MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1332 Can not go back……

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The breeze blows, the colorful peach trees sway, the colorful flowers and rain are colorful, and the faint floral fragrance is refreshing.

Deep in the valley, there is a silence, bathed in the rain of flowers, and Shan Qiulin, holding the fountain of life in his hand for a long time, has no movement.

Some things, some words, do not need to say more. Since Bai Yang has made a decision, he will definitely not change it. Shan Qiulin knows him. This friendship, Shan Qiulin writes down, it ’s meaningless to say any more thanks, Bai Yang Can give up the fountain of life to complete him, he can also help Bai Yang to clear all obstacles with his sword in the future!

Gently, Shan Qiulin raised his left hand and reached behind his head.

Then, the black cloth strip that had been covering his eyes slowly slipped.

He once said that Mu Tong is the most beautiful scenery in his entire life. Any color in the world is meaningless to him, and then he will see the most beautiful scenery in his life again. So, the black cloth belt There was no need to cover his sight again.

After many years, Shan Qiulin saw the world again with his naked eyes, but instead of looking at anything around him, he stared at the fountain of life dragged by his right hand.

The fountain of life, when viewed from a distance, is just a ball of green water polo with breath of life. You can observe it from a close distance, and Shan Qiulin knows just how amazing this small water polo is.

It is complete and indivisible. Even if it is cut out, the fountain of life will lose its role!

This spring of life contains the surging breath of life, which is only used to resurrect the physical body, and to make a person truly resurrected, the physical body and the soul can only be virtual, and only the physical body and the soul can be resurrected at the same time. Just the resurrection of the physical body can only be regarded as a vegetative or living dead!

"The fountain of life, this is the fountain of life. It turns out that it is such a great wasteland lord that refines the essence of endless souls only to awaken the physical activity, or to condense a world-famous body. The person is the core medicine, breaking the rules of the heavens and the earth, and pulling the spirits of the resurrected people near death when they are almost reversed! "

Muttering to himself, standing at the current height of Shan Qiulin, he learned a lot from this little fountain of life.

The power of the supreme level has begun to touch the illusory things of time!

No, to be exact, it is that the great wasteland master has come into contact with the mighty power of time, and resurrecting a person is tantamount to reversing time, but time is irreversible. How can one resurrect one?

The only way is to break the law of eternal forward of time and reverse the time with absolute power, so we need a supreme strong as a medicine guide, sacrificing the power of a supreme strong to break the rules of time!

"Forcibly breaking the rules of time, I am afraid that the Dahuang Taoist has this ability, but once she does this, she will be destroyed by the flood of time, so she needs to sacrifice another Supreme Power to die for herself!"

Staring at the fountain of life and thinking about it, Shan Qiulin will never report any skepticism that the fountain of life can revive Mu Tong.

At the same time, he also understood Bai Yang's thoughts. Once he set foot on the Supreme Daoist level, he might be exposed to the illusory things of time. Bai Yang hit himself to step on that level and use his own power to forcefully reverse time to resurrect his mother!

He can perceive the meaning contained in the Tao through the fountain of life. How can he see through the fountain of life for so long?

"I will help you fulfill this wish with the rest of my life!"

Deep in his heart, Shan Qiulin exhaled softly, and then he needed to revive Mu Tong.

Between the waves, an emerald coffin appeared in front of him, the coffin lid opened, and Nei Zhongmu's body was as peaceful as asleep.

Shan Qiulin accompanied Mu Tong's body countless days and nights, but this was the first time he went to see her face after burying Mu Tong.

"Sister, you will really be here soon ..."

He whispered to himself, Shan Qiulin's voice was extremely gentle, not at all like the peerless swordsman who fought the sword in all directions in the stars.

Holding the fountain of life in his hand, he gently put it on the mouth of Mu Tong's body and gently squeezed Mu Tong's mouth. The fountain of life disappeared into Mu Tong's mouth as if consciously.

At the next moment, the surging green godly glory bloomed on Mu Tong's body, and the horrifying energy of life awakened her body without any vitality.

Just in a blink of an eye, Mu Tong's body came alive, with breathing and heartbeat, but did not wake up, because there is no soul above this body.

When Mu Tong died, she was too weak to repair, and the power of life to resurrect her body was less than one hundredth of a billion. More energy was transforming her body.

You know, this spring of life was prepared by the Dahuang Taoist for his resurrection, and he will be able to condense a supreme **** body!

Therefore, after the Spring of Life revives Mu Tong's body, the follow-up energy continues to transform her body. Mu Tong's body is growing in a horrible way. With a few breaths, her body strength is no less than that of the king. Brother Martial, but it continues ...

However, Shan Qiulin did not pay attention to this at this time, he looked nervously at the void above Mu Tong's body.

There, the void between square inches is distorted, an incomparable force shatters the space and disrupts time. Through the twisted void between the square inches, Shan Qiulin's sight saw that more than ten years ago happened in the blood lotus. Everything that happened when Mu Tong died.

Mu Tong ’s beloved brother betrayed her, and went to marry the granddaughter of a big man who taught blood lotus. Eventually, Mu Tong appeared and questioned his brother. When the truth became clear, the woman he wanted to marry wanted to kill his brother and vent his anger. , Then, even if Master Tong betrayed her, he also died for him ...

"Why, why, the big brother treats you so much, why are you willing to give his life for him ..."

Through the twisted time, witnessing all that Qiu Lin muttered to himself, could not tell what kind of taste it was.

His younger sister Mu Tong also loved his master when he was dying!

All this is too short, all the pictures are fleeting, and the power that disrupts space and disrupts time disappears in a blink of an eye, and the power that represents a supreme power is turned into nothingness for this moment.

But when that power disappeared, it was a time of reversal that pulled Mu Tong's soul over, and instantly merged into Mu Tong's changed body.

At this time, the surging energy contained in the fountain of life had already transformed Mu Tong's body. It was just this body. Shan Qiulin felt that the power contained in it was no less than himself!

The reason why Mu Tong's body strength has not reached the supreme level, Shan Qiulin also understands, after all, the one who uses the fountain of life is not a wasteland master, and cannot be used perfectly, and 90% of the energy is actually wasted ...

When the supreme power contained in the fountain of life pulled Mu Tong's spirits back into the body and pulled back into the body, Mu Tong, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and those eyes suddenly felt despair, and desperation shouted with bitterness: "Brother ...!"

At this moment, the three words of the elder brother came out of Mu Tong's mouth, forming a terrifying sound wave, twisting the world and sweeping out with the terrible power that destroyed all directions.

Shan Qiulin's face was bitter, and he didn't seem to realize that it was enough to destroy the entire Daqing dynasty. What he cared about was that Mu Tong was called a master when he was resurrected.

The memory of Shimei is only at the moment of death ...

Thinking about it this way, Shan Qiulin was relieved.

But my heart is empty ...

Mu Tong just instinctively used this terrible body to make a sound, naturally it can't hurt Shan Qiulin on the edge, but for the soul of the infinite land centered on the Hulu Valley, this sound is no less than a sound Extinction!

Shan Qiulin did not respond, but the poplar who always paid attention to this side reacted.

Jiulinggong Jinlian appeared immediately above Mu Tong, and wiped away that terrible restraint and restraint.

Mu Tong awoke completely, and shouted out the words of the elder brother, and then froze, staring blankly at everything around him.

Aren't you dead?

Are n’t you already dead for the big brother?

Why are you still alive?

This is where?

When Mu Tong calmly calmed down, the merit golden lotus sacrificed by the poplar above disappeared silently.

Standing behind Mu Tong, Shan Qiulin opened his mouth and finally said, "Little sister ..."

Mu Tong trembled. She had a weak soul and could not control the power of this terrible body. The whole body was trembling and the earth was trembling.

Shan Qiulin reacted completely ~ ~ Gently stomped, and the earth was calm.

Mu Tong turned slowly and saw Shan Qiulin, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and shouted subconsciously, "Is that you?"

"It's me" Shan Qiulin nodded.

For some reason, originally Qiu Lin wanted to let Aspen wipe out her bad memories as soon as Mu Tong was resurrected, but at this time he didn't do it that way, and he didn't look so excited to see Mu Tong, Extremely calm.

After the two words of Brother Mu Tong were exported, they reacted and asked in panic: "Brother, how could I be here? Did you save me? Brother is in danger, brother? ..."

Shan Qiulin sighed softly and chopped it on Mu Tong's neck, Mu Tong's eyelids turned unconscious.

"Calm down," Shan Qiulin sighed as he looked at the unconscious Mu Tong.

At this moment, Bai Yang appeared silently, saying a moment of silence: "Lao Dan, if necessary, I can help you erase her memory!"

Shan Qiulin shook his head gently and said, "No need, old white. I didn't understand until then. What I like is the little girl who lived with me instead of worshiping the little sister under the master's door. Her heart has already It does n’t belong to me, time ca n’t go back anymore, it ca n’t go back, even if you change your life against the sky, you ca n’t change everything that happened, even if you erase her memory, she is no longer her, nor is she dependent on me Little girl, meaningless "

After a moment of silence, Bai Yang understood Shan Qiulin's meaning and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"Describe everything for the little sister, let her decide what to do, so that ’s it. Let it go completely, completely. It ’s good, there is nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about completely" Shan Qiulin murmured.

Aspen sighed and turned away.

Extreme, can you touch the magical time?


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