MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 104 : Ice Dragon Destroys the Enemy

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Dark Lugia's super orb is the most precious treasure in Ryuzaki Shinji's hands at present. This orb not only contains the power of the original super power.

At the same time, it also contains almost endless spiritual power. To describe it in one sentence, this orb is an infinitely usable blue bottle.

However, power can never be obtained without any reason. If you want all the gains, you must shrink and pay. This dark Lugia super orb is also a dangerous item with a very high risk factor.

Since Ryuzaki Shinji obtained this super orb, he has been fighting against a certain will in it almost every day.

That's right, the will in the super orb is part of the soul of Dark Lugia, and because of this, the source power and spiritual power of the super power system in the super orb are polluted.

If Ryuzaki Shinji uses the super orb (absorb the spiritual power in it) to assist his meditation practice, the will of Dark Lugia will jump out and confuse him by creating various temptations or environments of fear, trying to confuse him. Ryuzaki Shinji corrupts.

Of course, Ryuzaki Shinji is not a kind of good person. After he absorbed the soul power of another Ryuzaki Shinji, his own soul has become very powerful. With the continuous improvement of super power cultivation, his soul has also been greatly improved. .

Therefore, Ryuzaki Shinji was not affected by the corrupting power of a small part of the soul of Dark Lugia in the Super Orb, but instead used the illusion he created to further enhance his willpower.

Therefore, Ryuzaki Shinji has always been very safe and cautious, absorbing the power in the super orb little by little, and steadily improving his spiritual power.

Now, in the face of the powerful attack of Super Lucario, in order to survive, Ryuzaki Shinji also risked being corrupted and absorbed a large amount of mental power in the super orb at one time, trying to make his own The mental power was temporarily improved, so that he and Gotha Duck instantly gained power beyond the current limit of strength.

Judging from the current results, Ryuzaki Shinji's risky behavior was naturally successful, and then he absorbed a lot of mental power from the super orb at one time, and the strength of his and Gotha Duck was improved again.

"This kind of power is really fascinating, but it can't be used multiple times, otherwise, everyone will sink." Feeling the unprecedented powerful mental power in his body, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help thinking intoxicated.

Fortunately, he still maintained enough reason in the end, and some reluctantly put the super orb in his hand that seemed to provide mental power as long as he didn't let go into the space bag.

As soon as the super orb left Ryuzaki Maya, Ryuzaki Shinji felt the power in his body dissipate quickly when it came, which suddenly made him feel a sense of desire to continue to absorb the spiritual power of the super orb.

"It almost made me a little addicted after using it once. It's a wonderful and dangerous power. Unfortunately, these are only borrowed powers. We must hurry up. I can only last for three minutes. If I don't solve the opponent after three minutes, I will definitely die. ' Ryuzaki Shinji regained consciousness and thought with an extremely solemn expression.

In the part where Ryuzaki Shinji put the super orb back in the space bag, Hirona, who has a strong sense of battle, immediately seized an opportunity and launched a sneak attack on Ryuzaki Shinji through telepathy against Super Lucario. .

At this time, because the superpower orb was separated from Ryuzaki Shinji, the process of continuing to instill spiritual power into Ryuzaki Shinji was interrupted, and the superpower fluctuations emanating from Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly decreased sharply.

At the same time, Ryuzaki Shinji's risk factor plummeted in the Super Lucario waveguide perception, and once again used a rapid bullet punch at Ryuzaki Shinji.

However, due to the heavy rain, the speed of Super Lucario was more or less affected by the dense rain. It originally only took 0.3 seconds to appear in the time of Ryuzaki Shinji. Now increased to about 0.4 seconds.

But it was precisely because of this 0.1 second gap that his sneak attack on Ryuzaki Shinji was doomed to fail. Gotha Duck, who was closely watching Super Lucario's every move, flashed purple awns in his eyes as he moved.

In the process of Super Lucario rushing straight to Ryuzaki Shinji, Godard Duck relies on his super power and his superb water system energy control ability to control a large amount of rainwater by Godard Duck, forming a wall of water. Blocking the progress of Super Lucario.

The next moment, a series of "bang bang bang~~ sounded," the water was not strong at all, it was naturally blocking Super Lucario's progress, and a wall of water was broken by Super Lucario, but accordingly, Each time Super Lucario destroys a wall of water, his forward speed drops sharply by one point.

When Super Lucario destroyed all the water walls and was about to come to Ryuzaki Shinji, Gotha Duck had been "waiting" in front of Ryuzaki Shinji for a long time.

Seeing Super Lucario coming up, Godard Duck took a deep breath, activating the ice energy in his body, and then blew at Super Lucario, a icy, biting freezing wind suddenly came out of Godard Duck's mouth. Released, the ice-type special attack move Blizzard is launched.

And Super Lucario was completely soaked by the rain at this time, and was attacked by Godard Duck's sudden large-scale attack move, the blizzard trick.

The rain on the body quickly condensed. In less than a second, Super Lucario was frozen in ice, and then blown back by the blizzard of Godard Duck. Then, the lake that was unable to release it fell down. .

Of course, it is naturally impossible for this bit of ice to trap Super Lucario. Before the ice cubes trapped Super Lucario fell into the lake, a crack appeared in the ice. on the surface.

Also in less than a second, Super Lucario broke out of the ice, and stepped on the broken ice and the air, using the strength to quickly increase his movement speed in the air, and quickly approached the Gotha Duck.

In the process of approaching, Super Lucario's hands joined and separated, and a slender bone rod suddenly appeared in his hand. He skillfully turned the bone rod in his hand to form a big windmill. The rain and the blizzard of Gotha Duck were all blocked.

Finally, when Super Lucario was about to approach Gotha Duck, his feet slammed into the air and made a very fast trick. He appeared on the left side of Gotha Duck like lightning, and aimed at Gotha from a very awkward angle. Duck's head was knocked suddenly, and Super Lucario made a spine blow.

Super Lucario understands that Goda Duck is the biggest obstacle preventing him from killing Ryuzaki Shinji. If he can't be solved first, he will be violently attacked by Goda Duck and eventually steal chickens like just now. For this reason, he must first solve the Gotha duck with all his strength.

Before Super Lucario's bone strike attack, the powerful pressure released by the huge force contained on the bone stick rushed to the face.

If Goda Duck is hit directly, it will definitely be a critical damage, and with the addition of the backbone strike, it is a continuous attack attack skill. If Super Lucario seizes the opportunity to attack continuously, Goda Duck may be hit by a single attack. wave away.

In the face of Super Lucario's all-out onslaught with his full attention on him, Godard Duck, whose strength has increased greatly, seems very calm.

The rain in the sky is still falling madly, which is undoubtedly a great news for him. With a thought, using the power of thought and his powerful water control ability, the surrounding rain is immediately controlled by him.

The rainwater was condensed by Godard Duck to form a thick wall of water, and then under the action of his right hand freezing fist, it instantly turned into a thick wall of ice, blocking the attack of Super Lucario. before.

With a sound of "Bang~", Super Lucario's backbone hit the ice wall instantly created by Godard Duck, and a large amount of ice **** splashed everywhere.

But at this time, Godard Duck took advantage of the ice wall to block the attack, and used teleportation to appear behind Super Lucario. At the same time, his left hand had successfully condensed into a purple-blue water wave.

In a rainy environment, Super Lucario's reaction dropped. On the contrary, as a water elf, Goda Duck's condition was getting better and better, which offset my rise, and the rhythm of the battle was completely controlled by my brother. Duck is in control.

In the next second, Gotha Duck's super-energy water wave hit Super Lucario again, but this time it hit behind its defenseless back.

Under the blessing of the active water system energy in rainy days, the power of super water fluctuations has been greatly improved. Super Lucario was directly wrapped in it, and then was beaten by the powerful spiral force inside it. break free.

In the end, Super Lucario could only be slammed into the lake by Godduck's super-energy water waves once again.

"Let's settle the battle, Gotha Duck, use the roar of the ice dragon to solve him." Seeing Gotha Duck successfully knocking Super Lucario into the lake, Ryuzaki Shinji knew that the opportunity was coming, and immediately ordered Gotha Duck to use The roar of the ice dragon, the strongest combination machine at Godard Duck heard the words, his body suddenly burst into amazing super power fluctuations, water energy fluctuations and ice energy fluctuations, and he raised the trident of ice in his hand. The halberd pointed to the dark clouds in the sky.

In an instant, the rain that fell from the sky suddenly stagnated, and then all quickly gathered in the sky above the Trident's head.

A huge water polo was quickly condensed. When the water polo grew wildly to a certain extent, a layer of purple-blue superpower immediately wrapped it completely. Then, under the shape of the super power of Gotha Duck, it opened its teeth and danced its claws. rapid prototyping of the water dragon.

Under the control of Godard Duck, the huge water dragon descended from the sky and swooped down into the lake. During the process of its dive, the ice trident in Godard Duck's hand shot out an ice blue. The color energy beam, the water dragon was instantly transformed into an ice dragon.

This precise control took only two seconds to complete under the mental power of Gotha Duck, which is close to the champion.

At this time, Super Lucario also successfully broke free from the wave of super water waves, and then under the emergency order of Hirona, he raised his hands and created a huge golden wave missile.

Unfortunately, before Super Lucario could release the giant golden wave missile, the roar of the ice dragon, the combination skill of Godard Duck, had already fallen into the lake.

In an instant, the surface of the entire lake was frozen, but the ice dragon was castrated, unbiased, and rushed towards Super Lucario.

In the end, the ice dragon bit the golden wave missile in one bite, and then swallowed Super Lucario in one bite.

The next moment, on the shore of the island, Shirona's face turned pale, and she slumped on the ground.

To be continued.....

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