MTL - Please Spare Me a Tail-v2 Chapter 74

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The little fox shook his ears, and a guilty conscience flashed in his black grape-like eyes.

Well, in fact, a few days ago, she faintly felt that she could change back into a human form.

But she didn't change back because she was worried about one thing.

This is Lu Ye's cultivation progress.

In the past, he was not in a hurry, it was Lu Ye who wanted to explore by himself, but after so long, seeing him walking farther and farther on the road of an ordinary monk, but having no intention of awakening his bloodline at all, Bai Xiaohu became a little anxious.

His goal is to become very strong within a year and a half. With the help of the cat demon bloodline, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, otherwise it will be very difficult.

But she could only maintain the fox shape before because her mana was unstable and too weak. Although she has recovered now, letting the Yaodan leave her body and helping Lu Ye awaken her blood is also a lot of consumption. Maybe she just Change back to human form, so you have to turn back into a fox again.

In fact, a fox is just a fox, she thinks it’s nothing, and life is pretty good now, she was not used to it at the beginning, and now she enjoys the feeling of being a fox among the crowd, but she doesn’t want Lu Ye to know this among them.

Just let him think he can't change back to human form yet.

She looked at Lu Ye, stretched out her paws and pressed his tight chest muscles. At the same time, her spiritual power penetrated into him. She probed into his cultivation and felt that his body was not strong enough, and he might not be able to withstand the impact of the awakening of his blood. , she immersed herself in the space again, looking for something good to eat for him.

Use Tiancaidibao to pile him into a better physique!

So today Lu Ye has to face a bunch of supplements again.

Spirit grass, spirit fruit, raw, spirit beast, spirit bird, spirit fish, are also raw, and he has to take care of them himself. He has been used to this for the past two months, and the little girl gave him all kinds of Supplementing his body made him very energetic and bloody, but where could he reason with a furry little fox the size of a cat?

In this way, he made up for another month or so, and with the effect of cultivation, Bai Xiaohu finally felt that his physical condition had reached the standard, so he adjusted his condition to the best in the past two days, and this night he groaned and choked The hem of his clothes dragged him onto the bed, and he jumped onto the quilt that was folded like tofu, and sat upright, staring at him with a serious fox face.

Lu Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then sat upright: "What's the matter?"

Bai Xiaohu nodded, and waved her front paws again, with a secretive look, she didn't intend to explain, anyway, she couldn't fully explain, otherwise he should refuse her to do so.

She jumped up lightly, Lu Ye stretched out his hand quite tacitly, and let her jump into his hand. Over the past few months, the little guy has gained weight, and it is still a heavy lump in his hand.

The little fox stood on his palm and reached for his face. Lu Ye understood and raised her hand so that she could touch his face.

The vixen stood up, clapped his two front paws, one on the left and one on the right, holding Lu Ye's big face.

Lu Ye paused.

The little fox in front of him is very serious, and he is just short of nose to nose, eyes to eyes, if this looks like a human, his breathing will stop and his heartbeat will speed up, but this is a fox shape, plus her personality, He thought it was something she was going to play with him again.

When she became a fox, some behaviors seemed to become childish, and maybe her nature was liberated.

He smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

However, what surprised him was that the little fox was getting closer and closer, as if it was about to kiss him. Lu Ye's eyes showed strangeness, and he couldn't help but leaned back. However, two furry paws grabbed him to the face. Seeing that he was about to dodge, she let out a cry of dissatisfaction, and pushed her claws in hard, squeezing his face in, and her mouth opened a little involuntarily.

The fox leaned forward, mouth to mouth.

Lu Ye seemed to be petrified, and his deformed face looked a little funny.

Fortunately, the fox didn't kiss directly, and stopped when there was still a distance of one Mimi, and opened its mouth slightly, and then a ball of pale golden light slowly gushed out from inside.

Lu Ye was shocked, what is this?

Then a pale gold bead with a dull color flew out of the fox's mouth. Before he could see it clearly, he felt that it entered his air, and then rushed into his body without any hindrance.

This thing looks tangible, but it seems invisible after entering the body. Lu Ye clearly felt like a ball of fire, burning all the way in his eyes and chest, and then came to the dantian and stagnated, but More scorching heat quickly spread to his limbs from here, and it was so menacing that he was powerless to resist, and even made him lose his voice for a while.

But Lu Ye was puzzled to escape the shock, he had no doubt that Bai Xiaohu would harm him, so after the shock, he was only puzzled and worried, wondering why she would do this, and worried whether it would do her any harm.

As for the pain caused by the scorching heat, he could bear it.

Feeling that he regained the ability to speak, he immediately held up the little fox and asked, "Xiaohu, what are you doing?"

However, after this operation, the little fox's fur dimmed several degrees, and the light in his eyes also dimmed a lot. His eyelids drooped listlessly, and he looked a little sluggish.

She pressed Lu Ye's mouth with her paw and yelled twice, which meant to let him not be distracted.

At this moment, Lu Ye felt a wave of intense pain that seemed to tear his body apart, and his whole body trembled. If it was another person, he might have fallen on the bed and rolled, but he carried it alive. After experiencing this kind of pain, even his expression changed slightly, and he looked at the little fox with stubborn and anxious eyes: "What's wrong with you? What are you doing?"

Bai Xiaohu didn't know what it was like to awaken the blood, but it seemed that it would be uncomfortable. Why was he acting like a normal person? She pressed her paw on his chest, um, the aura in his body was messed up like a washing machine. This is normal, but It should also be very painful, why doesn't he look like he is in pain at all?

She groaned, covered his eyes with her two paws, and calmed down, don't be distracted!

Lu Ye wanted to say something, but his body trembled again, and he didn't speak for a while. If he had to speak, his voice would be trembling.

Good heart has a powerful force to tear out the above things from his flesh and blood, bones, and soul, as if he wants to break him up and reassemble him.

Bai Xiaohu felt that it should be fine, continued to mouth to mouth, and sucked the Yaodan back, and the Yaodan returned to its place, and she felt a lot better as a whole fox, but she was also extremely tired, and this was really exhausting.

Lu Ye finally couldn't hold on and fell on the bed, but when he fell, he still hugged her tightly. Although the little fox was very tired and sleepy, he still leaned up and licked his chin, which was a comfort kiss.

Bear with it, it will be fine.

Lu Ye's mind was like a mess for a moment, and all sorts of things came out in a mess, but there was nothing at the moment, only a blank space and endless tormenting pain, his body seemed to be going through a

Transformation, but he has been an ordinary person for too long, so this kind of transformation has become extremely difficult.

I don't know how long it took before the torture gradually slowed down. Bai Xiaohu felt that the spiritual power in his body was gradually softening, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't hold it anymore, and he was also a little afraid of being scolded by him for making claims. So he simply closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, but when he closed his eyes, he really fell asleep directly.

Bai Xiaohu felt that she had slept for a long time, and fell into an extremely dark and sweet dream. When she woke up, she even felt like she had slept for decades.

Then she felt something was wrong, her body was cool, she looked down at her paws, oops, when did her fur become so thin?

The fur, which was thin, soft and dense before, has been washed a lot now, and the skin can be clearly seen. She hurriedly looked at her body again. At this time, she was not wearing a small vest, and her whole body was exposed, but she had no time to pay attention to the fact that her bald **** was exposed again, because she could see the situation on her body very intuitively.

From the neck to the buttocks, from the forelimbs to the hind limbs, from the back to the belly, everything is thin! sparse! up!

Rounding it up is bald.

Where is her fur? !

Tail and hair are the two things that Bai Xiaohu cares about the most. Seeing his hair thinning suddenly at this time, it's like waking up overnight to find that he is going to be bald. It is frightening.

She bounced up and turned around to look at her.

It was a deep voice that sounded: "Your hair is here."

The little fox raised his head immediately, and Lu Ye sat at the table with an unclear expression. On the table was a pile of white fur like soft snow, which was almost piled up into a small hill.

The little fox looked at the familiar fur, and suddenly felt struck by lightning. The whole fox was dumbfounded. With a scream, he jumped onto the table and circled around the ball of fur. This is indeed her fur. , But why did she leave her body and come here.

She was so distressed that tears were about to fall, she looked up at the man, did he secretly pluck her hair while she was asleep?

Lu Ye understood what she meant, and almost laughed angrily, how could he steal her hair?

But looking at her expression, his heart ached again, and he picked her up carefully: "Do you know that you shed hair while sleeping? I was worried that you were sick, but I couldn't see anything wrong, only that you were much weaker again." He paused After a pause, "Is it because the demon core has left the body? If you don't rush to wake up my blood, you won't be able to recover safely."

It's just too late to say anything now.

Bai Xiaohu also remembered that her hair loss should be caused by the separation of the Yaodan, and she was very depressed. Her family had taught her that the Yaodan was very important and could not leave the body, but they never told her that leaving for such a short period of time would also cause hair loss. Shedding!

I should have known...

Well, I knew she would do the same, but it would be better to be mentally prepared.

She looked up at Lu Ye tearfully, so has your blood awakened?

Lu Ye was watched by her, and suddenly fell silent. His silence made the fox a little uneasy, and his paw landed on his clothes.

Lu Ye looked at her expectant gaze, and said in a shy voice, "Sorry."

Read The Duke's Passion