MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1049 officially declared war

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  Chapter 1049 Official declaration of war

Linhuang Mansion used to be the upper capital of the Liao Kingdom. At that time, Jin soldiers besieged Linhuang City for a year and a half, killing and injuring more than 50,000 people before taking down Linhuang City. The angry Jin soldiers raised their butcher knives and killed all the surrendered Liao soldiers. And the Khitan people in the city, and all the Khitan people and Han people in the city were captured as slaves, and finally Linhuang City was razed to the ground by the Jin soldiers.

In order to control Shangjing, the Kingdom of Jin set up tooth tents on the east bank of the Langhe River in Linhuang Mansion and stationed 30,000 troops. The strength reached 70,000.

  But the 70,000 army is still too small for the 250,000 grassland coalition forces that are about to kill.

  At this time, Wanyan Zongwang regretted demolishing the tall and strong Linhuang City for the first time, otherwise the 70,000 Jin soldiers would guard the city, and the grassland coalition forces would not be able to break through the city.

  Although there are other cities in Linhuang Mansion, they are basically low and dilapidated and difficult to defend.

  Wanyan Zongwang faced a dilemma. Should he stick to the city, or fight the enemy on the grassland?

  Although it is beneficial to hold on to the city, once the city is lost, they will lose the sharp cavalry tactics of the golden soldiers. There are advantages and disadvantages, and it depends on how the decision is made.

  Wanyan Zongwang finally decided to fight the 250,000 grassland coalition forces on the grassland. His decision was not overheated. They once defeated the 200,000 coalition forces of the Naiman and Uighur tribes with 80,000 cavalry.

  So even though the enemy army was three times larger than his own, Wanyan Zongwang still had the confidence to win this battle.

  Although they are very confident, it is a pity that Wanyan Zongwang made an empirical mistake. When they defeated the 200,000 coalition forces of the Naiman and Uighur tribes with 80,000 cavalry, what equipment was the opponent at that time, and what equipment is it now.

  At that time, the grassland tribes used a single bow with a range of only 50 steps. Many people's spears were sharpened directly from tree branches. Their leather armor was thin and could not block an arrow from a golden soldier a hundred steps away.

  The current grassland coalition forces are all equipped with equipment sold to them by the Song Dynasty. Spears, knives, bows and arrows, leather armor, iron helmets, at least the equipment of the Xiang army, is no less than the Jin soldiers.

  In the morning, the sky was gloomy. On the prairie north of Linhuangshui, the two armies slowly lined up. Only then did Wanyan Zongwang realize that the equipment of the troops was completely different.

  He was secretly surprised, but it was too late, so he had to draw out his sword and shouted, "Follow me and defeat the enemy's central army!"

The 70,000 golden soldiers let out a roar, and killed the central army of the 250,000 army. There was a sound of horns on the grassland, and the grassland coalition army also launched an offensive. go. . . . .

  A tragic war broke out first on the grassland.

  . . . . . . .

The main camp of the Song Army located in Lulong County, Pingzhou stretches for hundreds of miles, and 500,000 troops are stationed here. In addition, 200,000 civilians and 50,000 carts from all over the country have also arrived in Lulong. They are not far away. Also set up a big camp, Guangminfu's big camp is more than 20 miles away, and the momentum is huge.

  On a hill outside the main camp, Li Yanqing immediately looked at the big camp at the foot of the mountain, the big white tent stretching as far as the eye can see.

Li Yanqing pointed to the camp at the foot of the mountain with a whip, and smiled at Wang Gui, "Ah Gui, it is a bit exaggerated to say that Lu Xun burned the eight hundred li company camp in the Three Kingdoms, but I guess there should be six hundred thousand troops in one hundred li." It’s not a small amount, it’s 100,000 more than us.”

Wang Gui also laughed and said: "I think it depends on how many cavalry there are. Liu Bei's cavalry is not many, but there are many navy troops. I guess it is counted together with the water village. Eight hundred miles is about the same. We mainly have hundreds of thousands of cavalry. So it occupies a large area, and if there is no cavalry, fifty miles is enough."

  Li Yanqing nodded, "It makes sense!"

  At this time, Wang Gui asked again: "We now have a million troops. If we keep it, will it be the same as the Song Dynasty?"

Li Yanqing smiled slightly and said: "In the future there will be many frontier troops. For example, the garrison in Goryeo will cost at least 80,000 to 100,000 troops. For the frontier troops in the northwest and northeast, I don't think it will cost one million, but 600,000 is needed. Then train another 600,000 reserve militias, and once a war breaks out, they can join the army at any time, which is actually still 1.2 million, but the burden on the court will be much lower.”

  Speaking of this, Li Yanqing laughed again: "What are your plans after the gold is destroyed?"

   "I plan to take a good rest for a few years and have a few more sons."

  Wang Gui suddenly realized, "Du Shuai has a task for me?"

  Li Yanqing nodded, "I want you to be the first governor of Korea for a period of five years. Are you interested?"

   "I...Of course there is no problem, but what about Zhang Shun?"

   "Zhang Shun is still a little short. He can't control Korea. I want him to be the governor of Penghu and Liuqiu!"

   "Is that the big overseas island?"

Li Yanqing nodded, "Zheng Rongtai has a supply base on Penghu Island, which can just be used. Then he will build a city in the north of Liuqiu Island, set up Liuqiu Mansion, and then move the coastal Han people there, and give them a 30-year tax exemption. I believe It will gradually develop over decades.”

  Wang Gui smiled and said, "When my son grows up, let him join the army there too."

  Li Yanqing patted him on the shoulder, "You have to think about getting your son admitted to Jinshi!"

   "That stinky boy, since he was a child, he likes to dance with and sleeps, probably the same as when I was a child."

  The two of them laughed together when they thought of the days when they were studying in the past.

  At this time, a soldier rushed over, clasped his fists and said, "You are handsome, everyone is here!"

  Li Yanqing nodded, "Let's go!"

  He and Wang Gui urged their horses to gallop towards the foot of the mountain. . . . . . .

In the big tent of the Chinese army, more than 20 generals gathered together. After recovering Yanjing, Li Yanqing issued a commendation order. All control.

Niu Gao, Liu Tie, Gao Chong, Yang Zaixing, Zhang Shun, Wu Phosphate, etc. were all promoted to the capital, while Wang Gui, Liu Qi, Cao Meng, Wu Jie, Liu Ziyu, Tang Huai, Cao Xing and other old capitals were the main Promoted in official rank and title.

  Especially Wang Gui and Liu Kai, who were both promoted to the second rank Fuguo General and Taiwei, and promoted to Duke of the county.

   Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and other four major generals also received promotions. Zhang Jun was transferred back to the imperial court to serve as an envoy to the Privy Council, and became a prime minister after the Zhizheng Hall was expanded to nine ministers.

  Liu Guangshi also became a civil servant, and he was named Tejin, Prince Shaobao, and served as Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

  Han Shizhong was named a Taiwei and served as the governor of Yunnan. He led an army of 50,000 to quell the Nanzhao Rebellion.

  Among the four major metropolises, only Yue Fei continued to follow Li Yanqing to conquer the Kingdom of Jin, but Yue Fei was also named General of Zhen Guo, Taiwei, Duke of Jincheng County, and was at the same level as Liu Kai and Wang Gui.

  Everyone gathered in the tent, discussing a lot. At this time, Li Yanqing walked into the big tent, and the flag officer shouted, "Stand up!"

  Everyone stood up with a bang, straightened their backs, and there was no sound in the big tent.

  Li Yanqing waved his hand, "Generals, please sit down!"

  Everyone sat down, and a soldier brought out a wooden frame, on which was hung a map of the Kingdom of Jin and the Great Map.

Li Yanqing picked up a wooden pole, pointed at Linhuang Mansion and said, "I just got the news that the 250,000 coalition troops from various grassland ministries have fought against the 70,000 golden soldiers led by Wanyan Zongwang on the grassland of Linhuang Mansion. It has been two days. , the situation is unknown now, it is estimated that there will be news in the evening."

  He put down the wooden pole and said: "According to the agreement we signed when we met in the grassland alliance, once the grassland sends troops, that's when we send troops, so our journey of cutting gold will begin."

  Everyone was extremely excited and gearing up, they have been waiting for this moment.

  Li Yanqing waved his hand, and the big tent became quiet again.

"The Kingdom of Jin is militaristic and ignorant of self-cultivation. It used to claim 500,000 troops, but now there are only 200,000 left. The treasury is empty, the people are poor, and the internal fighting is fierce. It's time, let me tell you an accurate information, our current enemy, Liaoyang Prefecture has only 50,000 golden soldiers, while our Yanshan Prefecture has 600,000 troops."

  Yue Fei frowned, "You are handsome, why are there so few troops?"

Li Yanqing smiled slightly and said: "As I said just now, the internal fighting in the Jin Dynasty is fierce, and each of the three major factions controls an army, so that their 200,000 troops will be split into three pieces. Otherwise, the 200,000 troops will be squeezed into one fist. It's also difficult to deal with!"

At this time, a personal soldier walked in quickly and whispered something in Li Yanqing's ear. Li Yanqing nodded and said with a smile to everyone: "Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, Jin Guowan Yan Quan sent an envoy to ask us Let’s make up, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin is only twelve years old, this must be Wanyan Zongjun’s intention.”

  Li Yanqing immediately ordered the soldiers, "Take them to the side tent and wait. I will see them later."

Li Yanqing continued to the crowd: "The Liaoyang Prefecture's 50,000 troops are stationed in three places, Dading Prefecture has 20,000 troops, and Jin Guo veteran Wanyan Yinshu can command them, and Xianping Prefecture has 10,000 troops. Yan Zongbi led an army of 20,000 troops to garrison Liaoyang Mansion. These three places are the horns of each other and echo each other, so we must send troops at the same time. The army threatens Liaoyang Mansion, and the other army takes Dading Mansion. Xianping Mansion, cut off Wanyan Zongbi's escape route."

  Wang Gui asked: "If the Jin soldiers from Shangjing go south to rescue, wouldn't Niu Gao suffer from the enemy?"

  Li Yanqing smiled slightly, "So I will negotiate with the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin today to get rid of this hidden danger."

  (end of this chapter)