MTL - Pokemon’s Ultimate Backpack-Chapter 74 【blackmail! (Continued)

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I have confirmed that I am looking for the person I am looking for. How embarrassing Xiao Xin is at this moment. Looking at the gradually crazy expression of Nagakawa Chomu, Xiao Xin keeps pulling the clothes of the old man in Nagakawaya while choosing Nagakawa. Mu showed a polite but awkward smile.

Fortunately, this time, Mr. Changchuangu did not drop the chain when it was critical. When he saw that the choice of Nagagawa's wood was not right, he pre-empted and tapped the table gently, frowning: "Why, the patriarch's seat has been sitting for a long time, even me Is this father's eye out? "

Although the voice is not loud, but with an unquestionable majesty, he was already preparing to shoot Changchuan Zhemu, even if it is too hot, at this moment, he can only lower his head honestly and not dare to presumptuously. After the anger of Zhong Zhong was suppressed, Nagakawa Chomu finally couldn't help but open his mouth and said, "Master Father, I don't understand, where is this kid? Is it worth your father to protect him like this, if I guess correctly, second-rate kid It's not like he got your father's instructions. "

"Huh! You're not too stupid. Although you are arrogant, but not stupid enough, you guessed it. This second-class man did get my instructions, so I don't need to say it. "Changchuangu's look remained unchanged, and he answered calmly, it seemed that he had long expected that Nagasaki Chomu would say so.

Seeing Changchuan's choice of woods silent, Father Nagawagawa continued to say, "As for Xiaoxin ... Hehe, at least in my memory, it seems that I can make you look like a wolf, except for nothing. No one else, and your mother ca n’t like him ~ So, your father and son should get along well in the future, if something happens to Xiaoxin in our family, hehehehe ... "

Okay, this is a naked warning. Xiao Xin, who is standing next to Father Nagakawaya, gets more and more eyes. Good guy, grandma is the No.1 in this family, the real thigh, and Looks like I still hugged!

"Master? ..." After hearing Nagakawaya's mention of his mother, Nagakawa Chomu loosened his clenched fist almost instantly, and looked at Xiao Xin's eyes blinking, as if thinking about something, At the same time, a gloating sound suddenly sounded ...

"Oh, it really is Ryoko's guy. No wonder you care about Xiaoxin so much. It turned out that the superior had ordered the death ah ha ha ha, valley. It's been decades. Why are you still so boneless? When Ryoko got married, he said he wanted to revive Fu Gang, but he is still not in control, hahahaha ... "

Needless to say, those who dare to laugh at Changchuan Valley only have Changchuan Valley's identity as a veteran group. He did not give Changchuan Valley face at all, and laughed recklessly on the spot. It is embarrassing that their old patriarch is afraid of his wife. I am afraid that the entire Changchuan family does not know much, but Nima should not tell such things in public, OK? Yes, you are a member of the veteran regiment, and you have a small hairdress in Changchuan Valley. You can not give face to Changchuan Valley, but Nima they are clan veterans! A direct subordinate of the patriarch, but now I can only watch others laugh at the patriarch and laugh at his father and father. The heart is called a tangle. Let ’s go. I ’m sure that I wo n’t end it. If the old patriarch blame it, there is no What a good ending, both sides can not afford to offend, is it really too difficult?

Sure enough, Changchuan Valley's face was obviously a bit unstoppable. Watching the laughing Changchuan did not fall, he resisted the urge to hang him and hang him, forced out a smile, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Ladies and gentlemen, that's it for today's meeting. Go and do your business. I still have some" private matters "that need to be dealt with !!!"

Hearing that if a group of elders were granted amnesty, they rushed out of the patriarch's hall, waiting for the elders to take a long breath, and Nagakawagut took a deep breath, and then jumped up from the seat, and his teeth fluttered to the long Chuan doesn't fall on his body, and then there are two more than one hundred-year-old men who lock each other up with strong men. It's not too beautiful ...

Ps: Perform the style of Zhong Er and Wu Li to the end! !! !!

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