MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1024 Battle of Hearts

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  Chapter 1024 Battle of Punishment Heart

After exchanging greetings with everyone, they all sat down. Li Yanqing said with a smile to everyone: "First, I would like to inform you about the battle situation in Hebei. We have completely blocked the Yellow River. More than 500 ships are patrolling the Yellow River. Unable to pass through the Yellow River natural moat.

The second is the battle of Daming Mansion. The Gao Qingyi army is nothing to worry about. They didn't really attack the city with all their might, but the Jin soldiers launched an attack of 25,000 people three days ago, and we wiped out 15,000 people. After a disastrous defeat, the Jin soldiers did not attack in the past two days, but besieged the city, probably thinking about the method of attacking the city, or waiting for news from the Jin soldiers in Yunzhou. "

   "But haven't the golden soldiers in Yunzhou been wiped out?" Han Shizhong asked.

"But Wan Yanxie didn't know about this news. Daming Mansion is their intelligence transit terminal. Whether it's Bianliang or Lin'an, all the information about the flying pigeons of Jinbing must first be collected in Daming Mansion, and then distributed by Daming Mansion. Now that the Daming Mansion is occupied by us, they will of course be blind and deaf, unless they use folk information, as far as I know, many merchants have their own carrier pigeons, just after watching Yan Xie, can you think of this."

   "When will the commander-in-chief plan to attack Bianliang with all his strength?" Yue Fei also raised his hand and asked.

Li Yanqing smiled slightly: "The first is to attack the army, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the soldiers, and the next is to attack the city. The method of attacking the city is a last resort. Now that Liu Yu's overall situation is over, Liu Yu may not want to surrender. Is it true that his subordinates are planning to take over for you?" Was he buried with him?"

  Yue Fei heard something in Li Yanqing's words, and quickly asked: "Could it be that the commander-in-chief already has an internal response?"

   "I can't talk about the internal response, but the soldiers have picked up eight letters of integrity in the past few days. They are all generals in the city and expressed their willingness to make contributions and atone for their crimes."

   At this time, Liu Guangshi, who had been silent all the time, said slowly: "If it was one letter, I would doubt its credibility, but now there are eight letters. It seems that the generals in the city are indeed alienated. How does the commander-in-chief plan to deal with it?"

  Li Yanqing smiled faintly, "It doesn't matter whether it's one letter of surrender or eight letters of surrender, you don't need to pay attention to them, and you don't need to deliberately contact them, just follow our steps."

   After finishing speaking, Li Yanqing asked Sima Li Meiwen who was sitting in the back, "Sima Li, have you finished what I told you?"

   "There is one last point, all printing is guaranteed before dark today."

  Li Yanqing nodded, "Everyone, go back and rectify the troops. It depends on what happens tonight."

   Everyone dispersed, but Yue Fei stayed behind and asked Li Yanqing, "Should we just go north to Hebei after the Battle of Bianliang?"

Li Yanqing pondered for a while and said: "Frankly speaking, I only care about the Jin soldiers in Hebei's army now. There are nearly 80,000 Jin soldiers. This number is enough to fight us decisively, and they will not lose to us. Daming City has been built into a meat grinder to consume the golden soldiers to the maximum, but Wan Yanxie seems to have woken up and has not attacked the city for two consecutive days, so I am thinking about how to divide the golden soldiers."

  Yue Fei pondered for a moment and said: "Whether we can attack Yanshan Mansion, Wanyan Xie will most likely send troops back to help."

Li Yanqing nodded, "I used to think about it in this way. Let Liu Kai's army go to Jingxing to attack Hejian Mansion, wipe out Hejian Mansion's Ji army, and then turn around and go north to enter Yanshan Mansion. Even Wan Yanxie can bear it." The entire Ji army was destroyed, but he must not be able to bear the Song army's attack on Yanshan Mansion, so he either divided up his troops or withdrew all of them to the north."

   Pausing for a while, Li Yanqing said again: "However, we have to let go of this idea, and wait until Liu Kai wins the Datong Mansion!"

  Yue Fei was surprised, "General Liu has sent troops to Datong Mansion?"

  Li Yanqing nodded, "Liu Kai's 100,000 troops should have already set off. As long as we take Datong Mansion, we can attack Yanshan Mansion from the north."

  . . . . . .

   As night fell quietly, Li Yanqing's 100,000 troops began to deploy outside Bianliang City, waiting for the moment when the city was broken.

Wang Gui was standing on a mound, watching Bianliang City from a distance, when Cao Meng appeared beside him, Wang Gui saw that Cao Meng seemed to have something to say, so he laughed and said, "How can you still think about it, boy?" Can you hold things back?"

  Cao Meng smiled wryly and said: "Some things are too big, I have to hold them in my heart!"

   "Then tell me." Wang Gui smiled.

  Cao Meng sighed, "Actually, I have never figured it out. Da Song is already so weak, why doesn't Du Shuai replace him?"

   "Such words really have to be held in my heart!"

  Wang Gui looked around, then laughed softly: "Are you worried that your interests will not be protected in the future?"

  Cao Meng nodded, "I'm just worried that Emperor Song will come to the throne in the future. If there is something wrong with the commander-in-chief, aren't we old people who have followed him for many years the first person that Emperor Song will clean up?"

  Wang Gui smiled and said, "I tell you, I'm not worried at all."


"Because I know Du Shuai too well. I grew up with him. How many twists and turns in his stomach, I don't know? Let me tell you this! How the Supreme Emperor died, the one above us knows better than anyone else. "

  Cao Meng was taken aback, "Isn't the Supreme Emperor too indulgent?"

  Wang Gui sneered, "Excessive indulgence will only make the thing down below fail, and it won't kill you. If you don't believe me, go to Doctor Xia again, and I guarantee that no one will know where he went."

   "But I've never felt Du's handsome and ruthless side!"

"That's because we belong to him. Needless to say, we are his brother-in-law. I was his childhood friend and followed him all the time, so he trusts us very much. Like Zhang Rong, if you don't believe me, just look at it. Don't trust him."

   "How can you tell?"

  Wang Gui patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Little guy, don't you understand?"

   "Go!" Cao Meng broke free from his hand and said angrily, "Are you going to tell me?"

"Then let me tell you, Shi Xiu is the most cunning person. Why did he ask where he was appointed as the local commander? When the general said he was appointed as the commander of Jeju, he immediately agreed. Shi Xiu also saw that Zhang Rong This person will become a disaster for Liang Shanbo, so he will step on Zhang Rong to go up!"

   "How do you know that Zhang Rong will become Liang Shanbo's disaster?"

"Because I took over Zhang Rong's army, I found that there were 300 people missing. They were the water thieves that Zhang Rong raised in Liangshanpo. Zhang Rong didn't hand over these 300 people and kept them by himself. He thought he was doing a perfect job? Let me tell you, Shi Xiu has already reported to Du Shuai behind his back, so Du Shuai put Shi Xiu in Jeju and sent someone to monitor Zhang Rong. deployment, you don’t understand it!”

  Cao Meng nodded and sighed: "If you don't tell me, I would never have imagined it."

   "So don't worry, Dushuai is far-sighted. After more than ten years, everyone has forgotten about the Zhao family, and all the damned people are dead. Who cares whether the world belongs to the Zhao family or not?"

   "It will take more than ten years to know the answer, won't it suffocate me?"

  Wang Gui laughed loudly, "Then you can learn from me and completely believe in Dushuai. Does he not consider the safety of his own children and grandchildren?"

  Cao Meng suddenly came to his senses, scratched the back of his head, and smirked.

At this time, three super trebuchets were slowly approaching from the southeast, and they stopped slowly four hundred steps away from the city. Immediately shouted, someone rushed to the palace to report to Liu Yu.

Three super trebuchets creaked and opened, and three huge wooden **** were placed on the throwing pockets. Each big wooden ball contained 10,000 leaflets. It was hand-engraved by Sima Li Meiwen. Two semicircles are buckled together, and there is a joint in the middle. What buckles the two hemispheres is a big firecracker. When the firecracker explodes in the air, the wooden ball will open naturally, and all the leaflets will float into the city with the wind. The army tried several times before determining the final throwing plan.

  It is not a war tonight, and no military orders are needed, just launch when you are ready.

  At this time, the thrower gave an order, and the three super trebuchets were launched. Three huge wooden **** flew across the sky and flew into the city. ’ exploded, the wooden ball opened, and tens of thousands of leaflets inside rolled out and floated into the city with the help of the east wind.

  The city was suddenly like snow in June, and leaflets were flying all over the sky. At this time, Liu Yu was rushing towards the city head under the protection of dozens of personal guards.

He stopped in his tracks, looking at the leaflets fluttering in the sky in surprise. A soldier snatched one and handed it to Liu Yu. It pointed out that soldiers and generals surrendered to the Jin soldiers and helped the tyrants to abuse them. They have become traitors to the nation. The army captured Bianliang, and they would no longer have a way out.

   Those who take the lead in dedicating the city will receive a heavy reward and be given the title of first-level commander. I advise the 20,000 soldiers not to let go of the last chance.

   Liu Yu was furious immediately, tore the leaflets to pieces and shouted: "Go and collect the leaflets immediately, those who dare to hide the leaflets will be regarded as collaborators and will be executed immediately!"

  At this time, three more big wooden **** exploded in the air, and 30,000 new leaflets were flying in the air.

  Bianliang Defense Envoy Fan Qiong rushed over and said to Liu Yu: "Your Highness, the Song Army's move is very aggressive!"

  Liu Yu gritted his teeth and said, "This is not attacking one's heart, this is punishing one's heart!"

   "So what should we do?"

   "Send someone to watch, as long as there is a gathering of generals, arrest them immediately!"

  Fan Qiong secretly sighed in his heart, this is really bad, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and send 300 soldiers to patrol around. At the same time, he sent people to warn all the generals above the command and strictly forbid the generals to gather in private.

But no matter Liu Yu's killing order or Fan Qiong's warning, they are meaningless. Li Yanqing's heart attack has brought a huge impact to the soldiers in the city. Officer, this made all the generals unable to sit still.

For soldiers, being a prisoner of war will affect their children and grandchildren. It is also a terrible thing. Maybe the generals still have scruples, but the soldiers have no scruples. The army camp surrendered, or fled directly to their homes.

  The trend of fleeing became more and more violent, and it turned into groups of soldiers fleeing, battalions disappearing one by one. By the time of the second watch, more than 2,500 people had fled.

Fan Qiong was scolded by the news, and he immediately made two decisions. First, he had to hide Liu Yu's news and not let him know the news of the soldiers fleeing; second, he ordered his own soldiers to guard the city separately. Flee and report to yourself immediately.

  (end of this chapter)

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