MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 24 : Poacher Ryuzaki Shin 2?

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Gold City is located in the central area of ​​the Kanto region, extending in all directions, with a very advantageous geographical location.

Dry Leaf City is located in the south of the Golden City, and a large road connecting the two cities is also built.

If you take the direct train from the Kuye City Automobile Transportation Center, it only takes one day to reach the Golden City.

Of course, Ryuzaki Shinji, who is now a travel trainer, did not choose this way to reach the Golden City.

After all, doing so would run counter to his purpose of traveling and practicing in the first place.

Moreover, if you go directly to the Golden City by car, you will miss many opportunities for the fun of travel and the chance to meet excellent elves, which is not worth the loss.

In his second hand, Ryuzaki took the satellite navigator that Christina specially purchased for him from Fangyuan Devon Technology Co., Ltd. After purchasing enough materials on the road in Kuye City, he followed the map given in the satellite navigator and was alone. One person walked out of Dead Leaf City, then walked into a sparsely populated jungle, and walked straight north.

Along the way, Ryuzaki Shinji encountered many wild elves in this sparsely populated jungle, but the ability-type elves are very rare elves.

Among the elf he has encountered so far, Ryuzaki Shinji has never found a elf with ability attributes on his body.

At the same time, most of the wild elves just hurried past him, and few would take the initiative to attack.

Ryuzaki Shinji currently seems to be walking in the territory of a large stinger bee group, so most of these elves who take the initiative to attack are from the stinger bee, a elf with a strong sense of territory.

Of course, as Poison-type and Insect-type elves, plus their own Achilles' heel of being crispy, even if these giant stingers come in groups to trouble Ryuzaki Shinji, in front of his two ability-type elves It's for food delivery.

In addition, Ryuzaki Shinji has not yet fully penetrated into the jungle, so the level of the elf that he has encountered so far is not high, and the highest is only the elite level.

More than an hour after Ryuzaki Shinji entered the jungle.

"It seems that this is the hive of this group of giant needle bees. It's really big enough, no wonder there are so many." Ryuzaki Shinji said with a surprised expression.

At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji came to a giant tree that at least three or four adults could hold up. He was looking up at the huge beehive hanging on the canopy.

And around him and his two power elves, there were a large number of giant stingrays, iron-shelled chrysalis and unicorns.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble due to the strong smell of blood, Shinji Ryuzaki did not let Chirulian and Neng Miao Miao go on a killing spree, so these giant sting wasps, iron-shelled chrysalis and unicorns are currently only Just temporarily passed out.

Since Ryuzaki Shinji entered the jungle, he has been attacked by the giant stinger bees. The troubled Ryuzaki Shinji was finally a little angry, so he took two equally angry ability-type elves directly to smash the giant stinger bees. 's lair.

In the end, after a "tragic" battle between the two sides, all the giant stingers who stayed in the hive and rushed back were beaten down by Neng Miaomiao and Kirulian, and the remaining ones who were still able to fight fled in fright.

As expected by Ryuzaki Shinji, this group of giant stingers will detour when they see him.

Now that you have come to the hive and beat all the guards down, isn't it a bit unreasonable to go without taking some loot? The first thing Ryuzaki Shinji saw when he saw the huge beehive above his head was to take some honey from it.

Unfortunately, when Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to use his ability to fly forward to get honey, an unwelcome guest came to the door.

"Stop!! You poacher, get on me, Kairos, Flying Mantis, Heracross, and knock this poacher and his accomplices to the ground." Suddenly, in the grass behind Ryuzaki Shinji There was a loud voice.

Immediately afterwards, a strong Kairos, a strong flying mantis, and a strong Heracross sprang from the grass in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, on the left and right sides.

Following the order of a justice trainer in the grass, the three types of bug-type elves scattered with the elite peak level immediately attacked Ryuzaki Shinji and his two ability-type elves, using split tiles and cross scissors respectively. And level angle strike.

This time, under the tactic of the trainer in the grass, Ryuzaki Shinji and the two ability-type elves around him immediately attacked by the opponent's three elves.

"Hmph, what's the matter, Neng Miaomiao, liberate the seal, and imprison them with mental force." Facing the three insect-type elves who suddenly came aggressively, Ryuzaki Shinji naturally didn't make a fuss. Immediately order Neng Miaomiao to counterattack.

"Meow!!" When Neng Miaomiao heard the words, her drooping ears suddenly stood up, and a wave of ability energy at the level of a mid-level quasi-celestial king burst out from her body. The blue-violet light in her eyes lit up, and her right hand quickly faced the three insects. Department of elf finger.

In an instant, the three attacking bug-type elves were wrapped in a layer of blue-violet ability, and then they were all frozen in mid-air, unable to move, and the total of the sneak attacks between the three of them was stillborn.

In the next second, the sound of "唦唦唦~~" coming from the nearby grass suddenly stopped abruptly. Obviously, the mysterious training that had been wandering in the grass was Neng Miaomiao's hand and simultaneously took his three worm-type elves. The imprisoned mental force was frightened.

A few seconds later, a beautiful woman in a camouflage uniform came out of the grass in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, holding a shotgun in her hand, which was aimed at Ryuzaki Shinji at this time.

"Come on, let Kairos and the others go. You hateful poacher, it won't be long before other forest rangers nearby will come to support me. I advise you to change your hands and capture them." The woman in the camouflage uniform flushed red. Face, nervously pointed the gun at Ryuzaki Shinji and shouted.

After hearing the words of the woman in camouflage uniform, Ryuzaki Shinji understood the reason why he was attacked. Apparently, he swarmed the entire swarm of bees, and then let the elf patrolling nearby in front of him. The Alliance ranger found, and then she mistook him for some abominable poacher.

"Hey, I said, did you do something wrong? I'm not the poacher you say, so don't frame me." After knowing the reason, Ryuzaki Shinji's cold face also eased. After coming down, he waved to Neng Miaomiao and Chirulian to let go of their hostility, and then said calmly.

At this time, Neng Miaomiao obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's order and let go of the ability to fight against the three insect elves of the female ranger in front of her.

The three bug-type elves with lingering fears also returned to the female ranger's side for the first time, and looked at Ryuzaki Shinji and Neng Miaomiao intently.

"Hmph, don't think that if you listen to me and let Kairos and the others go, I'll believe you, look at the good things you've done, these giant sting bees, iron-shelled chrysalis and unicorns lying on the ground are what you made. The best evidence of the crime." Seeing that Ryuzaki Shinji really released Kairos and the others, the female ranger had a hint of surprise on her face, but after looking at the elf who fell on the ground, her face immediately turned cold~www. shouted righteously at Shinji Ryuzaki.

However, the voice of the female ranger seemed to be too loud, and the comatose giant sting wasps, iron-shelled chrysalis, and unicorns on the ground were woken up by her, and then they all stood up from the ground.

When these awakened elves saw that Ryuzaki Shinji and his two ability elves were still here, they fled to the surrounding grass like frightened birds with all their might.

In just a few seconds, the giant stinger, iron-shelled pupae, and unicorns that were lying on the ground all escaped without a trace.

"You, are you really not a poacher?" After seeing the situation, the beautiful female ranger was dumbfounded and asked Ryuzaki Shinji with a blank face.

To be continued...

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