MTL - Pokémon World’s Male Mother-Chapter 715 this grandson...

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The Iron Arm Shrimp Gun is a jet-powered weapon made from the shells of the "Iron Arm Shrimp" evolved into the "Steel Arm Shrimp".

The characteristic of the "Iron Arm Gun Shrimp" is a super launcher], and its own physiological structure does have the characteristic of strong ejection power.

The "iron arm shrimp gun" made of this material has small recoil and high power. It was very popular in the Quartz Alliance at that time, and many law enforcement officers, including the court Junsha, were equipped with it.

But now it has been eliminated due to various problems...

The bullet in the murdered lawyer's body was indeed the bullet of the court Junsha, so he was extremely suspicious from the beginning.

At this time, Ms. Maiko, in cooperation with Junsha, used magic means to condense the last bit of consciousness of the murdered lawyer, and asked the murderer, and indeed testified against Junsha, who was also in the court!

However, in the end, the court Junsha was acquitted of the crime on the grounds of "affected mental state" in court...

"Huh? So... Grandma Maiko's questioning of the spirit is not wrong!" Conan found the problem after a cursory look.

Using "mental problems" to get rid of the crime, isn't this an indirect confession?

I just shirked to "I didn't realize it at the time"...

"So... what happened to Ms. Maiko is more about being squeezed out by the Ministry of Magic, and secondly, it's about violating the quarantine law. It's not a matter of mistakes at all." Eminem nodded approvingly.

As for the truth, in fact, Eminem doesn't know, after all, Eminem has never played "Ace Attorney, just hearsay, and his familiarity is far less than that of Conan.

"But to be able to ask the deceased directly... Isn't that too shameless?" Conan complained a little bit shocked.

"Speaking of which, there are quite a lot of restrictions. You don't have to worry about losing your job." Amu comforted.

This should be the unique secret skill of the Gaunt family. If there are descendants of Clow Rido, maybe he can also master it. I don’t know if it will work—because... just like in the original work, Gaunt and Slater Ye Hao Lin, his ancestor was the first owner of Cosmos in the "Three Brothers of the Deathly Hallows", that is, the Resurrection Stone in the Deathly Hallows.

The power of the Resurrection Stone is to make people see the "dead". Although it may be just an illusion, it is undoubtedly a power that can communicate with the undead...

As a successor of this lineage, some abilities like this are perfectly normal.

Maiko inherited this kind of power, and likewise... Maya, who has more blood than Eri, is also a magician who is more inclined to the ghost system.

And there are many restrictions on its use, for example, the dead cannot die for too long!

Eminem reckoned that the attack on the court building before was the suspicion of wizards. After all, during that time, Voldemort had just "died" not long ago, and it was just when the Death Eaters were just defeated and running around.

It is not a coincidence that Maiko will appear in Yuanzhu, but to cooperate with the investigation of this court attack...

As for the "shooting in the elevator", it is just a derivative case of the "court attack". It stands to reason that after it is proved that there is no trace of magic here, Maiko should not be involved in it anymore, and just cooperate with the investigation of the attack. Other Aurors Most do.

But what Maiko thought at the time was that with a little help from herself, the real murderer could be brought to justice, and...the death of the victim lawyer was about to expire, so Maiko didn't have much chance to hesitate.

However, it was such a "reasonable and reasonable" thing that made Maiko a loser.

"But from this point of view, the incident of being shot in the elevator should have nothing to do with Director Ahao..." Conan grumbled.

"Are you feeling sick in your stomach? The food is already served."

Just after Conan muttered something, Long Yi came to the bathroom, as if to call them...

Conan quickly put away his cell phone—this matter has nothing to do with Long Yi, and he also wants to be a lawyer, so it's better not to tell him, lest he provoke the people in the prosecutor's office


"What director Ahao were you talking about just now?" Long Yi heard a little bit.

"Uh... this... I heard..." Conan's little head turned quickly, as if he wanted to make up a reason.

But don't use him to make it up!

Long Yi himself laughed and said: "Are you talking about the rookie competition? Ah Mu, you are really unlucky, let's just forget about the bad lottery last time, this time..."

"Huh? This time Sakagi is going to play tricks? He is a champion!" Amu said in shock—how shameless is this guy?

"Huh? What does it have to do with Champion Sakagi? I mean... you don't know yet, right? The seed player that everyone is rumored to be in Chengdu is the grandson of Director Ahao, Ayu?" Long Yi said. While looking at Eminem inexplicably.

"A Prison?" Ah Mu's expression was weird - just now Ah Mu also checked, this guy is called Hunting Mohao, his son is called Hunting Moyou, daughter is called Hunting Moming... Now his grandson is called Hunting Devil Prison? How much does he like this style?

His son is Junsha in Yuanzhu, his daughter is in other regions, and his grandson... Ah Mu just heard that it sounds like he is only an adult this year and is about to participate in the rookie competition...

Then Long Yi was even more confused: "You don't know? Then what were you talking about just now?"

"Ahem, of course we know! I'm just surprised... why do you think A prison is my opponent? Let me tell you, even if Shou Mohao came to draw lots in person this time, I would crush him!" Amu said with her head held high.

"But... I heard that this time, Ah Ji inherited that long-haired troll directly from his grandfather..." Long Yi looked worried for Ah Mu.

"What's the matter with the long-haired troll? Just play a support..." Eminem said indifferently.

"Huh? I heard that it was Director Ahao's trump card before! Although Director Ahao is not a professional trainer, the ace Pokémon is also very strong." Long Yi came back from the Chengdu area before, UU reading www.uukanshu .com and...Compared to Eminem, who was too confident to inquire about the news, he at least heard some gossip.

Eminem still wasn't too worried, but...asked in bewilderment: "Is the whole family shameless?"

Bajir, at any rate, those Yin Bu, grew up with him, and indeed grew up with him step by step...

To directly inherit the trump card of grandpa and come to play in the rookie competition...isn't it shameful?

Although if you can really command powerful Pokémon, it can indeed be regarded as an ability in itself, and it is not easy to do it, but... Generally speaking, people who want to face will not do it!

Otherwise, if Ah Mu borrowed a big sky king from Mr. Jumu, wouldn't he just break through the rookie competition?

At this moment, Long Yi said somewhat embarrassingly: "It seems... I heard... it was because I heard that you went to Chengdu to compete, so he did this, on the surface it was under the banner of not letting the people of Kandu win against us]. "

"What Kanto people? Don't you know that I'm an orphan?" Eminem yelled.

"Of course, anyone with a discerning eye knows that he's just looking for compensation..." Seeing this, Long Yi comforted him.

"Hmph, I just despise him... What trump card, just this? That's all?" Eminem has actually been looking up information in the illustrated book.

At this time, Eminem also saw that the so-called trump card was just a "long-haired troll" that was considered good in the Heavenly King class and was far from the strength of the Great Heavenly King. After all, Shoumohao was not a professional trainer.

Although it was ten years ago that this "long-haired troll" shot last time, considering its age with Ah Hao, Eminem felt that it would be good if he didn't regress.

Putting it among ordinary newcomers, it is indeed a quack killing, but when you meet Eminem...

There is no other Pokémon of the same level to cooperate, and Eminem guarantees that only "Quack" will be left after killing him!

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