MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1274 Rain cloud

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Jiupin broke the cone, and went into the darkness to die even if it didn't persist for a second!

At the same time, the jiupin jar and the animal skin on the poplar's head became mottled, lost all divinity, and quickly turned into flying ash!

In other words, from the moment he set foot in the darkness of the deserted city to less than half a minute now, he has lost four treasures of nine treasures, which will be lost forever, and there is no possibility of repair.

"What the **** is this!"

Facing the tide-like darkness around him, Aspen's heart was shocked. No wonder so many people fell into the darkness and died completely. Who can withstand such a weird and terrible darkness?

At this moment, the poplar has retreated, and in this boundless darkness, he feels the threat of death.

Two beeps, the animal skin on his body and the jar on his head completely turned into dust and disappeared, and darkness was about to envelope him.

His mind flickered, and he decided to fight again. It was impossible to immediately return to the earth to escape. The darkness of this deserted city was simply unmanageable.

Huh ~!

Aspen rises to a blazing golden flame, but emits a white light, the fire power is exerted, and the purification rules of heaven and earth are blessed. Aspen hopes to be able to purify this unknown darkness.

But as soon as Poplar knew that he thought too much, the flame containing the power of purifying rules quickly became dim in the dark, and was annihilated by that terrible darkness. He could not protect him at all. If he insisted, he would surely Devoured by darkness.

As a last resort, Poplar can only sacrifice Jinlian for the defense of unparalleled merit.

Hum, the void above his head was violently stirred, and Jin Chancan's lotus platform appeared, burning the meritorious fire, and became the only light in the darkness. A hanging meritorious golden light dangled into a lotus shadow to protect him from the darkness.

However, aspen soon found out that the merit golden lotus was in the dark, and the light was becoming dim, and it would not be long before it would be annihilated in the darkness like the previous imperial soldiers.

"The damage of the merit golden lotus is permanent, and it can only last for a minute in the darkness ..."

Feeling in the heart, Bai Yang knew that he had to leave, and he could not let the merit golden lotus, the instrument that accompanied his growth, truly annihilate here.

Before leaving, Poplar finally shot against the tide-like darkness.

With a grab in the right hand, the dark thunder flashed, turning into a simple dark spear in his hands.

The spear of destruction contains the complete projection power of the rule of destruction between heaven and earth. With a spear in hand, Aspen stroked out toward the darkness ahead.

The feeling was strange. The darkness was tangible. It was like drawing a knife to cut off the water. At a slow speed, it was impossible to cut the water flow. The speed was high, but the power felt great resistance.

In short, under the spear of destruction that contains the projection of the power of the complete rule of destruction, Bai Yang tortured a gap in the darkness!

Although the gap just recovered in a blink of an eye, and the destruction spear in the poplar's hand had been annihilated after one hit, he saw a terrible picture through that gap in an instant, making him stunned. Cold heart trembled.

Behind the darkness, there are vaguely like figures of the devil. They are a part of the darkness. There is no breath of living beings on the body, and the breath is so horrifying. The single makes Poplar feel no better than killing in the land of Holy Light. Qin Tai is weak.

They are strong. This is not the key. The key is the quantity. Through the fleeting gap, more than a dozen poplars can be seen at a glance. This is just the tip of the iceberg. God knows how many such existences are covered by darkness, and they are dark. Part of it, I am afraid it is impossible to kill them without completely solving the darkness!

‘Is this the truth of the Great Deserted City at night? Where did the darkness come from, those who came out in the darkness with strong evil spirits? But where are they hiding during the day? ’

To herself, Aspen trembled at the tip of the iceberg of the Great Desert City that had been seen.

However, what made Poplar even more horrified was that he saw a person vaguely, a woman, a woman with a white face wearing a bright red dress, standing next to an ancient well, looking up into the distance, mouth It was muttering what wasn't sounding.

When the poplar broke through the darkness, the woman in the blood-red dress glanced at him.

With only one glance, Bai Yang felt that his head appeared blank with a buzzing sound, as if his soul was frozen, and he felt like he was dead!

Fortunately, darkness healed the sight of those eyes before he broke free from the feeling of death.

Without any hesitation, the first time Bai Yang broke free of the breath of death, she chose to stand up and leave the world and return to the earth.

Inside the room, Shan Qiulin had a terrible breath that no one entered when the poplar entered the dark, and he was ready to rush out to support the poplar's posture at any time.

The wind was still outside the window, and there was no big movement for five full minutes. I do n’t know when the uninvited breath of Shan Qiulin disappeared, and he became an ordinary person who would be ignored at any time. .

This situation made the vigilant old man strange, and he tangled for a moment and asked, "Your friend Aspen has been in the dark for so long, don't you worry?"

In fact, at this time, the old man thought that after the poplar went out, there was no movement, I am afraid he was dead.

Just when he secretly regretted that Bai Yang was so dead, Shan Qiulin spoke.

"He's fine"

The simple three words, Shan Qiulin said with certainty, as if just to explain a fact.

Based on his understanding of the poplar, if there is a big movement outside at this time, it is in crisis, but there is no movement at all. The only explanation is that the poplar is now safe. This is enough. He put away his support. Attitude, quietly waiting for Aspen to return.

"Why?" The old man asked suddenly, he really couldn't figure out what Shan Qiulin judged that Poplar was okay.

How could it be okay to get into the darkness of the Great Desert?

However, Shan Qiulin did not say one more word, and even ignored him, which made the old man's heart tangled.

Time passed by little by little, the darkness would eventually pass, and the great desert city would soon usher in another day.

On this night, more than a dozen strong men of various races have entered the darkness in the Great Waste City, except that these people can't bear the magic sound-like temptation to enter the darkness except for the poplars who actively enter the darkness. of.

In the night of the Great Wild City, that weird sound will appear every day to entice people into darkness, and the temptation of that sound will become stronger with the passage of time ...

When the Great Wild City ushered in the day again, there was a man at the gate, an old man wearing a purple robe. Although he was old, he didn't have to look so cold. His appearance made all the creatures in the Great Wild City do it. Move.

Obviously, the identity of this old man is not simple, so that all living creatures are deeply jealous of it. Even the dragon prince, Long Aohao, the Holy Land Holy Saint, seals their faces and becomes ugly and solemn after feeling the old man's breath.

How come he came here? No, shouldn't he follow him?

After stepping into the deserted city, this needless old man slightly distinguished the direction and rushed towards somewhere.

Soon after, the old man came to the place of Princess Tianxin's baby, respectfully saluting, "Old slave sees Her Royal Highness"

When talking, the old man's eyes were full of affection when he looked at the baby. The elder's look at the junior was different from other baby's guards. He dared to look directly at the baby's face.

In the face of this old man, the baby put down the shelf as a princess, his face frosted softened, came to the old man, took his little corner and brought the grievance of the little girl and said, "Uncle Yu, what are you doing? coming?"

Seeing the expression of grievance on the face of the baby, the old man's cold flash of intention flashed, and he petted the baby's head and said, "Is your Highness wronged?"

"Well, there is a big bad guy bullying me, good or bad," said the baby's eye circles flushed.

The eyes narrowed slightly, and the old man was very distressed to appease: "The princess doesn't cry, tell me who he is, I'll kill him, and I will let you out of anger for thousands of miles in the center of his birth place?"

For this old man, whoever dares to bully the princess, no matter who it is, draw a circle centered on the other party on the map, and then kill them all!

He watched the baby grow up. Although he was a slave, he regarded the baby as his most beloved person.

Hearing the old man's words, the baby immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, you can't kill him, but ... protect him instead, I ... I can't bear to be hurt."

Hearing the baby ’s words, the old man seemed to understand for a while, and then he understood, and he laughed happily, and said, "His Royal Highness has grown up, Her Majesty will surely be happy, tell the minions what kind of person he is how about it?"

At this time in his opinion, the so-called grievance of the baby is simply the awkwardness of the little couple.

Obviously, the baby is someone who likes it. As a rainy cloud that looks at the baby growing up, nothing is happier for the baby to find a good belonging, but the kid actually made the princess wrong. He is very upset. Although the other person is the one the baby likes, he still decides to find some time to clean up the other person.

Yu Huayun, perhaps said that few people in the world know the name, but to say that his identity is enough to make the teachings of countless holy places shudder.

Without him, Yu Huayun is the **** next to Emperor Tianyuan. He is Tianyi ~ ~ he did not become an **** after the imprisonment. He is the most trusted person of Emperor Tianyuan. Conquered the starry sky, and killed more than ten starry holy places who did not obey the orders of the Tianyuan Empire.

At this time, he actually came to the deserted city.

Regarding the closest person other than his father, the baby did not conceal in the slightest, and complained and sweetly told him that he and Bai Yang had known each other.

After listening to it, Yu Huayun could not wait to hang the poplar, and the princess Tianxin fell in love with you.

Keeping the idea of ​​teaching Bai Yang to his heart, he looked at the baby with a pamper and said, "His Royal Highness, I'll take you back, this great desert city is too dangerous."

The baby did not suspect that the other party had the ability to take herself out of the deserted city, but she shook her head and said, "I will not go back because he is still here ..."

The princess has really grown up, there are people who like it, and it is deeply rooted.

Yu Huayun sighed in her heart, half happy and half worried, and the princess was happy that the princess finally had someone she liked. What was worried was what would happen in the future?

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