MTL - Please Spare Me a Tail-v2 Chapter 67

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Ying Shiqin has five supernatural powers, metal, light, wind, and space, but no one knows about the last one, which is lightning. Unlike Lu Ye's lightning, his lightning is the one that favors electric currents. kind.

So he endured it for many days, and finally, while everyone was busy dealing with the mutated animals and plants, he cut off the power to the whole building, and the electronic door and monitoring equipment in his room naturally went on strike.

Killed many people along the way, and finally escaped from the base.

But as soon as he came out of the base, he was stunned. He saw a big banyan tree as tall as the fifth floor, with many animals entangled in its aerial roots, all of which were sucked dry, dead and breathless. Sheng Gen wanted to arrest Ying Shiqin, and he escaped in a panic.

Then he met a half-human-tall black cat with ferocious claws, which scratched him into a blood man, and he took half his life to kill the cat.

Passing by a river, the water was already stinking, **** and stenchy, and there were rotting remains of some fish floating on the water, and mosquitoes and flies that had grown in size were buzzing and flying on it. Ying Shiqin thought it was caused by humans, but who would have thought that a huge fish with a huge mouth full of teeth would suddenly pop out of it, almost biting Ying Shiqin's face off.

Only then did Ying Shiqin realize that the fish in the entire river had been eaten by this big fish, so he hurriedly detoured.

All the way forward, he encountered countless encounters like this, and he realized how terrible the so-called mutation tide is.

It seems that all creatures in this world are changing, becoming bigger, more lethal, cruel and terrifying, only human beings seem to have no changes, the five-element abilities he is proud of, oh, now it is only four-element, In such an environment, they didn't take advantage of anything, instead, dangers arose one after another.

If I had known about the situation outside, it would be better to stay in the base. Although there is no freedom, there is food and drink delivered every day, so there is no danger.

Such a thought flashed through his mind, and he was shocked. How could he have such a depraved thought?

He has no space, and he has nothing to eat on his body. He has to find food by himself, so in addition to fighting against mutant creatures, he also has to find edible species from them.

In this way, he walked on the earth for more than a month before he came to the border of another city. He wanted to go back to his Yingtian base!

But here he was stunned.

There is a large area of ​​climbing vines growing here. He remembered that it was called guard vines. He saw that the guard vines grabbed a lot of things. There are mutated animals inside, big and small, some are still struggling, some don't know whether they were strangled or starved to death, in short, they are utterly dead.

The guard vines also caught a lot of zombies. Zombies would not die, but there were also some whose necks were broken by the guard vines.

In short, the entire guard vine area is like a huge trap area, and whoever comes from the outside has to stay here.

Outside the guard vines, there are groups of mutated animals and zombies staring at each other. They couldn't get through, so they fought quite lively, and then some mutant animals were infected into zombie animals.

Dangerous, the outside world is even more dangerous.

If the level of danger in the Jiangcheng base is 1, the level outside the base is 3, and the world outside the guard vines is probably as high as 8 or 9.

Ying Shiqin suddenly didn't want to go out at all.

Or go back and be locked up.

At this moment, a strong wind swept over, and a large area of ​​the guard vines that were conscientiously resisting the invasion of foreign enemies suddenly turned into dust, leaving the entire field empty.

But the mutated animals and zombies that didn't stop them immediately drove in.

Ying Shiqin was terrified, he wanted to dodge immediately, but found that these things didn't seem to see him, they just galloped past, and headed for the base where tens of thousands of people gathered in the distance.

As he passed by, Ying Shiqin's hairs stood on end, and there was only one thought in his mind, that places with a danger level of only 3 would become less peaceful.

"You're so timid." Suddenly, a soft and charming voice seemed to be able to drip water.

Ying Shiqin turned his head in horror, he didn't expect that there were still people here.

But she is an extremely enchanting and charming woman. She is wearing a bright red dress, which is a bit retro. You can say that she is twenty years old, or that she is thirty or forty years old. Her beauty is blurred. Her age, but Ying Shiqin still prefers that this woman is at least 30 years old, and that kind of mature flavor is definitely not what someone in his twenties should have.

Ying Shiqin broke out in cold sweat: "Who are you?"

The woman's nails were also bright red. She was lazily sitting on a big rock, pointing her fingers at her red lips, and her every move was enchanting.

She looked Ying Shiqin up and down: "Really, why did you choose someone like you to come in? What can you do if you are so timid?"

She has a delicate voice, endlessly tactful, even if she says something that dislikes the other person, it can't make people feel disgusted.

But Ying Shiqin's hairs stood on end. When the woman looked at him, he felt as if the skin on his body had been gouged out.

"Who are you?"

"I'm here to wake you up. Do you know why you entered this world and why you can absorb other people's abilities?" the woman said with a smile.

"Why, why?"

"Because you were chosen to deal with a person." The woman sighed, and looked somewhere with her chin propped up, "That person, unless he is willing to die, even the world can't do anything to him, he can only drag him time and time again." The cycle of reincarnation wears down his ambition and cultivation again and again, and you are the tool used to consume him additionally."

Probably because no one spoke, the woman was quite willing to answer this incompetent idiot in her eyes: "In every reincarnation, there will be an outsider, that is, a so-called book runner like you. Only people who do not belong to this world can really hurt you." He, took away his power, but everyone was like you, and ended in failure."

Ying Shiqin was at a loss, why couldn't he understand these words together?

The woman suddenly giggled and stretched out her hand to grab it. She pulled out a guard vine a hundred meters away from the soil and pinched it in her hand. She touched the guard vine, which was struggling endlessly, feeling the terrible and dangerous aura. , as if touching something precious.

Her eyes suddenly became cold, and she said quietly: "However, people who do not belong to this world can really benefit him."

As soon as her eyes turned cold, Ying Shiqin felt the temperature around him drop rapidly, making him shiver, a feeling of extreme danger welled up in his heart, and he took a step back quietly.

The woman suddenly laughed again, as if the coldness just now had never happened, she whispered joyfully: "But why did I come this time?" She crushed the guard vine in her hand, and the juice flowed from it. She lowered her fingertips and disappeared in an instant when the wind blew her away. She looked in the direction of the Jiangcheng base, and murmured, "You've been dominating me. This time, I want to see what you can do to beat me without your tail."

She stood up gracefully, with a bright red light behind her, and big fluffy red tails stretched out from behind her.

Ying Shiqin was dumbfounded, watching the scene coldly, one, two...eight!

There are eight big tails!

He turned and ran.

As soon as the woman stretched out her hand, he was frozen in place, unable to move at all.

Recently, the base has frequently received bad news. For some reason, the guard vines on the border of the three cities were destroyed, and gaps appeared one by one. The troops stationed at the border and the guard vines cooperated with each other to resist most of the zombies who wanted to approach from outside. and mutated animals, but the guarding vines were destroyed, and the situation suddenly became difficult.

Worst of all, some of the garrison troops were attacked by people. They didn't know who the opponent was, but they were so powerful that they could knock everyone into the air with a wave of their hands.

The base sent a strong team to find out, but these people also suffered heavy casualties.

Then, the base found Lu Ye.

When they left, Bai Xiaohu asked Lu Ye: "Are you going?"

"Go and see."

Bai Xiaohu said: "Then I will go with you."

Lu Ye: "No, we still don't know who the other party is."

Bai Xiaohu blinked his big eyes and looked at him.

Lu Ye: "..."

Although they have been together for quite a long time and are somewhat immune to Bai Xiaohu's appearance, once she becomes cute, he still can't bear it at all.

Bai Xiaohu said again: "If you don't take me with you, can't I go by myself?"

Lu Ye thought of the last time she suddenly ran to Ningcheng.

In the end, Lu Ye could only take her with him, and he went secretly, because many people in the base would not want Bai Xiaohu to leave the base to take risks.

A person like her would obviously create more value by staying in the base, but it's a pity that no one can shut her down.

Wen Liansheng knew that the captain was about to run away again, but he was very calm. Anyway, everything is in order now. The farm, two pharmaceutical factories, and a hospital are all in order, and they can fully function without her. He just told her: "Be careful."

There are quite a lot of people who set out this time, and more than a dozen people with extremely powerful abilities are a powerful force.

I met some zombies on the road, and killed them easily. When I dug out the crystal nucleus, a supernatural person said: "To kill a zombie now, I have to run a long way. I haven't seen these ugly guys for a long time. Ugly is ugly, but This crystal nucleus is really fun!"

To say that the zombies are emptied will cause the biggest loss to the supernatural beings, because without the source of the crystal nucleus, after using the supernatural powers, they have to rely on rest to recover slowly, resulting in the decline of some supernatural powers, while the Zhongyang team Because I have participated in the operation, I have been allocated many crystal nuclei, which have not been used up yet.

It took them two days to collect a few zombies and mutated animals and plants all the way, and they reached the border of Ningcheng.

The guard vines here were severely damaged, and the garrison troops were attacked by mysterious forces again and again. The entire defense line almost disappeared. Zombies, mutated animals, and even some mutated plants that could move went straight in.

As soon as the team arrived, they immediately opened the defense line and began to carry out defensive tasks, while more than a dozen supernatural beings headed by Lu Ye remained calm, seemingly recuperating, but actually paying close attention to the surrounding movement, as long as trouble appeared , be sure to beat it to pieces.

On the first day, someone delivered to the door, and he was still a barely familiar person.

Ying Shiqin was in a panic, as if he had been pressed and beaten for three hundred rounds, and then he was chased everywhere. He threw himself in front of the camp, and stretched out his hand to the people: "Help me, save me."

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