MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 43 : Giant Elf Egg

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"It's so arrogant, I can't really afford a lonely old man, I'll have to see this big local tyrant later, I can't give it to you if the ice doesn't melt for ten thousand years, I'll trouble you when I find someone. It's over." After the Wannian Non-melting Ice was packed and taken away, the gray-white old man closed his eyes again, and stood there and said to a young man dressed as a clown behind him.

In the senior VIP room No. 23, in addition to the white old man, there is also a young man dressed as a clown and a blue-haired beauty dressed quite sexy. Among them, the blue-haired beauty is sitting on the sofa very ladylike.

As for the young clown and the blue-haired beauty, these two people are Kazuki and Rika who had a fierce battle with Ryuzaki Shinji in Haibaogang. Like a mysterious disappearance, he never appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji again.

"Hee hee~~, no problem, my lord, I'll do my best." Kazuki replied with a wicked smile.

As soon as the words fell, the young clown suddenly disappeared in place, along with the Monini beside him.

"Sir, do you want me to go too? Kazuki must want to make trouble again. There are many strong people here, and it's hard to deal with it when things get bigger." Seeing Kazuki leaving with teleportation, Rika immediately got off the sofa. Shang stood up and respectfully said to the white old man.

"Go ahead, this guy Kazuki really doesn't care, you go look at him, don't let him make trouble here, the two of you are new in the league now, but you can't let those guys above get any trouble. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to continue to promote you." After hearing the words, the old man Hua Bai said a little after thinking for a while.

"Yes, I will definitely live up to your cultivation of adults." Li Hua replied respectfully, and then bowed away with Yue Yibu.


After the warm-up of the first auction item, which sold for a sky-high price of 2.7 billion yuan, the atmosphere of the entire auction venue was completely activated. The enthusiasm of the guests for the next auction items has not decreased but increased.

"Okay, the first auction item was finally sold for 2.7 billion by the distinguished person in the Superior VIP Room 31. Not much nonsense, now we will enter the auction of the second auction item. There are Please come to the auction table for the second auction item." After complimenting the guests who took pictures of the ice that never melts for ten thousand years, Fujiwara Karimoto picked up the microphone and continued to announce the next round of auctions in an extremely provocative tone.

As soon as Fujiwara Karimoto finished speaking, the natural bird suddenly appeared on the auction table, and she came with a rectangular exquisite package. As soon as the natural bird appeared, the long package under the paws was placed firmly. On a display stand above the auction table, then teleport away from the auction table again.

After the natural bird left, the two curvaceous beauties quickly walked out from the backstage of the auction platform, and then trained to take apart the package.

Soon, the face of the second auction item was completely exposed to the eyes of all the guests through the big screen. ,

The second auction will turn out to be an elf egg, but compared to an ordinary elf egg, the volume of this elf egg is at least three or four times that of an ordinary elf egg, and it is more than one meter high. The outside of the elf egg is engraved with a large number of cyan dragon patterns and some star-shaped spots.

"It's actually a elf egg, I remember that there was no such thing in the previous auction list?"

"This is your first time at the Gold Market Auction, right? The auction list is just a basic reference. Many auction items were added temporarily. These are items provided by those powerful trainers, and they are very valuable."

"What kind of elf egg is it? I'm really looking forward to it."

"It's the first time for me to have such a big elf egg. It's very scary compared to the talent of the elf that hatched."

"According to the large number of dragon patterns on the elf egg, this elf egg should be a dragon-type elf, maybe it is the elf egg of a dragon-type quasi-god elf."


After seeing such a huge elf egg, the atmosphere in the auction room quickly rose up, and everyone began to talk in ear to ear.

"This elf egg is really big, and the breath of life emanating from it is also very strong, and it has such a dragon power of Chengdu before it was born. It seems that there is a dragon-type elf with a very high degree of pure blood inside. ." Ryuzaki Shinji murmured.

When the second auction item came out, Ryuzaki Shinji also stood up from the sofa, then stared at the giant elf egg on the auction table, and used the hidden mental power to detect the giant elf egg for the first time. , and then came to the conclusion just now.

The quasi-god dragon elf gives most people the impression of being extremely powerful, but for a trainer like Ryusaki Shinji, the dragon quasi-god elf is no longer a particularly difficult elf to deal with. It is not particularly difficult to obtain.

However, there was a huge difference between the dragon-type quasi-divine beast elf before. Generally speaking, the higher the purity of dragon blood, the more amazing his talent potential and the higher the growth height. .

For Ryuzaki Shinji, unless there are extremely talented dragon-type quasi-divine beasts, he has no regard for ordinary dragon-type quasi-divine elves. Only the extremely talented poison-type elves and super-power-type elves are more valuable for cultivation.

But it is a pity that the dragon-type quasi-divine beast elf is originally rare, and the fertility is low (the dragon-type elf is very will never pay attention to it.), if you want to get A dragon-type quasi-divine beast elf with high purity of dragon blood is simply as difficult as reaching the sky.

Coupled with the lustful nature of dragons, many dragon-type quasi-gods are often matched with Yalongs or even Yalongs, which leads to the bloodlines of many dragon-type quasi-divine beasts and elves that are born are very impure. The decline in talent is very severe.

At present, there are very few pure-blooded dragon-type quasi-divine beasts in the wild. The only pure-blood dragon-type quasi-divine beast that Ryuzaki Shinji has seen so far is Xirona's fierce bite land shark.

Of course, it is not to say that these hybrid dragon-type quasi-divine beasts are all pure dragon blood, and some of them will also be born due to the phenomenon of atavism, and dragon-type quasi-divine beasts with strong blood concentration will be born. Only However, this situation is as small as the odds of winning the jackpot in the Mark Six lottery.

Among them, the Abo monster in Ryuzaki's second-hand has a phenomenon of throwback. The Abo monster has successfully activated the dragon blood in his body, and he seems to have the ability to devour other dragon blood creatures to slowly improve the purity of his own dragon blood. ability.

With the passage of time, the signs of Abo's rent return became more and more obvious. A small part of the body began to transform into dragon scales with dragon patterns. The length of the poisonous dragon's horns on the head also increased, and the lines on it were A few more laps.

It's a pity that there is no dragon origin thing in Ryuzaki's second hand (very rare like the dragon type elves.), and it is impossible to make the Abo monster also advance to the king level with the dragon origin, otherwise, the Abo monster at least Like double-bomb gas and Gotha Duck, he has become the ace elf in the first echelon in his hands.

To be continued......


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