MTL - Pokemon’s Ultimate Backpack-Chapter 55 [Deal with Nagakawa Choki! 】

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"Ha ha, ha ha ha! You said that I can't stop you? Boy, although the old man recognizes you as a grandson, but nobody likes you has to pay the price!" Nagakawa chose to smirk with anger, eyes flashed with sharpness Han Guang seems to want to see Xiao Xin through.

It wasn't just Nagakawa Chomu. The Nobuko Nagakawa who stood aside heard Xiao Xin ’s words as “arrogant,” and a ridiculous smile appeared on her face, but Nagakawa chose to sneer at Xiao Xin. Otherwise, she must humiliate Xiao Xin, let him know what someone is called, and there is a day outside.

"Oh, indeed, if arrogance does not have the corresponding strength to rely on, it is likely to catch fire, but it just so happens that I have it! Although the result may not be good, maybe I may go to the hospital for a few months, but It doesn't matter ... Last chance, tell me everything you know about Xiaoyu, don't force me to be rough! "Xiao Xin met the eyes of Nagakawa Choki and Nagakawa Nobuko and showed no weakness Taking a step, there was a big showdown.

Pu Changchuan's pupils narrowed slightly, and looked at the aggressive Xiao Xin in shock, his body subconsciously stepped back, and he was even more shocked when he responded! At that moment, he seemed to be stared at by a fierce beast. His body instinctively felt the fear and couldn't help taking a step back. It was so appalling that he couldn't believe it, even Guandu. None of the regional champion trainers has made him so uncomfortable.

"Dad ... Dad ..."

如此 Changchuan selects wood like this, and the side of Nobuko Nagakawa is even more unbearable, actually revealing his identity subconsciously! But in this way, Xiao Xin was embarrassed. It seemed like a long time ago. The man he threatened was actually the granddaughter of Grand Master Changchuangu, his own sister ...

"Ahem, what the hell, sorry, haha, if it's okay, I'll go first, worship ..."

After Xiao Xin bowed embarrassingly at the two, he waved his hand and left, but unexpectedly just turned around, and Chang Chuanmu's slightly ridiculous voice came from behind him: "Oh, what are you doing in such a hurry, Come here, my uncle will tell you more about the details of Xiaoyu, hehehehe ... "

Turning around again, looking at the handsome face of Nagakawa Chomu that has gradually become insignificant, Xiao Xin showed a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "Uncle Chomu, I really don't know She is Sister Nobunaga! Nor did she deliberately hit your old man. May I apologize to you?

He said, Xiao Xin bowed to the two again and again, but Changchuan Zemu did not let Xiao Xin do the same thing. For some reason, his mood suddenly became extremely comfortable! Looking at Xiao Xin in front of him, Changchuan Zhemu couldn't help teasing: "Why, it's useful to apologize to your sister-in-law to just apologize? It's also necessary to show some sincerity for the gift ... lie! Sister melon? "

Before Changchuan's choice of wood was spoken, he was startled by what Xiao Xin took from his backpack, and even one did not hold back a swearing sentence. The next second, Xiao Xin was overwhelmed by lightning. The variegated honeydew melon in his hand snatched over. When Xiao Xin was relieved and wanted to leave quietly, the figure of Nagakawa Chomu suddenly appeared in front of him, and put a pair of generous hands on Xiao. On Xin's shoulder, his eyes were staring at Xiao Xin ... The black backpack in his hand was like a hungry wolf!

"Boy, make a deal! Give me all the variegated honeydew melon in your backpack, and the labor and capital will lend you a strong bite of the shark?" Changchuan Zemu said with a smile on his face.

"Nani ?!"

"Dad, you!"

As soon as this word came out, no matter it was Xiao Xin or Nobuko Nagakawa, he almost stared at his eyes. There was no way. Nagakawa's words were too scary. Nagakawa Nobuko was surprised that Nagakawa chose him. Lend out his most treasured Pokémon, and Xiao Xin is excited. If Nima can do this, she can not only go to the Azure Museum in a fair and honest way, but also maybe use it to conquer Minas completely! Especially the second one is extremely important to him!

However, for the sake of insurance, Xiao Xin still shook her head gently and slowly said, "How about this, there are five piebald melon in my backpack, I will give it to you, except for the biting land shark. I also want to borrow another Pokémon with the same strength as the bite of a land shark! "

"What ?! You kid, don't have to go in! My dad will lend you a strong bite of a land shark ..."

Nobunaga Nagakawa was not satisfied when he heard Xiao Xin, and his forefinger with a flushed face pointed at Xiao Xin and wanted to teach Xiao Xin a meal, but before she continued to speak, he heard that Nagagawa Chomu was beyond doubt The voice came: "OK, deal!"

He said, Changchuan Zemu took the two of them to a hidden alley, and threw two golden elven **** at will. With the flashing of two white lights, two extremely oppressive momentums made Xiao Xin feel cold, and quickly activated the ability detector to point his eyes at the two white lights ...

PS: There are always feelings in thousands of mountains and rivers, share it or not. There is true love in the world, and a ticket is also love! Thank you readers for your recommendation tickets, thank you for not showing! Also ... why did I drop two collections! I promise to do as much as possible in the future! Give me back! !! !!

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