MTL - Poor Family-Chapter 1 Autumn wind and autumn rain

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  Chapter 1 Autumn Wind and Autumn Rain

  A autumn rain that has come quietly has been falling for ten days. The rain is not heavy, with a hint of the chill of late autumn, and it hits the endless wilderness in fine detail.

Piles of dark gray misty clouds are pressing down on the earth. It is already late autumn, and the forests are bare. Standing, brown moss hides the deep wrinkles in their bark.

  The ten-day autumn rain has also made the ground extremely muddy. Even the official road is full of muddy puddles and mud, making it difficult for pedestrians to walk. Only by relying on animal power can they barely move slowly on the muddy official road.

This is Tangyin County under the jurisdiction of Xiangzhou on Hebei West Road in the Song Dynasty. A wide and flat official road runs through the county. It is usually very lively with people passing by on the official road. It is difficult to see pedestrians again.

To the east of the official road is an endless large wheat field. The autumn wheat has already been harvested, and the wheat field has become bare. Human-shaped straw stacks stand everywhere. In the distance, you can see huge waterwheels. Where there are waterwheels, there are rivers. The soup is just below the waterwheel, flowing quietly to the east, and finally poured into the wider and sparkling Yongji Canal.

   A few miles to the west of the official road, a small village was shrouded in misty rain and fog.

A man finally appeared on the empty official road. He was about thirty years old, but his eyebrows and eyes were quite handsome, and he had a thin and sickly yellow face. However, I believe that if he had a few full meals, the complexion on his face would be improved. He should be fairer than the eldest girl, and he looks like a scholar rather than a rude farmer doing farm work.

He didn't open an umbrella, and his thin and emaciated body was shivering under the cold wind and rain. He could only hold his hands in front of his chest, and tried his best to wrap his small body like a sorghum pole tightly with a white summer shirt , ran to the village opposite the official road with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

  . . . . . . .

  The name of the village is Li Wencun. There are thirty or forty families. Half of the people in the village are surnamed Li, and most of them are closely or distantly related by blood.

As soon as the man reached the entrance of the village, he suddenly cried out in surprise. He saw something under a tree, and his legs seemed to have dropped the heavy lead bag. Weasels, weasels are two feet long, with shiny and intact fur.

   "Haha, I got twenty coins!"

  The man was immediately elated, and was so excited that he was spinning around in place.

   "Li Zhudao, we discovered it first, let me put it down!" A cold voice suddenly came from behind.

  Of course the man’s name is not Li Zhuodao. He is called Li Daqi, with the word Chengcai.

  Of course, no one will tell him to catch a knife face to face, and usually call him a big weapon, but he often speaks childishly and speaks out the arguments behind the adults' backs.

Li Daqi couldn't hold back his face and turned around angrily. There were three children about seven or eight years old standing opposite him. The leader was a fat little boy with a slender face, wearing a fine black satin short jacket and deerskin on his feet. Boots, majestic and high-spirited, like a fat little game cock, although the whole body is covered with water droplets, but there are sweat stains on the forehead, and the head is steaming.

   "So it's Fu Geer, didn't you go to school today?"

  Li Daqi's originally angry face immediately put on a smile, and he bent down instinctively. The little fat man is the son of the big housekeeper Liu Chenghong, so he can't afford to offend him.

  The next two urchins are also surnamed Li, and they are his nephews according to their seniority, but there is no respect in their contemptuous eyes when they see elders.

   "It's none of your business whether I go to school or not, put down what you're holding, and get out!" The little fat man vividly showed his father's face.

  Li Daqi was already used to this kind of scolding. He glanced at the weasel in his hand reluctantly, and his intuition told him that this weasel should be a trophy of his **** dog, worth twenty cents! These little kids are sure to spoil it.

   "Brother Fu, please give me this weasel!"


  The little fat man shouted, "Call me!"

The three villains threw the ball of mud they had prepared at him. Li Daqi was caught off guard and was splashed all over his face by the mud. One of the **** of mud was covered with a sharp stone, which hit his forehead, and blood gushed out immediately. flow out.

  Li Daqi had severe forehead pain, and felt dizzy for a while. He was flustered, but he was reluctant to let go of the weasel, covered his forehead with his hands, and fled to the village in a panic.

   "Bastard, put Huang Daxian down!"

  The three villains persisted and chased after Li Daqi, grabbing mud and stones on the ground and throwing them at his back.

  Li Daqi's home is located in the southwest corner of the village. A small courtyard wall half a person's height is surrounded by branches and soil. There are only three crumbling thatched huts in the courtyard.

The meaning of the idiom "house bare four walls" is vividly interpreted in the room. There is no window in the room, and a piece of tattered straw mat is used to keep out the wind and rain. However, there is a dilapidated wooden door. There are only two pieces of furniture in the whole room. The lacquered camphor wooden box, and then a small table with a broken leg tied with hemp rope on the kang.

  At this time, a child was sitting cross-legged on the kang, concentrating on reading a book. He was about five or six years old, wearing an old yellowed sheepskin jacket.

  The child has combed hair, thick black eyebrows, and long arms and legs. Although he is only five or six years old, his figure is tall and strong, like a child of seven or eight years old.

  Squatting beside him was a majestic **** dog, bleating, and its small black eyes were staring at half a steamed bun in a broken bowl on the small table.

Taking advantage of the little master's unpreparedness, it secretly poked its head towards the vegetable bun. The dog's mouth just reached the side of the bowl, but was held down by the child, "I've already eaten half of it for you, so I still don't give up!" A dog's head scolded with a smile.

  The **** dog lowered his head and whimpered softly, his small eyes were still staring at half of the steamed bun.

   "Okay! Alright! Give you another half."

  The child put the book on the table, tore the vegetable bun in half, and threw it away. The **** dog immediately jumped to the ground, but he didn't see the vegetable bun after searching for a long time. It looked back suspiciously.

  The child spread his hands with a smile, and it turned out that the two halves of the vegetable buns were in his hands. The black dog was so angry that he raised his head and barked, jumped onto the kang, threw the little master down, and licked his face.

  The little boy giggled, "Stop licking! Stop licking! Give you half."

  The **** dog finally ate half of the vegetable bun, jumped off the kang contentedly, and ran to the yard to play.

The little boy is called Li Yanqing. In another world, he is also called Li Yanqing. He grew up in the remote southern countryside, and his family is as poor as it is now. That year he was admitted to a famous university in the north with the best grades in the province. His old father He borrowed all over the village to save enough for his tuition.

  He studied hard in college and got the first grades every year, but in order to make a living and pay off his father’s debts, in his junior year, he did a disgraceful thing, taking advantage of his outstanding advantages to take the college entrance examination for others.

   But he didn't grasp it well, and let a rich boy who couldn't even do junior high school math get the first place in the district test. When the truth came out, he was expelled from school and even made news. He had no face to see his old father.

   Filled with remorse and exhausted, Li Yanqing lay ill in the hospital and was sent to the intensive care unit of the oncology department soon after.

   One day when he woke up, he found that he was picked up from the well and turned into a six-year-old Song Dynasty boy.

It has been more than a month since he came to the Song Dynasty, and Li Yanqing always had a gloomy look on his face. He didn't think his family was poor, but he was already familiar with the village and the neighbors around him, but he didn't understand In the era he lived in, he only knew that there were Khitan barbarians and the Liao Kingdom. It should be the Northern Song Dynasty, but which stage of the Northern Song Dynasty was it?

  Father told him that it is the first year of Zhenghe, but what year is the first year of Zhenghe? He was still confused.

  Ten days ago, his father, who was bothered by his questions, finally told him an important piece of information. The first emperor passed away eleven years ago, and his temple name was Zhezong, so the current emperor should be Song Huizong in history.

   It turned out to be the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, how could he be happy.

What troubled him even more was that his father asked people to borrow a lot of books for him, and instilled in him the importance of the imperial examination every day. The biggest setback in his life seemed to happen just yesterday, and he swore he would never touch anything again in his life. Examinations, and will not take any imperial examinations, but this Song Dynasty father regards the imperial examinations as more important than the sky.

   "This is the reality. If you don't study and take the imperial examination, you will never have a chance to get ahead!"

  Early this morning, their father and son had another dispute over the imperial examination. After his father reprimanded him severely, he left this sentence and left, which made him feel bad all day.

Li Yanqing carefully folded a piece of Song Dynasty chronological memorandum he had sorted out. He had a small harvest today. His father told him that the first emperor died eleven years ago. Twenty-five years, back-calculated this year should be 1111, fifteen years before the first year of Jingkang, hey! The country is about to be ruined and the family is about to perish, and his father has to force himself to take the imperial examination.

   "Woof! Wang! Wang!" Suddenly there was a barking of dogs in the yard, and the barking was very rapid. Li Yanqing felt a little strange, so he jumped off the kang and came into the yard.

   "Dahei, what's the matter?" Li Yanqing squatted beside the **** dog, gently stroking his neck hair and asked.

  Dahei is not a dog that barks casually. He is sensible and well-behaved. He is very good at catching voles and house mice, making all the cats in Liwen Village unemployed.

   Its advantage has won the love of the villagers, which makes it eat a lot of food, and saves Li Yanqing the trouble of feeding it.

What happened to it today? It was a little uncharacteristically manic. Li Yanqing saw Dahei standing in front of the crack in the door screaming desperately, so he stood up and looked out along the crack of the door. He straightened his body suddenly and saw A scene that made him rage.

  (end of this chapter)