MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 991 High voltage monitoring

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  Chapter 991 High Voltage Monitoring

  The two walked a few steps, and Qin Hui asked in a low voice, "Do you know what we discussed today?"

   "It seems to be a battle plan of General Miao. The Supreme Emperor took it out for everyone to discuss."

   "Discussing the battle plan?" Qin Hui's eyes widened. It was unheard of for him to ask the Zhizheng Hall to discuss the battle plan. Are you not afraid of leaking such an important secret?

  Fan Zongyin snorted, "It's nothing more than fear that everyone will abandon him, so he used various methods to tie everyone together."

  Qin Hui didn't say anything, it's really possible, isn't this Mr. Fan just looking for an excuse to ask for sick leave?

The two walked into the meeting hall, which was filled with more than a dozen high-ranking officials, including Huang Qianshan, Wang Boyan, Xu Churen and other high-ranking officials of Zhao Ji's confidantes. There were also three high-ranking military officials, one was King Miaofu of Kuaiji County, and the other was Liu Zhengyan, King of Jincheng County. , and Zhang Wei, Duke of Xia.

  The reason why Zhang Wei did not get the crown prince was because of his negligence, the crown prince escaped and has not been found so far. He was punished by Zhao Ji and revoked the promise of Jiangxia County King.

   Of the three generals, one is in charge of peripheral operations, one is in charge of defending the city, and the other is in charge of the defense of the palace. They have heavy responsibilities.

  At this time, a guard shouted, "His Majesty the Supreme Emperor has arrived!"

  The officials stood up one after another, and saw Zhao Ji walking in quickly. Zhao Ji's face was gloomy, without a smile, and Du Chong followed behind him tremblingly.

   It’s no wonder that he was still furious just before a cup of tea. Liu Guangshi sent him a pigeon letter, asking why the sea ship had not arrived so long that his army could not cross the river and faced a supply crisis.

   Zhao Ji questioned Du Chong in turn. Although Du Chong served as Yushi Zhongcheng and supervisor, but his shipbuilding envoy did not resign, he was still in charge of the arrangement of 300 sea ships.

Du Chong was also unable to answer Zhao Ji's question. Now is not the future, and the whereabouts can be found with a single phone call, unless someone comes to report, or an intelligence station sends a pigeon letter in time, or a local official reports, but they have none of these channels , so for Zhao Ji and Du Chong, the three hundred sea-going ships simply disappeared out of thin air.

  In fact, Du Chong already suspected that 300 warships were captured by Li Yanqing's army, but this was just a guess, without evidence, Du Chong did not dare to speak nonsense, he knew the consequences of speaking out.

  He can only say that the ship may have encountered wind and waves and temporarily took shelter somewhere, so it was delayed for some time, although he comforted Zhao Ji.

  It's a pity that Zhao Ji is not so easy to be coaxed. His gloomy face already shows that he has vaguely guessed the truth.

   "My dear friends, please sit down!"

  Zhao Ji waved his hand, everyone sat down one after another, Zhao Ji also sat down in his own seat, his seat was high above, overlooking everyone.

"Today, I have called everyone together. There are two main things to discuss with you. The first is the issue of intelligence prevention. Everyone knows that Li Yanqing is very good at intelligence. He was the first to establish an intelligence department in the Western Army. I guessed it right. If so, he must have established a large number of intelligence points in Lin'an City. We must get rid of these intelligence points, eliminate the officials who secretly communicated with Li Yanqing, and arrest the businessmen who provided information without authorization. Therefore, we will set up a counter-intelligence department. The right to investigate anyone, the right to enter any room, the right to arrest anyone."

  Everyone was secretly alarmed. Counter-intelligence might be just an excuse. The real purpose of the Supreme Emperor might be to suppress speech, implement high-pressure monitoring, and forbid anyone to discuss the court indiscriminately. "

  Zhao Ji glanced at the crowd, and seeing that they were silent, he said, "This counterintelligence department is hanging under the Yushi stage together with the original Supervision Bureau, and Du Zhongcheng is in charge of it!"

  Du Chong hurriedly stood up and nodded to everyone, but the lobby was still silent. It was about everyone's vital interests. No one would support this counterintelligence department with perverted power.

  Zhao Ji didn't care, he knew that this kind of thing would not be popular, but no matter how big the opinions of the officials were, this matter had to be done.

  Zhao Ji said again: "Since the counterintelligence department has been established, the martial law can be lifted and normal order can be restored!"

  Liu Zhengyan hurriedly stood up, "I obey the order!"

  Zhao Ji took out another plan and said to everyone: "Today's second agenda is to discuss General Miao's battle plan, and specifically discuss a good strategy for dealing with Li Yanqing."

   "General Miao, come and explain to everyone!"

   Miao Fu also had a headache for a while. He submitted his plan to the Supreme Emperor for approval. He did not expect that the Supreme Emperor actually got it to the Zhizheng Hall for discussion. Doesn't this mean it was leaked?

  In order to prevent Li Yanqing from targeting the plan, he must make major revisions, but if he wants to revise, what's the point of discussing it now?

But now that the Supreme Emperor had already spoken, Miao Fu had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand up and said, "Knowing yourself and the enemy can lead you to a hundred battles. Although Li Yanqing has increased his troops a lot, he doesn't have too many troops to fight Lin'an Mansion. I guess Between 50,000 and 70,000 people, on the one hand, he wants to keep the army in Pingjiang Mansion to ensure the safety of the logistics camp, and on the other hand, he also divides troops to protect the safety of the supply line. To prevent the enemy from being attacked, he must also deploy about 20,000 troops on the south bank of the Yangtze River, and after deducting them one by one, there are not many troops he can use on the front line."

   "General Miao said that Li Yanqing would send troops to defend Liu Guangshi. Is there any basis?" Huang Qianshan interrupted Miao Fu's narration.

   "There is indeed a basis. Our spies in Pingjiang have sent news that six days ago, an army of 30,000 troops went north again, commanded by Cao Sheng. They should return to the south bank of the Yangtze River for defense."

  Huang Qianshan smiled to the left and right: "Since General Miao has done a good job in intelligence, what are we worried about?"

  Zhao Ji laughed and said, "General Miao, please continue!"

   "The humble minister obeys the order!"

Miao Fu continued: "After talking about Li Yanqing, let's talk about ourselves. We currently have a total of 95,000 troops. If we transfer all the troops to Lin'an Mansion, except for the 5,000 people guarding the imperial city, the guards With 20,000 people in the capital, we actually still have 70,000 troops available.

  In terms of the number of troops, we should have surpassed Li Yanqing. Perhaps some of Li Yanqing's cavalry were sharper, which made up for the inferior force. If we take a step back, the combat effectiveness of both sides is equal, so the key to victory is how to fight. "

Miao Fu asked someone to hang up a map of Lin'an, the topography of which was very detailed. Miao Fu picked up the wooden pole and pointed to the north and said, "There are three routes for Li Yanqing's army to go south to Lin'an Mansion. One is to go south along the banks of the canal. The eastern front is also the main line of enemy attack.

  The second line is the west line, which is the official road from Wukang County, Huzhou to Yuhang County through Anxi.

  The third line goes south along the banks of Huantang River, which is the middle line.

First of all, the Anxi line can basically be ruled out. There are many mountains, difficult roads, and logistics transportation cannot be guaranteed, so I decided to deploy only a few thousand people in Yuhang County, and then the main force will be placed on the Huantang River line and the Jiangnan Canal line. I have ordered the army to build Strong fortifications were built, including dams on the water. "

Speaking of this, Miao Fu straightened his waist and said to everyone: "This will be a protracted battle. I estimate that it will take at least three to five months to decide the winner. I am afraid that Li Yanqing's logistics will not be able to support it at that time. So my final conclusion is that we will win this battle very hard, but no matter what, we will win!"

  . . . . . . . .

  Currently, Li Yanqing's military camp is stationed in Linping Town in the north of Lin'an Prefecture. The town is located on the west bank of the canal. To the south of the town, there is an open space with a slightly higher terrain, which happens to be used for Li Yanqing's camp.

   It was the same moment when Miao Fu was reporting the battle plan in Zhizheng Hall.

  Li Yanqing is also thinking about the next battle plan in front of the map. The battle is about the morale of the army, to boost one's own morale, and to destroy the opponent's combat morale, which requires timing.

Ever since 30,000 cavalrymen arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, Li Yanqing knew that he would win this battle. The next question is how to fight. Now he is still waiting for news from Hangzhou Bay. As long as Cao Sheng's army lands in Hangzhou Bay, Zhao Ji's army will If you are attacked from the front and back, then the time has come for you to attack.

  Li Yanqing went to the map and planted a red flag on the south side of Hangzhou Bay. From a military point of view, of course, he landed directly in the east of Lin'an City. In the end, he could even capture Lin'an City directly.

  But from a political point of view, it is better to land in Shaoxing Prefecture. Strategically, it will take a while to give the situation in the city a period of fermentation. When the public opinion in the city completely turns to itself, then the best time to attack the city.

   While thinking about it, a soldier reported outside the account: "Qi Dutong, an old man came outside, surnamed Fan, who said he was your old friend."

  Li Yanqing thought for a moment, could it be Fan Zhixu?

  (end of this chapter)