MTL - Pokemon’s Ultimate Backpack-Chapter 37 [7th training! (on)】

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"呦 ——"

秒 Just a second after Xiao Xin's brain was down, a pleasant voice sounded, and then Minas's body began to emit a circle of mysterious energy ...

This is the magical power that Minas can calm down and eliminate negative emotions. Under the envelop of this energy, Xiao Xin's whole person is like being in heaven, and his emotions begin to calm down slowly, whether it is surprise or fear, here All energy slowly dissipates ...

"Huh ... it's worthy to be known as a Pokémon who can bring peace. This ability to eliminate negative emotions is really too buggy." After a moment, Xiao Xin exhaled a sigh of heat, closed his eyes and enjoyed silently. This feeling of emptiness has made the whole person more relaxed than ever before.

I do n’t know how long, maybe five minutes or five hours, Xiao Xin was finally awakened by an ethereal call. This time under the influence of mysterious ripples, Xiao Xin was finally able to admire the calmness in front of him. The most beautiful Pokémon in the world-Minas.

Most of the body is beige, with tentacles and pink hair-like fins on the head, slender eyelashes, and sometimes dark spots on the sides of the neck, plus the rainbow fan-shaped fish tail and the ability to eliminate negative emotions Ability, the most beautiful Pokémon in the world is definitely worthy!


Minas was another clear whistle, nearly two meters long body suddenly swayed, quickly approaching Xiao Xin!

"My Law ?!"

The action of Minas frightened Xiao Xin, and the body instinctively wanted to move in the scream, but Xiao Xin stiffened the fear in his heart, so he looked directly at the Miner who rushed to him. It is not that Xiao Xin is not afraid of death, but suddenly thinks that he has no need to avoid it at all!

Purr ...

At less than two meters from Xiao Xin, Minas stopped abruptly, bringing a gust of wind and a few splashes of water, and his eyes were staring at Xiao Xin. He wondered why the human in front of him did not hide, just now Obviously, his body has a tendency to back off, but he somehow stopped.

美 While Minas was observing herself, Xiao Xin shook her hair wet with water splashes, and all the initial confusion had disappeared, replaced by extremely strong self-confidence! After seeing Minas stop, Xiao Xin inserted his right hand in his pocket and silently released the master ball with the M logo!

This is the source of Xiao Xin's confidence. You must know that there are five master **** in his prop backpack! Although Xiao Xin was originally going to use these five masters to capture divine beasts, or to capture the elf he liked very much, if Minas really rushed over and would not stop, then Xiao Xin would definitely not Mind to consume one in advance!

Maybe it was boring. After watching Xiao Xin for a while, Minas dived into the swimming pool again. After Xiao Xin reacted, he quickly opened up and continued to instill Minas chicken soup, trying to get the recognition of Minas. As a last resort, Xiao Xin really does not want to use the master ball to conquer Minas! Because he has always believed that the friendship between humans and Pokémon will never be created only by using elf balls! But the final result was that no matter how much Xiao Xin shouted, it would not help. Minas remained silent in the swimming pool, as before, there was no bird Xiao Xin.

"Oh, I'm really too hard ..."

In desperation, Xiao Xin could only sigh, shook his head silently, left a few tree fruits for Minas, and left the swimming room. Still, if you can't quickly improve your strength, then Only one step at a time! Without this Minas, he is not unable to survive, but Minas can quickly bring him a lot of convenience.

萧 So Xiao Xin first took Takeda Izumiori, and offset the cost of five days with 20 variegated honeydew melon, and then began extremely demanding devil training ...

PS: There are always feelings in thousands of mountains and rivers, share it or not. There is true love in the world, and a ticket is also love! Thank you for your recommendation and support, thank you! Two guarantees tomorrow!

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