MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2821 Discussion with the Ice Dragon God (Part 2)

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"The Wizard of Pokémon (!

The picture at this time freezes in his mind, Bai Yuling frowns, earnestly getting more serious than ever before, he can't judge whether the hand of the fairy can catch up first, or whether the ice and snow dragon **** is faster.

Coincidence? If the Ice and Snow Dragon God deliberately did it, then her combat experience would be so terrifying that it could not be added.

There is no time for Bai Yuling to hesitate, and if he can't make a judgment, he will analyze it from another angle.

Compared to overestimating the opponent, the consequences of underestimating the opponent are far more terrifying.

"Slight changes, speed up, straight lines..."

Bai Yuling commanded in his heart.

The fairy hand immediately began to gradually change from the front end, shrinking into a fairy spear, and its speed skyrocketed instantly.

The fairy spear sprinted straight ahead as fast as possible, and Ling'er herself constantly changed its position while slightly affecting her speed, trying her best to get even a little more time.

One-tenth later, Ling'er changed her position again, and even faintly reached a straight line with the jade spear.

At this time, the fairy spear was about to catch up with the ice and snow dragon god.

The ice-snow dragon **** head won't, and the Sky Spear is spawned on the dragon's horn again. Although it is far slower than the beginning, it is not weaker than the fairy spear.

It can be judged that the Sky Spear will hit Ling'er with a weak advantage.

Ling'er can only be prepared to endure, not to let the fairy spear suffer much.

The body that barely withdrew half a step, was hit by a long spear, and half of his body was immediately stained with a layer of hoarfrost, which eroded the origin of the body of the flowers at a terrifying speed.

Fortunately, the body of Hundred Flowers has a higher level and can withstand this attack perfectly, otherwise Ling'er will have a high probability of frostbite. Even if he uses the healing power at that time, it will not be able to recover in a short time.

Ling'er whispered in pain, and the thought of manipulating the fairy spear paused insignificantly.

The Ice and Snow Dragon God unexpectedly seized this very short-lived flaw, and in a roundabout, using the thorns and ice dragon horns as the blade, he intercepted the fairy spear, destroyed the energy structure of the fairy spear, and maximized its power.

Then the maneuver ended, and the Ice and Snow Dragon God continued to rush towards Ling'er.

The operation at this moment is no longer enough to describe it in terms of running clouds and flowing water. It can only be said that it is amazing, and Bai Yuling and others are dumbfounded.

"I wipe... this is okay."

Long Xiang's eyes widened exaggeratedly, and he never thought that there could be such an operation, or it was between the same level, which was simply outrageous.

"I'm afraid that I've already made preparations. It is estimated that the Ice and Snow Dragon God has done this kind of operation very often."

Rock is also amazing. This requires not only absolute calculation power, but also absolute judgment and psychological quality and extreme micromanagement. Even if there is a slight deviation, it will be a thousand miles away, but it will expose a great flaw. .

As the person involved, Ling'er was the most shocked. Even if she regained control of the two fairy spears in the shortest time, the total power had already passed by 30%, and the Ice Tyrannosaurus Spear consumed up to 10% of the power.

And this wasn't the biggest problem. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Ice and Snow Dragon God had already rushed to Ling'er first, but Ling'er, who was interfered with his actions, couldn't even dodge.

The dragon's tail swept across, hitting Ling'er's neck from the rear, and intercepting the way behind it. The ice and snow dragon head hit, and the power of the ice tyrannosaurus spear was all tilted, and Ling'er was also blasted towards the position of the fairy spear.

Having reintegrated the fairy spear to avoid Ling'er by a few millimeters, it was Ling'er's predictive control.

However, this choice seemed to be in the expectations of the Ice and Snow Dragon God, and saw that the Ice and Snow Dragon God was tightly wrapped around Ling'er, and it was an inevitable result that all of it was blasted on himself by carelessness.

Obviously it was an excellent opportunity to counterattack. The opponent was only a target for the time being, but he was restrained by his hands and feet, which was too uncomfortable.

Linger had never fought such an uncomfortable battle. This was not an absolute gap in combat power, but an absolute gap in skill and experience.

This made Ling'er intuitively feel his lack of experience and skills once again, and if he was a quasi-strong person, he would not be easily cut off by the Ice and Snow Dragon God.

There was a momentary loss in Ling'er's heart. It was the first time that she had lost so badly under the situation of possessing combat power.

But this weakness has long been known to her, and it has been improving, but this is not a problem that can be improved in a short time.

"It's okay, Ling'er, we just lack the accumulation of time. Every day, we are becoming stronger."

Bai Yuling also comforted, thinking in his heart whether to increase the power of fantasy again, at least in terms of enhancing combat experience, the role of fantasy world is unmatched, even real dreams can't match.

"You are very strong, it seems I can only use my real ability."

Ling'er cheered up, transmitted a message, and then decisively gave up the fairy spear and used the world of Hundred Flowers.

The emerald world was looming, surrounding Ling'er and the Ice and Snow Dragon God at the center.

Feeling the sudden change of energy environment, the rising power of Ling'er, and the very obvious suppression effect on his body, the shock in the heart of the ice and snow dragon **** is indescribable, and his face is unbelievable.

This should be the inheritance of the magical skill of the Hundred Flowers Divine Beast, which is completely different from the inheritance of the magical skill of the Six Great Sacred Grounds, and it feels even more different.

"Be careful, Ice and Snow Dragon God."

As a reminder, Ling'er controlled the fairy spear again and attacked the Ice and Snow Dragon God.

No matter how shocked and surprised, the Ice and Snow Dragon God was not distracted at all, but she found that she could no longer stick to Ling'er, and there was not much difference between the speed of the two sides. At this time, the gap is very obvious.

After pulling more than ten meters away, Ling'er acted decisively, and the fairy spear directly hit the Ice Tyrannosaurus Spear that the Ice Dragon God met.

The same collision, a different ending, saw the Ice Tyrannosaurus spear collapsed, and the Ice Snow Dragon God himself was blasted into the ground of Hundred Flowers World, with a deep mark on his forehead.

On the emerald land, ten trees of the world of life are in the ten directions, and the thorns are madly derived, turning the whole world into a world of thorns in an instant.

Numerous tree whips and thorns violently attacked the ice and snow dragon god.

This is far from the full power of Hundred Flowers World, UU reading, but relying only on the instinctive attack of the World Tree of Life, is already considered a bully of the Ice and Snow Dragon God.

"Ice and Snow Dragon God, please show your true ability."

The situation reversed in an instant, and Linger was sitting leisurely in one of the three trees of the world of life in the center, smiling and speaking.

The ice and snow dragon **** was embarrassed to resist the blows of countless thorns, tree whips, and demon artillery, not to mention counterattacks, even resistance was very difficult.

It can only be said that Feng Shui turns, if the Ice and Snow Dragon God does not press so hard, he will not be directly trapped in the center, facing the most terrifying blow, if he is in the four directions, the pressure will definitely be reduced by more than half.

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