MTL - Pokémon World’s Male Mother-Chapter 730 majestic teeth

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Union 28 Dec 200.

Sister Qingmei has already gone to Light Red City to buy new year's goods and prepare for the new year, while Ah Mu is still busy with her own experiments these days!

Although Grandma Lei Xi has a very vicious tongue, and she won't directly tell Ah Mu what to do, but she will give Ah Mu some advice at critical times...

If Eminem was just an "ordinary young talent level" pharmacist, then if she begged Lei Xi hard at this time, maybe she would give the answer directly, and then let him review it by himself.


Ah Mu is already an expert pharmacist, and Lei Xi doesn't think that doing so will bring him any help in terms of "pharmaceutical science"!

So it took one day to refine the Little Elephant Ancient Evolution Potion], and another two days to refine the Fat Suppressant Potion] and the Hair Growth Potion]...

Today, Eminem is going to try to guide the evolution—originally, Eminem wanted to ask Grandma Leixi to watch over it to avoid accidents, but Grandma Leixi said that there is an important order today, so she asked Eminem not to bother her.

The ability of a master pharmacist generally manifests in two aspects. One is the development of universal medicines. Once such medicines are developed, even if they cannot be mass-produced, at least they can be refined by other first-level or expert-level pharmacists. , refined in batches;

On the other hand, there are unique medicines, or some special formula medicines, which can only be refined by master pharmacists. The materials usually used in such medicines are destined not to be refined in batches. Even the Pokémon material of the Great Heavenly King level.

The owner of the Gold Pavilion asked Eminem to refine it before, which also belongs to this kind, but the refining is not so difficult, and Eminem who is an expert can also control it.

Usually, no one will make universal improvements to this type of medicine, after all, the raw materials have already been determined, and it is impossible to mass-produce them and then put them on the shelves!

In terms of making money, pharmacists who develop more universal formulas must have a lot of money, but... the role of the latter cannot be measured by money.

When the owner of the gold pavilion asked Ah Mu to refine the potion, he just bartered.

And Grandma Leixi usually spends most of her time like an ordinary old pharmacist, taking orders from surrounding towns, or directly helping neighbors in Songzao Town to make medicines.


If it is an "important order", then it must be an "order" sent by a real "important person" who knows the true strength of Grandma Leixi.

Even if Ah Mu wants to "OEM", it may not have that level, and... Ah Mu, who knows Grandma Leixi, understands that this is not a matter of orders, but that Grandma Leixi does not want to go in a "safe" situation. do what!

Nervousness is part of growing up as a pharmacist and something to overcome!

Otherwise, even if there is an order, it will not take half a day...

Therefore, Ah Mu didn't say much. Early in the morning, Ah Mu took Xiao Ai to the woods behind Songzao Town, preparing to promote the final evolution of Rolling and Mao Mao. Grandma Lei Xi uses it.

When Eminem came all the way, he greeted all the townspeople he met—the town is not big, and most of the families know each other.

Among the residents of the small town, Eminem, who is already an "expert pharmacist", has become "other people's child", "younger than blue"...

After all, everyone doesn't know Grandma Leixi's abilities, and they only think of her as an ordinary pharmacist—even though for Songzao Town, an ordinary pharmacist is enough status, after all, there is no big hospital in the town. With headaches and brain fever, they all pointed at Grandma Leixi, but obviously no one thought that Grandma Leixi would be a master who had reached the pinnacle of pharmacy.

Even Qingmei can be regarded as "other people's children", let alone the youngest expert pharmacist Emu who has been on the news...

The townspeople probably thought that it was Grandma Leixi who brought Ah Mu in. Afterwards, Ah Mu improved quickly enough and went out to study for a few months before becoming an expert pharmacist.

Eminem couldn't explain to everyone on his own behalf, so he had to accept these flattery with some embarrassment, and introduced his "sister" to everyone, and then went all the way to the forest on the west side of the town.

At this time, Eminem released all six Pokémon, except for Mao Mao, they were Ghost Stone, Pippi, Little Plane and Dali.

This is also what Amite went to the Pokémon Center in the town to change, because other Pokémon are needed during the period, so be careful around, lest there are wild Pokémon to make trouble...

The small plane can give early warning in the air, and the powerful force can deter the most insect-type Pokémon in the wild, Ghost Stone and Pipi... As long as they don't make trouble, IQ can handle most situations.

And in fact, it is not far from the town, and there are not many wild Pokémon.

"Be careful around you." Eminem said to the four of them.

Then he looked at Gun Gun, then at Maomao, UU reading and then looked back at Gun Gun and said, "Gun Gun, come first! After taking this potion, your body will be in a state closer to that of ancient times. In the state of elephant, take this potion after half an hour... This is to remove the invariant potion you took before.”

In fact, Gun Gun could evolve a long time ago, but E-Mu has been suppressing it with potions.

After Gun Gun drank the first potion, his body gradually began to turn red and his body temperature began to rise. Fifteen minutes later, his muscles seemed to have swelled a little, making him look rounder...

Seventeen minutes later, the white light of evolution began to flash occasionally on his body. Seeing this, Xiao Ai immediately reminded: "Quick, use the second potion in advance!"

She judged that it was the unchanging potion] I couldn't hold it back anymore!

In order to avoid accidents, Ah Mu directly administered the evolution-promoting potion to Gun Gun in advance.

Different from the general "Little Elephant" evolution-promoting potions, the pair that Amu made for Gun Gun added some ingredients that tend to stimulate the ability of "skill accumulation speed"--the racial value of "Majestic Fang" is not only higher than that of "Dunjia "Higher, proportionally more focused on speed】some.

After evolution, the speed race value of 87 points, although it is not considered a high-speed Pokémon, it is no longer a slow one.

As soon as the second potion was applied, Gun Gun's whole body immediately flashed with the light of continuous evolution...

And in the light, I saw that Rolling's body gradually swelled, first reaching a height of more than one meter, and then stagnated under Eminem's anxious eyes!

At this time, Ah Mu and Xiao Ai used the third spray, spraying around the rolling...

Unlike ordinary evolution, the light of evolution did not go out, but continued to expand after stagnating for a period of time.

After a while, it swelled to a height of nearly two meters, and... even if it was still flashing, the huge ivory was clearly visible!

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