MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 543 Enter the underwater temple, the legend of the three cloud gods

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  Chapter 543 Entering the Undersea Temple, the Legend of the Three Cloud Gods

  As soon as she heard this, Sirona suddenly wanted to die down.

  However, Cattleya saw her mood, thought for a while, then smiled and said: "How about we dive down first? Maybe we can find another way to enter that temple."

   As she spoke, she looked at Hu Yang and the two and asked, "Hu Yang, what do you think?"

  Euphratica Euphratica said that anything is fine.

   Cattleya laughed: "Then it's settled, wait for me, I'll go get a set of diving equipment too!"

  When she left, Sirona couldn't help but chuckled and shook her head: "This guy..."

   Soon, Cattleya returned to everyone with her equipment.

   A group of people left the villa, took Cattleya

  The yacht deposited by the sea arrived at the place where the underwater temple was discovered before.

  Looking at the huge black shadow below, Cattleya couldn't help asking curiously: "Is this right here?"

   Sirona nodded seriously: "That's right."

   "Then—let's start!" Cattleya began to move her wrist, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's been a long time since I took such a risk!"

  As the eldest lady, she had been training herself in the battle against the castle. In recent years, the champion of the union, Adek, retired, and she had to take over the affairs of the alliance with the other three kings.

  The last time I came out like this, it seems like a long time ago.

   Cattleya had a look of nostalgia in her eyes.

   Sirona saw her thoughts, and said with a smile: "Enjoy this adventure!"

  Cattleya: "Yes!"

  The four of them put on their diving equipment and jumped into the water one by one.

  With a plop, the surrounding scene changed dramatically.

  Azure sea water, colorful corals, and many water-type Pokémon shuttle among them. They have light postures and leisurely movements.

   Several nannies, Mambo, saw a stranger, and couldn't help but cast curious eyes in this direction.

   Sirona and Cattleya swim in front, Hu Yang and Cross follow behind.

   Looking at the group of pink nanny mambos, Cross exclaimed, "Are those nanny mambos? There are so many of them!"

  Hu Yang also looked over, nodded and said: "It is indeed Mambo, the nanny."

   This is the first time he has seen this Pokémon. Nanny Mambo is a characteristic Pokémon in the Hezhong area, which has never been found in the sea area of ​​​​the Hoenn area.

   Nanny Mambo's appearance is similar to that of a sunfish. It has a pink body and golden eyes, and looks very gentle.

  In fact, as the name suggests, Nanny Mambo has a very gentle personality.

  They live in an area about ten meters below the sea surface. Whenever they appear, many water-type Pokémon will gather around them.

  That's because if Nanny Mambo finds injured or weak Pokémon, they will be gently hugged by their fins and transported to the shore.

   And the special mucous membrane covering the Nanny Mambo has a healing effect, it will apply special mucus to the wounds of injured Pokémon.

   Some fishermen take it with them on long voyages, because with the nanny mambo, doctors and medicines are no longer needed.

  This kind of Pokémon, whether it is in the mouth of humans or Pokémon, is very well received.

   "It's like Miss Joy and the others." After listening to Hu Yang's story, Cross said.

   "Yes!" Hu Yang nodded, the trainer trusts Miss Joy in the Pokémon, just like the water-type Pokémon in the sea trusts the nanny Mambo.

   This world is really magical.

  Transparent light beams are projected from the sea surface to the bottom of the sea, reflecting a colorful scene below.

  A building that looks like a pyramid is quietly standing in the deepest part of the sea.

  The deeper you dive, the greater the water pressure. Here, the docile Pokémon like Nanny Mambo have completely disappeared.

  Hu Yang felt the situation around him, and couldn’t help but asked Cross: “Don’t you have props such as adaptive lights, arbitrary doors, penetrating circles, and bamboo dragonflies?”

  Cross was a little confused, thought for a while, and asked: "Adaptation lights, arbitrary doors, what are those?"

   Populus euphratica: "A magical high-tech product."

  Cross: "What's the use?"

   Populus euphratica: "Adaptive lamps can allow people to adapt to any environment, arbitrary doors can allow people to go anywhere, penetrating circles can ignore walls and let people pass through them, and bamboo dragonflies can make people fly like a bird Pokémon."

  Cross sighed: "Wow! It's amazing! It's like magic in a fairy tale!"

   Populus euphratica: "..."

  He has some regrets. Sure enough, there will be no such things in the future? He still wants to experience it.

Cross: "However, I don't have a penetrating circle. I have a space teleporter. Well, you have seen this before. The guys from Zero have used it, but they have different mastery of mine. They can only do it. It shouldn’t be a problem to enter the ruins of the temple when it comes to short-distance teleportation.”

   "That's not bad." Hu Yang said.

  At this time, Sirona's voice came from the front: "It's almost there!"

  As soon as her words fell, Hu Yang felt a bad breath.

   But before he could speak, a blue light flashed in the eyes of Cattleya in front, and she exclaimed, "It's a wild bass! There are a lot of them!"

   Several people immediately turned their heads to look, and saw a large number of savage perch swimming quickly from the dark sea.

   Their bodies are dark green, their pupils and the line between their heads and pupils are red, and the dorsal and pectoral fins on their bodies are like sharp knives, shining silvery in the sea water.

   "It's all red stripes!" Cattleya exclaimed.

  The red-striped savage bass has a very rough personality and is a very bad-tempered Pokémon.

   It is said that in the lake where they appear, only lobster minions and iron claw lobsters can stay, and they will eat anything with their jaws.

   Obviously, the group of wild bass took them as the target of attack.

   But it's a pity that the worst of the four people present are all at the level of heavenly kings.

  These **** in the water are not enough to look at in front of them.

   Before Hu Yang and Sirona could make a move, Cross on the side took out the elf ball and released a dumb beast.

  As soon as the dumb beast came out, a blue light appeared in its eyes.

  In an instant, a powerful superpower swept forward, and those fast and barbaric perch seemed to be frozen, and their figures all stagnated.

   "Knock them out!" Cross said.

   The Silly Beast let out a cry in response, and it moved forward with a wave of water.

  The turbulent water instantly stunned the group of wild perch.

  The sea area has returned to calm again.

   Sirona looked at Cross in a little surprise.

  The strength of that guy...

  When did the Hoenn region produce such a powerful trainer again?

   Besides, she is also an apprentice of Hu Yang, but she has never heard of Hu Yang accepting apprentices?

  Cross didn't know what Sirona was thinking. He reached out and touched the round ears of the dumb beast, then turned and said to everyone: "Okay, let's go!"

   Solved the savage perch group, this time there were no guys blocking the way on the road of the few people.

   A group of people arrived in front of the Undersea Temple smoothly, and looked up at the building that looked like a pyramid.

   "I have a question." Cattleya couldn't help but said: "If people from that clan used to live here with Meloetta, how would they breathe?"

  The temple must be sealed, otherwise seawater would pour into it from the outside, and there were no oxygen cylinders in that era, and the oxygen inside could not support them to live here for so long.

  Hearing this, Sirona thought for a moment, but didn't come up with an answer.

  Hu Yang turned his attention to the bottom of the temple: "Perhaps, this temple was only sunk to the bottom of the sea later."

  Sirona was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that this possibility was not impossible. She nodded, looked expectantly at the temple in front of her, and said, "Anyway, just go in and take a look."

  Cross stepped forward, took out the space transmitter, and with a flash of light, the four disappeared in place and entered the interior of the temple.

  Looking at the flames dancing on the wall, Cattleya was full of surprise: "Could it be that there are still people living here? Oh no, there is no oxygen here, how did those flames burn for so long?"

  Hu Yang glanced at it, shook his head and said, "That's not ordinary fire, it's the energy flame produced by Pokémon."

   Cattleya immediately remembered the torch used in the alliance meeting.

  The four of them are currently in a corridor, and the walls on both sides of the corridor are engraved with colorful ancient murals.

  Maybe because there is no air entering, they are preserved very completely, as if they were just painted.

  Sirona's eyes were attracted by them, and she stood in front of the mural, watching the scene carefully.

  The people on the mural are wearing uniform clothes and form a circle.

   Among them, there is a Pokémon standing. That Pokémon seems to be singing, and those people are its audience.

   "These murals should record the life of the ancient humans who built this temple and Meloetta here." Sirona said.

   "Melloietta, I heard that its singing voice is very beautiful!" Cattleya looked forward to: "I really hope that one day I can see it and listen to it singing."

   But unfortunately, no one knows where Meloetta is.

  Going further, the content of the murals on the wall began to change.

  In addition to the group of villains wearing the same clothes and Meloetta, there is another group of villains wearing other clothes.

  They were divided into two forces, standing on the left and the right, and fought a big battle with weapons in hand.

   Above the two groups of villains, that represents the position in the sky, and it is also filled with red, which seems to confirm the tragedy of the war.

  Following frescoes record the outcome of this battle.

  Countless villains fell to the ground, and each side suffered heavy losses. Meloetta stood among countless corpses and blood, crying there.

   Before coming here, several people present had heard the rumor told by Cattleya, and realized that what was recorded in this mural was that event.

   Greedy humans came to fight against the clan that guarded Meloetta and that treasure in order to rule and conquer.

   "It's so miserable..." Cattleya couldn't bear it.

   Sirona was also slightly moved: "So, the remaining humans of that clan left this temple with Meloetta."

   "What is that treasure? It will cause so many people to fight for it." Cattleya couldn't help asking.

   Sirona shook her head, she didn't know.

  At this time, a voice came from the side: "It's a mirror."

  The two turned their heads and saw Populus euphratica standing in front of the mural, looking up at Meloetta inside.

   "Revealing mirror?" Cattleya was slightly taken aback.

  Hu Yang nodded: "It's a mirror that can reflect reality. Through it, you can summon the ancient Pokémon in the Hezhong area, three Pokémon that control wind, rain, thunder and lightning."

   "With the power of Meloetta, they can control these three Pokémon and use their power to rule the Hezhong area."

  It is not only the case of ancient humans, but also the case of Sakagi in the anime...

   For this reason, Sakagi made a plan for the storm, but he failed and was backlashed by Sanyun God.

   "Sanyun God..." Cattleya immediately thought of the ancient legends in the Hezhong area.

  There are three Gods of Three Clouds, they are Land Cloud, Thunder Cloud and Tornado Cloud.

   According to legend, thunder and lightning clouds will fly in the sky of the Hezhong area, thundering everywhere and causing wildfires, and they are disgusted with the tornado clouds that cause storms and blow away houses.

   However, it is because they stir the atmosphere that the seasons continue to cycle.

   Among the three, the land cloud is the most respected by humans.

  After absorbing wind and thunder, it will turn them into energy to nourish the soil, make the earth fertile, and let the crops grow vigorously.

  It is said that the land it visits will have a good harvest, so it is called the **** of farmland, and some people even specially built a temple of abundance to worship it.

  As for the fourth **** among the three cloud gods, he is attached to Yun.

   I don’t know why, there is no record of it in the Hezhong area.

  It only appeared in the remote Xicui area. Unlike the other three gods, Nostalgia Cloud is called the God of Yangchun.

  For it will come at the end of the harsh winter, and its love will cause new life to sprout on the earth.

  Hearing these words, Sirona thought deeply: "That is to say, the mirror is currently stored in this temple."

"If the legend is correct, it should be." Hu Yang did not directly explain: "I guess that the clan has sealed it before leaving, and this temple that should have been floating on the sea has also appeared along with it. The mirror was sealed and sank into the bottom of the sea together, and if you want to break the seal, you need to pass Meloetta's singing."

  Although it is possible to use brute force to forcibly dig out the manifestation mirror, but if the manifestation mirror comes out in that way, I am afraid that it will cause Sanyun God to be attracted by its power just like in the anime.

  However, the few people present were not interested in summoning the three cloud gods and using their power to rule the world.

  Meloietta is not here either, unable to control Sanyun God, maybe it will cause some other unnecessary troubles.

   Moreover, Sirona cares more about the history behind the ancient relics in this temple than that matter.

   Cattleya is also relaxed this trip.

  Hu Yang and Cross were simply invited by Sirona to explore this underwater temple together.

   So, the four of them looked at each other.

  Sirona chuckled softly: "In this case, then it's settled, only investigate the ancient relics here, and don't move the sealed treasure."

  (end of this chapter)

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