MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 973 three urgent letters

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  Chapter 973 Three urgent letters

  Li Yanqing's tough statement made it difficult for Qin Hui to gain a foothold in Xixia. Two days later, Qin Hui was 'guarded' by five hundred cavalry and left Lingzhou, heading towards Yan'an Mansion.

At this time, the news of Xixia's destruction of the country had been sent to Lin'an by Li Yanqing by means of flying pigeons. It was less than ten days since the emperor Zhao Gou ordered the truce to negotiate. up.

  Although the news made the imperial court a little embarrassed, the Lin'an Mansion was full of excitement all night. People beat gongs and drums, sang and danced, and celebrated the greatest victory of the Great Song Dynasty in a hundred years of carnival.

In the palace, Zhao Gou had already drank a jug of wine, his face was flushed, his two-year-old son Zhao Tan was crawling around excitedly at his feet, his mother Pan Xianfei sat aside, pulling the naughty child back to herself from time to time in the arms.

   "The official family drank too much and can't drink any more." Concubine Pan Xian couldn't help persuading her husband when he saw that he wanted to pour wine.

  The son Zhao Yan picked up the jug, and said naively: "Dad, drink again!"

Zhao Gou laughed loudly, hugged his son into his arms, kissed his little cheek deeply, and said to Concubine Pan Xian: "I am so happy! The grand plan and great cause that the ancestors have never completed, is finally completed in my hands." Yes, this is my great achievement, and it is also the beginning of the revival of the Great Song Dynasty."

   Concubine Pan Xian looked confused, "But this concubine remembers that the government issued an order not long ago to stop the war in Xixia, why?"

  Zhao Gou chuckled, "This moment is also that moment!"

  At this time, an **** whispered in Zhao Gou's ear: "Mr. Gao has something urgent to see you!"

  Zhao Gou was slightly taken aback, but he immediately reacted, nodded and said: "Tell him to wait in the Nuan Pavilion, I will be there soon!"

Gao Shen must have a deep meaning in asking for a meeting at this critical moment, and Gao Shen also shoulders a secret mission. He is the secret liaison between Li Yanqing and Zhao Gou. His father-in-law Cao Xuan received it, and then handed it over to Gao Shen, who presented it to the emperor Zhao Gou. Only Cao Xuan and Gao Shen knew this secret, and even the old man Cao Ping and the eldest son Cao Sheng were kept in the dark.

  So Zhao Gou guessed that Gao Shen must have brought top-secret news about Li Yanqing.

   Not long after, Zhao Gou came to Nuan Pavilion, which was Zhao Gou's study in the palace, which was divided into three floors, one of which was where he temporarily met important court officials in the palace.

Compared with the Imperial Study Room, this place is more hidden and safer. At this time, Gao Shen is sitting in the study room drinking tea. He has not yet recovered from the excitement of conquering Xixia. He originally wanted to get drunk at home, but Cao Xuan sent three urgent pigeon letters, which forced him to give up the idea of ​​getting drunk and rush to the palace.

  These three pigeon letters all use red mailboxes, indicating that the situation is urgent, and they dare not delay at all.

  At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and a guard whispered: "The official is here!"

  Gao Shen stood up quickly, only to see the Emperor Zhao Gou, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, walking in quickly, Gao Shen hurriedly saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

  Zhao Gou waved his hand, "Excuse me, please sit down!"

Gao Shen sat down again, and waited for the guards to retreat before he took out three red postboxes and three copies of the letter he had personally copied, and handed them to Zhao Gou, "These are the three urgent letters received this afternoon. Letter, Li Yanqing seems to have something urgent to inform His Majesty!"

Zhao Gou took the letter and opened it. The first letter was that Li Yanqing hoped that the emperor would clarify the location of Xixia area as soon as possible, and send new officials to Xixia and Hexi as soon as possible. In the letter, Li Yanqing proposed to set up Lingxia Road and Hexi Road .

  Zhao Gou thought for a moment and asked Gao Shen, "When will Fan Xianggong come back?"

  Fan Zhixu and Lu Yihao rushed to Xixia as special envoys for negotiations, but the Xixia War ended before they arrived in Bashu, and there was no need for them to go to Bashu, they had to rush back to Lin'an immediately.

  The reason why Zhao Gou asked this question was because Li Yanqing mentioned that both of them needed to be discussed and approved by the Zhizheng Hall. As the Son of Heaven, he did not have the power to make separate decrees on administrative divisions and the appointment and dismissal of state officials.

   "Your Majesty, the return is smooth, and I will return to Lin'an in five days at the earliest."

  Zhao Gou sighed helplessly, and opened the second letter. The suggestion in the second letter was that Zhao Gou issued a decree to the world to attack Xixia, so as to consolidate his leadership in this war and consolidate his throne.

  Zhao Gou nodded. This suggestion came very timely. He really didn't think that it was really necessary to issue a decree to the soldiers and civilians all over the world, announcing the hard-won victory of Song Dynasty.

He immediately put the letter aside, ready to draw up an order immediately, but at this time, he opened the third letter, and the contents of the third letter froze Zhao Gou's face. The letter turned out to be Li Yanqing's suggestion Immediately set up the crown prince.

This suggestion came too suddenly. Zhao Gou had never considered the matter of establishing a crown prince. He has only one son at present. Make him the crown prince.

  Zhao Gou was pacing back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. He suddenly stopped and asked Gao Shen: "What does Mr. Gao think about this matter? Li Jinglue suggested that I establish a crown prince as soon as possible."

   Gao Shen bowed slightly and said, "Your Majesty, Li Jinglue's suggestion is at the right time!"


   "Your Majesty should know that the establishment of a crown prince is conducive to the succession of the emperor's heir and the consolidation of His Majesty's throne. It is difficult for the Supreme Emperor to say anything about the ups and downs."

  Zhao Gou pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "When the Xixia matter is over, I will start to set up a reserve."

  At this time, Gao Shen asked in a low voice: "Last time Li Jinglue mentioned Liu Zhengyan and Miao Fu, and asked His Majesty to be careful of these two people. It seems that His Majesty doesn't care!"

Zhao Gou shook his head, "Li Jinglue is a little bit of a loser, Miao Fu is in charge of Lin'an's peripheral defense, Liu Zhengyan is my confidant, and has been monitoring Yinlong Villa for me, how could they have problems, Li Jinglue has not been in Lin'an for a long time, he is no longer familiar with the situation , I have my own discretion in this matter."

Zhao Gou didn't take Li Yanqing's suggestion seriously. He knew in his heart that Li Yanqing had single-handedly promoted the former Lin'an garrison generals, like Xu Ning, Zhang Qing and others. After Yuan took office, basically all the subordinates Li Yanqing promoted were transferred out. Liu Zhengyan and Miao Fu were Wang Yuan's confidantes. Li Yanqing didn't mention Wang Yuan, but mentioned being careful about Liu Zhengyan and Miao Fu. Dissatisfaction with being squeezed out by the old department.

   In the matter of Liu Miao, Zhao Gou was a little unhappy with Li Yanqing, thinking that his hand was stretched too far. After going to the northwest for so long, he still wanted to control the military power in Lin'an. How could it be possible.

  Gao Shen saw that the officials were displeased, so he stopped mentioning the matter. In fact, Gao Shen himself felt that Li Yanqing was dissatisfied with Wang Yuan.

Early the next morning, Zhao Gou released the "Kexia Praise Table" to the world. Instead of criticizing Miexia's injustice before, he strongly praised the soldiers of the Northwest Army who went northward under the command of Li Yanqing, the commander of the capital, and fought **** battles with the enemy. , Repeated battles and victories, played the morale and military prestige of the soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty, finally defeated the century-old enemy, washed away the century-old shame, and specially awarded the title of Shenwei Western Army to the Northwest Army.

Immediately, Zhao Gou decreed to award the Northwest Army five million liang of silver and two million pieces of silk to all the officers and men of the army. Wanliang, ten thousand hectares of fertile land, at the same time Li Yanqing's father, Li Daqi, was canonized as the Duke of the State, and his mother was posthumously named the Lady of the Kingdom of Gaoming.

At the end of May, Zhizhengtang changed the old place of Xixia to Lingzhou, Xiazhoufu and Yinzhoufu as Lingxia Road, and the Hexi Corridor was restored as Hexi Road, and Liangzhou, Ganzhou, Suzhou, Guazhou and Shazhou were established. Wuzhou prefectures, appointed Liu Kai as the economic envoy of Hexi Road, appointed Wu Jie as the envoy of Lingxia Road, and Li Yanqing concurrently served as the envoy of Qinfeng Road and Xihe Road, and at the same time controlled Lingxia Road and Hexi Road military.

  Smart and capable county magistrates were dispatched from state capitals all over the country to work on Hexi Road and Lingxia Road.

  At the beginning of June, the remnants of Xixia were cleared up. Li Yanqing left 50,000 troops to guard Lingxia Road and Hexi Road.

  At this time, Li Yanqing's wives Cao Yun and Zhao Fujin gave birth to a daughter and a son respectively. Cao Yun gave birth to a daughter named Li Ling, and Zhao Fujin gave birth to a son named Li Xia to commemorate the Xixia War.

  When Li Yanqing returned home, the whole family was reunited and enjoyed themselves happily. Among them, the joy in the room was beyond the comprehension of outsiders.

  (end of this chapter)

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