MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1043 Central Plains tour

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  Chapter 1043 Central Plains Tour

The rumbling drums sounded again, and two hundred trebuchets appeared from behind the Song army brigade. This is a new type of trebuchet developed and built by Jing Zhaojun for many years. It is huge in size and has six wheels. It takes ten people to throw it, but it can throw a stone weighing a hundred catties two hundred and fifty steps away.

Although this kind of trebuchet seems a bit bulky and slow, it can exert great power in group combat, especially the Jingzhaojun craftsmen have improved the evenly burning matchlock, which has an extremely important effect on the distance and time of Zhentianlei's control. The important influence makes throwing thunder more accurate, and the killing effect of the trebuchet can be doubled.

  ‘If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools! '

Zhentianlei was not invented by Li Yanqing in history. It was a sharp weapon invented by the firearms craftsmen of the Song Dynasty after decades of innovation and improvement of gunpowder on the basis of the Thunderbolt Cannon. It played a decisive role in the later Song-Jin Wars and Song-Yuan Wars. role.

  Especially for the Northern Expedition Song Army, the absolute lead in firearms technology became their biggest advantage, and Zhentianlei also became the biggest weapon for the Song Army to fight against all odds.

For the defense of the city, the army of the Kingdom of Jin is still relatively backward, mainly using bows and arrows and rolling wood and rocks, and the Song army engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Their sharpest weapon is kerosene, and there are almost no firearms. After countless failed experiments, Jin Guo has almost given up on the development of anti-shock thunder.

  Historically, the Kingdom of Jin also gained a large number of gunpowder craftsmen because of the breakthrough of Bianjing, making their firearms level no less than that of the Song Dynasty, and even surpassing the Song Dynasty in terms of actual combat.

The six-wheeled trebuchet was slowly driving in the wilderness, and the drawn horses made it dusty, covering the sky and the sun. The momentum of two hundred trebuchets coming together stunned the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin on the top of the city. Two hundred catapults stopped about two hundred and fifty paces from the city wall.

The Song soldiers on the left and right had tightened the winch, and a dark red oblate thunderbolt was placed on the throwing pocket, ready to go, dragging a two-foot-long slow matchlock, and a Song soldier lit the fuse. .

There are scales on the lead line, with distances of 300 steps and 250 steps, but the position of the chariot is not so precise. In order to prevent the shocking thunder from being shot on the top of the city too early, the enemy will be doused with water. Or cut the matchlock, a craftsman invented a special design, made an iron cover on the Zhentianlei, so that the fuse of the last thirty steps can burn inside the iron shell.

  Each Thunderbolt has a brand with the name of the craftsman engraved on it. The brand is taken off when launching. If there is a dumb thunder or an early explosion, the craftsman will be held accountable.

This kind of accountability is not only used on important firearms. All the weapons of the Song Army are engraved with craftsmen's names to facilitate commendation or accountability. This ensures that craftsmen are conscientious in making every weapon, and a strict and perfect system The division of work like an assembly line is the real effective management and quality assurance.

  Fire rope' Chi! 'It started to burn, with bursts of white smoke. Song Jun, who was in charge of launching the trebuchet, narrowed his eyes. The fire rope had already burned to the mark of 250 steps. He pulled the handle hard, and the winch was full of power and exploded. .

  The dark red Thunderbolt was thrown out with a strong force, a burst of 'Ka! Click! Click! ’ With the sound of projectiles, two hundred thunderbolts emitting white smoke drew a parabola and shot towards the top of the city.

More than half of the two hundred thunderbolts hit the top of the city, only to hear a deafening explosion sound from the top of the city, so shocking that people almost stopped beating, the thunderbolts exploded one after another, red flames burst out, puffs of black smoke It soared into the sky and gathered into a huge mushroom cloud.

A large section of the city wall was blown flat, the dense crowd on the top of the city was gone, countless gravel and **** flesh and blood were scattered, and the air was filled with choking gunpowder smoke and disgusting **** smell. The screams of dying, and the screams of extreme terror came and went, like a scene in hell.

Hundreds of thousands of Song troops several miles away were also stunned by the powerful power of this thunderbolt. Although this giant thunderbolt was powerful, they were all prepared for it, but when two hundred exploded together, the explosion caused by it This kind of landslide-like effect still made the soldiers of the Song Army feel a chill in their hearts.

The top of the city was already silent. Thousands of soldiers from the Kingdom of Jin disappeared in a huge explosion. Death has taken their hearts.

  At this time, Wang Gui and Liu Kai issued an order at the same time, "Siege the city!"

  The earth-shattering drum sounded again. Hundreds of nest cars and ladders had been assembled and began to attack Yanjing City rumblingly. One hundred thousand soldiers of the Song Army rushed forward like a flood.

Although the Song Army has the most advanced and sharpest weapons, it is human beings who fight. The Song Army needs to hone themselves with blood and fire. They need to grow up in death, and they need to become the most powerful army in the world in the baptism of war. .

  Twenty thousand reserve gold soldiers rushed up from the bottom of the city, barely holding the top of the city, but they were still shrouded in the fear of the huge explosion of Zhen Tianlei, and their morale was very low.

  The morale of the Song army was high. A ladder was built on the top of the city, and soldiers of the Song Army climbed up the city. Arrows shot from the top of the city like rain, and rolling logs and rocks fell like hail.

  A soldier of the Song Army was smashed to the bone, screaming and falling down the city. Another soldier bravely went up and fought with the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin at the top of the city with a spear.

  Under the city, 20,000 soldiers of the Song Dynasty fought back with strong bows and crossbows. The heavy rain of arrows overwhelmed the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin on the top of the city.

At this time, fifty nest carts of the Song Army finally arrived at the city wall. Rollers were installed under the nest carts, and hundreds of soldiers pushed them forward. There were two hundred soldiers in the car, and the iron plates that built the city were pulled up by iron chains, which could resist the bows and arrows of the Jin Guojun.

  'Boom! With a loud bang, the iron plate hit the top of the city, smashing the broken stones into the air. With a shout, two hundred soldiers of the Song Army rushed out of the nest cart, brandished their swords and spears, rushed to the top of the city, and rushed to the top of the city. He entered the group of Jin Guo soldiers and fought with them.

As the 10,000 Song troops in the nest car rushed to the top of the city one after another, the Song army who climbed the ladder got a chance. They rushed to the top of the city one after another, with strong fighting spirit and high momentum, shouting and killing, but the Jin Guojun Still submerged in the cloud of the thunderous explosion just now, unable to extricate themselves, their morale began to slacken, their morale was low, and they were killed by the Song army and retreated steadily.

  At this time, Yanjing City became a cage for the Jin Guojun, making it difficult for them to escape.

Wang Gui saw that the gate of Yanjing City was wide open, and there were soldiers of the Song Army waving the flag of the Yellow Dragon Army inside the city. He immediately pointed his saber at the city gate, and ordered 20,000 of the most elite cavalry: "Shoot into Yanjing City, and kill anyone who resists! "

  The hooves of the horses were rolling, and the momentum was overwhelming. The 20,000 cavalry rushed into the city of Yanjing like the highest wave.

  . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Battle of Yanjing City ended in a **** storm. Jin Guojun was unwilling to surrender, and either started street fighting with Song Army in the city, or rushed out of the city and fled in all directions. They were brutally slaughtered by Song Army. There were more than 20,000 people, and less than 500 people fled desperately. The main general Wanyan Xiyin was shot and killed by the Song army's random arrows when he broke through.

  Deputy General Guo Yaoshi was in despair, and he was also desperate, so he had to look up to the sky and sigh, and commit suicide with his sword in the mansion.

Killed 3,000 enemies and lost 800 of them. The Song army also suffered nearly 6,000 casualties. Compared with the glorious victory, this casualty is nothing. The Song army won the battle of Yanshan Mansion as scheduled, and completely captured Yanshan land to the south.

  . . . . . . . .

  When the news of the capture of Yanjing came, Li Yanqing was touring Chenzhou.

   Several southern prefectures of Kaifeng, including Chenzhou, Caizhou, Yingzhou and Yingchangfu, were also ravaged by the Jin soldiers' invasion.

  However, it is much better than these prefectures in Hebei. At least most of the villages are inhabited. Although many people have fled, as long as they can return to their homes, they can recover in just a few years.

  Li Yanqing walked along the east bank of Yingshui River, accompanied by the new governor of Chenzhou, Lu Yihao.

But after all, he has a deep network and good ability. More importantly, he is very firm in his anti-golden attitude, so he quickly re-entered the job and was appointed as the doctor of the household department and the governor of Chenzhou. At the same time, another former Xiangguo Fan Zongyin, he served as the governor of Haizhou.

  If they perform well in office, they can be transferred to the imperial court as senior officials after a few years. After all, their qualifications are enough, but if they want to re-enter the prime minister, they must agree with Li Yanqing. The appointment and dismissal of the prime minister is in the hands of Li Yanqing.

Lu Yihao pointed to a village in the distance and said to Li Yanqing: "Your Highness, that is Wangge Village, and it was once raided by the Jin soldiers. At the worst time, there were only three families left from more than a hundred families. Now some families are starting to come back one after another. .”

  The reason why Li Yanqing pays attention to this village is because the home of a soldier of his is here. He learned that the parents of the soldier returned to their hometown from Ezhou, so he also wanted to take a look in person.

   "Go! Take a look."

  Li Yanqing urged the horse down the field ridge and walked to the village several miles away.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the village, he heard a barking of dogs. More than a dozen small dogs ran out and barked at them. After returning, Li Yanqing counted, at least 15 households were disturbed.

  At this time, Baozheng from the village came rushing over, knelt down and saluted, and said, "Young man Wang Yu, this is Baozheng from this village. I pay my respects to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent!"

   "Please get up! Don't be too formal."

  At this time, Li Yanqing saw an old man unloading things from the car, and walked into the yard. Seeing many people coming in, the old man couldn't help but startled, "Who are you?"

   Baozheng hurried forward and whispered a few words to the old man in his ear. The old man's expression changed drastically in fright, and he knelt down and kowtowed, "I don't know if the regent is coming, I'm guilty!"

  Li Yanqing pleaded, "Hurry up, old man, let's have a chat if you don't want to disturb me."

   "Do not disturb! Do not disturb! Please sit in the room."

   "Just in the yard! It's cooler under the big trees."

  The old man quickly took a few stools out, and asked his wife to boil water and make tea. Li Yanqing asked with a smile, "Excuse me, what is your name, old man?"

   "Miangui's surname is Hou, a native of this village, who has lived here all his life."

   "Did the old man move back because he was emotionally reluctant to part with his homeland?"

  The old man sighed, "Yes, but not exactly!"

   "Old man, why don't you tell me!" Li Yanqing was really interested.

  (end of this chapter)

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