MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 999 Family members come to Beijing

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  Chapter 999 Family members enter Beijing

In the morning of the next day, Li Yanqing appeared at the West Lake Wharf. The West South Lake Wharf was the former Royal Wharf. It used to be dedicated to the emperor, but now it has been changed to the imperial court. Officials are greeted and sent to the wharf. Of course, the royal family If you want to use it, you can apply in advance, and the boat will be specially arranged.

Dozens of passenger ships were moored on both sides of the pier. It happened that an official was about to take up his post in Yuezhou. A group of fellow officials were seeing off on the pier. Li Yanqing was standing in the rest pavilion above. arrival.

   On the other side is Hu Qinger holding Li Pu, especially Li Pu, who is finally going to see his mother, his eyes are full of excitement and anticipation.

   After a while, the farewell official boarded the boat and bid farewell to everyone. The boat set off, and the official's wife and daughter walked out of the cabin to welcome him in. It was obvious that the whole family was very excited.

  At this time, Li Yanqing suddenly asked Liu Fang, the governor of Lin'an Prefecture next to him, "How is the progress of the official residence?"

Liu Fang was promoted from the governor of Ezhou to the governor of Lin'an Prefecture in December last year. Five years ago, he was an unqualified censor and literary official. Just because he followed the right person, he was promoted to the fourth rank in just five years. Zhengfeng doctor, Quan Lin'an prefect.

   Liu Fang hurriedly said: "Ninety percent of the work has been completed, and there are still some finishing works under construction!"

  Liu Fang is Li Yanqing's confidant, he knows the importance of win over middle and low level officials to Li Yanqing.

  Li Yanqing promised to solve the housing problem of officials within half a year, and now five months have passed, less than a month before he fulfilled his promise, and Li Yanqing also began to care.

The reason why Li Yanqing suddenly thought of this matter was because he saw that the officials and his family were very excited just now. Generally speaking, officials with real power are not willing to go outside unless they are non-power officials. Although going outside can increase seniority and income , but will lose court contacts, especially when the new court is opened, all aspects are released at the beginning, and many opportunities will be lost.

  So Li Yanqing felt a little strange. Others would do everything possible to stay in the court, so why was this official so happy to let it go? The first thing he thought of was that there would be an official residence outside.

   "I'll go to the official building in the afternoon to take a look." Li Yanqing thought about it, and decided to go and see it himself.

   "The humble job will arrange it!"

   At this moment, a soldier pointed to the distance and shouted: "Your Highness, here we come!"

  Li Yanqing was refreshed, and quickly looked into the distance, only to see more than a dozen black spots in the distance, which should be a fleet of ships, heading towards the south pier.

   "Let's go down!"

  Li Yanqing took his son's hand and left the rest pavilion, walking quickly to the pier below.

Not long after, more than a dozen thousand-stone passenger and cargo ships slowly approached the pier. Here, Li Yanqing's wife, Cao Yun, and his party, as well as various boxes and cages for moving, were filled with seven or eight large ships. It took them nearly a month to arrive in Lin'an this time. , and picked up Li Yanqing's stepmother Yang and Li Baoyan in Ezhou on the way.

  This time, not only Li Yanqing's family came from the east, but also 100,000 elite troops from the west and a large amount of strategic materials such as kerosene and firearms. It's just that the army's assembly is a little slower, and it will take ten days to arrive at Jiangning Mansion.

  The big boat headed by it finally docked at the pier and boarded the plank. Li Yanqing led his son to greet him. The first person to disembark was Li Yanqing's wife Cao Yun, followed by the wet nurse, holding the youngest daughter Li Xia.


  Li Pu yelled and ran up. Cao Yun quickly squatted down and hugged her son in her arms. She heard about the palace coup and was terrified when she thought about it.

   "Your father wrote to say that you have grown taller again, and it is true."

  Cao Yun touched her son's head and found that he had grown taller, which made her very happy.

  At this time, Li Yanqing stepped forward and said with a smile: "There is no new house, and it will be our old house for the time being."

   "Has anyone lived there?"

  Li Yanqing shook his head, "No, it's still the same as when we left. The doors are locked, and the housekeeper has been carefully maintaining it."

  Cao Yun was relieved, and said with a smile: "Actually, I don't want to move the big house either. The original house is good, and I was reluctant to leave back then."

At this time, the wet nurse hugged Li Yanqing's youngest daughter, Li Xia. Eleven months had passed, and when she was learning to speak, the eldest daughter, A Lian, also ran forward to hug her father. Linghuo stepped forward, making Li Yanqing flustered, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

  Hu Qing'er stepped forward quietly, took Cao Yun's hand and said with a smile: "Sister, how long have I been looking forward to you."

  Cao Yun touched her stomach and asked in a low voice, "Have you got it?"

  Hu Qinger blushed and shook her head slightly.

   "You really don't live up to it. After giving you such a long time, there is still no movement. If you are not in a hurry, I will be in a hurry!"

   "Sister, I can't do anything about this kind of thing."

   "Forget it, let's talk about it when we go back!"

  Cao Yun smiled and asked again: "Husband, are you going back now?"

  Li Yanqing said with a smile: "Everyone get in the car! We are going home."

  Although everyone was very tired, they were refreshed when they thought they were going home. They got into the carriage one after another, started the carriage, and drove towards the palace.

In the afternoon, the house was still a mess. It was like this every time I moved. There was no cleaning for seven or eight days. I couldn’t sleep peacefully. Sometimes when I was about to fall asleep, I suddenly remembered that something hadn’t been put in place, and I quickly got up to check , Everyone has the same feeling in their hearts, moving once is like a serious illness, and they have no energy for several months.

  But everyone has no choice. They have to follow their husbands' official career. They just hope that this time they can live longer and more securely.

  However, Li Yanqing couldn't give a clear answer to such a question. Will he move the capital again in the future?

In the afternoon, accompanied by Liu Fang, Li Yanqing came to the construction site of the official residence. The official residence and the official residence are not the same thing. The official residence is a separate courtyard with an area of ​​at least three acres. That is to say, as long as the official rank is from the fifth rank, you can apply for a small official house with three acres of land, and you can live there until the official's death.

  Military generals stationed in Beijing can also apply for official residences or official residences, but the conditions for military commanders are a little more stringent. Military generals must be above the fourth rank to apply for official residences. After all, it is much easier for military generals to be promoted than civilian officials.

As for officials below the fifth rank, and even a large number of civil servants without rank, their housing must also be considered. If they want to get married and raise children, they need to build official houses. To put it more simply, official houses are collective dormitories for officials. Of course the conditions are better than dormitories.

The official building was built in the southwest of Lin'an City, located in Taipingfang, south of Fuxue, not far from the largest Zhongwazi in Lin'an City, and close to Houshi Street in the east. It is divided into four districts, very similar to the Taixue Academy in Bianliang, Tokyo. It is surrounded by high walls, and inside is shaded by trees, lush with green bamboos, all kinds of pavilions, mansions, rockery ponds, fish, etc., just like a huge The park is not for private enjoyment, but a public landscape.

The four major gardens are divided according to rank. The six-rank official residence and the seventh-rank official residence are gathered together, called Meiyuan, the eighth-rank and ninth-rank official residences are gathered together, called Juyuan, and the third area is for non-rank officials. The official residence is called the lotus garden.

But the largest district is called Tao Li Yuan, which is for the officials stationed in the capital of various states to live in. The conditions are slightly worse. There are also single rooms, and there are also rooms for two or three people. After all, they are all temporarily stationed in Beijing, unlike Beijing officials. Take the family with you.

Li Yanqing came to Meiyuan first. This is the official residence of the sixth-rank officials and the seventh-rank officials. It is very similar to the single-family villas of later generations. Each family is a separate house, covering an area ranging from two mu to one mu. For example, the sixth rank is two acres, the sixth rank is one and a half mu, the seventh rank and the seventh rank are both one mu, but the courtyard of the seventh rank is a little more refined, and the orientation is better.

  The official houses of the eighth rank and the ninth rank are all row houses, each with five rooms and small courtyards at the front and back.

  The official dormitory of the servants is a single room, ranging from three to one room according to seniority, and the servants who have just joined the work have a room of two people, and they can only get a single room after one year.

Li Yanqing promised that the officials would be able to live in the official residence within half a year. It is still one month away, but the official residence has basically been completed. Now the outer wall is being built, trees are being planted, and artificial hills are being built. Today is just a ten-day holiday, and a group of officials are in high spirits He brought his family and mouth to visit the official residence.

When the officials saw Li Yanqing coming, they all bowed and saluted. Li Yanqing suddenly saw his old friend Zhou Chun. What are you doing to see the official residence of the sixth grade?"

  Zhou Chun hurriedly saluted and said: "My subordinates are accompanying the subordinates of the Ministry of Rites to visit the Xinshe. Everyone is very excited and looking forward to it."

More than a dozen officials from the Ministry of Rituals came forward to salute together, Li Yanqing waved his hands and said: "Many of you have been released as county magistrates, and you have your own official residence in the county, and you have to rent a house to live in Beijing, and the conditions are not good. Speaking of which, I should have solved the housing problem for you a long time ago, and you can live in peace and enjoy your work!"

  A slightly older official said excitedly: "His Royal Highness solved the housing problem for us, which really solved a big problem in life. We are grateful to His Highness from the bottom of our hearts."

At this time, other officials gathered around one after another. Dozens of officials chattered and seemed very excited. Li Yanqing said again: "I also came up from the bottom step by step. I know everyone's difficulties. I have to support my family. Children's education, but also support parents.

Housing prices in Lin’an are too high, and nearly half of a month’s salary is used to pay rent. Everyone’s life is very difficult. I heard that many officials keep their wives and children in their hometowns in order to save rent, and rent a small house in the capital by themselves. no.

So I want to reform the official system, reduce redundant officials, use the saved money to increase the salary of the ministers, build official residences and government buildings, increase welfare, and improve everyone's living conditions. I only hope that everyone can serve the court more honestly and diligently. Do things for the people of the world. "

  After Li Yanqing spoke, everyone applauded.

At this time, Li Yanqing suddenly found an official evasive and refused to face him. He felt a little strange, so he secretly kept the official under his command. When the crowd dispersed, Li Yanqing stepped forward and asked with a smile: "I seem to You look familiar, what's your name?"

  (end of this chapter)