MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 533 The day I found you, you found me

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   Populus euphratica looked up at the group of geometric snowflakes in midair.

  In the anime, Kyurem also met Keldeo's challenge in this way. The area made of icicles is the arena in Kyurem's mind.

  With the appearance of Kyurem, the surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower, and a thin layer of ice has emerged on the rusted machinery in the abandoned factory.

   Cross was shivering from the cold.

Seeing Hu Yang standing there without moving, Kyurem taunted: "Don't you dare to come forward?" Hu Yang said in his heart that you were thinking too much, so he released Geng Gui and let him take out one of his winter clothes from his body and throw it away. to Cross.

  Cross took it and was moved: "Thank you!"

  Hu Yang smiled at him, then raised his feet, walked straight forward, and passed through the staggered ice door.

  He raised his hand, and with a flash of white light, Reshiram's elegant and vigorous figure appeared opposite Kyurem.

  As soon as the real dragon in charge of the flame appeared, the chill in the air was dispelled a little. In the ice arena, the legendary two dragons stared at each other silently.

  Reshiram exudes a soft and warm aura, while Kyurem gives people a deep, terrifying, and oppressive feeling.

   From a long distance, Hu Yang could feel the strong fighting spirit emanating from Kyurem.

  However, it seems to understand the rules of the battle between human trainers. Populus euphratica did not give instructions, so it did not attack.

   Seeing this scene, Hu Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise, and glanced at the frozen trainer ice sculptures in the distance.

   Did you learn from them? "Let's do it!"

   The moment he spoke, a faint blue light appeared in Hu Yang's eyes. He connected to Reshiram's heart and shared everything he perceived with it.

  The Kyurem on the opposite side also moved instantly. It jumped up suddenly and stood on a high platform, releasing a terrifying cold air from its body.

  The cold air continued to spread, and everything it touched was instantly frozen in place.

  "Frozen world? Do you want to use a big move from the beginning?" Hu Yang thought of the plot where Kyurem interrupted Keldeo's horn in the anime, and he was not surprised at all.

  Through the spiritual connection, he gave Reshiram an order with a thought.

  Reshiram spread his wings and flew into the air, hot flames emerged from in front of it, facing Kyurem's frozen world.

  Ice and fire collided, and under the reaction of energy, a large amount of white mist was produced on the battlefield.

   Kyurem's figure swooped down against the mist, and white light condensed on its wrist, forming a huge dragon claw.

  Hu Yang sensed the movement of Kyurem, and he quickly said: "Avoid!"

  The next second, the dragon claw split the white mist, and it was about to hit Reshiram. Reshiram waved his wings, and his pure white body retreated several meters, avoiding the dragon claw.

  Missing a hit, Kyurem's extremely oppressive body exploded with a majestic ice attribute energy. …

  That energy instantly condensed into a blizzard and swept towards Reshiram.

  With such a large-scale attack, Reshiram couldn't dodge it, and his body was instantly submerged in the blizzard. His originally soft and white hair became stiff, and the top was covered with a thick layer of ice and snow. Reshiram let out a cry of pain. Seeing this scene, Kyurem stopped attacking, stood still and looked at Populus euphratica opposite him, sneering: "Is that all?"

  Hu Yang ignored it, and asked in his heart: "Can I still persist?" Reshiram gave an affirmative answer.

   "Very good." Hu Yang swept his gaze from the arena and ordered, "Fly up and take advantage of your speed."

   Although Kyurem is a dragon, he can't fly. Its attack is as violent and violent as mountains and seas. On the ground, Reshiram has no advantage against the stronger Kyurem.

   Moreover, the ice attribute energy in Kyurem's body is really terrifying, even if the flame that restrains it, what can be obtained

  The effect is also very weak.

   Now it seems that it is not unreasonable for Kyurem to be called the strongest dragon Pokémon in the Hezhong area. It is stronger than Reshiram and Zekrom.

  The order was issued, and Reshiram flew into the air, leaned over and shot flames at Kyurem. Kyurem raised his head slightly and hit back with a freezing beam.

  The two moves collided in mid-air, and the resulting white mist once again enveloped the entire battlefield.

  After suffering the previous loss, Hu Yang did not hesitate to let Reshiram raise the height.

   Sure enough, the next second, Kyurem's hind legs exerted force suddenly, and it jumped into the air, and a purple shadow ball instantly condensed on its paws.

  The shadow ball grazed Reshiram's body and hit the ceiling above. good chance!

   Seeing Kyurem start to fall, Hu Yang quickly ordered: "Cross flame!"

  Reshiram let out a deep wolf-like howl, and its body was instantly wrapped in a scorching fireball.

   Beams of flames surged out from the fireball, and hit Kyurem below in a staggered manner. "Hmph, very good!"

   Kyurem snorted coldly, raised his head, and locked his eyes on Reshiram in mid-air. The terrifying ice attribute energy spread rapidly, overwhelming Reshiram in it.

  Wherever that energy passed, even the air was frozen.

  With Reshiram's toes as the center, the cold ice quickly climbed upwards. That's... a frozen world!

  Hu Yang frowned slightly. He was connected with Reshiram's mind and immediately felt Reshiram's pain. Obviously the frozen world did not affect him, but his legs gradually became heavy and cold.

   Seeing this scene, Kyurem looked at the two and said coldly: "Your strength is not enough!"

   Facing Kyurem's cynicism, Hu Yang remains indifferent.

  He knew very well in his heart that Kyurem was playing the role of "villain".

  Because he clearly saw that Kyurem's inner thoughts were not what it said. Obviously, Kyurem is testing him in this way. …

   Therefore, this battle will continue, and foreign aid cannot be invited, otherwise, with the character of Kyurem, even if it is forcibly conquered by force, it will rather die than surrender.

  Reshiram used jet flames to try to melt the ice.

   Kyurem didn't give it a chance at all, his huge body jumped up suddenly, and the huge dragon claws slashed straight down, shooting Reshiram down from midair.

"too weak!"

   "Leshiram!" Hu Yang frowned.

  Looking at that scene, recalling everything that happened in this battle in his mind, he quickly realized that it was not Kyurem who was too strong, but that he did not display the true power of Reshiram!

   But... what should he do?

   Go up and fight? A hundred of them are not enough for Kyurem to fill his stomach.

   On the field of ice, Kyurem didn't move for a while, it seemed to be waiting for something. Sensing the mood of Populus euphratica, Reshiram, whose body was half frozen, was not in a hurry, and his tone was still so gentle.

  “Hu Yang, I believe in you, you can do it.” Just like it can see in the heart of Hu Yang.

  Euphratica did not understand what Reshiram meant, and asked in confusion: "What else can I do?"

  Reshiram: "You have not yet understood what the truth you believe in is."

   Populus euphratica woke up suddenly, and found that he was brought to its consciousness space by Reshiram at some point. He raised his head and met Reshiram's beautiful blue eyes.

   "Real? Do you mean release Pokémon?" he asked.

  Rashiram shook his head slightly: "No, that's not your truth." "My truth..." Hu Yang fell into confusion.

  Rashiram continued: "There is no shortcut to the truth, the truth is there, there is no distinction between good and bad, no distinction between noble and humble, the desire in your heart is your truth."

   hear this

   Hu Yang suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

   His deepest desire...

   Mix all the furry Pokémon in the world, and then be with everyone, and live a peaceful and peaceful life, just like that, just plain.

   It’s just…does this count?!

  Hu Yang raised his head, but saw an affirmative answer from Reshiram's eyes. Populus euphratica: "."

  Gulardon! Shouting that I want to create a furry world, he can't do that kind of thing!

  However, for him, this is his reality... Thinking of this, Hu Yang took a deep breath.

   Forget it, anyway, in Reshiram's consciousness space, no one can see or hear it. He yelled that sentence loudly.

  Reshiram immediately felt a force transmitted from Hu Yang's body to his own body, which was his belief.

  Rashiram nodded, and said softly: "I heard it." Hu Yang: Society is dead, ue.

   Seeing this scene, Reshiram smiled lightly.

   Immediately afterwards, Hu Yang heard it say: "Hu Yang, it's nice to see you again." Huh?

  Hu Yang raised his head immediately, and before he understood the meaning of that sentence, his consciousness was pulled out of Reshiram's heart. …

  He quickly looked towards the ice arena ahead.

  I saw a crimson energy emanating from Reshiram's body.

   The ice that spread to its waist was melted by that energy, making a sizzling sound. Under its influence, the white hair on Reshiram's body became soft again.

  It stretched its wings and slowly rose into the air, a beam of flame burst out from the tail like a turbine engine.

  The flames spread upward, dyeing the white fur behind Reshiram's head red.

  Is that...overclocking mode? "Finally something interesting!"

   Not far away, Kyurem looked at this scene, and his emotions became high. It roared and said: "I am very happy to have waited for what I have been looking forward to, and now I am going to do it for real!"

  The two legendary dragons fought again.

  Seeing this scene, Hu Yang no longer struggled, but focused all his attention on this battle: "Very good, Reshiram, let's intersect flames again!"

  Reshiram's firepower was maximized, and terrible flames radiated from it, rushing towards Kyurem below.

   Kyurem's right hand transformed into a giant white claw in an instant, and swung it towards Reshiram.


With a loud noise, the two dragons finally collided together. The terrifying energy exploded violently during the collision. The shock wave shattered the icicle created by Kyurem, and even the geometric snowflakes hovering above became panicked. stand up.

  In the center of the arena, Kyurem and Reshiram stepped backwards at the same time. But before stagnating for a second, they rushed towards each other again.

  Fire and ice are constantly colliding. Reshiram in the overclocking mode is no less powerful than Kyurem, the strongest dragon!

Under the vision sharing and command of Populus euphratica, Reshiram gradually began to gain the upper hand! The injuries on Kyurem's body gradually increased. Instead of being angry, it was very excited, roaring loudly: "Very good! I feel it , feel your faith!"

  This appearance is completely different from the big cold dragon before. Its heart and expression are all burning, becoming extremely hot!

  Hu Yang's emotions were aroused, his eyes became familiar, and he felt that he had completely understood Reshiram's thoughts.

  Looking at Kyurem who was panting on the opposite side, he said in a deep voice: "Reshiram, use all your strength to stagger flames!"

   After the command was given, Reshiram let out a loud roar, its body flew into the air, and the flame of truth ignited, wrapping its body, as hot and dazzling as the sun.

   Kyurem looked at this scene and roared loudly, accompanied by the crisp sound of Ka Ka Ka, with it as the center, the powerful ice attribute energy condensed into the shape of ice mist.

   Ice and Fire

  Different energies separated this underground space into two different colors.

  In a passionate roar, Reshiram and Kyurem collided. White mist rose in the air, making it impossible to see the situation on the field clearly.

   "The knot... is it over?" Cross was sweating profusely when he saw it. He hugged the clothes Populus euphratica gave him, and his face was half blue and half red under the light. …

  Hearing his question, Geng Gui on the side put away his scarf and said happily, "Kou Jie!" About ten seconds later, the white mist on the field gradually dissipated.

   Kyurem, who was covered in scars, and Reshiram, who was also covered in scars, stood there panting, looking at each other.


   Kyurem panted heavily, and turned to glance at the human behind Reshiram. This battle, it lost.

   From them, it sees that the real world between Pokémon and humans will come. That being the case.

   Kyurem's huge body crashed down.

  It closed its eyes, and when it opened again, the excitement in the eyes disappeared, and it returned to the indifferent and strong look before.

   "I understand, I will try to protect the future you want to create." Hu Yang heard Kyurem say this.

  Seeing this scene, the flame engine at the tail of Reshiram gradually extinguished.

  It fell to the ground exhausted, and looked at Populus euphratica with its pair of beautiful blue pupils weakly. "Thank you." Hu Yang stepped forward, stroked Reshiram's head with his hands, and said softly, "Thank you."

  Reshiram had a happy look in his eyes.

   Populus euphratica turned his head and looked at Kyurem who was surrounded by geometric snowflakes not far away: "Thank you too, Kyurem."

   Kyurem snorted, his face like a broken ice pick made it impossible to see its emotions.


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