MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 612 listless day

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  Chapter 612 A listless day

  Early morning, ecological garden.

  After Hu Yang prepared breakfast for everyone as usual, he was going to ride a fire-breathing dragon to work in Pokémon School.

   "See you at noon~"

   Rose Leiduo, Geng Gui and Shanaido stood behind the door and said goodbye to Populus euphratica.

  Hu Yang nodded with a smile, raised his hand and opened the door of the ecological park, and took the fire-breathing dragon outside.

  The sky is covered with large dark clouds, without a ray of sunshine, looking around, it gives people a feeling of depression and gloomy.

   Hu Yang looked at the cloudy sky above his head, feeling a little surprised.

   "Eh? It's cloudy?"

  This kind of weather is very rare in the Alola region.

   "Aww?" The charizard on the side noticed Hu Yang's expression, and let out a suspicious cry.

   "It's okay, I just feel that this kind of weather is rare in the Alola region." After saying that, Hu Yang turned over and rode on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, hugging it tightly, "Let's go!"


  The fire-breathing dragon nodded its head, waved its pair of jet-black dragon wings and flew into the sky, heading towards Melomele Island.

   Soon, the fire-breathing dragon arrived at its destination.

  Hu Yang bid farewell to it, then went upstairs to the office as usual.

   But what surprised him even more was that the huge office was empty at the moment.

  Hu Yang thinks that it is not too early for him to get up early. Normally, when he arrives at school, many teachers have already gathered in the office.

   And now...

  Hu Yang looked down at the time and found that it was almost eight o'clock.

   "Something is wrong."

  He just wanted to go out to have a look, Dr. Kukui finally arrived at the school belatedly.

   It's just that the difference from before is that today's Dr. Kukui is very sluggish and looks listless.

   Seeing Populus euphratica, Dr. Kukui yawned and said in a weak voice: "Morning, I don't know why, I feel very tired today, as if I haven't woken up..."

  Hu Yang raised his eyebrows, but did not speak.

  He glanced at the sky outside through the window, thinking that Necrozma might be the reason?

  At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then Xiaozhi and his party ran in from outside.

   "Senior Populus euphratica, Dr. Kukui!"

  Hu Yang looked at them and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Xiao Zhi observed Dr. Kukui and Hu Yang, and then asked: "Senior Hu Yang, do you feel any discomfort in your body? I don't know why, but today I saw many adults looking listless."

   "My parents are also like this." Kaqi nodded seriously, and his intuition told him that something must have happened.

  Hearing these words, Hu Yang said to himself as expected.

  Just as he was about to say something, the communicators of Xiaozhi and others rang.

  Xiaozhi pressed the button, and Lusamine's voice came from the other end:

   "This morning, the adults on the entire Alola land showed a lack of energy. Something must have happened behind this. Members of the Ultimate Defense Team, it's time for you to dispatch!"

   "Yes!" Xiao Zhi replied.

Lusamine paused, and then said: "I may not be able to provide you with much help in my current state, but today, a new member will join the Ultimate Defense Team to investigate with you and go to the base Let's meet here!"

"I see, let's rush over!" Xiaozhi also realized the seriousness of the matter at this time, he put away the communication device, and said to Hu Yang and Kukui: "Senior Hu Yang, Dr. Kukui, let's go first Already!"

   Kukui waved his hands at them weakly, "Although I don't know what happened, but be careful anyway, go..."

  Hu Yang also said: "I'll leave it to you."

  Xiaozhi nodded seriously, then turned around and took Lillie and the others to the base of the Ultimate Defense Team.

  Suddenly, only Kukui and Hu Yang were left in the office.

  Kukui sat listlessly on the chair, looked at Hu Yang, wondering, "Why do you feel that you haven't changed at all?"

   On the way to school, he saw that many adults looked listless.

  Hu Yang is not clear either, he guessed: "Probably because I am not yet an adult?"

  When he came back from time travel, Dialga used the power of time to restore his body to the stage when he was just ten years old.

   Now, although it has reached the 216th year of the league calendar, eight years have passed since he returned to this time from the future.

   But in terms of specific calculations, his current physical age is between 17 and 18 years old, and he has not yet reached the age of eighteen, that is, he is not yet an adult.

  Hu Yang thought it was nothing, but Dr. Kukui looked very surprised: "What? You are not yet an adult? My God! I always thought you were over 20 years old!"

  Hu Yang: "...That's probably because I grow faster." In fact, it was affected by the final weapon.

  Although he shares his vitality, his changed body will not be affected, it just prevents him from growing into a giant with a height of more than three meters in the future!

   "Oh." Dr. Kukui felt his muscles go limp. He leaned back on the chair and said, "I'm so envious."

   "..." Hu Yang said: "I think it's better for you to go home and have a good rest in your current state. Xiaozhi and the others are going to investigate, and we don't have class today."

  Dr. Kukui nodded, but still did not move: "I see."

  Seeing Dr. Kukui's appearance, Hu Yang sighed silently, and planned to send him home first, and then go back.

  At this time, Cheng Ye Damu walked over from the outside, and he also looked listless. Seeing the two of them, Cheng Ye Damu said listlessly:

"I don't know what's going on today. Everyone looks weak. It seems that there is no way to go to class normally. I just notified the students and told them that the school is going to be closed for two days. I will come back to class after the teachers recover. .”

  Hu Yang said: "Xiaozhi and the others also set out to investigate this matter just now."

  Cheng Ye sighed, and Hu Yang comforted: "Don't worry, you will get better soon."

  Chengya nodded silently, looked at Dr. Kukui, and said, "Then go back and rest quickly!"

  Hu Yang responded, helped Dr. Kukui up and left the Pokémon School.

  He carried Dr. Kukui all the way back to his own home.

   Knocked on the door, and after a while, Dr. Barnett passed and opened the door.

  Hu Yang handed Dr. Kukui to her, and briefly explained the current situation.

  After listening, Dr. Barnett was a little worried: "Are you influenced by the Ultra Beast?"

   "Yes, the Ultimate Defense Team has gone to investigate." Hu Yang said: "It should be fine soon."

  Dr. Barnett nodded, "Thank you for sending Kukui back, Teacher Hu Yang."

  Hu Yang smiled, bid farewell to Barnett and Kukui, turned around and called the fire-breathing dragon to pick him up and return to the ecological island.

  On the grass outside the gate of the ecological garden, Arceus stood here, looked up at the sky, and said to Populus euphratica: "I feel that a special breath has come to this world."

  Hu Yang was not surprised, he said to Arceus: "That is the Necrozma I told you about before."

   As he spoke, Hu Yang walked into the ecological park, turned on the TV and sat on the sofa.

  The TV news is broadcasting about the strange situation that happened this morning. The female reporter holding a microphone is standing on the street, facing the camera and telling the situation.

   "I don't know why, all the adults in the Alola area lost their energy this morning and became weak..."

   Hu Yang looked at this scene, thinking that Xiaozhi and the others had already seen Necrozma following the energy fluctuations of the Ultra Beast.

  In the next plot, Necrozma and Lunala merged into the form of Wings of Dawn.

  The small nebula went back to the Alola region through the ultimate hole, separating Necrozma and Lunala.

   Necrozma merged with the small nebula, and returned to the ultimate cave in the form of the evening mane.

   In order to save Nebula and the Alola region, Xiaozhi and his team entered the ultimate space under the leadership of Lunala.

  Hu Yang silently recalled these plots in his mind, these things obviously cannot be ended in a short while.

  It seems that Xiaozhi and the others will have to be busy for a while!

  Hu Yang stood up and went to the kitchen to get tea and hot water.

  He made tea while watching the news.

  At this time, Arceus came in from the outside.

  Hu Yang looked at Arceus and asked, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

   Arceus shook his head and asked, "Aren't you going?"

  Hu Yang: "Xiaozhi and the others are fine."

"All right."

  Seeing this, Arceus stopped talking. He knelt beside Populus euphratica, smelling the scent of tea, and watched the news on TV with him.

  At this time, Master Xiong and the naughty panda ran down from the second floor.

  When they saw Populus euphratica, they ran to Populus euphratica one after another.

   "Stubborn?" The naughty panda looked puzzled.

  Hu Yang replied: "Because something happened temporarily, the school is on holiday."

   The naughty panda suddenly realized that it was so!

  Hu Yang looked at the two little guys, and stretched out his hand to hug them into his arms.

  Xiong apprentice and naughty panda sat on Populus euphratica's lap like two good babies, without struggling.

  Hu Yang saw that their fur was stained with dust, so he patted them, then looked at Apprentice Xiong, and asked, "After a while, I'll take you back to Kai Island to visit Master Ma and Mi Ye."

   "Yeah~" Apprentice Xiong nodded happily.

  Hu Yang thought that at this time before, Apprentice Xiong had already evolved into a reliable martial arts bear master, but now, it seemed that he was not in a hurry.

  Hu Yang thought for a while and asked, "Are you going to challenge the Twin Fist Tower then?"

   "Oh..." Apprentice Xiong and the naughty panda exchanged glances, and the two little guys shook their heads one after another.

  They don't want to evolve. After such a long time, whether it is getting stronger or exercising, it is no longer their first choice.

  Now they just want to stay with Populus euphratica as they are now, forever.

   Moreover, after evolution, they cannot run into Populus euphratica's bed and sleep in his arms.

  Hu Yang saw what Apprentice Xiong was thinking, raised his eyebrows, nodded and said: "Well, it doesn't matter if you don't challenge, then we will just visit Master Ma and Mi Ye."



   Seeing the two little guys, Hu Yang couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

  He will not force apprentice bear and naughty panda to evolve.

  Because with him, they can never grow up.

   There are less than five chapters left



  (end of this chapter)