are all real people living here."

By implication, he believed that this was a book world.

General Xu's back was a little hunched, obviously this cognition hit him a little bit, and his three views were probably completely shattered like Wen Liansheng Wan Zuochao.

After a long time, he said: "This matter cannot be spread."

Lu Ye nodded.

General Xu quickly returned to normal, and asked, "About the supernatural being he mentioned?"

"We've already been able to deal with it." Lu Ye told about the "tonic" for pregnant women. He glanced at Bai Xiaohu, remembering that Bai Xiaohu said that the tonic would definitely work, so he said: "Although it's just It is an attempt, the effect of the year should be guaranteed, you can help spread the word, if you can save more children, it is also a good thing."

General Xu's expression relaxed: "That's good." Lu Ye said that the effect should be guaranteed, that is, it can be absolutely guaranteed, and he felt a lot more relaxed. He looked at him, then at Bai Xiaohu, and suddenly spoke to Bai Xiaohu. Said: "Do you want to be an official?"

Bai Xiaohu, who was speechless from beginning to end: "Huh?"

General Xu is like a person who coaxes a child with candy: "What does the Ministry of Health think?"

Bai Xiaohu shook his head, "I want to raise fish."

General Xu was taken aback.

"I still want to grow a lot of things. I want to open a farm. Although I have already built one, it is not big enough. I want to make the farm bigger." So I am not interested in being an official or anything.

General Xu shook his head helplessly, and asked Lu Ye again: "What about you, come and work for the base, what's the point of guarding a Zhongyang team, waiting to be censored every three days in the future? You should also seek help for the people under your command." There's a way out."

Lu Ye glanced at Bai Xiaohu with gentle eyes: "I have more important things to do, but people in our team can come out to do things."

General Xu had nothing to do with these two, and waved them away.

On the way back, Bai Xiaohu asked, "Is this the way to pass?"

Lu Ye was driving the locomotive: "General Xu is a smart man."

Bai Xiaohu sat in the back of the car: "What did you say was more important?"

"Of course it is cultivation. Nothing else is as important as this."

Bai Xiaohu smiled immediately: "That's right."

Facing the wind, Lu Ye drove the locomotive that was at least 90% new and he did not know where to buy it very slowly. His voice was clear: "Besides, the essence of the problem Qu Huanian said is the storage of supernatural energy. In the brain, if there is a way to transfer energy to other places, the problem will naturally be solved."

"You mean to let the supernatural beings learn the cultivation method of ghosts? Is this difficult?"

"So I'll try it myself first, and maybe I'll slowly find out a method suitable for supernatural beings."

Lu Ye looked at the road ahead illuminated by street lamps, his eyes were cold and firm, and he also wanted to pluck the string of fate, to see what the existence of the life that fooled him was.

The next day, the base officials announced that a person named Qu Huanian had awakened a power that could predict the future. There will be a new wave of mutations every month.

In addition, he also foresees that the offspring of supernatural beings may have physical disabilities, so all supernatural beings, regardless of whether they have children or not, should go to the district offices or mercenary halls for details.

Ying Shiqin's existence was completely covered up.

For a while, the base, which had just been happy and relaxed because of the appearance of the corrosive liquid, became tense again, especially those with supernatural powers. What does it mean that their offspring will have health problems? Those who had become parents-to-be were even more restless, and the district office and the mercenary hall were immediately blocked.

In this case, the news that nearly half of the Zhongyang team had been exceptionally promoted because of their contribution to the extermination of zombies seemed less shocking.

These members were either recruited into the army, or joined the special armed forces, or participated in the construction of new cities, or became interim government clerks. dinner.

Nearly half of the team members went ashore smoothly, and the future was bright immediately. This is unimaginable in other teams. In other teams that have participated in the operation of killing zombies, more or less some members have received such treatment, but there is absolutely no Zhongyang team. Such a large number of people. Those teams who had never participated in it were so envious and jealous for a moment that they deformed, and all kinds of sour words were spoken behind their backs.

However, if they knew that more people in the Zhongyang team actually got job opportunities, but they gave up, they might be even more jealous. For example, Wan Zuochao and Yu Jin gave up their jobs because they couldn't stand being restrained, and because they wanted to contribute more to land reclamation and farming.

Yes, open up wasteland and farm.

Last night, Bai Xiaohu took out the brain of a fat-headed fish, and asked the chef to cook a pot of soup with spiritual spring water, and gave each of the thirty-six expectant mothers a bowl. After drinking it, everyone in the teams on both sides paid attention After the night passed, none of them had any adverse reactions, and instead radiated as if they had eaten a large tonic soup.

So Bai Xiaohu took out those medicinal materials that nourish and strengthen the fetus today, and asked the old Chinese doctor to find a way to make a medicinal soup, and each of them shared a bowl. After that, they still ate and drank, and looked better.

Then Bai Xiaohu said that they want to raise fat head fish and plant anti-fetal drugs!

The farm of the Baishou Squad has undergone previous renovations, and there is well water as a spiritual spring—the spiritual stones buried in the small white lake at the bottom of the well continue to emit spiritual energy. Although the well water is far from a serious spiritual spring, it has been infected with Reiki is enough to make anti-infective medicine.

Because the winding artificial river is imported river water, the fluidity is relatively strong, so the water quality has not changed much.

The water in the fish pond is also stained with spiritual energy, and the spiritual fish in it are alive and well. The red fruit trees are also growing well because a small spirit stone is buried under each tree by the small white lake. They've all borne little fruit.

Anyway, the farm was very successful. The things moved out of the space, even if they were not as strong as the thunder tree chili flower, nor as tenacious as the guard vine, they all adapted well in this new world.

This gave Bai Xiaohu a lot of confidence, so she expressed that she would reclaim a wider field next to the farm.

The number of people is large and the strength is strong. The Zhongyang team has thousands of people, and the Baishou team has a lot of people. A large area of ​​land has been reclaimed in one day, and a lot of fish ponds have been newly dug.

At night, Bai Xiaohu took Lu Ye, Wan Zuochao, Wen Liansheng, Yu Jin, Shijian, Pan Gu, and a few earth-type supernatural beings out quietly, and buried spirit stones in the ground.

In the dark night, everyone is like a thief. In the vast bare ground, dig a hole with a shovel or use soil-type abilities. Oh, Wen Liansheng doesn’t need to dig. He is in charge of designating the place to dig the hole. He sends out vines and sticks them into the soil , can drive the wheelchair to move without any inconvenience. And where a hole needs to be dug, he will also put a vine there as a mark.

Bai Xiaohu didn't need to dig a hole either, she was in charge of burying the spirit stones in the pits dug by others. She divided the spirit stones into the size of a baby's fist and buried them in one piece about twenty or thirty square meters.

After working for a while, Bai Xiaohu straightened up, looked at the endless fields, sighed, and then began to enslave the white cat and black chicken: "Dapan, put this in that pit, Mengmeng, this Lingshi Put it in the pit on the left, by the way, it’s so good.”

Lu Ye dug to her side and asked, "Are you tired?"

"Not tired."

However, Lu Ye felt sorry for her. If it wasn't for worrying about someone digging up the spirit stone, he didn't want to expose the existence of the spirit stone. Otherwise, if he mobilized everyone to bury the spirit stone together, it would be over in a blink of an eye.

"You rest for a while."

Bai Xiaohu said: "Then I'll fill the fish pond with water."

She came to the huge fish pond that had been dug. Under the fish pond, spirit stones had been buried, and some aquatic plants that fat-headed fish liked were planted. She stretched out her hand, and the rushing water rushed out with dumbfounded fat fishes.

From now on, it will be updated twice a day

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