MTL - Poor Family-Chapter 3 , the oriole is behind

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  Chapter 3, the oriole is behind

  At the border, people are most afraid of appearing on the border where others are fighting. As long as such a thing happens, nine out of ten will become cannon fodder for the two sides to fight.

  Looking at the two groups of people going straight to the post station, Li Wuya's heart sank, and she pulled Li Qilang and ran into the backyard quickly, and ran straight to the kitchen.

  There is a secret tunnel under the post station. When her mother came to the post station to work on the first day, she used her mental power to search the entire post station carefully, and found the existence of the secret passage at once.

   There are two entrances to the secret passage, one is in Yicheng's room, and the other is behind the unused stove in the kitchen.

   Judging from the current situation, hiding in the secret passage is the safest.

   Just as Li Wuya took Li Qilang and ran to the kitchen, a dozen or so big men wrapped in face scarves rode straight into the post station.

"close the door!"

  As soon as those people entered the station, they immediately closed the door.

   "Who are you guys?"

   A postman stepped forward to inquire, but was directly hacked to death by a strong man.

  The visitor was aggressive, and he shot fiercely, directly shocking the other people in the station.

  Looking at the scarlet blood on the ground, everyone ran away without saying a word.

  In an instant, the station was in chaos.

   "Don't allow them to escape, quickly, drive everyone into the lobby."

  The leader of the strong man issued an order, and the other big men got off their horses one after another, and began to drive away the people in the station. Anyone who resisted and did not cooperate would directly raise their knives and kill them.

  On the other side, Li Wuya has brought Li Qilang into the kitchen.

It's not time to eat, and there is no one in the kitchen. Li Wuya ran to the unused stove, pushed away the firewood piled behind the stove, then knelt down and put her hand into the stove. When he got up, he immediately pressed it down.

  Accompanied by a slight sound, a dark dark passageway appeared behind the stove.

   "Qilang, hurry up, there are bad guys in the station, let's hide in the secret passage."

  Seeing the entrance to the secret passage, Li Qilang was not surprised, he hid in obediently, his movements were nimble and quick.

  Yes, before this, Li Wuya took Li Qilang into the secret passage while others were away, so Li Qilang is no stranger to the secret passage.

  As soon as Li Qilang went, Li Wuya immediately followed.

  Hiding in the secret passage, Li Wuya breathed a sigh of relief, hugged Li Qilang tightly and squatted on the ground, using her mental strength to carefully 'watch' the situation outside.

  The post station only has two entrances, the front and the back, and it is not big. If you release your mental power, you can just 'see' the situation of the entire post station.

  'Looking at' Yicheng and others being coerced by those big men to gather in the lobby, Li Wuya's heart sank.

  The station was hijacked.

   To make matters worse, the cavalry chasing the group surrounded the post.

  In the post station, a dozen strong men held everyone hostage with long knives.

  Outside the post station, dozens of cavalrymen dressed in great Chu soldier robes held longbows and surrounded the post station with arrows, ready to go.

  'Looking at' this scene, Li Wuya in the secret passage called it unlucky.

   They were brought to the pond!

  If these two groups of people are going to fight, the rest of the people in the station will probably die.

  Li Wuya secretly rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, her mother and elder brother and sister were not in the inn today, so this disaster was avoided.

  As for her and Shichiro

  With her here, he can always keep him safe.

   There are many forks in the secret passage, and it is still very easy to hide. Even if someone else comes in, with the help of spiritual power, it is not difficult to avoid it.

  Thinking of this, Li Wuya immediately relaxed.

   At the same time, the two groups of people inside and outside the station became more and more tense.

The cavalry outside the station began to approach the station, but just as they moved, a big man in the lobby suddenly shouted: "Zhuang Yutang, tell your men to back off, if I see anyone approaching, I will kill the people in the station. "

   After finishing speaking, a strong man walked to the corner of the lobby, picked up a person with one hand and dragged him to the door.

   "Don't kill me, please, don't kill me!"

   "I still have a wife, children and old mother, I can't die yet."

  The two people who were dragged away seemed to know the fate they were about to face, struggling and begging.

  Unfortunately, their strength couldn't compete with the strong man at all, and they were directly thrown out of the lobby.

  The two lay at the door and just wanted to get up and run away, but before they could make a move, a big knife with a cold light came down from his back.


  The head was separated, and blood was spilled all over the ground.


  The **** scene frightened the people in the station.

  Outside the post station, Dieling Pass officer Zhuang Yutang frowned, remained silent for a while, and raised his hand to signal his subordinates not to approach the post station again.

  Deputy General Xu Chengkun showed his disapproval: "General, we have to rush back to Dieling Pass. We can't keep stalemate with them. Why don't we just rush in?"

  Zhuang Yutang's sharp eyes shot over: "There are still many people in the station. As a general guarding the border, I can't just watch them all be killed."

  Xu Chengkun was a little annoyed: "However, even if we don't attack, they have little chance of surviving. Huyanhe's group will definitely not let them go."

  Zhuang Yutang frowned: "Wait a little longer, it will be dark. Once it gets dark, I will personally lead people into the post station. If I can save one, I will save one."

  Xu Chengkun disagreed even more: "General, Hu Yanhe is an eighth-rank master of Beiyan, and everyone else is above sixth-rank, so why do you take the risk yourself?"

  Zhuang Yutang squinted at him: "What do you mean, I can't beat Huyanhe?"

  Xu Chengkun showed helplessness: "General, this is not the meaning of this subordinate. You have the heavy responsibility of guarding Dieling Pass, so there is no need to do everything yourself."

  Zhuang Yutang interrupted him: "Stop talking, I've made up my mind, and I'll act when it gets dark."

  Xu Chengkun pursed his lips angrily and stopped talking.

  Zhuang Yutang looked into the station with piercing eyes: "Since the people have been blocked by us, they can never escape."

  In the post station lobby, the strong men were relieved to see that Zhuang Yutang and the others were not approaching.

  In the secret passage, Li Wuya also heaved a sigh of relief. It’s fine if they didn’t fight directly. If they didn’t fight, the others would still have a chance to survive.

  Suddenly, Li Wuya's face became vigilant, she 'saw' a strong man put Yicheng into a corner, and stuffed a pill into his mouth.

   Immediately afterwards, Yi Cheng began to blush, his neck was thick, and he bent over and rolled all over the floor in pain.

  The burly man looked at Yi Cheng until his eyes lost consciousness in pain, so he fed him another pill.

  The effect of the medicine was very fast, but after a while, Yi Cheng stopped rolling, and although he was still panting violently, his expression was no longer in such pain.

   Without giving Yi Cheng a chance to breathe, the strong man grabbed him and dragged him to the front of the leading strong man.

  Huyanhe's falcon-like eyes fell on Yicheng, patted Yicheng's cheek, and asked in a low voice: "Where is the entrance to the secret passage?"

  Yi Cheng shook his head weakly: "There is no secret passage."

   Hu Yanhe sneered, the reason why he came to this inn under the hot pursuit of Zhuang Yutang was because he knew that there was a secret passage out of this inn.

   "If this is the case, then you have no value in living."

   As soon as the words fell, the strong man who was pulling Yi Cheng took out another pill, ready to stuff it into Yi Cheng's mouth.

  Yi Cheng saw him, his face showed a look of horror, and his whole body trembled when he thought of the painful experience just now.

  Thinking of the old wife and children at home, thinking of the newborn grandson, before the pill touched his mouth, Yicheng lowered his head, tremblingly raised his hand, and pointed to his room.

   "In my room."

  Hearing this, both Huyanhe and the strong man showed surprise on their faces.

  Yi Cheng brought two strong men into the room, opened the closet, pressed the switch, and suddenly a secret passageway was revealed.

  Hu Yanhe was overjoyed when he saw it, and then asked again: "Who else knows the existence of the secret passage?"

  Yicheng quickly shook his head: "No more, I am the only one who knows about the whole station."

  The brawny man smiled: "Zhuang Yutang definitely doesn't know about the secret passage in the station. This is our chance to escape. Boss, let's run away."

  Hu Yanhe shook his head: "No, Zhuang Yutang is very shrewd. Don't look at him staying outside now. He will send someone to test our reaction in a short time. Once he finds that we are not there, he will rush into the post station immediately."

   "This secret passage is not difficult to find. Once they find it and catch up, we still won't be able to escape."

  The strong man frowned: "Then what should we do?"

  Hu Yanhe thought for a while: "Go, call Hu Yanji."

  In the secret passage, Li Wuya 'watched' everything in Yi Cheng's room intently.

  After the strong man dragged Yi Cheng out, Hu Yanhe took off the burden on his body and put it on the table, and opened it to look through it.

  'Seeing' that the contents of the bundle turned out to be medicinal materials, Li Wuya's eyes lit up instantly.

  At this time, a strong man entered Yicheng's house.

Hu Yanhe looked at the person who came, and solemnly handed him a secret letter: "Aji, this is the military strategy map we stole from Da Chu. The secret passage directly leads to the outside of the customs. You can leave now along the secret passage. .”

   "We are here to hold Zhuang Yutang and those people to buy you more time. You must send the information to Beiyan Camp."

   As he spoke, he handed him the burden on the table.

   "These are the blood ginseng and blood mushrooms that I managed to collect after hiding in Dachu. General Tuoba was injured last time, and his injury has not completely healed. These medicinal materials must be delivered to the general."

  In the secret passage, Li Wuya was a little bit geared up. Over the years, she had been trying to improve her healing ability, but unfortunately she couldn't get the medicinal materials.

   Now the herbs are delivered to your door!

   Do you want to do it?

   Of course it did!

  (end of this chapter)

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