MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 559 So, the boy met Pokémon

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  Chapter 559 So, the boy met Pokémon

  Under the emergency maintenance of Eric, the administrator of Pokémon Villa, the power of Newt City was finally restored.

  The dark buildings were lit up one after another, and in a blink of an eye the city was restored to its previous bright lights.

  Looking at the group of Genesects in front of him, Xiaozhi suddenly remembered that he had seen a lake with Ortas growing in a quiet valley before.

  There are no humans there, which is very suitable for Genesects to live.

  Hearing this, the Genesects looked at each other and decided to go over there with this human being.

  So, led by Chaomeng, a group of people came to the green valley.

  There is a lake in the valley, and many ancient flowers grow on the beautiful lake.

   Seeing this scene, the Genesects were very happy, and they immediately began to build their lairs in this place.

   "It matches the original plot. If so, then there is no need for the help of Celebi and Diyaluka." Hu Yang thought.

  Now that Genesect's matter has been resolved, it's time to resolve his own matter.

   Populus euphratica stood by the lake, turning his head to look at Chaomeng beside him.

   Chaomeng seemed to have sensed something, it looked at the boy in front of it, and asked again: "Are you really ready to know everything?"

  Hearing this, Xiaozhi, Cross and the others next to him immediately turned their attention away from the Genesect that was building the nest.

  Xiao Zhi was a little puzzled: "Senior Hu Yang?"

  Pikachu tilted his head: "Pikachu?"

  Cross seemed to realize something: "Master... Populus euphratica..."

   "Don't worry." Hu Yang glanced slowly over everyone, nodded gently to them, then looked at Chaomeng, and confirmed: "Yes, I'm ready."

   Chaomeng nodded slightly, it didn't speak anymore, and a white light lit up in its eyes.

  Powerful superpowers swept across and poured into the minds of the teenagers in front of him one after another, and those dusty memories began to resurface.

  The gears of time rotate slowly until there is a loud "boom".

  Hu Yang raised his head, and the scenes from the past flooded towards him like a tide.


  How many times?

   Populus euphratica can't remember clearly.

  At the beginning, he and Gu Yueniao didn't have modders, they just strayed into the souls of this world in confusion.

the first time.

  They woke up in the Orange Blossom Forest, were chased by the Big Needle Bee, rescued the Gu Yueniao from the Big Mouth Baby, and then were rescued by the old man Hatch.

  Under the guidance of old man Hatch, Hu Yang and Gu Yueniao went to Chenghua City and became teachers there.

  Later, they met Roselade, who was still a shy bud, and after saving enough money, they began to travel around the world.

  During the trip, Hu Yang picked up Feng Wang's feathers, met Charmander, Slow Beast, Geng Ghost and other Pokémon, and became attached to Dawu because of the stone.

  In order to deal with the crisis of Gulardo and Kyoka, Hu Yang cooperated with Dawu and began to search for the three pillars, used them to drag Gulardo and Kioka, and entrusted Yushu to go to the Sky Pillar to find the Rikakuza.

  The Hoenn area was saved.

   Populus euphratica started a new trip to the Chengdu area.

  He passed the test of the Phoenix King, became the brave of the rainbow, and made friends with the three holy beasts Marshado.

   Later, Hu Yang went to the Sinnoh area and started traveling.

   It was just that time, Gu Yueniao didn't have a modifier, he was just an ordinary trainer, and he didn't solve the Galaxy team quickly.

  Afterwards, go to the Hezhong area...

   In this way, until the Carlos area.

   There, he and Gu Yueniao affected the original plot, and were accidentally affected by the final weapon and irradiated by the light it produced.

   Just like the king recorded in the ancient legends of the Carlos area.

  He and Gu Yueniao have the power of immortality.

   As a side effect, his body mutated, his growth rate became faster, he broke through the height limit, and the longer he grew, the taller he grew.

  After the Carlos incident, God XY fell into a deep sleep, and finally the weapon was destroyed.

  Hu Yang could only be forced to move on with Gu Yueniao.

   Later, they went to Alola, and then to Galar.

  After the trip, they returned to Fengyuan area. At that time, there was no ecological island. They bought an ecological park in Weibai Town and lived there with the Pokémon.

  Euphratica often travels with Pokémon all over the world to see trainers who have just traveled and encounter Pokémon to start their own travels.

  Playing the role of a mysterious npc, occasionally sending one or two resurrection grasses or other props to the little guy who is interested.

   Later, President Zvoki passed away.

  Dawu returned to Kanaz City to inherit the Devon Company, and married a noble girl according to his father's last wish.

   In the 278th year of the alliance calendar, Dawu passed away.

  As time passed, the Pokémon and companions around Hu Yang began to die.

  He witnessed their passing away, and the originally bustling ecological park became more and more deserted.

   Populus euphratica stopped traveling, did not take in new Pokémon, and began to live in seclusion, and others began to become lethargic.

  At that time, Hu Yang realized that the ultimate weapon affected not only his life.

  He can not eat, and he can also control the time he sleeps.

  Until one day in the distant future, there was only an ancient moon bird left by his side.

  That day, Hu Yang made a decision because he missed his partner.

  He sold everything in his family, took an airship to the Shen'ao area, completed the tests of Emrido in Xinqi Lake, Lizhi Lake, and Wisdom Lake, and got the red chain.

  He went to Tianguan Mountain, summoned Dialga with the red chain, and forcibly controlled it to send himself back to the past.

  Under the control of the red chain, Dialga complied.

  So, Hu Yang returned to the past with all the memories.

  He tries to change the future so that all the Pokémon around him can live forever.

  However, he failed.

  After sending away all the Pokémon, Hu Yang started a new round of attempts.

   After an unknown amount of time, he finally discovered that the future cannot be changed.

   Populus euphratica gave up.

   "Maybe I'm too persistent. Immortality sometimes only brings pain to people." He didn't want Pokémon to suffer the same pain as himself.

  So, he found Mewtwo, asked it to erase his memory, and then found Diya Luka.

   This time, he did not control Dialga through the red chain, but seriously requested it to send him back to the original day, as long as he could be by their side.

  Di Yaluka saw the timeline on him, and the God of Time was moved. It fulfilled Hu Yang's wish and sent him back to the original day.

  So, a new round of reincarnation began.

   I don't know how long it has passed, it was so long that Hu Yang himself couldn't remember it.

   One thousand three hundred and eighty-fourth reincarnation.

  He opened his eyes in the Orange Blossom Forest, and found that the ability of the modifier appeared on his body.

  But the function of the modifier is only half, and the other half remains on Gu Yueniao.

  Hu Yang began to slowly try the function of the modifier.

  He asked Gu Yueniao to modify his race value, so Gu Yueniao's ability broke through the sky.

   As the price of the modification, Gu Yueniao fell asleep for a whole year.

  With the appearance of modifiers, the timeline began to change, and it became different from before.

  But maybe it was fate, he still met Geng Gui and them.

   Through modifiers and Gu Yueniao, Populus euphratica asked Gulardo to build an ecological island.

   They moved their family to the ecological island.

   What happened later also changed.

  He once again became the Hero of the Rainbow, and then traveled to other regions.

   It’s just that, when in the Sinnoh area, Hu Yang didn’t solve the Galaxy team quickly, so he didn’t meet the test of the three holy mushrooms there, and he didn’t get their reminders of the memory.

   Later, when he went to Hezhong, he did not meet Cross.

   Therefore, he did not find Chaomeng to restore his memory.

   Later, when the trip was over, Populus euphratica took the Pokémon back to the ecological island.

  The Pokémon companions around him passed away one after another, and new lives began to be born on the island one after another.

   As time passed, those human friends he made also began to die.

  Hu Yang saw Dawu for the last time in an autumn.

  At that time, Dawu was already very old, but even though his silver hair turned into white hair, he still did not lose the aura of a nobleman.

  Hu Yang seemed to see the eye-catching shadow of Dawu when he was in the championship match with him again.

   On that sunny afternoon, they chatted quietly about what happened in the past.

  The chat ended, and Dawu left on crutches.

  Looking at his back, Hu Yang also realized that their stories will eventually become legends and spread in this world.

   Maybe a long time later, some trainers will embark on a journey in order to follow their footsteps.

   Or continue to meet Gulardo Gaioka and them.

   But those have nothing to do with them.

  The story always has an ending, and that ending will be the end of the song.

  Later, Dawu died.

  After attending Dawu’s funeral, Hu Yang suddenly remembered a poem he had learned in elementary school for no reason.

  He returned to the ecological park, sat on his desk, and wrote a poem in his notebook.

  The old man Gu Jishu invited me to Tian's house.

Tree edge of the village together, Aoyama Guo oblique.

  Open a garden for noodles, talk about wine and mulberry.

   Until the Double Ninth Day, the chrysanthemums still come.

  Holding the notebook, Hu Yang recalled that summer, the day when he first came to this world and met Pokémon in his mind.

  At night, Populus euphratica sat on the roof of the ecological park, hugging the ancient moon bird and looking at the lights of Wanjia across the sea.

   Many high-rise buildings have been newly built in the city, and human society is developing towards a more urbanized and modernized direction.

   And their time is about to pass.

  In the previous reincarnation, his body was affected by the power of Diyaluka, the **** of time, and turned into its original appearance.

   But at the back, the changes in his body became more and more exaggerated.

  Because of this change, Hu Yang found that he would not grow old, nor would he die.

   At that moment, he realized what had happened to him.

  So, he found Chaomeng and knew everything through it.

  Hu Yang didn't say anything, but went back to the ecological park silently, fell into a deep sleep, and waited for the end of this reincarnation.

  Until one day, a boy who said he wanted to be a teacher broke into the island.

  From him, Hu Yang saw the figure of Xiaozhi in the past, so he made the decision to accept him as a disciple.

  So, fate began to change.

   That boy is Cross.

  Ten years later, Cross finished his studies, left the island, and started to challenge the gym.

  Hu Yang found Chaomeng and asked it to erase all his memories.

   Chaomeng fulfilled his wish.

   On the day of going back, Populus euphratica dressed neatly, put on new clothes and a new mood, and wanted to meet his Pokémon in the best condition.

  The Pokémon living on the island came crying.

  Celebi, Dream, Hoopa, Machado...

  The **** of the earth and the **** of the sea also seemed to feel something.

  Gulardo stood at the crater, and Gaioka was floating on the sea surface, looking towards this side with a solemn expression.

  The Rift Seat is hidden in the clouds, overlooking everything below.

  The majestic three holy beasts stand side by side, and Feng Wang lands on the bell tower built by Populus euphratica.

  Reggie Kas took Reggie Locke, Registe Chilu, and Regice.

  Flame Bird, Frozen Bird and Lightning Bird hovered restlessly in the sky.

   Populus euphratica looked up at everyone who had accompanied him for thousands of years, and said goodbye to them with a smile.

  He looked at Celebi again, and said to Celebi, "Do you still remember the place where we first met?"

  Celebi cried and nodded.

  Hu Yang said: "If you want to see me, go there and find me!"

  Celebi nodded sadly.

   Dialga appeared immediately.

  Hu Yang waved goodbye to everyone on the island again, and then turned around.

  Looking at the God of Time in front of him, Hu Yang looked calmly and said softly in his heart: "I have come to meet you."

   He closed his eyes and jumped into the space-time crack in front of him.

  When he opened his eyes again, he saw a green caterpillar slowly crawling over his body.



  Hu Yang slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Chaomeng in front of him, then turned around, and saw Cross and others looking at him worriedly.

   Looking at Cross in front of him, he was obviously much more mature than the boy he remembered.

  Hu Yang couldn't help but think of the days when Cross was training on the island.

   "Master?" Looking at the dazed master in front of him, Cross said in a trembling voice.

  That familiar look...

  In an instant, he knew that the master had recognized him.

  Hu Yang smiled and nodded: "You have grown up, Cross."

  Hearing this, Cross's tears didn't hold back, and fell in front of everyone.

  In the distance, dawn appears.

  Hu Yang patted Cross on the shoulder.

  He wanted to say something more, and Cross' body suddenly became unreal.

   Immediately afterwards, a blue light flashed in the air, and Dialga suddenly flew out of the void.

  It looked at Cross and said with a serious expression: "The fate has changed, and the world lines have begun to separate! You must go back to the future now, or you will disappear completely!"

   Cross was slightly taken aback.

  However, he still has a lot to say to the master...

  Hu Yang saw what Cross was thinking. He shook his head and said to Cross, "It doesn't matter, Cross, you have become the champion. It's a pity that I didn't see that scene with my own eyes, but I'm proud of you."

   "Master..." Cross murmured, he immediately recovered, nodded seriously like he did during the special training before: "Well, I will continue to work hard, goodbye, master!"

   "Goodbye, Cross." Hu Yang said softly.

  The voice fell, and Cross disappeared.

  The sun finally rises from the far east.

  The thick darkness was dispelled, and the world was shrouded in light.

   Hu Yang looked there, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

  The longing melted in the rising sun, and a new day was ushered in. Countless roads stretched in front of them.

   Push book: Pirates: The Leisure Life of the Navy



  (end of this chapter)

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