MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 978 leaked information

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  Chapter 978 Leaked information

  The first important military and state affairs he and his father will discuss is how to deal with Li Yanqing. Of course, Zhao Gou knows that Li Yanqing is a little bit too big now. He has mastered eight roads in the north of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and the area is several times that of Xixia Kingdom.

If he really supports himself, half of the territory of the Song Dynasty will be cut off by him. Zhao Gou also believes that Li Yanqing will not betray him for the time being, but since ancient times, the emperor's sense of security has never been based on trust. Instead, you have to really control it in your own hands.

  Gao Shen sighed in his heart, and reminded Zhao Gou, "Your Majesty, what I am concerned about is that the military officer has been frequently visiting the Supreme Emperor during this period, which is very abnormal. Your Majesty should pay attention to it."

Zhao Gou smiled and said: "I also have eyes and ears in Yinlong Villa. It is true that many military officers have visited Father Emperor in the past two months, but this is actually the same thing as civil servants visiting Father Emperor before. These military officers Most of them are seeking fame and officials. The previous round was a wave of civil officials, but now it is the turn of military officials. The important thing is not the military officers, but the father. His attitude is the most important thing. I have already transferred the decision-making power of major military affairs Give him half, isn't this what he wants? Since you have already got it, why bother?"

  It’s really hard for Gao Shen to speak, this kind of thing is really hard to persuade, if you talk too much, you will provoke the relationship between other people’s father and son, but if you don’t say it, the officials haven’t seen the seriousness of the situation, so you have to remind yourself. "

Thinking of this, Gao Shen euphemistically reminded: "Your Majesty, I also believe that the matter is not that serious, but we must also consider the worst, and we cannot be defenseless. I suggest that we increase the control of the army in Lin'an City, we must We must firmly control the army in His Majesty's hands to prevent some unexpected risks."

   "What does Mr. Gao mean by the unexpected risks?" Zhao Gou asked after a while.

   "The minister is worried that some dissatisfied people will misinterpret the contradiction between His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor, and launch a mutiny without authorization, and even the Supreme Emperor will be kept in the dark."

  Gao Shen said it implicitly, and Zhao Gou understood it in his heart. He pondered for a moment and said: "Gao Xianggong is also reasonable. I am afraid that some people with ulterior motives will take risks. I want to firmly control the military power and not be careless."

   After finishing speaking, he asked an **** outside the door, "Is General Wang Yuan on duty tonight?"

   "It was he who was on duty!"

   "Go and call him immediately, and tell him that I have something important to tell him."

  The **** flew away, Zhao Gou changed the topic to Li Yanqing again, "Gao Xianggong hasn't told me yet, where is Li Jinglue now?"

   "Your Majesty, his fleet has arrived at Lin'an Mansion and is currently moored in Chikouan Town, which is 30 miles away from Lin'an City. According to regulations, his army can no longer move forward."

   "But he can come to see me himself, can't he?"

   Zhao Gou’s tone was full of dissatisfaction. Why did Li Yanqing refuse to enter the city when he came? Do you want to go to Chikou Port to meet him?

   "Your Majesty, Li Jinglue just arrived at Chikou Port tonight, and Li Jinglue has made many enemies in the court. It is understandable that he is cautious."

  Zhao Gou suddenly realized that he could not show too much dissatisfaction with Li Yanqing in front of Gao Shen, so he was silent for a while.

   After a while, an **** reported outside, "Your Majesty, General Wang is here."

   "Let him in!"

   After a while, General Wang Yuan walked in quickly. His armor was not neatly dressed, and he obviously just woke up from the bed.

   "See Your Majesty for humble positions!"

  Zhao Gou didn't care about his private life, but asked indifferently: "How is the military power in the city and the palace controlled?"

Wang Yuan is a veteran who followed Zhao Gou to the throne, and is Zhao Gou's absolute confidant. Zhao Gou's trust in him far exceeds that of Li Yanqing. At present, Wang Yuan is the general and commander in front of the palace. This is Gao Qiu's position before. It is very important to defend the imperial power.

  Wang Yuan quickly said: "Your Majesty, everything is under the control of the humble official, so the generals obey the command of the humble official."

   "Surely obey?" Zhao Gou asked coldly.

   "Definitely obey!"

Zhao Gou picked up Li Yanqing's report, flipped through a few pages and said, "I want to replace a few people, one is Miao Fu, one is Zhang Wei, and one is Yang Chu, and these three people must be removed from their posts of commanding troops. "

Although Zhao Gou was a little afraid of Li Yanqing at the beginning, he has always been quite convinced of Li Yanqing's judgment. Li Yanqing sent this report to remind himself to beware of mutiny. Although he thought it was unlikely, Zhao Gou still had to do it. It's better to take precautions, at least there must be no loopholes.

Wang Yuan didn't know why the officials purged these people, but he didn't dare to disobey the official's order. He hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Miao Fu and Yang Chu led the soldiers to go out for training, and they won't come back until three days later. Why don't you deal with Zhang Huan first? Wei."

  Zhao Conceived thought for a while, "Then wait for the other two to come back and deal with them together."

   "Humble post obeys the order!"

  Wang Yuan hesitated, but finally asked, "Your Majesty, these three people have a problem!"

   "Are they your confidants?" Zhao Gou asked back.

   "I can't talk about confidantes, but they have followed the humble official for many years and know each other better, and they are all loyal to His Majesty, which the humble official can guarantee."

   "Loyal to me?"

  Zhao Gou sneered, "If you are loyal to me, why should you visit my father?"

  Wang Yuan was really taken aback, "Is there such a thing?"

  Zhao Gou looked at him for a long while, and said lightly: "It seems that there are still many things you don't know, so be it! Three days later, when they come back, the three of them will be replaced immediately."

  . . . . . . .

  Just after dawn, a small boat sailed towards the wharf of Yinlong Mountain Villa. There were dozens of steps away from the wharf, and a boat appeared to intercept it immediately. One of the boatmen raised an arrow, "General Miao ordered the arrow, don't block it!"

   Miao Fu issued a total of 20 command arrows according to Zhao Ji's request, and each command arrow could go ashore smoothly and go to Yinlong Villa.

  The intercepted boats dodged one after another, and the boats accelerated towards the pier. After a while, the boat docked at the pier, and the man disembarked and rushed towards Yinlong Villa.

  Zhao Ji went to bed a little late last night and was a little tired, but he heard that Baihutang had an emergency report, so he reluctantly got up to meet the reporter.

Baihutang is an intelligence station set up by Zhao Ji near the Wuling Gate of the temporary city. All kinds of news are collected in Baihutang, and then sorted out. The current person in charge of Baihutang is Huang Xingyao, the son of Huang Qianshan, who is here to deliver the letter The person who did it was Huang Xingyao himself.

   Not long after, Huang Xingyao was led into the study, and Huang Xingyao knelt down on one knee, "Please refer to His Majesty the Supreme Emperor for the humble position!"

   "What emergency happened?" Zhao Ji asked immediately. At this critical moment, any emergency information would make people frightened.

   "My Majesty, this is an urgent message from the palace."

Huang Xingyao took out a copy of the news and presented it. Zhao Ji opened it and was taken aback. Three days later, Miao Fu, Yang Chu and Zhang Wei were dismissed. In particular, Miao Fu was in charge of tens of thousands of troops in Lin'an City and was the most important figure in this mutiny. , if he is removed from office, it means that the mutiny is likely to fail.

  How sophisticated Zhao Ji is, he immediately realized that his son Zhao Gou's sudden attack must have something to do with Li Yanqing.

  However, Zhao Ji still found a clue. Miao Fu and Yang Chu are currently training in Kuaiji Mansion, and they won’t be back until three days later. Logically, the emperor should immediately send someone to Kuaiji Mansion to remove Miao and Yang’s military power.

In addition, Zhang Wei is in the capital, why not immediately release the military power, and wait for the other two to release together after they come back. It sounds like he is afraid of scaring the snake, but Zhao Ji still captured the hesitation in the heart of the emperor Zhao Gou. Maybe he is not too much. want to do this.

  This discovery made Zhao Ji ecstatic. Obviously, his confusion array worked. His son Zhao Gou really thought that he was no longer seeking a reset, and really thought that he was negotiating with him about the boundaries of major military and state affairs?

   But then again, Miao Fu and others will return three days later and will be relieved of military authority, which will have a huge impact on their mutiny plan.

   At this moment, Zhao Ji finally made up his mind, he had to act ahead of time, since Li Yanqing had already arrived in Lin'an City, it was time to activate the thunder that he had buried in Cao's house for a long time.

  Zhao Ji deliberated for a long time, and finally wrote a few secret letters with a pen, ordering his confidant guards to send them out immediately, especially ordering Miao Fu and Yang Chu to sneak back to Lin'an City immediately.

  (end of this chapter)