MTL - Please Spare Me a Tail-v2 Chapter 94

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Bai Xiaohu found that Lu Ye's attitude towards him had changed a lot. It wasn't that he was cold before, but he kept his distance anyway, but he didn't know why after this early morning, he became very clingy.

It seems that there is nothing else to do all day long, and it appears by my side from time to time.

Then Dapan stopped giving her mice, and Lu Ye also closed the rat farm.

She knew this, but what she didn't know was that Lu Ye had seen the little devil chicken that sneaked around and sucked the devil's energy from the infected.

At that time, the little devil chicken, which had already gained a lot of weight, was lying on the body of an infected person who had been scratched on the shoulder, sucking the magic energy, pecking and pecking with its pointed beak, grabbing out the wriggling devil energy ball like a woodpecker grabbing a worm. After eating it in one bite, the sudden appearance of the man made it almost choke to death.

It stared blankly at the man, obviously the fox had tricked it, how could this man still see himself?

Lu Ye smiled, and reached out to it through the fence of the isolation room: "Come here."

The little devil chicken hesitated for a moment, and walked over slowly.

Lu Ye put it in the palm of his hand and touched the melon seeds on his head, and said helplessly, "It's a monster after all, why doesn't it know how to cultivate demon energy, and just eat it all the time?"

The slender fingers flicked on the chicken's head, and the little magic chicken's eyes widened, then slowly closed its eyelids, and began to absorb the huge information that suddenly flooded into its mind.

It will be impossible to continue working at this time, Lu Ye looked at the isolation room with a gloomy and hopeful face - hoping that the next person who recovers will be his own infected person.

Putting the little black devil chicken into his pocket, Lu Ye went to look for Bai Xiaohu again.

"Thunder tree? How do you know that there is such a tree in my space?" Bai Xiaohu was puzzled at first when he heard his request, and then narrowed his eyes suspiciously: "There used to be a whole piece of thunder tree in the space, but now only half of it is left. It's here, did you poach it all when I didn't know?"

Lu Yu coughed: "I will compensate you slowly in the future, this thing is very important now."

Bai Xiaohu looked at him for a while, and although he was a little bit distressed, he still agreed to help him dig the tree.

So Baishou base has a beautiful tree that can discharge electricity, and some weird plants. As the leader of the base, Lu Ye doesn't need to explain anything to others, and he doesn't need any cover up. The base should go all out for planting.

Soon after, the anti-infection package turned out to be a big seller.

At the same time, Bai Xiaohu also began to receive grateful merits from all over the world all the time.

The Baishou base has won the supreme glory, and for a while survivors came to vote one after another. With a large number of people and no shortage of materials, the base expanded rapidly and rose like a broken bamboo.

Two months later, the Baishou Base issued a statement predicting the emergence of a mutant swarm, and released a corrosive liquid that could restrain the swarm. Some of the other bases were convinced of this, and not only purchased this corrosive liquid in large quantities, but also began to strengthen the base, build various facilities, and plant exotic flowers and plants bought from the Baishou base as taught by the Baishou base. Others feel that the Baishou base is alarmist and don't believe it at all.

A few months later, the mutated insect swarm really appeared. All the bases that were prepared were in a hurry except for a while, and then basically dealt with it easily, while the bases that were not prepared suffered heavy casualties.

After the wave of mutated insects, there was a wave of all-round mutations. The world seemed to return to the appearance of the primitive savage forest. The flowers, plants and trees became extremely dense overnight, and the animals mutated into strong, ferocious and weird.

However, the inside and outside of Baishou Base are full of "mutated" plants. Whether it is tall trees or delicate grasses, where these plants grow, mutated plants cannot survive at all, and mutated animals have no living space. Therefore, no matter how the outside world changes, the Baishou base and its surrounding areas are safe and sound.

And the bases that bought the seeds and saplings of the Baishou base and worked hard to plant them are also fine. These bases are like clean and fresh islands in the primitive wilderness, free from outside troubles.

Among them, the Baishou base is naturally the largest island. With the correct decisions time after time, everyone realized that only by following the Baishou base can they have food. Many large and small bases migrated thousands of miles to join the Baishou base. Big, first annexed the Jiangcheng base, and then the entire Jiangcheng couldn't accommodate it, and began to slowly expand towards the surrounding area, and developed to occupy the entire province in the third year of the end of the world, with a total population of hundreds of millions.

The time of midsummer is just right, Bai Xiaohu sits on the edge of the stream, and the crystal stream flows through the cracks in the rocks, flashing a piece of crystal. Now, in this land centered on Jiangcheng, the ecology has been restored, and these water sources have also changed. Be clean and clear.

Beside her lay a nine-tailed white fox, lazily flicking its nine tails, and a black chick was standing on a rock beside her. This guy didn't know how to get his head around it. Later, he succeeded in losing weight suddenly and became very powerful. The entire Baishou base has become beautiful and beautiful. A large part of the reason is that it has absorbed all the filthy magic energy for its own use.

A big cat with light gray tabby stripes on its back was lying on the bank of the stream, fiddled with the water with one paw, and from time to time touched a fish, and ate it happily.

This fish is a descendant of the spirit fish in the space, and it tastes very good.

In the grove behind this stream is Bai Xiaohu's hut. As a fox, she still prefers the feeling of living in a mountain forest to a crowded residential area, so as soon as conditions permit, she will give it to her. I made a small forest by myself, and moved the wooden house out of the space.

Suddenly, Nine-Tailed Fox raised his eyes, then Bai Xiaohu also felt something, turned his head to look, and laughed: "Lu Ye."

Lu Ye smiled at her and said, "Tail, do you want more?"

Bai Xiaohu was startled, and his smile gradually disappeared: "Are you...ready?"

At first Lu Ye said that he was not ready, so he couldn't give her the tail. Now that he said this, he thought he was ready, but she suddenly hesitated.

She's sad about losing her tail, but that's no reason for her to take someone else's tail.

"Or, forget it?"

Lu Ye slightly raised his eyebrows: "Really."

"Uh, why don't you give me one tail, one is enough." Bai Xiaohu stretched out an index finger, "In the past two years, I have used my old tail and my hairband to practice a very beautiful tail. Fake tail, I'll trade that for you."

Lu Ye smiled and took her hand naturally: "Come on."

Bai Xiaohu let him drag him away, and the big fox lying on the rocky mountain patted the ground with its tail unhappily, stood up and followed.

The people at Baishou Base haven't seen their leader for nine days and nine nights. Fortunately, the entire base system is very complete now, and even if the leader disappears for 90 days, it can continue to operate smoothly, otherwise it will definitely be messed up.

Nine days later, a petite and naive little fox with shiny fur appeared in the grove. The little fox had nine big tails, each of which was fluffy and round. It didn't match the fox's body, but it was still very beautiful.

Bai Xiaohu ran and jumped in the forest, jumped up the tree and jumped down, constantly adapting to his new tail, really happy.

Although the cat's tail doesn't match her fox's body very well, but the tail grows on her body, and it will grow longer and more like a fox's tail in the future.

She stopped suddenly, turned her head, and said, "Lu Ye, show me your original form too."

The man was leaning on a tree with his arms folded, and watched her having fun in the forest with a smile on his lips. When he was called by his name suddenly, he froze: "I'll forget it."

Bai Xiaohu walked back slowly on the lawn, raised his head and looked at him: "Did you not connect the tail properly?"

Originally, she wanted to exchange the fake tail she refined for one of his real tails, but she didn't expect him to put all nine of his cat tails in front of her as soon as he made a move. All of them were already falling off, and she could only give them to herself. install.

Then she gave the fake tail to Lu Ye, and she didn't know if he took it well.

Lu Yu coughed: "I connected it, and I'm not very proficient in using it. I'll show you later."

The little fox looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Ye picked her up from the ground: "Is each of your tails moving freely? Show me."

This method of changing the subject was too rough, but Bai Xiaohu didn't expose him, and nestled comfortably in his arms, wagging his tail.

That night, Bai Xiaohu woke up suddenly, walked out of the hut, looked at the moon in the sky, and suddenly smiled, a burst of fire that belonged to the nine-tailed celestial fox erupted from her body soundlessly, and everything around her was like water ripples. Fluctuating, the moon in the sky seemed to shake for a bit, and then everything disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened.

But Bai Xiaohu knows that everything has changed, and now she is the owner of this world, and this cage will belong to her from now on.

It's just a round of "red sun", after all, it's just a spiritual treasure in a state of decay, how can it be stronger than a real nine-tailed sky fox that has recovered.

In fact, the moment she regained her strength, she completely saw through the world formed by the "Red Sun", but for some reason, she bonded with the Red Sun's weapon spirit.

In addition, what she had before, the gratitude and love of people from this world, made her perfectly integrated with this world, and she can take over this world very smoothly at this moment.

A stream of memories flooded into her mind. She stood silently, receiving the memories from her previous life. She opened her eyes after a long time, her expression complicated and unspeakable. It turned out that she and Lu Ye had done so many things together. He even wanted to give up everything, even his life, for her.

There were slight footsteps behind her, she turned around, met a pair of red eyes, she suddenly laughed, and squatted down: "Father."

The red-eyed nine-tailed fox looked at her, and shook its tail behind him. The expression on that evil and wild face was a bit resentful, and the deep voice of a mature man said: "You know all about it."

"I didn't know it before, but I should know it now. This body contains a touch of your spiritual consciousness. How did you get here?"

"The battle in the upper realm is over. I came to find you from the lower realm of spiritual consciousness, but I didn't find you in Baishou Mountain. It happened that the red sun was about to shatter, leaking your breath from it, and I noticed it." The red-eyed fox explained .

Bai Xiaohu immediately asked, "Are mom and brothers okay?"

"They are all fine, and they are relieved knowing that you are fine."

Bai Xiaohu was startled: "Are you leaving?"

"My spiritual sense has reached the limit of being able to support it for so long. You have become the master of the red sun now, but you can't go out easily. You have survived the catastrophe, and now you have a tail. When you go out, the way of heaven It will take you to the upper world, so you have to fully recover and get ready." The fox with a husky face squinted its red eyes, and reluctantly admitted, "That kid is not bad, although he is missing now. He lost his tail, but his tail was trained the day after tomorrow. The consequences of losing it are not serious. If you can give him once, you can give him a second time. If you want to take him with you, at least let him survive the catastrophe .Of course, it would be easier without him."

Bai Xiaohu immediately said: "Of course I have to take him with me, Dad, he is very good, he is the best person to me besides you, I don't want to be separated from him."

The red-eyed fox snorted and turned his head unhappily.

Bai Xiaohu said with a smile: "Dad, you think so, otherwise, why would you choose to wake up his memory? Didn't you think he would treat me well, help me, and would not do anything against me."

"That's because he has signs of memory recovery and is easy to wake up. A silly girl like you, who clearly sensed so many things wrong, but only knows that he is a fool. If he wakes you up, I'm afraid it hasn't succeeded. Spirituality is exhausted!"

Bai Xiaohu pouted unconvinced, then hugged the fox's neck with a smile: "Father, I will go find you as soon as possible." Her eyes were slightly red, but she didn't cry when thinking of her family as before. Very sad.

She died once in this world, and she has matured a bit.

The red-eyed fox sighed, and patted his daughter's head reluctantly with his tail.

His girl was innocent and delicate since she was a child, but in the end she was the one who suffered the most.

On the other side of the woods, a beautiful big white cat walked awkwardly, dragging a very beautiful tail behind it, but also because it was too fluffy and bulky, it looked a bit strange, even if it wanted to flick the tail, it would be difficult. Some difficulty.

Suddenly, the white cat noticed something, and transformed into a tall and slender man, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and quickly walked in one direction.

In front of the hut, Bai Xiaohu was holding a fluffy doll in his arms, sitting quietly and sadly, Lu Ye stepped lightly, seeing the doll in her arms without a trace of spirituality, and could no longer move, he was silent for a while, Ask softly: "Senior left?"

Bai Xiaohu nodded: "Lu Ye, I won't be able to see Dad and the others for a long, long time."

Lu Ye hesitated for a moment, then patted her head: "That day will eventually come."

He wanted to divert her attention, sat beside her and asked, "By the way, why did you call me Dad?"

"Ah, this ah, my eldest brother is called father and mother, and my second brother is called father and mother. It's my turn to speak, so I think I should have a different name. After hearing some mortals call me So I called Mom and Dad." Sure enough, Bai Xiaohu became interested and talked to Lu Ye about interesting things about his past.

The two kept talking about what happened hundreds of years ago, and suddenly Bai Xiaohu asked, "Why did you kill the chief of the Chiwu clan?"

She stared into the man's eyes, and the man drooped his long eyelashes like crow feathers: "I want to help you, you Nine-Tailed Fox Clan can't do this kind of thing, it will only intensify the conflict, but I can do it."

Bai Xiaohu leaned over, only a few centimeters away from him: "Then how did you do it in such a timely manner, just when the two sides were arguing, you killed someone? You - have been paying attention to me?"

Lu Ye glanced at her, turned his gaze away, and said quietly after a while: "I was a mature Nine-Tails cultivator at that time, and I wanted to find you, let you have a look, I heard that you were going to marry the Chiwu tribe..."

She is a restless character, she stayed there not long after helping him cultivate Nine-Tails, and then ran to other places to play. He practiced calmly for several years, and finally mastered Nine-Tails, he couldn't wait to leave the cave, Go to the Baishou Mountain that she mentioned to find her, and whoever knows, I heard that she is going to marry the young patriarch of the Chiwu Clan.

How I felt at that time... I don't need to talk about it.

Bai Xiaohu understood, she felt a little pain in her heart, and asked softly, "Then why didn't you stop it?"

Lu Ye: "I'm just a stray cat."

Even if you can train Nine Tails, what is it in front of two nobles who stand like giants on the top of the pyramid of spirits? What qualifications do you have to stop it?

Bai Xiaohu's heart hurt even more, and she suddenly smiled and took his hand: "Okay, stray cat, you see, the red sun belongs to me now, and it won't go back. The river will keep flowing forward, what do you think the world will look like? You can wander around with me and see all the scenery in the world!"

Lu Ye turned his head to stare at her, and smiled slightly under the moonlight: "Okay."

Good luck! I don't know what to say, slip away

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