MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-Chapter 12 : Action by all parties

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As the three leader-level elves showed hostility to each other, the three elves in the purple swamp also gathered together to confront each other. For these elves who were loyal to the group, the will of the leader was everything.

After the confrontation between the three ethnic groups lasted for 2 minutes, the group battle broke out again.

The forked bat, who had just won the throne of the leader of the tribe, was the first to lose his temper. With the double-sided advantages of flight and speed, he moved at a high speed and flew to the tree branch at the top of the poisonous demon tree, trying to take the lead. He grabbed the tree fruit, but before he could fly to the top of the tree branch, a vine whip sent him flying with lightning speed, and then countless sludge bombs followed, hitting him accurately.

After Miaohuahua swept the forked bat with a vine whip, the vine whip continued to climb rapidly, trying to catch all the fruit in one fell swoop, but the stinky mud opposite him pressed the top of his body and pressed his entire body, thus Blocking his vision, the speed of the vine whip suddenly stopped, and the bat who was relieved saw this, and immediately used air cutting to cut off the vine whip of the wonderful frog flower, and then flew to the tree branch again, but unfortunately Stinky Mud immediately let go of the frog flower, and let the frog flower fly him with the vine whip again.

The three elves are balancing each other. Any party who wants to capture the fruit must endure the attack of the other two. The three elves try one after another, but no one succeeds. In the end, all three are angry and fight together. They have all understood that only the strongest can have the right to distribute two fruit.

The elf on the swamp saw that its leader was fighting, and immediately went to war with the hostile group. A group battle that was much smaller than before broke out.

"Hum hum hum~, fight, fight, fight, keep fighting, it's better to die, so I can relax more, the fruit of the poisonous demon tree is mine." Hidden in the dark Team Rocket's elite man looked excitedly at the elf fighting to the death on the swamp, his eyes revealing endless greed.

"Youjie, next, we just have to wait until the three leader-level elves decide the winner. The moment the winner is decided, we must act immediately, lest there will be too many nights, this guy Aju must be nearby, he should I will also do it at that time." Miyamoto Sakurako, who was standing not far from the man, said with a serious expression, and then carefully observed the situation nearby, her clenched hands revealing her nervousness at this time.

"Sakurako, you should relax first. Your state will lead to mistakes in your actions. This guy Aju is a ninja, or a direct disciple of Miyamoto Musashi, the master of the light red gym. His concealment ability is superb, don't you? I might find him." The Rocket Elite man named Yusuke Akiyama frowned when he saw Sakurako Miyamoto's nervous state, although the elves on the swamp are now clam snipe, they are fishermen, but clam The sandpiper is stronger than the fish urn. Even if it is very weak now, it still has the ability to kill the fisherman. Therefore, they must not have the slightest mistake in their plan this time, otherwise it will be a dead end.

"I know, I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a sense of imminent disaster, and I was affected unknowingly. I'm really sorry." Miyamoto Sakurako woke up when she heard Akiyama Yusuke's words, and immediately closed her eyes and took a deep breath to quickly calm down. Emotions, and finally opened her beautiful big eyes and said calmly to Akiyama Yusuke.

"Hmph, how could there be no danger in this kind of behavior. If you are afraid, you can quit, and I can complete it with one. By the way, after the event is completed, I want three fruits, no problem? After all, I contribute the most. ." As soon as Miyamoto Sakurako returned to normal, Akiyama Yusuke immediately turned around and continued to seriously observe the battle of the three chief elves, and then said such a sentence abruptly.

As soon as these words came out, Akiyama Yusuke and Miyamoto Sakurako had a cold murderous aura at the same time, the air between the two seemed to freeze, and the atmosphere became tense.

After a moment of silence.

Miyamoto Sakurako finally released the clenched fist, and the gloomy face returned to the old smile.

"Of course, Yousuke, you are the most productive, that's right. I only need one. After all, your lord is still waiting for me to go back." Miyamoto Sakurako suddenly stretched and smiled sweetly. He said to Yusuke Akiyama, who was looking at her with a fierce look in his eyes.

"If she is acquainted, if it is not for the sake of Athena, there is no such thing as a **** at all. She is really a stunner. It is not unreasonable for the wise and beautiful Athena to see her." Akiyama Yusuke heard After the word "adult", the fierce light in his eyes quickly subsided, he swallowed, and thought greedily at the exquisite figure displayed by Miyamoto Sakurako.

Looking at the fear and greed in Akiyama Yusuke's eyes, Miyamoto Sakurako showed a **** and charming smile on his face, walked a catwalk to Akiyama Yusuke and sat down gracefully, winked at him, and his eyes revealed secret ambiguity.

Akiyama Yousuke is still Akiyama Yousuke after all. He joined the Rockets at the age of 10. After more than ten years of desperate life with a knife, his willpower is extremely strong. He forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and looked coldly at the scene in front of him. Miyamoto Sakurako glanced at him, then turned around again to observe the battle on the swamp.

"Another boring man, but he's so thin, so it's probably not that good. Let's wait and see, wait and see, who will have the last laugh. Men who ignore me should be damned, hum hum hum." Miyamoto Sakura The child's smile did not change, but after seeing Yusuke Akiyama turning around and ignoring her, the teasing in her eyes immediately turned sinister, and then she narrowed her eyes and licked her **** red lips with her tongue, revealing a weird smile.

Just as the two were fighting openly and secretly, A Ju, who was above the purple swamp, had already begun to move. With the help of Alidos' spider silk, A Ju carefully hung above the poisonous demon tree, and then directed the beside him with gestures. Alidos used transparent and slender spider silk to entangle the branches of the poisonous demon tree. Now the three chief elves are fighting attentively, and did not notice the situation above the demon tree at all. The spider silk successfully wrapped around the branches of the demon tree, and A Ju had a rare smile on his face. Looking at the fruit of the demon tree that was so close to him, A Ju couldn't help but show strong greed in his eyes, but in the end he was still greedy. hold back.

Although the spider silk of Alidos is slender, its toughness is extremely strong. A small spider silk can support objects weighing 200 kilograms. Except for being afraid of fire, it is difficult to destroy. Now Alidos' spider silk has been successfully used in demons. There is a moving passage under the tree cloth, and when the time comes, he can easily take away all the fruit of the demon tree.

After doing all this, Aju asked Alidos to take him back to the spider web above his head. Among the three chief elves, the only thing that could attract his attention was the bat, because of the three elves, the only one. There is a means he can break Aju's cloth, so no matter who can win in the end, Aju will take the lead in attacking the bat. As long as the bat dies, the fruit on the demon tree will be his.

"Looks like that guy Ryuzaki Shinji won't come, he's really a cowardly guy, huh, I actually gave him a high look, what a mistake, do you want to kill this guy? Forget it, I'll see it later Let her attract firepower, and treat it as a waste." Seeing that Ryuzaki Shinji has not appeared so far, Aju thought that he was seriously injured and dared not come over, and he suddenly disdain for Ryuzaki Shinji in his heart, and then looked coldly at the being under his feet. Sato Nanami, who was wrapped in Alidos spider silk, and now Ryuzaki Shinji is not coming, then this hostage is worthless in Aju's heart.


Move quietly, move quietly, UU reading move quietly.......

A mass of black sludge the size of a fist was quietly moving towards the edge of the swamp. After unremitting efforts, he finally escaped under the eyes of many poison elves.

The black sludge escaped for a distance again, and when he came to the sewer next to a sewage river, he opened a pair of small white eyes.

Looking at the fierce battle ahead, the small eyes in the black mud showed a strong unwillingness. He stretched out a pair of muddy hands and clenched them into fists tightly. After screaming a few times at the front, he resolutely turned and left. But just after moving some distance, something unfortunate happened.

With a sound of "slap~", a big foot in black shoes stomped him on the ground, and the black mud immediately pretended to be dead, pretending to be a pool of mud that can be seen everywhere, but the owner of the big foot He didn't seem to want to move for a while, and kept stomping on him.

"I can't take it anymore, it's too bullying mud." The black mud thought about crying without tears, and finally decided to cut off the strong man's arm again, so a small mass of mud overflowing next to the big foot began to move silently.

"Hmph, I'm Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten. I will definitely come back. Remember me, stinky mud boss, **** stinky feet." The smaller black mud thought bitterly, and suddenly, Black Sludge remembered that he hadn't seen the owner of the stinky feet, so he shouted, he carefully opened his small eyes, raised his head, and wanted to see the owner of the big feet clearly with his good night vision ability.

However, before people saw it, misfortune happened again.

"Snake~" A huge snake head appeared in front of the black sludge, and a pair of cold and ruthless snake pupils were staring at him coldly.

To be continued ......................................

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