MTL - Poor Family-Chapter 5 , bully me, medicine will overwhelm you!

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  Chapter 5, bully me, drug you!


  The strong man has tenacious vitality, while struggling to break Li Sanlang's hands covering his mouth and nose, while kicking his legs desperately.

   Seeing this, Li Wuya stabbed him again with a blank face.

  Suddenly, the strength of the strong man's struggle became smaller.

  Li Sanlang tightly covered the strong man's mouth and nose to prevent him from making a sound. After a while, he saw the strong man's hands hanging down weakly, and his body stopped moving.

  At this moment, he let go of his hand a little, probed the strong man's carotid artery, and made sure that the man was dead, before he slid down from his body panting heavily.

   "Third brother!"

  Li Wuya hurriedly stepped forward to support him, looking at the arrow on Li Sanlang's thin shoulder, her little face was full of coldness.

  Li Sanlang saw it, and forced a smile: "Five ya, don't be afraid, third brother is fine." After speaking, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrow.

  Li Wuya was taken aback when she saw it, and quickly covered the wound with her hand, the healing ability was activated, and countless light green light spots invisible to the naked eye quickly sank into the wound.

   After a while, the blood that was still flowing from the fingers gradually stopped.

  Li Sanlang only felt that the wound was a little itchy, but it didn't hurt that much anymore. Because he was in danger, he didn't care to feel it carefully.

   After initially stopping the bleeding from the wound, Li Wuya withdrew her hand.

   Now is not the time to heal his injuries. If he kills a strong man, his accomplices will find him soon, so he has to hide in the secret passage.

   "Third brother, there is a secret passage behind the idle stove, let's hide under it, Qilang is waiting for us below."

  Hearing this, Li Sanlang was overjoyed.

  Why did he still run in after the group of strong men rushed into the post? Isn't it because he was worried about the safety of his younger siblings?

  With Li Wuya's strength, Li Sanlang quickly stood up.

  The idle stove was just a few meters away. Just as the brother and sister approached quickly, suddenly, the sound of "swish, swish, swish" swords and arrows collided.

   Immediately afterwards, a strong man rushed into the kitchen.

  At this moment, Li Wuya supported Li Sanlang and stood in front of the unused stove.

how so? !

  Li Wuya looked at the strong man suddenly in front of him in a daze.

  How did he come so fast? !

  Her mental strength has been released all the time. When Li Sanlang was lifted up, those strong men were still in the lobby.

   In just a few seconds, people came from the lobby to the kitchen.

  Hu Yanhe looked at the corpse on the ground expressionlessly, and then shot his cold eyes at Li Wuya and Li Sanlang.

  Li Sanlang swallowed his saliva when he saw it, but hurriedly stood in front of Li Wuya.

  At this moment, Li Wuya's heart was also beating violently, and when Hu Yanhe was about to walk towards them, she quickly said: "We didn't kill that person, don't kill us."

  Hearing this, Hu Yanhe didn't move, and came to the two brothers and sisters in a few steps, slapped Li Sanlang with one palm, then pinched Li Wuya's neck, and lifted her up easily.

   "Who Killed My Man?"

  He didn't think that the two children in front of him could kill a sixth-rank martial artist, but he had to ask clearly who the shot was.

   Someone from Zhuang Yutang sneaked in?

   Or is there a master hidden in the post station who can kill a sixth-rank warrior without making a sound?

   Choking her neck, she couldn't breathe well. After a while, Li Wuya blushed and her neck became thick.

  Li Sanlang wanted to get up to save his sister, but Hu Yanhe hit him too hard, hitting him directly against the wall, and then fell heavily from the wall. After struggling several times, he couldn't stand up.

  Li Wuya patted Huyanhe's hand heavily: "It's a big uncle."

   Seeing Li Wuya stammering, Hu Yanhe frowned, and as soon as he let go of his hand, Li Wuya fell from mid-air and fell heavily on the ground.




  Li Wuya was panting heavily, the man in front of him was too strong to be tough, so he had to distract him first, and then find a chance to save himself.

   "It's an uncle with a beard."

   "The uncle came to the kitchen to steal something to eat. I saw it while hiding in the firewood."

   "Originally he stole something and was going to leave, but suddenly there was chaos outside, and then he hid on the roof." He said, pointing to the strong man on the ground.

   "After he came in, he saw the uncle on the roof, and the uncle jumped down, stabbed him twice, stabbed him to death, and then disappeared."

   "And then, you will come."

   Hu Yanhe narrowed his eyes, staring at Li Wuya quietly.

  Li Wuya shrank her neck, looking terrified.

   "Why are you in the kitchen?"

A trace of unnaturalness appeared on Li Wuya's face, she lowered her head and said in a low voice: "I also came to steal something to eat." Then she raised her head and said in an excuse, "I only stole half a piece of dry bun, not much." .”

  Hu Yanhe rubbed the handle of the knife in his hand, as proud as he was, he didn't think that a five-year-old baby would dare to lie to him under his favor.

   Take a step back, even if you dare to lie to him, you won't show any flaws.

  Hu Yanhe believed Li Wuya's words: "If you see that person again, will you still recognize him?"

  There is Zhuang Yutang outside, and there are masters with unknown motives inside, which makes him somewhat worried.

  But thinking that the secret letter had been sent away by Huyanji, he relaxed a little.

   But if possible, it is better to find that person.

  Li Wuya nodded quickly: "Yes!"

  At this moment, Hu Yanhe put away his murderous intentions and looked at the kitchen: "Where is the food?"

  Li Wuya pointed to the cupboard, and without waiting for an order, she ran over to open it very actively, and immediately, two steamed buns full of Shau Kei were exposed.

   Hu Yanhe's expression softened a little after seeing him.

  At this time, Li Sanlang also struggled to stand up, and staggered to Li Wuya.

  Finding something to eat, Hu Yanhe untied the water bag around his waist, and walked to the water tank to fetch water.

   Who knows, the water in the tank has bottomed out.

  Seeing this, Hu Yanhe's complexion sank, and he turned his head to look at Li Wuya and Li Sanlang: "Bring the dry buns and follow me back to the lobby."

  Li Wuya noticed that Huyanhe's mouth was covered with chapped skin, her eyes flickered, and she asked softly, "Do you want any pickles?"

Huyanhe raised his eyebrows, glanced at Li Wuya, and said in his heart: This little girl has good eyesight, and it would be a pity to kill her. If she can escape from Zhuang Yutang's hands, she will be caught and trained since she was a child. Good seedling.

   "Then hurry up and get it."

The pickle jar was more than one meter high, and it was placed in the corner of the kitchen. Li Wuya took two sea bowls to fetch them. After taking out two full bowls, while covering the jar, she squatted down and quickly put the rats behind the jar. The medicine was pinched in his hand.

  Bringing dry buns and pickles, Li Sanlang and Li Wuya were pushed out of the kitchen.


  A sharp arrow was shot, and it was directly inserted in front of the two brothers and sisters.

   "Zhuang Yutang, you are going to kill! It's just two children, if you kill them, you will kill them."

  Hu Yanhe's playful voice sounded, and then he said coldly to Li Sanlang and Li Wuya: "Go on, otherwise, if you are not shot to death by the arrow, you will be killed by me."

  Li Sanlang and Li Wuya didn't dare to stay, and walked quickly towards the lobby.

  During the period, no one released arrows outside the station.

   Just when the brother and sister stepped into the threshold of the lobby, a gust of wind came from behind, and immediately, the two saw Hu Yanhe flashing into the lobby.

   So fast!

   This is light work!

  In Li Wuya's downcast eyes, a fiery light shone.

   "The food is here, come and get it!"

   After Hu Yanhe said hello, the strong men in the lobby immediately rushed over, took away the dry buns in Shau Kei in a few strokes, and then started to eat with pickles.

  The dry buns were hard and dry, and the pickles were salty and spicy. Soon, some strong men started looking for water to drink.

  The group of them were chased for several days and nights, and the water in the water bag had already been used up.

   After eating a few dry buns, even Huyanhe felt extremely thirsty.

   "Boss, I'll take these two little ones to the kitchen to get some water to drink?" A strong man asked Hu Yanhe for instructions.

  Hu Yanhe shook his head: "There is no water in the kitchen."

  Hearing this, the faces of all the strong men changed.

"This is how to do?"

   "Even if I can bear it now, I still have to add some to the water bag."

   Huyan Hehuan looked at the people in the lobby.

  There is no water in the kitchen, but there is still water in the well.

   Just, the well is in the front yard.

   As soon as they left the room, Zhuang Yutang would order them to be shot. Therefore, if they wanted to fetch water, they had to let other people in the station go.

  My lord, he is not at ease. He dares to say that once released, without their control, these people may run away immediately.

  Hu Yanhe could only look at Li Sanlang and Li Wuya.

  These two little guys are brothers and sisters. As long as one of them is in their hands, they are not afraid that the one who went out will dare not come back.

   "Go out and bring in a bucket of water!" Hu Yanhe pointed at Li Sanlang.

  Li Sanlang didn't dare to refuse, he glanced at Li Wuya, and was pushed out of the lobby.

  As soon as he went out, the cavalry outside the station immediately raised their bows and arrows high.

When Hu Yanhe saw him, he sneered: "If Zhuang Yutang dared to order to shoot, I would give him a high regard. A guard with such a benevolent woman is simply extremely stupid. But... thanks to his shortcoming, We have the chance to escape."

  Li Wuya stood at the entrance of the lobby, looking at Li Sanlang nervously.

  Li Sanlang had an injury to his left shoulder. It took him a lot of effort to fetch a bucket of water, and then staggered towards the lobby with the bucket in hand.

  When Li Sanlang stepped into the door, Li Wuya quickly ran over to help, and quickly sprinkled the rat poison in his hand through the blind spot blocked by his body.

  When Li Sanlang saw him, his eyes flickered, and he quickly lowered his head, hiding all his emotions.

  After the bucket was brought into the lobby, several strong men eagerly gathered around, stretching their hands into the bucket.

  Li Wuya scooped up a bowl with quick eyes and hands, and walked towards Huyanhe with it.

   walked in front of Hu Yanhe, didn't speak, put down the bowl, just smiled flatteringly, then carefully retreated to Li Sanlang's side, lowered his head, trying to ignore his sharp gaze on him.

  This man is too sensitive, she can't make him notice anything strange.

  Hu Yanhe looked at Li Wuya with interest, and once again sighed in his heart that this girl would come.

  He has been traveling all year round, and he is not very particular about people. It is not very clean for his subordinates to put their hands in the bucket, but it is not unacceptable.

  However, it is better to have clean water to drink.

  Hu Yanhe picked up the bowl, gulped down the water in the bowl after a few sips.

   Soon, all the people in Beiyan drank the bucket of water.

  Seeing Li Wuya, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and it quickly disappeared again.

   "Go, come back with another bucket."

  A strong man threw the bucket to Li Sanlang. Li Wuya stepped forward to pick up the bucket, and when she handed it to Li Sanlang, she said in a low voice: "Don't come in after you go out."

   After finishing speaking, he staggered away from him.

  Li Sanlang's hand holding the bucket was tight, and he walked out of the lobby quickly without showing any abnormality.

  As soon as he left, Li Wuya retreated to the corner calmly by tidying up the Shau Kei and vegetable bowls.

   After this group of strong men are poisoned, it is unknown whether they still have attack power, so it is best to avoid them.

   Not long after, Huyanhe's complexion suddenly changed, but soon returned to normal.

   Then, Li Wuya saw Huyanhe stand up.

   "Keep an eye on the people in the lobby."

  After saying this, Hu Yanhe walked straight towards Yicheng's room.

  Others may not have noticed that Huyanhe's footsteps are a bit messy and vain at the moment.


  As soon as Hu Yanhe pushed open the door of Yicheng's room, he heard the screams of his subordinates, his face darkened, he quickly entered the room, and went straight to the entrance of the secret passage.

  Damn it, they got it!

  In the lobby, looking at the strong men who fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and twitching their hands and feet, everyone who was held hostage couldn't react.

  Li Wuya saw a strong man standing still because he drank little water and was slightly poisoned, so he yelled, "What are you doing standing there in a daze, quickly restrain him."

   After shouting, regardless of how these people responded, they quickly chased into Yicheng's room.

  In the secret passage, Hu Yanhe mobilized his internal energy to force the poison while running.

  Unfortunately, the effect is not obvious.

  The rat medicine prepared by the post station, the main drug is arsenic, this poison is not easy to solve.

   After running a few hundred meters, Huyanhe felt dizzy, nauseated, and worst of all, he couldn't raise his internal strength.

  After being poisoned, he became less sensitive, and even Li Wuya didn't notice when he followed up.

  Li Wuya didn't dare to underestimate Hu Yanhe, and followed him not too far away, until he saw him running around and stumbling, and then started throwing stones and hitting people.

   "Bang, bang, bang!"

  Without the internal force to protect the body, one stone after another was thrown over, and soon Huyanhe was smashed to the ground.

   "If you beat my brother and strangle me, I won't kill you!"

   "Bully me, I'll kill you!"

   Not long after, Hu Yanhe was knocked down to the ground.

  At this moment, Hu Yanhe had no strength to resist. When he heard the girl's voice from the secret passage, his eyes seemed to fall out.

   "It's you. It's you who poisoned me!"

  Before this, he always thought that Zhuang Yutang sent someone to sneak into the station to poison them. He really never thought that the person who poisoned them would be that little girl!

  Five years old, how can a five-year-old doll have such scheming?

   Don't let him notice a flaw in the middle!

  Hu Yanhe regretted it too late, he would have known that when he saw that girl in the kitchen, he should have killed her with a knife.

   Fighting geese all day long and being pecked by geese!

  Huyanhe smiled sternly. He, the eighth-rank master of Beiyan, fell into the hands of a five-year-old boy. If word got out, the ancestors of the Huyan family would crawl out of the ground and teach him a lesson.

   "Trash, it's not even as good as the previous one. That person managed to avoid a lot of my attacks."

  Li Wuya didn't dare to get close to Huyanhe, who knows if this person has any trump card, so he stood six or seven meters away, cursing and throwing stones at the same time.

   Originally Huyanhe had already accepted his fate and closed his eyes, but when he heard this sentence, he opened his eyes suddenly, held his last breath, and asked sharply: "What do you mean, what is the person in the lead?"

  Li Wuya kindly explained: "It's the one you sent to deliver the secret letter."


  A mouthful of old blood spurted out from Huyanhe's mouth: "You, what happened to him?"

  Li Wuya is very straightforward: "He's dead, you go and accompany him, don't talk anymore, we have nothing to talk about, throwing stones is also very tiring."

  Hu Yanhe couldn't get up at a stretch, and stared at the top of the dark tunnel with bulging eyes, the light in his eyes dissipated little by little.

   Originally thought that even if they were all dead, as long as the military deployment map of the Great Chu was sent to the Beiyan Camp, they would be considered dead.

   But why even this wish was shattered? !

  (end of this chapter)