MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 605 small nebula

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  Chapter 605 Little Nebula

  The company's affairs began to gradually get on the right track. With Dazhi and Polygon, the development and sales of new products went very smoothly.

  Many department stores have taken a fancy to the market for these commodities, and they have come to seek cooperation and ask for agents.

   Hu Yang is not good at this aspect of content, so he can only entrust it to Dazhi.

   A few days later, the matter in the Fengyuan area was resolved, and Populus euphratica returned to the Alola area.

  Some time ago, in order to celebrate the second anniversary of the establishment of the Pokémon School, Dr. Kukui took Xiaozhi and the others to Kanto for outdoor courses. Populus euphratica had no classes, so he simply returned to Fengyuan to help.

   Now, Xiaozhi and his outdoor classes are over, and Hu Yang has also started to return to work in Pokémon School.

  In the evening, Populus euphratica sat on the beach of Fen Island of the ecological island to fish with Geng Gui and Gu Yueniao.

  The distance between the Kanto area and the Alola area is far away. Xiaozhi and the others should be sitting on the return plane now, and they will not be able to return to Pokémon School tomorrow.

  Hu Yang has nothing to do now, he is idle and bored, so he brought a few Pokémon to the beach to fish.

   "According to the plot, Xiaozhi and the others should meet Xiao Xingyun soon." Hu Yang looked at the fishing rod in front of him and thought silently.

   Next, the main plot of the Alola region will officially begin.

  Lusamine, Aether Foundation, Ultimate Defense Force, Ultimate Cave, Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma.

  The setting sun in the distance hides into the sea level, and the golden sunset glow sprinkles all over the sea surface, reflecting a sparkling scene.

   Hu Yang looked at this scene and sighed softly: "The world of young people!"

  Suddenly, the buoy floating on the sea moved.

  There is a fish hooked!

   Populus euphratica immediately closed his shot, and with crystal water droplets splashing in all directions, a big fat fish was hoisted up.

   Populus euphratica skillfully took off the hook and put the fish into a small bucket beside it.


  Gu Yue Bird also broke through the water, flew to the shore, and put the fish in its beak into the bucket.

   Seeing that the two had reaped a lot, Geng Gui on the side looked depressed, "Why can't I catch a single fish?"

  Seeing that Geng Gui was eager to try, and planned to throw away the fishing rod and go into the water to fry fish with moves, Populus euphratica quickly pulled it back, and said with a smile:

   "Forget it, this is enough for us to eat!"

   "Gah." Gu Yueniao on the side also called out.

   Geng Gui said angrily, "Don't go fishing again!"

   "Then let's take you to catch crabs next time!" Hu Yang said with a smile, "That's easy to catch."

   As he spoke, he stood up and stretched, and said, "It's getting late, it's time to go back!"

   "Okay." Geng Gui obediently stood up.

  Hu Yang picked up the keg, put away the fishing rod, and returned to the ecological park with Gu Yueniao and Geng Gui.

  At the door, Arceus was observing the crops they planted together that day.

  God created the world, and all things were born in this world and multiplied until today.

  For the **** who created everything, this kind of thing exceeded his expectations, and a feeling called "wonderful" emerged in his heart.

   "Good afternoon!" Hu Yang greeted Arceus.

   "Good afternoon." Arceus looked over.

  Seeing Populus euphratica coming back, the Pokémon in the ecological park also surrounded him.

   Populus euphratica carried a small bucket full of fish, smiled and said to them: "Go outside and play for a while, I will cook fish for you tonight!"



  Naughty Panda and Apprentice Xiong showed happy expressions on their faces. Like good brothers, they ran to the grass not far away, where they started to learn.

  Hu Yang looked at the firm-eyed apprentice Xiong and the naughty panda.

  In the previous reincarnation, these two Pokémon both actively chose to evolve.

  Apprentice Xiong completed the high tower practice on the island of armor together with him.

  Naughty Panda also understands that a hero lies not in appearance, but in a righteous heart that wants to help others.

  One of them evolved into a martial arts bear master, and the other evolved into a rogue panda.

   Just this time...

   Neither of these little guys seem to be in a hurry to evolve.

  Having been with them for a long time, Populus euphratica can guess their inner thoughts even without cheating.

  —They want to enjoy the leisure time at this stage.

  After evolution, Pokémon’s personality will change. For naughty pandas and apprentice bears, the current stage is probably equivalent to the childhood of human beings, right?

   Carefree, able to play happily with friends every day, and then stay with the trainer together and act like a baby to him.

  Hu Yang looked at the scene with folded arms.

   Forget it, don’t evolve if you don’t evolve! As long as the two little ones are happy.

  No matter what, he is the trainer.

   Ah, it seems that now is not the time to talk about this!

  Euphratica looked down at the fish jumping out of the bucket and was frantically flopping on the ground. He hurried forward to catch it, and then went to the kitchen with the small bucket.

   It just so happened that Dazhi walked over through the portal.

  Seeing it, Hu Yang asked with a smile: "Have you had dinner yet? I just caught a few fish, which are unique to the Alola region, and are hard to find in the Fengyuan region."

"Not yet." Dazhi said gently: "Musashi Kojiro and Miaomiao have already met the wearing bear, and they just called the ecological park to apply for a secret base in the wearing bear's lair, centering on the Alola area. Probing."

  Hu Yang hummed, "I see, I will contact them later."

  Dazhi nodded, and immediately stepped forward to help Populus euphratica handle the fish together.

  The two of them processed the fish and put it on the pot to cook. When the aroma wafted from the pot, the sky outside also darkened.

  Euphratica and Duzhi had dinner together, and when they parted, he asked him to bring some fish back for the dumb beasts and dumb beasts to try.

  Dazhi readily agreed, and carried the fish back to Fengyuan area through the portal.

  After it left, Populus euphratica began to wash the dishes with Roseredo and Xanadu.

   When everything was done, it was eight o'clock in the evening.

  Hu Yang was free now, and had time to contact the trio.

  He leaned on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and had a video communication with the trio.

   Soon, Kojiro's face appeared on the opposite side of the screen.

  Hu Yang scanned his background, and saw Musashi and Miaomiao next to him as expected.

   "Boss!" The trio immediately shouted excitedly.

  Hu Yang hummed calmly, and said: "I heard from Dazhi that you want to apply for the establishment of a secret base, don't you?"

"Yes, meow." Meow nodded: "Little devil head, he went to Pokémon school. The situation in the Alola area is different from other areas. Most of the islands are here. In this case, there is a secret base. Much more convenient meow!"

   "That's right." Kojiro agreed, "Take this as the center and gradually explore the surrounding areas."

  Hearing these words, Hu Yang said hello, "I will transfer the funds to you after the call is hung up."

   "That's great meow!"

  The trio huddled happily together.

  Hung up the phone, Hu Yang transferred the funds to Kojiro.

  He didn't ask too much about the trio.

  Including the last time Kojiro brought Musashi and Miaomiao back to the family to deal with the marriage contract.

  Although Hu Yang didn't know the process of that matter, he knew the answer very well in his heart.

  No matter this time or the last time, Kojiro did not marry his fiancée Rumika in the end.

  Hu Yang closed his eyes, carefully recalling the past bit by bit.

   After Xiaozhi stopped traveling, the three of them also stopped traveling.

   Kojiro left the family and became an excellent researcher.

After working as a Pokémon nurse for a while, Musashi resolutely embarked on the road of a big star. In the end, although he failed to become a star at the level of Caruni, he was also because of his mature and **** appearance and hot and unique personality. Personality and has been liked by many people.

   Miaomiao stayed on the island, living with the copy Miaomiao, occasionally helping Dazhi to make some machines.

  Later on, Kojiro's parents gradually grew older. For this son who pursued freedom, they went from anger to helplessness at the beginning, and finally they were moved by Kojiro's persistence and perseverance.

   After talking with his parents, Kojiro returned to the family and inherited the family property, then met Musashi who had become a star, married her, and had a son.

  After learning that Kojiro and Musashi had a child, Miaomiao left the ecological island, ran there to live with them, and helped them take care of the child.

   So far, the trio has not been separated until the end of their lives.


  The next morning.

  Hu Yang received a call from Dr. Kukui, saying that the outdoor courses of the students have ended and they can come to work.

  Hu Yang responded, and after breakfast, he rode the Lightning Bird to the Pokémon School.

   Arrived at the place, Populus euphratica said goodbye to Lightning Bird: "See you later!"

  Lightning Bird nodded, let out a sharp cry, then turned around and flew back to the ecological island.

  Watching its figure disappear, Hu Yang walked towards the Pokémon School.

  He sat in his seat, greeted Dr. Kukui who had just arrived, and asked with a smile, "How is the trip to Kanto going? Is it going well?"

Dr. Kukui hummed, with fiery eyes: "We went to visit Dr. Oki, and visited Dr. Oki's research institute. This trip was very rewarding. I plan to establish Pokémon like the Kanto Alliance in the Alola region. alliance!"

  Hu Yang: "Come on!"

  Dr. Kukui smiled and said: "It will definitely!"

  At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

   Immediately afterwards, Xiaozhi and his party ran into the office.

   "Dr. Kukui, Senior Hu Yang!" As he said, Xiaozhi opened his backpack, revealing the unknown creature made of gas that resembled a nebula inside.

   "Doctor, what kind of Pokémon is this?" Xiaozhi looked at Dr. Kukui, "I picked it up in the grass this morning, and I couldn't find any information about it in the Rotom Pokédex..."

  Hearing this, Dr. Kukui stood up and stepped forward to check the sleeping creature.

  But soon, he also shook his head and said, "I don't know what kind of Pokémon this is."

  Xiaozhi turned his attention to the well-informed Populus euphratica again, and asked, "Senior Populus euphratica, do you know it?"

  Hearing this, Hu Yang, who originally wanted to be an outsider to observe the development of the matter, could only pretend to step forward to check Xiao Xingyun.

  Xiaozhi and the others looked at him expectantly.

  Even Dr. Kukui turned his head and looked over.

   "..." Hu Yang pretended to be esoteric: "It looks like a nebula, with starlight shining on its body... If I guessed correctly, this should be the Pokémon named [Star Child] recorded in the ancient books of the Alola royal family."

  Xiaozhi and the others were slightly taken aback: "Son of the Star?"

  Hu Yang hummed: "A very rare Pokémon. According to legend, in the past, only the king of Alola and his heirs knew about this Pokémon. They called this Pokémon the Star Child."

  Xiaozhi lowered his head and looked at Little Nebula in his backpack.

  Hu Yang chose to act as a riddler, and continued: "According to the ancient legends of the Alola region, whether it is a Pokémon of this world is still a mystery, and no one knows its real name."

  As for the name Cosmog, it was only named by a doctor from the Aether Foundation in recent years.

  Hearing this, Xiaozhi was a little surprised: "Doesn't belong to this world?"

  Hu Yang nodded, with a serious expression on his face: "There are still many unknown things in this world. No, it's not just the world we live in."

   "Beyond this world, there are many other worlds, where humans and Pokémon also live. Some Pokémon and humans will travel to other worlds for some reason..."

   Speaking of this, Hu Yang couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

  Because he thought of Team Rainbow Rocket, an extremely evil organization that travels through time and space to conquer other worlds...

   Xiaozhi's voice came from next to his ear: "Senior Hu Yang?"

  Hu Yang came back to his senses, looked at Xiaozhi who was confused, and said to him:

  “For human beings, everything is strange at the beginning. Only with slow contact can we gradually understand the world and those things.”

   "So, get along well with this Pokémon first, and one day, you will be able to know everything about it."

   After listening, Xiaozhi was thoughtful.

   After a while, he nodded in relief and said with a smile, "I understand!"

  The class time is approaching, Xiao Zhi and his group left the office with Xiao Xingyun.

  Dr. Kukui looked at Hu Yang and asked, "Why did you suddenly lose your mind just now?"

   "I remembered something from the past." Hu Yang said with a smile.

  However, this world does not seem to be targeted by the Rainbow Rockets, because in the previous reincarnation, Hu Yang did not find any trace of their arrival.

   "So it is!" Dr. Kukui suddenly realized.

  Hu Yang wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by a text message.

  He sat back in his seat, took out his mobile phone, and saw a name on it that he hadn't seen for a long time.

  [Handsome guy: Hey, I’m back in the Alola region again, I really don’t want to come here! ]

  [Handsome Guy: Are you in the Alola region? Long time no see, do you want to get together? ]

  (end of this chapter)

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