MTL - Pokémon World’s Male Mother-Chapter 10 chance encounter

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[Union 200, March 16.

Today, Ah Suan has learned "parasitic seeds", and the growth level should have reached level 9...]

Just as Eminem set up the tent and started writing the diary, he heard an unusual noise gradually coming.

Seeing that it was already dark at this time, Eminem had sprinkled the dispelling powder around which ordinary Pokémon didn't like, and there was something approaching, Eminem immediately became alert!

Although Pokémon are generally not malicious, but...after all, it is under the premise of "normal".

There are some Pokémon that are violent and sometimes hurt humans, and it is not that trainers are killed every year on their journeys. It’s just a matter of proportion.

Eggy and Frog Seed were already outside, so they all looked at the direction from which the voice came from.

At night, and ignoring the dispelling powder...

Could it be a ghost-type Pokémon?

Eminem is also a little nervous!

"Most of the time" Pokémon won't hurt people, but there are always accidents.

Among the various examples of harming humans, the number of appearances of Ghost-type Pokémon should be second only to the Bug-type among the eighteen types.

Because even if they are not malicious, their special properties may harm humans.

The ghost type, super energy type, dragon type, and fairy type are listed as the four most difficult to train. Because these four types have the fewest trainers, they are also called "the upper four types" among the people.

If there is no corresponding talent, these four types are extremely difficult to train, and if the ghost type Pokémon is forcibly trained, it will have serious side effects!

Having no ghost-type talent and staying with ghost-type Pokémon with insufficient intimacy for a long time will invisibly damage the health of the trainer - this is not the maliciousness of the Pokémon, but the natural erosion of ghost-type energy.

Therefore, in ancient times, ghosts were very feared by people, and even because ghost-type trainers often had a gloomy temperament, they would be excluded and persecuted in ancient times!

But Eminem is just nervous now, not really worried, after all...

The qualifications that "Beast Tamer" bestowed on Eminem were already non-exclusive to all attributes—although there were no additional bonuses like various attribute talents, at least there was no need to worry about side effects.

In addition, choosing the sequence of "Moon Path" twice in a row also made Eminem's trainer talent tend to be "Evil", "Ghost" and "Goblin".

After getting closer, Eminem heard it, and it seemed that in addition to the footsteps, there was also... the sound of some kind of metal structure turning?

Could it be the "steel type + ghost type"?

A strong shield sword monster?

Although they are on the same continent as Shenao, it's rare to see the Shield Sword Monster family in the Kanto area, right?

I saw the bushes on the side. After a while, a strange-looking large Pokémon was revealed. The lower body looked like a human, and the upper body had two tires...

Huh? Doesn't seem right?

Wouldn't it be Gulerton or Millerton?

"Who?" Eminem took a flashlight and took a picture.

A Pokémon that uses light directly to act at night...

This is very amateurish, and it is likely to anger the other party... If it is a Pokémon!

But Eminem saw something wrong from the outline before, and sure enough, when he took a photo at this time, the other party's true form was revealed.

It's a girl... carrying a bicycle!

"Ah!" The girl exclaimed in surprise.

She was also taken aback when she was suddenly photographed.

"It scared me to death, it turned out to be the trainer..." The girl let out a sigh of relief after seeing it clearly.

"Are you... a martial arts trainer?" Eminem couldn't help but speculate when he saw her carrying a bicycle.

"I...I'm not a martial arts trainer! My name is Xiaoxia, can you...let me rest for a while?" Xiaoxia said to rest, but she kept looking at the electric hot pot beside her.

"Yes, if you don't dislike it, there are some instant curries..." Eminem was stunned when he heard the name, but he didn't ask anything in detail.

Traveling trainers helping each other in the wild is an unwritten "rule" and a custom in the Pokémon world.

"Thank you so much!" Xiaoxia said quickly.

Xiaoxia seemed to have been tossed enough before. After Eminem heated up the instant curry and rice, she devoured it.

Although I don't know if this Xiaoxia is Pei Xiaoxia, but... I should be a year or two younger than Eminem in age. Nine times out of ten, it is the "lower age limit for travel".

That is to say...

It shouldn't be the "master design" in the game!

But Eminem didn't ask any more questions, instead, she was a little curious about her previous behavior of carrying a bicycle.

The bicycles in this world are still quite advanced, not to mention light and foldable, and more importantly, they have excellent off-road performance.

After all, there is a vast "wild" area, and bicycles have become a necessity for many trainers who do not ride Pokémon. With demand, natural progress will be extremely fast.

Generally, unless it is extreme terrain such as a swamp, or a place that is too steep, the bicycle can ride on flat ground.

But now Xiaoxia's bicycle doesn't seem to be very good...

"Are you attacked by a circle bear?" Eminem asked curiously. UU reading

In the vicinity of this area, the Pokémon that attack humans with a relatively high frequency are the Ring Bear and the Giant Needle Bee.

Big Stingray is a wild Pokémon, the representative of irritability and aggressiveness, with strong territorial awareness, coupled with a large number of them, in all kinds of wild Pokémon attacks in Guandu, Stingray wasps can account for half of them;

Although Circle Bear is a registered Pokémon in the Chengdu area, it is classified in the Chengdu Pokédex, but Guandu is so close to Chengdu, the wild native Pokémon on both sides basically overlap, and the Pokémon registered in other areas are also It's not necessarily not, it's just a matter of how many, and circle bears are also very irritable, especially when raising bear cubs.

Looking at the various deformations of this bicycle, it is obviously not stung by a large needle bee...

"How do I know! It's really unfortunate to say it. The day before yesterday, I met a kid in a red hat who stole my bicycle and ran away... When I finally found it again, the car was already like this! I don't know how long it will take. When I go to Victory City, I can't repair it well..." Xiaoxia said angrily.

slim Shady:…

The kid in the red hat? Sounds like a fascination...

"Is it a red hat kid with Pikachu?" Eminem confirmed.

"Ah? Do you know him? Can you help me find him when I arrive in Vibran City?" Xiaoxia looked like she wanted him to pay for the bicycle.

"This... First of all, I don't have his contact information. I just played against him once before, and then he was in a hurry and forgot to add friends." Eminem guessed that it was Xiao Zhi.

"First of all?" Xiaoxia noticed Eminem's choice of words.

"Well, secondly, the current direction is to go to Maple Leaf Town. If you go to Maple Leaf Town, you can arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If you go to Joban City... in the direction you came from."


Read The Duke's Passion