MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 584 Goal, Alola! A dark shadow in the sea?

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  In the crater where Gulardo was inhabited, Populus euphratica slowly told the Rift Seat about the past.

   After listening, Rikuza fell silent. Hu Yang smiled and asked, "Any more questions?"

  The tone of Rikuza's voice could not be heard: "Your apology, I feel it."

   After saying that, its pitch-black ancient body shot straight into the sky like a bolt of black lightning, and disappeared into the distant sky.

"This guy…"

  Hu Yang raised his head and looked at the direction where Likongzao left, and shook his head helplessly. He looked back and glanced inside the volcano.

   There, Gulardo was no longer visible, only the hot and thick magma was bubbling and bubbling.

   Populus euphratica turned around and went down the mountain, returning to the ecological park. In the living room, a group of Pippis were playing there.

   Populus euphratica bypassed them and sat on the sofa, leaning his neck and closing his eyes to rest. Suddenly, he heard light footsteps coming from his ears. Opening his eyes, he saw the group of Pippis approaching him on tiptoe.

   Seeing him open his eyes, he immediately cheered "Pippi!", then jumped on the sofa, and pinched his shoulders in a decent manner.

   "Why is this?" Hu Yang touched Pippi's head. "Pippi~" Pippi rubbed his palms one by one coquettishly.

  When Dazhi came out of the research room, he saw such a scene.

It brought a cup of hot milk and said, "Nimeilong has returned to the group, Super Miaomiao is following Xanadu to contact superpowers, Geng Gui and Bogaman are playing with the baby Tyrannosaurus, and the Charizard seems to be Telling a story with a naughty panda."

  Hu Yang took the milk, knowing that Dazhi meant to tell him that the Pokémon he brought back from the Carlos area had begun to adapt to life in the ecological park.

  He nodded, and he breathed a sigh of relief. "Go and have a good rest first!" Dazhi said again, seeing that he looked a little tired.

  Hu Yang nodded. In fact, his body didn't feel too tired. What was really tired was his soul and spirit.

  Before entering reincarnation, he couldn't remember how long he lived alone.

   And in those reincarnations, he still has no way to really change his future.

   Over time, the spirit becomes exhausted.

   This is also the main reason why he will look for Chaomeng to forget those memories. However, this time is different, he still has a lot of time and can do more things.

  Holding those expectations for the future, Hu Yang felt less tired.

  He returned to the room, lay down on the bed and had a good sleep. In his sleep, he heard the sound of Pokémon fighting in the yard.

   When Hu Yang opened his eyes again, it was dusk.

  Hu Yang looked at the dimly lit room, just when he felt overwhelming loneliness rushing towards him, he suddenly heard a burst of snoring beside him.

   Turning around, I found that Gengar Bogaman and the baby Tyrannosaurus ran over at some point. They seemed to be tired from playing, so they lay there and fell asleep.

  Looking at the poor sleeping posture of the three little guys, Hu Yang smiled lightly and shook his head.

  He didn't wake them up, but gently put on his slippers, opened the door and went to the living room downstairs.

   When Hu Yang arrived there, he was surprised to find that there was a large machine in the living room that he had never seen before.

  Pokemon such as Dazhi, Pippi, Rotom, Charizard, Naughty Panda, Xanadu's parents, etc. are working around the machine for some reason.

"this is?"

  Looking at the machine, Hu Yang suddenly had a clear premonition in his heart.

  Sure enough, the next words of wisdom verified his conjecture: "This is a body switch developed by Dr. Zhenghui, which can allow humans and Pokémon to exchange bodies. He thought you might be interested, so he sent it over."

   "Good guy."

  Hu Yang is really interested in this machine.

  He stepped forward to fiddle with it twice, and asked curiously, "How to use this?"

  Dazhi entered a series of commands on the console, and then the cabins at both ends of the machine opened automatically.

  Dazhi said: "Just go inside." Hearing this, Hu Yang looked at the Pokémon in front of him and asked, "Who wants to try it with me?"

  The fire-breathing dragon took the lead to step forward: "Aww!" It's up to you!

  Hu Yang and Dazhi first let the fire-breathing dragon enter the cabin, and then walked into another cabin.

  Dazhi stayed outside to operate the machine. Following the input of the command, a dazzling white light burst out from the switchboard.

  Even if you stay in the cabin, you can clearly see that light.

  The white light became more and more intense, and Populus euphratica was in it, only feeling a slight dizziness in his mind.

  For a moment, he felt as if he had arrived in heaven. But soon, all those rays of light disappeared, and the consciousness in his mind became clearer.

  Hu Yang opened his eyes, and immediately found that his body was different.

  Black body, strong limbs, sharp dragon claws, the burning flame at the tip of the tail...

  I turned into a charizard! "Crack!"

   After the exchange, the hatch slowly opened.

  Hu Yang controlled the body of the fire-breathing dragon with some awkwardness and walked out. Dazhi looked at him and said with a smile, "It seems that the exchange was successful!"

   "Aww!" (It feels very novel!) Hu Yang said. At this time, the hatch on the other side slowly opened.

  The fire-breathing dragon that turned into Populus euphratica came out from inside, looking at himself opposite with a face full of novelty.

  It seems that it has not yet adapted to the human vocal organs. It opened its mouth, but did not speak.

   And at this moment, there was a sound from upstairs, and Geng Gui floated down from above.

  It looked at the situation in the living room blankly: "Koujie..." Hu Yang became playful, and it manipulated the body of the fire-breathing dragon to walk to him.

   Geng Gui looked at this scene and blinked.

  Bi Zhihui understood what he meant, and asked with a smile: "Geng Gui, can you tell the difference between Populus euphratica?"

   Populus euphratica…

   Geng Gui was taken aback for a moment, its eyes subconsciously surrendered to Populus euphratica standing beside the fire-breathing dragon, but it keenly noticed something was wrong.

   It seems that something has become different from before. Geng Gui's expression became serious, and he circled around one person and one dragon with his arms folded, and then locked his eyes on the fire-breathing dragon.

   "Pulphus euphratica?" it asked.

  Hu Yang was surprised: "How did you recognize me?!" Geng Gui said triumphantly: "Guess!"

  Hu Yang looked down at himself, he didn't feel any difference after he became a fire-breathing dragon.

   At this time, Bogaman and the baby Tyrannosaurus also ran down from upstairs. Seeing them, Dazhi also asked the question just now. Hearing this, the two Pokémon looked at "Hu Yang" with a puzzled expression, with some doubts in their eyes.

  They ran to "Hu Yang" and threw themselves into his arms happily. The fire-breathing dragon clumsily caught them, and touched their heads like Populus euphratica.

  The two Pokémon didn't feel it. Hu Yang: "..."

  Geng Gui let out a giggle from the side. Seeing this, Populus euphratica became even more curious.

  However, Geng Gui kept a mysterious look and refused to tell him. Hu Yang had no choice but to exchange it with the fire-breathing dragon first, because it was getting late and he was going to prepare dinner for everyone.

   After the baby Tyrannosaurus and Bogaman learned the truth of the matter, they immediately showed shocked expressions on their faces and petrified in place.

  How does this machine do it? ! They looked at Populus euphratica.

  Hu Yang spread his hands: "I don't know either."

  The Pokémon world is always this kind of weird black technology. In the game, Zhenghui even merged with a Pokémon.

  Hu Yang touched the heads of a few Pokémon, then came to the living room and began to prepare for everyone

   Had dinner.

   Three days later, on June 18, 215 in the Alliance Calendar, Populus euphratica left the ecological park and set off for the Alola region.

  There are important things to do when I go out this time, and most of the time I am on the road, it is difficult for Pokémon to come out once a day while staying in the Poké Ball.

   Therefore, Populus euphratica left most of the Pokémon on his body in the ecological park, and only brought five of them: Reshiram, Kyurem, Arceus, Guyue Bird and Gengar.

  Before leaving, he assured everyone that after returning this time, he will start a new trip with everyone.

  The Pokémon obediently agreed.

   Just like that, Hu Yang bid farewell to everyone, and flew to the Alola region in Reshiram.

  The Alola region is far away from other regions. In the south of the planet, the climate is warm and it is like spring all year round. It is a world of beaches and swimwear.

   Populus euphratica went there this time, the purpose is not to travel, but to live

  Three Pokémon in that area.

   Mane Rock Werewolf, Wearing Bear, Zeraora.

  Jeraola, commonly known as the electric cat, has blue pads on her hands and is covered with a layer of soft and smooth fur

  When I saw it for the first time, Populus euphratica was attracted by its appearance, and chased after Zeraola's footsteps to subdue it.

  At first, Zeraora did not agree, but after his persistent efforts, he finally chose to follow him, travel and live with him.

  The figure of Zeraora appeared in the mind of Hu Yang. A selfless Pokémon who would risk his life to save other Pokémon, Zeraora has a strong will that allows him to overcome unbelievable pain.

  Because of this character of Zeraora, in the later stages of the previous reincarnation, Hu Yang often took it and the naughty panda to walk around to help those humans and Pokémon in need.

   But Maneyan werewolf, when Populus euphratica met it for the first time, it was still a

  A rock dog. During the days together, it evolved into a reliable Mane Rock werewolf.

   As for the wearing bear... that's a very special Pokémon. That's right, it's the wearing bear that the Rockets trio met.

  In the last reincarnation, after the Rockets were eliminated, he hired the Rockets trio.

  The trio travels to the Alola region, collects information on the Pokémon there, and then encounters the wearing bear.

  Because there is no need to worry that the wearing bear will be used by the Rockets, the trio brought the wearing bear back to the ecological island when they parted, and let it live there.

   And after the death of the trio, the wearing bear has been living with him.

  The situation of wearing a bear is a bit complicated, this time Hu Yang intends to go to have a look at it and then leave.

   He doesn't intend to spoil the encounter between the wearing bear and the trio. As for the final weapon...

  Hu Yang decided to secretly use the power of creation to put the wearing bear and its child puppet bear to sleep, and then transfer them over to share life with them.

  Rashiram's speed is neither fast nor slow, carrying Populus euphratica to fly in this endless sea.

   Halfway through, he will let Kyurem freeze the sea and rest on it.

  The weather at sea is unpredictable, and on the evening of the second day after they left the Hoenn area, a storm blew up on the sea.

  The sky was shrouded in black clouds, torrential rain fell, and the wind rolled up the waves, mixed with lightning enough to tear the sky.

  It seems that the end of the world is coming.

   Populus euphratica created a barrier with the power of waveguide, blocking all the violent storms outside.

  After finishing all this, Hu Yang looked up at the sky, and took out his mobile phone to check the time. It was obviously before 6 o'clock and the sky turned into this.

  Hu Yang originally wanted Reshiram to speed up and fly out of the storm, but at this moment, his eyes caught a faint light on the pitch-black sea below.


   Populus euphratica some

   Puzzled, he patted Reshiram to signal it to slow down, and then released the power of the waveguide to explore that place.

   Soon, everything below was completely presented in his mind.

   On the sea, Hu Yang saw a ship.

  The size of the ship seems to be no less than the White Sea Lion he was on.

   Even so, in the vast and boundless sea, it is still too small, like a fallen leaf, drifting alone with the wind on the dark sea.

   There were many passengers on board the ship. Hu Yang looked through the cabin and saw the terrified passengers inside and the sailors at the helm braving the heavy rain.

  Looking at that scene, Hu Yang said to Reshiram: "Let's go down." Reshiram nodded slightly, stretched out the pair of white wings, and flew downward at an accelerated speed.

  Hu Yang did not look away, he saw a sailor accidentally

   Was hit by a beach chair, turned over the side of the boat and fell into the sea.

  His figure was swallowed by the sea water in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

   Seeing this scene, Hu Yang frowned, and wanted to use the power of creation directly, but suddenly, he felt something swimming up from the bottom of the sea.

  The thing was so fast that it rushed out of the sea almost in the blink of an eye, and flew from the sea to the sky.

  At this moment, time seems to have stopped. Hu Yang stared blankly at the black shadow.

  It was a mysterious Pokémon covered in jet black, it had a pair of ruby-like eyes.

  The pair of eyes lit up with a blue light at this moment, so clear in the storm.

  Terrifying superpowers surged out of it, turning into a torrent that engulfed the body of the drowning crew member and sent him back to the deck.

  Above the ship, the group of drenched sailors looked at the dark and mysterious figure in shock.

  They seemed to have forgotten how to speak, they just stood there blankly, staring at the Pokémon without blinking.