MTL - Please Spare Me a Tail-v2 Chapter 72

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Lu Ye rubbed the little fox's paws. After writing so many words, he must have been exhausted. While rubbing, he said casually, "But if the cage really becomes an iron cage, you won't be able to leave, right?"

The little fox frowned, stretched out its paws again, and wrote with the help of Lu Ye: I will think of a way later, and I will think of it.

Lu Ye nodded. Since she is a Nine-Tailed Fox, she must have a long lifespan. Naturally, he is not willing to let her live a short life like ordinary people.

Therefore, it is better for him to work hard to become stronger and become the master of the world.

Bai Xiaohu also thinks so, the world will go back in the second or less than the third year of the end of the world, and now there are only about one and a half years left...

The little fox wailed twice, then took out a bunch of spirit stones with a wave of its paws, looked at Lu Ye with shining eyes, the meaning was very clear, work hard, young man

Bai Xiaohu can't bring Lu Ye into the space for the time being, so he can only rely on these spirit stones to practice. He quickly fell into meditation, and Bai Xiaohu nestled next to him to sleep. I don't know how long it took for Lu Ye to wake up. Still immersed in his own time, his eyes are slightly closed, his breathing is gentle, his sitting posture is loose, his handsome appearance is in the faint light from the window, there is a little more inexplicable taste, but it is quite attractive anyway.

The little fox couldn't help looking up for a long time, until his eyes were sore and his neck was too sore, so he lay down to rest.

It's really strange, what's going on when he stares blankly?

The little fox thought about it for a while, then put aside the question, twisted his sore neck, and crawled around boredly, gnawing on his own claws, arching the quilt for a while, and circling around trying to grab the cockroaches on his buttocks. The tail of the dinosaur, for a while, stood at the window and looked outside, and finally couldn't hold back, and wanted to go out to get some air.

This is her own room, and it is still on the third floor. She looked at her little paws, and was a little worried that she would not be able to hold the wall, so she should just walk through the door honestly.

She jumped out of bed lightly, came to the door, stared at the high doorknob, seemed to be stumped by this close.

There was a flash of white light around him, and a fat cat jumped up with a vigor that didn't match its figure, pulled down the handle, and fell back to the ground silently. It meowed at the little fox as if offering a treasure.

Bai Xiaohu took a look at this triumphant cat, she was the one who held this cat in her arms before, but now she has fallen to the same level as it...

She thought helplessly, and got out through the crack of the door.

The corridor was empty, she walked back and forth, with her current small body, everything she saw was quite novel.

She stretched her waist and shook her buttocks, and the raised dinosaur tail on the little vest also swayed.

She just swayed in the corridor for a while, ready to go back, after all, it would be bad if someone took her away as a pet if she went far away, and Lu Ye was still in meditation, so she needed someone to protect her.

I just don't know how Lu Ye told others about her. Does anyone know that she is actually a fox? When she turned into a fox that day, it seemed that many people saw her...

Thinking about this, suddenly a door opened, and a pair of feet appeared in front of her. She raised her head to look, and saw a fairly familiar neutral face with a hot smell, Chen Dao.

Chen Dao seemed to be Shi Jian's friend, but he didn't like Shi Jian later on. From Zhongyang Squad to Baishou Squad, she had fewer chances to see her.

At this time, Chen Dao came out of Shi Jian's room, turned around and said to Shi Jian who was in the room, "Don't worry too much, Team Bai may just leave temporarily for something."

The little fox pricked up her ears. Do you think she left?

Suddenly Chen Dao's voice stopped: "Where did the puppy come from?... Hey, it doesn't seem to be a dog."

She bent down to look at the little fox on the ground, and then at the familiar cat next to the little fox. The two stayed together, obviously playing together. When she asked, "Lu Dui has another pet." Is it? Still wearing clothes, very cute."

When Shi Jian came out from the inside, he saw a little white fox on the ground, wearing a goose-yellow vest, with two ears pricked up, and big, round, black eyes. His footsteps and breathing paused, and his pupils froze. Shrunk.

Unlike Chen Dao, as someone who could be regarded as Bai Xiaohu's confidant, she knew more things.

In other words, she is not within the scope of sealing.

That day, Bai Xiaohu turned into a fox. Although the sky was dark and the sky was dark, flying sand and rocks, clouds seemed to crush the base, and thunder and lightning fell one after another, everyone couldn't take care of themselves, but there were so many people on the city wall, some people still saw Bai Xiaohu with their own eyes. Transformation scene.

Coupled with the inexplicable disappearance of Bai Xiaohu and Lu Ye hugging a white fox tightly, many people guessed a certain unimaginable truth.

But those people were all silenced.

Only a few people including Wen Liansheng and Shi Jian knew the exact truth, that is, Bai Xiaohu had really turned into a little fox.

Shi Jian only thought it was a fantasy, but she didn't doubt it. It's just that the little fox was taken care of by Lu Ye in the past three or four days. She felt a little regretful that she couldn't go to see it.

And at this moment, a little white fox was standing in front of her door, and she guessed her identity almost immediately.

After being shocked, she was overwhelmed by the beauty of this little fox.

She was so pretty in human form, and so is the fox.

When Yan Gou cut his face, his face was stiff, but his heart began to tremble.

She knelt down and looked at the little fox: "Can I touch you?"

The little fox tilted his head and let out a cry, his voice was delicate and soft, with the tenderness and crispness of a cub.

Shi Jian's heart trembled again, this was too foul, she reached out and touched the little fox's soft head.

So soft, so cute!

The real appearance of Xiaohu is so cute!

"Can I give you a hug?"

The little fox thought for a moment, then called out again.

Shi Jian carefully hugged her, trying to maintain a tense expression, leaned closer, and took a deep breath gently.

Ah, what kind of cute thing is this!

But Bai Xiaohu's body froze. When she felt being carefully carried into Shi Jian's embrace, something warm like a human head entered her body from Chen Dao's body.

When she glanced at it, she cut it, and there was genuine love in her eyes, and she patted her head and pinched her paws.

Could it be that when you are a fox, you can get this kind of strange power from others if you are loved by others?

She could feel that those people's heads were stored somewhere in the space after they completely opened the space, but she still didn't know how to use that power, and now a new power came...

Chen Dao looked at it from the sidelines, and he was also a little greedy: "This is a fox, but it is much more beautiful than that cat."

She reached out and wanted to touch it, but Shi Jian avoided it directly: "You can't touch it."

Chen Dao: "? You touched it all."

"I got her consent!"

Chen Dao also said to the little fox, "Can I touch you?"

Bai Xiaohu looked at the expectation in her eyes and nodded.

Shi Jian: "..." You are a human being, how can you be touched casually by others!

Chen Dao also touched the soft fur on the little fox's head, his hands itched even more when he was satisfied, and asked, "Then can I hug you?"

Bai Xiaohu wanted to verify his conjecture, so he nodded again.

Time cut: "..."

The fox, who hadn't warmed up yet, was carried away, and Shi Jian looked coolly at the only woman who could be regarded as a friend.

Not surprisingly, Bai Xiaohu also got the same kind of warm power from Chen Dao.

Well, it looks like she might be right in her guess.

She looked at the two of them, whimpered and struggled towards the stairs, as if she was about to go out to play, she needed more people to verify this conjecture.

As for Lu Ye, ah, it is very safe for him to practice in his room, besides, don’t he have Dapan and Mengmeng?

Then in the Baishou team on this day, many people were shocked, because Shi Jian was walking around in the team with a little white fox in his arms (she snatched the fox back and hugged it herself), the fox's fur is so white, and White, soft, slippery and bright, the petite appearance, the wet eyes, the cute appearance that looks very smart looking around, the cute appearance that looks like a cute baby in a small vest, with the tail of a dinosaur, even a hard-hearted Anyone who sees it will be heartbroken.

The most foul thing is that when she sees a person, she will stare twice, whine twice, and then stretch out her paws to hug.

Who can withstand this posture?

Even a rough and tough guy like Zhang Meng couldn't help holding his breath and taking it tremblingly and hugging him twice. If the little fox had pockets on his vest, it would be stuffed with candies.

When Wen Liansheng heard about the fox mascot, he came out to look in surprise, and saw the little fox stretching out its claws to be hugged.

Wen Liansheng: "..." Isn't this a real fox? Is this really what Bai Xiaohu became?

I didn't know she had such a sticky and coquettish side before.

Or does it change your personality when you become a fox?

Seeing Wen Liansheng's surprised look, Bai Xiaohu immediately understood that this person knew her identity. She immediately felt guilty that her acquaintance had exposed her true colors, but she soon calmed down.

She is also for the experiment, okay? After a lap, she can be sure that she will get a little energy after being hugged by someone. She regards these energies as liking points, as long as anyone who likes her and hugs or touches her will give her some of this energy more or less.

And this energy is also better than being stored somewhere in space.

She didn't quite understand the principle of this, but her intuition told her that these energies were useful, just like people nodding their heads.

Thinking of this, she looked at Wen Liansheng calmly, and when he approached, she stretched out her two front paws towards him from the arms of this unfamiliar person, which meant very clearly, hug.

Wen Liansheng took it with a confused and flattered expression.

He has never had a pet before, so he was shocked by the soft and warm feeling, mainly because when he thinks that this is his captain and the object of his friend (although he should still be pursuing it), he feels like he is holding a hot potato .

It was such a coincidence that Lu Ye just came out of the building, and with a glance, he locked on Bai Tuanzi, who was held by Wen Liansheng like lightning. Looking at the little fox who squinted his eyes enjoying and relaxing, and then looked at Wen Liansheng who was holding the little fox, Lu Ye narrowed his eyes little by little with a dangerous look.

Wen Liansheng: "..."

What's the matter with the feeling of being raped?

Sensing the dangerous aura, the little fox turned her head to look, and also froze. She shrank into Wen Liansheng's arms guiltily. She didn't mean to sneak out to play while he was in meditation.

What's more day-by-day~~

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