MTL - Pokemon’s Ultimate Backpack-Chapter 26 [All money! 】

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"Hello, please identify it seriously. This is a stupid fish from a friend of mine. I don't know how much I can change ..."

I lie down, do you eat too much milk powder? Don't you know that Stupid Fish is the original form comparable to the quasi-god Pokémon Minas? This kind of Pokémon actually wants to exchange it for money, you are crazy!

However, the fact was not as Xiao Xin thought. Hearing that someone was selling stupid fish, some people around them suddenly showed a scornful look, and the waiter in charge of the acquisition also smiled wryly: "I'm sorry sir, although I don't I know why you were brought to the treasure acquisition area, but I still regret that although the pokemon such as stupid fish is not very common, and it is still the original form of Minas, you want to cultivate a stupid fish into beauty Nas is too difficult, it takes a lot of time and financial resources, and no trainer is willing to train a stupid fish, so please go back, I ’m really sorry. "

"No, please wait. This stupid fish was actually entrusted to me by a friend of mine. I have trained for a full five years! He said that he would double the compensation for all the resources I consumed when he returned. So, in order to I spent all my family's savings on training this stupid fish, but not long ago my friend ... passed away by accident ... "

He looked very excited, and said that he had begun to sob softly, raised his hands and wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes, and then he looked up and begged the waiter in charge of the acquisition: "Please, I have nothing now, My daughter is seriously ill and needs a lot of medical expenses. I really ca n’t help it. I ’ve trained this stupid fish for five years. I believe it wo n’t take long to evolve into Minas. Please, please ... "

"This gentleman, I really want to help you, but our Yuyue Commercial Bank has regulations that cannot ..."

Seeing here, Xiao Xin really can't stand it anymore. Nima is just a **** for the door, oh no, great chance! Wouldn't it be a shame if we didn't grasp it well?

"Sorry to bother you!"

Finally, Xiao Xin interrupted their conversation with a loud voice. In the puzzled and weird sight of the people around, he slowly walked to the side of the middle-aged man who wanted to sell stupid fish, and took out the pictures on his body. He said, "Hello, uncle, I'm Xiao Xin, a trainer from Zhenxin Town. I'm very interested in Pokémon such as Stupid Fish. I don't know if it would be inconvenient for you to let your stupid fish out. Let me take a look? Oh yes, what would you call my husband? "

At first I saw Xiao Xin appear, and Aoyama Nara was still a little uneasy. I thought that I had delayed Xiao Xin's time. I had all apologized, but unexpectedly Xiao Xin said such a thing, which made Aoyama Nara ecstatic at the same time. He also felt extremely unreal. He didn't think it was his words that moved Xiao Xin, because he did n’t even know to what extent the stupid fish had reached now, and others would not believe in his words alone, but now this This matter is related to his daughter's life, so Aoyama Nara is not willing to let go of any hope!

Therefore, Nakao Aoyama bowed deeply to Xiao Xin, and after seeing the displeased expression on the faces of the people still standing in line behind him, he quickly turned back to Xiao Xin and sighed again To: "My name is Aoyama Nara. If you really want to buy this stupid fish, please go outside and talk to me. Pandas are not allowed to be released in Yuyue Commercial House."

"Is that so, okay ... huh? Are there any good things for you?" Xiao Xin was just ready to promise, but unexpectedly he patted his shoulder gently with Liang behind Xiao Xin, which made Xiao Xin strange, immediately Turn around and ask.

When I saw Xiao Xin ’s inquiries, my conscience was a joy again, knowing that the opportunity for my performance was coming, I did n’t dare to neglect and lowered my attitude respectfully: “Mr. Xiao Xin, I can take you to the VIP discussion room. There are trainers and businessmen who trade freely. There are no rules other than prohibiting conflicts ~ ~ I have to say that this person will look at other people's eyes very often, and generally such people will mingle in the future. Xiao Xin will not be too bad. Xiao Xin heard that she was more and more satisfied with Liang Yue. She immediately smiled and nodded: "Yes, but I have to wait for me to sell the things in my hand, and I will trouble you for a while." "

"No trouble, no trouble, just wait for a while, hehe ..." Seeing Xiao Xin agree with his opinion, Liang smiled and scratched his head, and then winked Qingshan Nairu to the side with a wink. Excited to be able to reach Xiao Xin, a big client, let alone wait a while, even if he is allowed to wait a day, he is willing!

After that, things were simple. There were not many people in the treasure acquisition area. Although Xiao Xin returned to the end of the line again, it didn't take long for him to turn to him. Then he looked at the acquirer and Nao Aoyama in shock In the middle, Xiao Xin silently took out five fist-spotted honeydew melons from the backpack!

However, what Xiao Xin did not expect was that the spotted honeydew melon was so valuable, and it finally sold 70,000 yuan! Five piebald honeydew melons are 350,000! This makes Xiao Xin's eyes green, and I can't wait to take hundreds more from the prop backpack on the spot! Nima, all these are money!

But this can only be thought about. Reason tells him that it is extremely unrealistic. Although his tree fruits are complete and how many are required, doing so will only cause him huge troubles, and may even be ... Woe to kill!


PS: There are always feelings in thousands of mountains and rivers, share it or not. There is true love in the world, and a ticket is also love! Thanks to "Yi Qinghua", "Xiao Nao Fu", "Escape from Reality", "Ming Ming", "Xie Yu Cheng Poem", "shanaiardor", "Xiao Yao Zi Li LYL" and other book fans for their recommendation votes. !! ! !

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