MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2862 Today is not the dream of the past, defeating the Obsidian Dragon King (Part 1)

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"Didn't you say that today is my day of death? Then who is the one who fled in embarrassment?"

The Obsidian Dragon King knew that he couldn't catch up without the profound meaning of the source, so he laughed loudly.

"It's ridiculous!"

"You have lost all the face of the dignified monarch."

The Obsidian Dragon King taunted again and again. The Obsidian Dragon King condensed the origin of the black Yaolong breath at the farthest distance. According to his calculations, there are only a few routes that can be teleported now. No matter which one, there is a high probability of being able to catch up. Phantasm attacked before teleporting.

The outcome is already determined, unless the opponent loses his mind and wants to drag his injuries to fight again, the Obsidian Dragon King has already put his mind on how to better complete the task, but he never expected that the fantasy would dare to launch a surprise attack, instead of retreating and advancing directly to face it The source black Yaolong breath rushed over!

... What age are you, and you are still using this trick to provoke sarcasm?

The Obsidian Dragon King didn't understand it very much, but he was so happy. At the moment when the source of the black yao dragon breath was shattered, he continued to swoosh from the source black yao to prepare for the follow-up defense.

The source holy flame nine dragons combo, the two dragons and a half directly crush the source black Yaolong breath, followed by the source black Yao swooping, also directly crushed by the three dragons, and the remaining nearly four dragons are all powerful, but they can all be bombarded On the body of the Black Yao Dragon King, he pushed him back a certain distance.

But at the last moment, the Obsidian Dragon King threw out the long tail of the dragon with the original black brilliance, trying to exchange at the limit.

'The theoretical damage is 139,200, and the actual vitality is 139,276 less. ’

According to the damage suffered by the fantasy, Bai Yuling simultaneously analyzed the damage suffered by the obsidian dragon king theory, which should be


The obsidian dragon king and dragon tail pulled the fantasy and threw them away together, and the two sides fought each other.

Relying on the excellent combo of Holy Flame Nine Dragons, even in close combat, Fantasy can barely compete with the original meaning of the Obsidian Dragon King head-on.

The same is true for the Obsidian Dragon King. Three consecutive double-source bursts, twelve moves of the original meaning, and the time was less than five seconds. The Obsidian Dragon King had to slow down and stop the display of the original meaning, but he believed that the situation of the dream was even worse. Oops, I will definitely choose to clear the source erosion first! unless…

But what you are afraid of will come, and the next move will be confrontation, but the two sides are not at the same level!

‘Dream, Holy Flame Kowloon Trio! ’

The Profound Truth of the Obsidian Dragon King was smashed to the ground. The remaining four dragons hit the limbs respectively, and one and a half hit the dragon's tail, expanding the flaws, so there was no attack on the key point, about 69,200*2 damage.

"The alliance is really willing to waste the power of guardianship!" The Obsidian Dragon King Han Sheng, who was blasted away, sneered, as expected.

In the second ensemble, Kowloon precisely hit the eye of the Obsidian Dragon King, causing 11.67*2*2*0.96 of huge damage equal to 448,100, and at the same time breaking the defense of the original body.

The third ensemble, covering the blow, will directly explode the eyeballs that are not as good as defense in the future, and part of the source power will invade the brain, and it is expected to cause nearly half a million damage.

The Obsidian Dragon King was finally pulled out. In just one second, the Hei Yao Dragon King suffered a huge amount of damage, and also suffered minor injuries. The influence of combat power and fantasy are on the same level. It seems that the two sides have returned to one. horizontal line.

However, the Obsidian Dragon King felt that he was earning blood. Such a wave can be exchanged for 13 units of the guardian power of divine beasts. After a hundred more times, he has made great achievements, which is no less meaningful than killing a great monarch.

After all, today is different from the past. The power of guardianship has been centrally allocated to the strong, and the general guardian of the monarch is not qualified to use it.

Moreover, the Obsidian Dragon King, who has a 20% quality advantage, has an additional 4% increase and reduction in hit damage.

What's more, as the Obsidian Dragon King once again adapts to the attack of the Holy Flame Nine Dragons of this intensity, the unexpected advantage of the Holy Flame Nine Dragons has dissipated, and the effect it exerts has tended to be standard, and the energy of the Holy Flame Nine Dragons will be completely wiped out almost at the moment of the attack. , without adding energy to the fantasy to exert extra power, the actual damage is sharply reduced by more than 20% compared to before the battle!

Adjust the Obsidian Dragon King, replenish the body of the source of the second realm, and at the same time take a six-star best healing treasure to quickly recover the injury and load, so that this level of source erosion can be offset, and the source profound meaning can be continuously used as usual .

All of this happened in an instant, and within 0.1 seconds, Imagination saw the Obsidian Dragon King rushing up again.

'Fantasy, you also take the 'Fruit of Life'! ’

Bai Yuling said decisively, Fantasia immediately took out a 'fruit of life' that was the same as the six-star best fruit of life in both appearance and aura, and merged into Fantasia's body the moment it appeared.

Immediately, there was another wave of origin confrontation, the aftermath swept over, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the ground shook!

This time, Illusion only integrates half of the origin, because it is more difficult to control because of greater power, and the focus of Illusion is not wrong.

Therefore, even if the Obsidian Dragon King's moves are the source of profound and the moves can prevail, but as long as the fantasy erupts once the original profound meaning, the accumulated advantages of the Obsidian Dragon King will be instantly ruined and crushed. As a result, no matter how hard the Obsidian Dragon King tried his best to block some of his five senses, he couldn't do anything.

The advantage of accumulating ten moves is not as good as the combo after the outbreak of the dream.

Ten seconds later, the fantasy finally removed the source of erosion in the neck, the neck wound began to heal, and the weakened combat power recovered by most, so the Obsidian Dragon King was even worse.

Another ten seconds, this time, relying on the advantages accumulated by the source holy flame many times, Imagination succeeded in breaking the Obsidian Dragon King, and once again hit the key point of the eyeball, the eyes that had just recovered were blown up again.

This makes the Obsidian Dragon King feel bad. If this continues, the injuries will accumulate more and more, and there will be fears of falling.

The Obsidian Dragon King looked at the fantasy, and the unwillingness of his eyes flashed away: "I admit that I am no longer your opponent... But if it is not for the protection of the divine beast, I will never lose to you!"

"Hehe, defeat is defeat, what excuse are you looking for. Your trump card is more terrifying than mine!"

Imagination smiled lightly and felt very happy. If you use all your strength and the power of divine beasts, you will have a certain chance to kill the opponent quickly, but if you can't kill quickly, force out the power of chaos or even sacrifice the dragon of chaos, it will become very difficult. , Relying on her own, I'm afraid she can't even escape.

The Dragon Projection of Chaos summoned by the evil dragon that dominated the sacrifice of life at the beginning cannot compare with the supreme power in its overall quality and vitality, but it is far more troublesome. Erasing just barely beats it, otherwise, at the end, the probability of losing is even 100%!


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