MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1009 forced to call for help

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  Chapter 1009 Forced to ask for help

The bad news spread to Bianliang one after another. First, Wan Yun's army was attacked by the bandit army at night, and the whole army was destroyed. The main general Liu Yi died in the chaos. The news shocked the Qi army, and Liu Yu ordered to block the news. , Do not allow this news to spread to the people.

  But only two days later, a news came that the 20,000 army led by Chen Zhiyuan was defeated by Zhang Rong's bandits on the battlefield.

This news could no longer be blocked, and it spread throughout Bianliang City in an instant. Soon, the news that Wan Yun Congjun was wiped out was also revealed. The two news were like two fireworks flying into the air and exploding, causing All the people in the city cheered.

Although the 300,000 people in Bianliang were unable to move south due to various reasons, they still yearned for the Song Dynasty in their hearts. Under the pressure of Jin Bing and Liu Yu, they buried this longing deeply in their hearts, and Qi Jun The news of the defeat and the annihilation of the 30,000-strong army made the people unable to bear it any longer. The long-suppressed passion broke out, and the whole city celebrated the defeat of the Qi army.

  But for Liu Yu himself and his subordinates, this news brought them a heavy blow.

Qi Palace is the original palace. Although Liu Yu is only the king of Qi, his ostentation and extravagance are no different from that of an emperor. Even his officials are called prime ministers and grand masters. Liu Yu just lacks the title of emperor. .

   Liu Yu himself is also fighting for the title of emperor, and Wan Yanxie also promised him that as long as his army exceeds 200,000, he will support him to become emperor.

   It was only a storm that happened in Liangshanbo that severely hit his plan to become emperor. In just one month, his army had dropped to less than 100,000 people.

  In the side hall of the Daqing Hall, Liu Yu and a dozen important officials discussed the next step.

  Although his brother Liu Yi died in the rebellion, but at this time, Liu Yu was not in the mood to grieve his brother's death for the time being. Now he was more anxious about how to wipe out the rebels under his nose.

   "I have to bear some responsibility for the disastrous defeat of the army."

Liu Yu sighed, and said to the crowd: "I underestimated the enemy too much, thinking that this bandit was a mob. Now I know I was wrong. With the same number of troops, my 10,000 Yuncong army and 20,000 regular army can't defeat the opponent. It's shocking. I can't believe it, and to tell you the truth, I'm still in extreme shock, and I can't figure out the reason for the fiasco."

Zhang Jian, Prime Minister of Prince Qi's Mansion, came out and said: "Actually, Your Highness has already stated the reason for the defeat just now, that is, to underestimate the enemy. We thought that the other party, like the so-called rebel army before, was a vulnerable mob, but we forgot one thing. The key point, Liangshanbo, is the lair of the Liangshan Army. Hundreds of thousands of Liangshan Army were recruited and disbanded. Most of them are distributed in Yunzhou, Jeju and nearby counties.

And the people involved in the uprising this time were all former generals of the Liangshan Army, so the troops they recruited must all be from the former army, and they heard that hundreds of thousands of people ran to apply, but they only selected 20,000 to 30,000 troops , It shows that they selected all elites, so the enemy army we are facing is not an ordinary bandit army, but an elite Liangshan army, and the defeat is also reasonable. "

   Liu Yu was a little displeased and said, "Why didn't Xiangguo persuade me with these words before?"

  Zhang Jian said apologetically: "My minister is also an afterthought. I only figured out these problems after the defeat of the army."

  Liu Yu had no choice but to hold back the sullenness in his heart, and said to everyone: "Let's talk about it! What should we do next?"

  Zhang Jian came out again and said: "Your Highness, we can no longer send troops easily, otherwise there will be a big loophole in the defense. I believe that at this time we can only ask the Jin soldiers for help, and the Jin soldiers will deal with Zhang Rong's bandits."

Liu Yu recalled his own army. There were only 40,000 troops in Huaibei, plus the 40,000 in Luoyang and Bianjing, the main force was only 80,000, and some scattered troops were scattered all over the place. He didn't dare to move easily. He really had no soldiers to deal with up.

   More importantly, if Zhang Rong is not wiped out, the entire Shandong Peninsula will fall.

  Thinking of this, he nodded, "Alright! Ask Wanyan Xieye for help immediately."

  . . . . . . . .

Wan Yanxie had already received a report from the Daming Mansion that a large bandit had appeared in Liangshanbo area. Wanyan Xie didn't take it seriously at first. This kind of civil resistance organization has long been common in Hebei. Bing suppressed at least a hundred such bandits in Hebei, and the rebellion was under Liu Yu's nose, so he didn't need to take action for such a trivial matter.

Wanyan Xie also put the Daming Mansion's report on the shelf, and stopped paying attention to this matter, until the Daming Mansion's second report came. Only then did he pay attention, and he immediately ordered the intelligence spies of the Daming Mansion to pay close attention to this rebel army and collect all their intelligence.

  Wan Yanxie was also concerned not only about the bandits themselves, he was also worried that there would be no troops stationed on the Jingdong Road, which was a big problem, so he immediately sent someone to deliver a letter to Liu Yu, ordering Liu Yu to restore order in the Jingdong Road as soon as possible.

  Before Liu Yu’s request for support was delivered, Wan Yanxie also received the third report from the Daming Mansion, stating that the Liangshanbo rebels wiped out Liu Yu’s 30,000 troops, including 10,000 Yun Congjun.

  At the same time, Wan Yanxie also received a letter from Liu Yu asking for help, pleading for Jin soldiers to suppress the Liangshan bandits.

This news really shocked Wan Yanxie, he immediately summoned Zhang Wenzhu, a Han official, who was Tong Guan's confidant, who had served as the deputy envoy of Jingdong two-way transportation during the Xuanhe period, and also served as the governor of Jeju. He knows the situation in Liangshanbo area like the palm of his hand.

"Qi Dushuai, Liang Shanbo was called Da Ye Ze in the Han Dynasty, and Juye Lake in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It was not renamed Liang Shan Po until the Song Dynasty. It has always been the largest lake in the Central Plains, with a radius of 800 miles. There are countless islands in it Countless, reeds are overgrown, and the water is densely covered. It belongs to the land that the government does not care about. It has been the hiding place of bandits since ancient times.

Ten years ago, the Song Dynasty opened the Xicheng Office in the area of ​​Liangshanbo, and sent the **** Yang Jian to plunder the land around Liangshanbo. As a result, the thirty-six generals of Liangshan rebelled. Tong Guan led a large army to suppress, and he was repeatedly defeated. It was not until Zhong Shidao took command that he suppressed the Liangshan army. Finally, the Liangshan army accepted the imperial court's recruitment, and hundreds of thousands of troops were disbanded on the spot. Thirty-six generals were also appointed by the imperial court. But later the leader Song Jiang thought he was deceived by the court and wanted to raise troops again, but was suppressed by the court, and almost all the thirty-six generals were demoted to civilians. "

   "You mean, this army is very powerful?" Wanyan Xie also asked.

"It's quite powerful. The thirty-six generals were originally desperate desperadoes. They gathered in Liangshan. They trained the army very well. They rewarded and punished the army very well. Therefore, their combat effectiveness was very strong. At least a hundred thousand troops of the imperial court were defeated by them. hands, so that they got excellent armor."

  Wan Yanxie also took the report, looked at it and asked: "Zhang Rong, Shi Xiu, Liu Tang, are these three old generals of Liangshan?"

   "Exactly! They are all top-ranked leaders of the Liangshan Army."

  Wan Yanxie also nodded, he understood now, no wonder this bandit was able to annihilate Liu Yu's 30,000 troops. It turned out that they had the foundation of the Liangshan Army, presumably their 30,000 soldiers were from the former Liangshan Army.

  He pondered for a while and asked: "Liu Yu's report said that this army is well-equipped, do you think it is possible?"

Zhang Wenzhu nodded, "It's entirely possible that there are as many as 300,000 soldiers transported to Liangshanbo by the humble official alone, and there are still a large number of imperial soldiers who surrendered the army. The humble official knows that the people in Yunzhou and Jeju are martial arts, and almost every household They all have standard armor, and as long as Zhang Rong mobilizes well, they will donate it, so this bandit is naturally well-equipped."

   "Then what will happen if Jin Guo recruits them?"

  Zhang Wenzhu smiled wryly, "Then I have to ask why they rebelled?"

  Wan Yanxie was also a little annoyed immediately, and snorted heavily, "This useless Liu Yu can't even deal with the rebellious bandits, so I can still count on him to deal with the Song army for me?"

  Zhang Wenzhu said cautiously: "Marshal Du, there is a saying in a humble position, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"you say!"

"I feel that Liu Yu's army is mostly from the original local Xiang army. The so-called Yun Cong army is also exaggerated. The combat effectiveness is no better than that of the Song army in the past. It is simply unrealistic to ask them to suppress the Liangshan bandits. To suppress Liangshan The bandits have to rely on the elite cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin."

  Wan Yanxie also walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, a little worried: "But Jin Bing can't fight in water, is it appropriate to go to Liangshanbo?"

"Marshal Du, Liangshanbo is just their hiding place. As long as the Jin soldiers guard Yunzhou and Jeju, they will basically be trapped in Liangshanbo. Within a few months, they will not be able to stand up and surrender. However, it took more than ten years of operation to gain a firm foothold in Liangshanbo. This army has only been short for two months. It cannot stand in Liangshanbo. Do you understand what it means to be humble?"

Wan Yanxie also nodded, he understood the meaning of Zhang Wenzhu, and he thought for a while, the golden soldiers in Xuzhou were dealing with the Northern Expedition of the Song Army and could not move. The only thing that can be mobilized is the 30,000 gold soldiers of Daming Mansion.

   There are 50,000 troops stationed in Daming Mansion. In addition to the 30,000 Jin soldiers, there are also 20,000 Hebei and Hebei troops.

  Wan Yanxie also pondered for a long time, and then issued an order to dispatch 30,000 Jin soldiers from the Daming Mansion to Yunzhou. At the same time, he appointed Zhang Wenzhu as the governor of the Jingdong Road and mobilized all the resources of the Jingdong Road to support the Jin soldiers to wipe out the Liangshan rebels.

  (end of this chapter)

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