MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1016 Breaking through Xuzhou

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  Chapter 1016 Breaking through Xuzhou

It is about 120 miles from Fuli County to Xuzhou, and 20,000 cavalry only need to run overnight on the official road, and they can arrive at dawn. There are endless wheat fields on both sides. The wheat is about to mature. The breeze blows and the waves of wheat roll.

  At the fourth watch, 20,000 cavalry finally entered the boundary of Xuzhou, and the hills began to increase. In the distance, there was a long and endless mountain called Jiuli Mountain in Xuzhou. Not only the hills increased, but also the woods.

At this time, 20,000 cavalry had galloped into a low and gentle valley. The valley was about three miles long, and there were hills on both sides. The terrain is elevated at every step, so this kind of terrain is also called hills and valleys. It is relatively gentle, but it is the easiest to hide murderous intentions.

  It was less than 30 miles away from Pengcheng County in Xuzhou Prefecture. Xie Mao Ali was so anxious that he ordered to speed up again and again. Twenty thousand cavalry rushed into the valley like lightning, and the Jurchen cavalry rushed in front.

   Just before the cavalry in front ran out of the valley, there was a sound of clappers in the woods, and thousands of arrows were fired, and the dense arrows shot at the cavalry in the valley like a storm.

The cavalry suddenly turned on their backs, screaming endlessly, Xiemao Ali's horse was hit by four arrows and fell to the ground, Xiemao Ali suddenly smelled a strong smell of kerosene, and shouted anxiously: "Get out of the official road, quickly! leave!"

But the arrows were just the beginning of fear. As hundreds of rockets shot into the official road, the kerosene buried under the official road began to burn, and then a series of earth-shattering explosions sounded on the official road, and a hundred thunderbolts exploded. Explosions continued on the official road, flesh and blood flew everywhere, horses neighed, soldiers were blown into the sky, and thick smoke enveloped the entire canyon.

Of the 6,000 golden soldiers crowded in the canyon, except for more than 300 who escaped from the front by chance, the remaining 5,600 people either died under random arrows, or died in explosions and flames. The casualties were extremely heavy , the main general Xiemao Ali was killed in the valley.

   The 10,000 crossbowmen lying in ambush on both sides buried their heads deeply on the ground. After the explosion, they evacuated immediately, and the woods were also ignited by the splashing sparks and began to burn.

The 14,000 or so cavalry behind were startled and their horses neighed. They all turned around, but a 5,000-man heavy armored infantry was standing across the official road, blocking the retreat of the Jin cavalry. A general of the Jin soldiers shouted: "Shock!"

A thousand cavalry suddenly accelerated, trying to charge away the heavy armored infantry, but they were greeted by dense horse-cutting swords that were impenetrable to wind and rain. The bodies of more than 300 people in the front were instantly pierced and died tragically on the spot.

  The heavy armored infantry advanced forward like a copper wall and an iron wall. The cavalry corpses were strewn everywhere they passed, and they were unstoppable, killing the golden soldiers and retreating steadily.

At this time, the crossbow arrows of the Song Army's divine arm shot from behind like a storm, and the soldiers fell to the ground one by one. In front were the heavy armored infantry like a copper wall, and behind them were the arrows of the king of hell. In desperation, he had to turn his horse's head and run towards the wheat fields on both sides.

Generally speaking, Jin soldiers will try to avoid fighting in the wheat field. The sharp wheat straw will pierce the horse's shoe, and the wheat field is waist-deep. There are 20,000 spearmen deployed inside. They lie in ambush in the wheat fields, appearing and disappearing. If the golden soldiers are not paying attention, a sharp spear will suddenly stab out and pierce the cavalry on horseback.

   Or a gun pierced the horse's stomach, causing the horse to fall in mourning, and the cavalry on the horse fell down, but could never get up again.

The Jin soldiers mainly fled from the east, and the west was not easy to go. Only more than 3,000 people chose the west, while more than 10,000 cavalry fled desperately in the wheat fields that were more than ten miles long in the east. In the dark, the cavalry looked I don't know the soldiers hidden in the wheat field.

  I saw them screaming and falling down, and more and more cavalrymen were killed in battle. When the cavalrymen ran for more than ten miles, they finally walked out of the wheat field. There were less than 5,000 of the more than 10,000 people left, and more than half of them were killed or injured.

   At this time, all the cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin were stunned. On the opposite side and on both sides of them, 30,000 cavalry formed a large formation of three cavalry, and surrounded them in the shape of a character.

  Li Yanqing ordered coldly: "Kill!"

   "Woo—" the horn sounded, and 30,000 cavalry horses galloped, murderous, rushing towards the 5,000 cavalry from three directions. There was only one ending waiting for the golden soldiers: the entire army was wiped out.

It was getting brighter, and the wheat fields and valleys called Dalongpu finally showed their true colors. The five-mile-long official road was full of corpses of Jin soldiers, and there were piles of corpses that had been blown beyond recognition. The hills to the west of the valley were also half burned by the fire, and the entire hillside was pitch black, which was horrible.

At this time, Wang Gui rushed forward to report to Li Yanqing with his fists clasped, "I have reported to Commander General, the count has been completed, more than 18,000 enemy soldiers were killed, there were no enemy prisoners of war, and 9,300 horses were captured. About 1,000 enemy soldiers fled, mainly from the north and west.”

   "How many casualties did we have?"

   "A total of 740 casualties, mainly cavalry."

  Li Yanqing nodded. This should be the casualties during the last battle. The casualties are not small, but they are also within the normal range.

  Li Yanqing immediately ordered: "Dispose of the corpse, and the army marches towards Pengcheng County!"

  . . . . . .

At this time, there were only two thousand defenders in Pengcheng County. In addition to the original thousand soldiers of the Han army, there were also 1,200 Jin soldiers who fled back. If he was killed with a long knife, he would be a fool when he died. He didn't know why he was killed?

The commander was called Nian Da, and he was very anxious. Just after dawn, he sent someone to send a letter to Yanshan Mansion, and asked Wanyan Xie for help. This is because the news of Jinbing was relatively closed. Wanyan Zongqian led the army across the Yellow River to Yunzhou, Xuzhou The golden soldier didn't even know, otherwise this thousand golden soldier would have gone directly to Yunzhou instead of staying in Xuzhou to die.

  At noon, 100,000 Song troops arrived at the city of Xuzhou. Li Yanqing watched the city from afar, seeing that the troops at the top of the city were sparse, he sneered, turned to Wang Gui and said, "Block the three gates and let the north gate go!"

   "Follow the order!"

  Wang Gui immediately rushed to arrange troops, and Li Yanqing said to Cao Meng: "You can lead 10,000 cavalry to intercept five miles north of Xuzhou City, and when the Jin soldiers escape from Beicheng, don't let a single one go!"

  Cao Meng saluted, "obey the order!"

  Cao Meng led 10,000 cavalry to detour to the north. Not long after, Wang Gui sent someone to report, "Soldiers have been stationed at the three gates of the city!"

  Li Yanqing immediately ordered: "Order the throwers to go up and blow up the south gate!"

In a moment, 300 soldiers formed a shield wall with shields, guarding two throwers and walked slowly towards the city gate. The big city will use pig iron to cast the outside of the city, and the gates of other cities have this structure.

In addition, there is a suspension bridge in front of the south city gate. The head of the suspension bridge is about two feet above the ground. Although the suspension bridge can effectively withstand the enemy's attack on the city gate, it can create another convenience for Zhen Tianlei, that is, from a height to the city gate. The potential energy of falling down, this is both advantages and disadvantages.

After a while, three hundred soldiers escorted the throwers and came under the suspension bridge. They had entered the shooting range of a hundred steps. Hundreds of soldiers on the top of the city immediately shot arrows like rain, and the dense arrows shot at the three hundred soldiers. Pointless, the solid shield wall blocked the arrows.

  Two soldiers were holding a thunderbolt like a big wax gourd, another soldier lit the match, and the two soldiers shouted, "One, two, three!"

The two exerted their strength at the same time, and Zhen Tianlei was gently thrown three feet high. With a sound of "Boom!", it fell heavily on the suspension bridge, and rolled towards the city gate. Three hundred soldiers immediately retreated, holding their shields and running. They quickly ran a hundred steps away. At this moment, they quickly lay down on the ground, covered their heads and bodies with their shields, and tightly covered their ears.

  Zhentianlei just rolled to the gate of the city, hit the gate lightly and stopped, only for a moment, only heard a shocking explosion, the ground was shaking, the city was shaking, sawdust was flying, and thick smoke filled the gate.

After a long time, the thick smoke disappeared, and the south city gate had already become a mess. The suspension bridge was blown off, half of the suspension bridge was floating on the moat, and most of the city gate was blown away, leaving only a little edge hanging on the city gate. It was also riddled with holes, but it did not collapse, barely supporting the city walls and towers.

  However, the soldiers on the top of the city disappeared. They were either killed by the shock or stunned. If they were so close and their ears were not blocked, the sound of the explosion alone could make people deaf.

  The gates of the city were wide open, and Li Yanqing immediately ordered: "The cavalry enter the city and protect the warehouse!"

Immediately, 5,000 cavalrymen rushed towards the city gate under the leadership of Gao Chong. The previous 300 soldiers had built five planks on the moat, forming a simple bridge, and rushed into the city first. Cross the wooden bridge and rush into the city gate. Go directly to the warehouse near Nancheng and protect the warehouse.

   This is also the reason why Li Yanqing launched an offensive in the south city. He must protect the warehouse in the south of the city as quickly as possible, otherwise the golden soldier will directly throw a spark on the haystack, and he will really want to cry without tears.

  Actually, Li Yanqing was a little bit more stable in the battle layout for attacking Xuzhou. He could take Xuzhou ahead of schedule, and maybe send another army to ambush a few miles south of Xuzhou to intercept the fleeing Jin soldiers.

But Li Yanqing gave up this plan, and there was a great risk in doing so. It was too close to the city, and it was easy to be spotted by enemy patrols. The plan was successful, and he chose the latter over the city and the annihilation of the golden soldiers.

  However, Li Yanqing did not encircle the north gate, just to prevent the golden soldiers from going to despair and burn everything, and to leave them a glimmer of hope, also in order to keep the granary.

  The result was not unexpected. After the Song army entered the city, 1,200 cavalrymen of the Kingdom of Jin quickly fled to the north city and left Xuzhou city. The remaining soldiers of the Han army put down their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

  (end of this chapter)