MTL - Pokémon World’s Male Mother-Chapter 760 invite

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The criminal is you! "Under the testimony of the "sleeping Kogoro", the patient who pretended to be lame in one leg pleaded guilty on the ground in an otr posture....Amu and Xiaoxia just arrived at the hospital with a cake, in the lobby on the first floor Here, I saw this scene. There are still many Junshas around at this time. After asking a little bit, Eminem knew that a serious... homicide case happened in the hospital just now! But the good news is that the case has been broken now Seeing that Kogoro was almost snoring in his sleep, Eminem suddenly wondered what would happen if he gave Kogoro a zero fruit in advance...Of course, I just thought about it in my heart, and it wouldn't really matter. After all, Kogoro is not a Pokémon, and the effect of the tree fruit is not so good. Even if it is a Pokémon, if you want to delay the automatic "de-hypnosis" effect of the zero fruit, you must make the zero fruit potion, Just eat it in advance. Soon the prisoner was taken away, and Kogoro woke up in good time. Facing everyone’s compliments... Kogoro just accepted the order! I don’t see him being more confused, probably already accepted, and he has the first The personalities of the two are set. Xiaolan is on the side, unable to bear the appearance of her father, she quietly pulls Conan, escapes from the encirclement of reporters who are swarming, and just sees Ah Mu and Xiaoxia. "Xiaoxia, Ah Mu ! You also came to visit the garden, right? "Xiaolan quickly greeted the two of them. "Yes, you are..." Xiaoxia looked at the "busy" registration hall suspiciously. Amu looked at Conan suspiciously, making the latter raise his eyebrows at him Eye—Even if Eminem doesn't speak, Conan can guess that he must be criticizing himself in his heart again! "Just now there was a super bad guy who not only killed the doctor here, but also wanted to pretend to be a ghost-type Pokémon Fate..." Xiaolan said indignantly. "Sister Xiaolan, there is no ghost-type Pokémon in the world that can kill itself, it must be done by humans... Ah! Uncle Kogoro said that, hehehe..." Conan was afraid of revealing his secrets, so he quickly explained. This is probably the same as Conan in "Conan World", who would never believe in curses. Although the alliance has been 200 years, the wild There are still many "pots" of Pokémon, especially the ghost-type Pokémon. Up to now, some people still believe that some ghost-type Pokémon are transformed by the wronged souls after death. Xiaolan was embarrassed when she heard the words. She also believed before Come on, and change the subject: "Do you feel... the law and order seems to have deteriorated recently? ""Um? well enough? "Xiaoxia's real feeling is that except when she meets Yuanzi and the others, she is fine at other times." So... sometimes I feel that the general environment is not good, so I still have to review whether I have damaged the general environment. "Amu said while looking at Conan. At this time, everyone came to Yuanzi's ward. As the eldest lady of the Suzuki Group, of course it was the most high-end private room—if Yuanzi didn't think it was necessary, he could actually find a private hospital for special services. ..."Xiaolan, why are you so slow? Even Eminem and Xiaoxia have arrived. "Yuanzi complained. The appointment time with Xiaolan was much earlier than this. "I'm sorry, when we were downstairs, another incident happened..." Yuanzi immediately asked excitedly after hearing the words: "What happened?" ? I'm going to check it out! To tell you the truth, in fact, the last time I was in my elder sister's villa, I almost broke through! It’s just that you talk fast, Eminem…” “No, don’t go down, it’s over, my father just broke the eucalyptus. Xiaolan quickly stopped Yuanzi who wanted to get off the bed with one leg. "Let's try this!" I heard that it is a newly opened shop and it is very famous in Kota City. At this time, Xiaoxia took out the cake she bought earlier. It seems that the evaluation of this store is not fake. Conan, do you prefer matcha flavor? We can go again tomorrow! "Xiao Lan also likes it very much." Hmm! "Conan looked cute. Ah Mu always felt that this wave of Xiaoxia was a little sorry for the owner of the shop, but she didn't mean to go and have a look. After all... In the next few days, Ah Mu will go to the battle club. "You guys Are you going to Nibi City after that? "Yuanzi specifically asked Ah Mu and Xiaoxia. "Should be going... But Ah Mu said that he would stay in Jiantian City for a while, and also go..." Xiaoxia just said halfway, Yuanzi said with a little blush : "How much, stay longer? In fact, I will recover soon..." "Huh? What? "Xiaoxia didn't hear clearly, she kept muttering what to say about cake." Ah! No! You just said to stay for a while..." Yuanzi quickly covered it up, only Xiaolan seemed to have discovered something, and looked at Yuanzi with some doubts. Xiaoxia also looked at Ah Mu when she heard the words, and Ah Mu nodded and said: "Well, after that, we need to train a few more difficult skills, at least wait until they are basically familiar with the skills before going on the road. "Because what I want to learn this time is a skill that Eminem has not mastered in any Pokémon, so you can only continue learning on the road after you are basically familiar with the skills, otherwise you will not be able to train on the road. Hearing this, Yuanzi couldn't help but relax. Tone, at the same time... subtly uncomfortable, and then quickly changed the topic by himself: "It's good that you go to Nibi City later! May 5th... May 5th, remember to go to Nibi City! ""May the fifth?" Is there a problem? "Amu sees Yuanzi's special emphasis, as if there is something wrong. "On May 5th, my uncle will hold an exhibition at the Fossil Museum in Nibi City...there will be a mega rough stone of Gyarados on display. We must treat you well! Yuanzi sent out a special invitation. "The mega stone of Gyarados?" "Amu was taken aback when he heard that. What's there to display about that thing? Mega stone, that is, a special "evolution stone" used to assist Pokémon's mega evolution. UU Reading Its formation principle , The principle of action is still under research. Mega evolution itself is a kind of "evolution" method that has been lost in a long history and has only been rejuvenated in recent years. To say that the number of trainers who have mastered mega evolution It’s really not that many—it’s estimated to be about the same number as the number of king-level trainers!… Not only the limitation of mega stones, but more importantly, to mega evolve, not only must Pokémon reach a certain level of growth, but also It is said that the bond between the trainer and the Pokémon must reach a certain level before it can be triggered. Most of the king-level trainers can do it, but... some kings can't do it, and there are also a few who are not kings, but can A trainer who evolves Pokémon mega. Unlike in games, there is no limit to the number of mega evolutions in the game, but it is true that when mega evolves, the trainer's physical or mental strength is also under pressure. There are many " Examples of trainers fainting halfway through mega evolution two or three times in one battle" or "long mega evolution". Generally, trainers who can mega evolve don't have too many mega evolution stones, and most of them only have one mega evolution stone. Evolution stone! Rare is indeed very rare, but...Em doesn't think that it has any artistic value that can be exhibited! "It's not a mega evolution stone, it's a mega rough stone! It’s true that it can be processed into a mega evolutionary stone, but it also has a certain collection value...” Sonoko said, and found a picture for Amu in the illustrated book. I saw a diameter of more than ten centimeters. The transparent spar in the image of a roaring Gyarados, if you look carefully, there is a blue and red interlaced three-dimensional rotating symbol in it... Gentleman Dong reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it