MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 984 Deus Ex

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  Chapter 984 Deus Ex

   At three o'clock, Li Yanqing returned to his warship with his personal guards. He finally heaved a long sigh of relief and immediately ordered the fleet to evacuate to the north towards Taihu Lake.

   "Husband, why don't we go directly south into Hangzhou Bay, and then take the sea route north to the Yangtze River Estuary." Hu Qing'er suggested from the side.

Li Yanqing shook his head, "Just now we did a test crossing the river, the river is too narrow and our hull is too big, the opponent can easily intercept us, if the opponent uses fire to attack, all the ships will be destroyed by the fire, we cannot take such a risk. "

This time Li Yanqing brought a total of 60 thousand-stone warships into Beijing, a total of 3,000 heavy armored infantry, and a large amount of food and supplies. Li Yanqing has already considered how to deal with the crisis. His fleet will either enter Hangzhou Bay , or retreat, and enter Taihu Lake from Huzhou, which is fifty miles longer than entering Hangzhou Bay.

  Although Hangzhou Bay is more than 30 miles away, in terms of safety, it is much better to retreat into Taihu Lake than to forcefully break through the heavy encirclement and enter Hangzhou Bay, and it is not far away.

  The fleet raised its sails and began to head north quickly. At the same time, Zhao Ji ordered Yang Chu to lead 10,000 elite troops to chase Li Yanqing northward.

  Zhao Ji ordered the guards of Ningguo Mansion and Jiaxing Mansion each to lead 5,000 troops to support him. In fact, 20,000 troops came to surround Li Yanqing.

  At five o'clock, the fleet left the Grand Canal and entered the Wucheng River. At this time, the fleet had entered the boundary of Huzhou.

  Li Yanqing stood on the ship's side and watched the distance. In the hazy morning light, a black line was already faintly chasing along the official road, about five or six miles away from them.

  Li Yanqing immediately ordered: "The fleet is docked, and the heavy armored infantry is ready to fight!"

The fleet soon landed, and the heavy armored infantry had already changed their armor. Under the leadership of the chief general Guan Sheng, they rushed ashore and quickly formed formation. After a while, three thousand heavy armored infantry had already formed three rows. blocked the way of the pursuers.

The chasing army was the 10,000 elite Huainan army led by Yang Chu. This army was recruited in the autumn of the previous year. Zhao Gou ordered a total of 100,000 troops to be recruited from Huainan and Jiangnan to serve as the new forbidden army to guard the capital. They were stationed in Lin'an Mansion and its surrounding state capitals, and the ten thousand people led by Yang Chu were an elite group of them, with strong armor, excellent weapons, and favorable treatment. They usually stationed in the Huantang River area.

  Raising soldiers for a thousand days, using them for a while, and raising soldiers for two years, they went into battle for the first time today, but the army they faced was the heavy armored infantry of the Jingzhao Army.

The heavy armored infantry is known as the No. 1 army in the Northwest, not only because they wear heavy armor and are powerful in combat, but also because all soldiers have experienced hundreds of battles and were selected to join the heavy armored infantry later. Their murderous spirit and fighting will are far from chasing Soldiers can compare.

The 10,000 pursuers had already arrived, and Yang Chu looked at the dozens of large ships on the river, which were already less than a mile away from him. As long as the person who presents Li Yanqing's head will be crowned prince and rewarded with a million taels of silver, Yang Chu seems to see that the wealth and honor of his life is in front of him.

Although Yang Chu was also from the Northwest Army, he had never encountered Xixia's iron kite cavalry, and his understanding of heavy armor was not deep enough. When he saw that the opponent had only 3,000 soldiers, and his own team was three times the opponent's, he suddenly shouted excitedly: "The army is in formation, ready to shoot arrows!"

   Ten thousand infantry quickly lined up, with three thousand crossbowmen in front, and seven thousand shield troops and pikemen behind. When the two armies were a hundred paces apart, Yang Chu shouted: "Fire the arrows!"

There was a sound of clappers, and the overwhelming rain of arrows shot at the oncoming heavy armored infantry formation. The dense rain of arrows jingled into the soldiers of the heavy armored infantry. The arrows could not penetrate the armor. The infantry fell.

  Yang Chu immediately realized that something was wrong. The opponent's heavy armor was actually impenetrable to arrows. His scalp was a little numb. He might have encountered a strong enemy today.

   But it was obviously impossible to retreat. Seeing that the pikemen and sword and shield troops behind him were eager to try, their morale was high, and he shouted, "The crossbowmen retreat, and the infantry attack!"

  The red flag was waved, the three thousand crossbowmen quickly retreated, and the seven thousand infantry rushed towards the enemy with shouts.

  Li Yanqing also ordered: "Beat the drum and attack!"


The war drum sounded, slowly and forcefully, "Boom! Boom!" Accompanied by the sound of heavy drums, the three thousand heavy armored infantry approached the Huainan army step by step. Every step is so imposing.

  Yang Chu shouted, "Kill!"


   Seven thousand soldiers of the Huainan Army shouted and rushed towards the heavy armored infantry on the opposite side. The two infantry collided in an instant, just like two stormy waves colliding in a storm.

  The horse-killing sword split into **** roads, the spear smashed through the iron wall, and the iron wall of the heavy armored army advanced layer by layer.

  The spears were cut off one after another under the sharp blades, but the Huainan army had too many people, and the strong impact also overturned nearly a hundred heavily armored soldiers.

But one group of soldiers fell, and another group of soldiers immediately added up. The two armies were entwined and fought inextricably. The heavy armored infantry, and the heavy armored infantry in the back row also turned to fight.

   Looking from the big ship, on the long front, 3,000 heavy armored infantry and 10,000 Huainan County fought together, and the fighting between the two armies was extremely bloody.

  Although the Huainan Army far outnumbered the heavy armored infantry, the heavy armored infantry, with their incomparable equipment and knives, defeated the enemy steadily.

  The wounded Tuhuainan soldiers knelt down on the ground and begged bitterly, but they were still chopped into pieces by the heavy armored infantry who lined up. The blood flowed into a river and the corpses were piled up. The entire riverside became a human slaughterhouse.

  Li Yanqing sighed softly, they are all Song troops, they shouldn't kill each other like this, he turned his head and said to Hu Qing'er: "End this battle!"

  Hu Qinger understood, and immediately turned around and shouted: "Come a hundred warriors, follow me to get off the boat!"

I saw a group of cavalry rushing down from the big ship, about a hundred of them, the head of which was a female general, wearing a tasseled helmet and a silver dragon armor, carrying a willow-leaf sword in her hand, and twelve short flying swords on her back. Hu Qing'er, known as the female flying general in the Jingzhao Army.

They didn't break into the enemy's line, but circled around from the outside, and went straight to the commander-in-chief of Huainan. Yang Chu was under the commander-in-chief, with five hundred soldiers around him. At this time, they only heard a woman's voice, "Hold your head, bastard!" , dare to come and fight?"

  Yang Chu turned his head, and it turned out that the female general scolded him for being a bastard. Yang Chu was furious, and urged his horse to shout: "Little girl, I will make your life worse than death if I catch you!"

He swung his gun and went to kill Hu Qing'er, and his own soldiers followed. At this moment, Hu Qing'er suddenly urged the horse to gallop from the side. With a wave of her hand, a flying stone was shot out, followed by a flying sword like lightning. up.

The speed of the flying stone was incomparably fast. The flying stone hit Yang Chu's war horse on the forehead. The lightning-like flying knife accurately appeared in front of Yang Chu's eyes.

  Yang Chu was taken aback, and opened his mouth to shout, only to hear 'Puff! ’ With a sound, the flying knife shot from his brow into his head, Yang Chu’s eyes went dark, he turned over and fell off his horse, and died tragically on the spot.

Yang Chu's soldiers were shocked and rushed up to **** the corpses. Hundreds of cavalrymen killed them. All of them were extremely brave. In addition, Hu Qing'er's sword flew up and down, and corpses littered the ground wherever it passed. In an instant, more than two hundred people were killed. , the rest of the soldiers were terrified, turned around and fled.

  Wang Jin cut off Yang Chu's head from the Ministry of War, ran on the spear point and shouted: "Yang Chu is dead! Yang Chu is dead!"

  The Huainan army was already unable to hold on. Hearing that the general was dead, the army collapsed immediately.

In this battle, the Huainan Army killed more than 2,500 people. The main general Yang Chu was killed by Hu Qing'er, and the heavy armored infantry also killed and injured nearly 300 people. However, due to the inconvenience of chasing the enemy, they could not capture prisoners. Get on the boat again and move on.

   At noon, the fleet finally sailed into the vast Taihu Lake.

  (end of this chapter)