MTL - Positive Energy System-Chapter 20 Torn memory

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Ji Chen'er heard a word—the more people she saw, the more she liked dogs. Although this sentence is somewhat extreme, it is not without reason to some extent.

Animals have much more pure emotions than humans. If they like it, they like it. If they don't like it, they don't like it. There will never be a knife in the back. Ji Chen always liked animals before being injured, but he couldn't keep a pet of his own until he was injured. When confronted with malicious people when doing good deeds before, Ji Chen's mood was at most-uncomfortable. Even when he watched Zhou Leling threaten by those thieves, he didn't feel angry, it was more sympathy and sorrow.

In order to make his legs recover soon, Ji Chen kept doing good deeds. Ji Chen saw his shadow on Zhou Leling, so he helped Zhou Leling at the risk of being discovered.

However, when I saw those posts today, Ji Chen was really angry.

Sometimes human beings are not very pleasing creatures. They are parasitic on the earth as if they are viruses, and what environmentalists say to save the earth is better to save humans.

Ji Chen doesn't deny that there are beautiful things around him, but maybe the physical changes make him see more negative energy.

Xiaoqi was very pleased with Ji Chen ’s emotional fluctuations, because it also knew that Ji Chen would never be so active if it was not for his legs to recover as soon as possible. Now it is natural to see that Ji Chen actually asked for punishment Happy.

Ji Chen did not post again the next time. He sat by the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the sunset that gradually fell into the horizon, thinking silently about some things.

Wang Zhixiu knocked on the door of Ji Chen's bedroom and said, "Xiao Qin, I'm eating."

Ji Chen responded, and entered the dining room in a wheelchair.

The dinner was dumplings wrapped in Zhou Yao, stuffed with cabbage and pork, a big belly, rounded, cooked and put on a plate. You can see the taste before eating.

Ji Chen dusted one, and after tasting it, it tasted really good, the skin was thin and the filling was plentiful, and the mix with the seasoning made it delicious.

Wang Zhixiu and Zhou Yumian talked about work at the dinner table, and the family seemed extremely happy.

After eating, Zhou Yaozhen went out with a basketball, and he didn't say hello to Ji Chen, it seemed that he was really angry with Ji Chen. Ji Chen looked at Zhou Yaoxuan eagerly and felt very innocent.

After Zhou Yaoxuan left, Wang Zhixiu went to wash the dishes. After seeing Ji Chen preparing to return to his bedroom, he hesitated for a moment and shouted, "Xiao Qin, talk with your mother."

Ji Chen flicked his wheelchair and said, "Okay."

Zhou Yumian was a father who didn't like talking very much. Wang Zhixiu and Ji Chen chatted, and he listened beside him without interruption.

Wang Zhixiu first asked Ji Chen's life problems. After getting a fairly satisfactory answer, the words suddenly turned, and she said, "Xiao Qin, do you still blame your parents?"

Ji Chen suffocated, he didn't understand what Wang Zhixiu meant, and wanted to come to those memories locked by Xiao Qi.

Wang Zhixiu continued: "For so many years, my mother also knows that my mother is sorry for you, but Xiaoqin, my mother really can't bear to look at Xiaoxi and it's gone."

Ji Chen looked at Wang Zhixiu and couldn't wait to get Xiaoqi out of his head. He cried, "Little Qi, don't you give me your memory? You don't know what Zhou Yaoqin's mother said. ! "

Xiao Qi said: "What's the use of you yelling at me, I can show you, I showed you ..."

Ji Chen's temper was lost by Xiao Qi, he said, "Can you show me now?"

Xiao Qidao: "Look at it, you will know to see other people all day long, don't care about my mood at all!" After that, he snorted proudly.

Ji Chen: "..."

However, Xiaoqi complained and complained. Ji Chen's eyes still flashed, which was more than ten seconds. Ji Chen knew what had happened—to be precise, he knew what had happened. .

It turned out that not only was Zhou Yaoqin alone, but also Zhou Yaodi who played with him.

Zhou Yaoxuan was more severely injured than Zhou Yaoqin. The whole person was almost rescued. Wang Zhixiu and Zhou Yu exhausted their efforts and invited countless doctors before pulling Zhou Yaoxuan back from the death line.

The cost of these operations also drained their last savings.

Ten years ago, the Zhou family sold everything that could be sold in the family, but only rescued one Zhou Yaozheng. According to the doctor, if Zhou Yaoqin could be sent abroad for the best treatment, his leg might have recovered. Opportunity, but after Zhou Yaozhen had a few major operations, their family had not saved so much.

In desperation, Wang Zhixiu and Zhou Yumian had to abandon Zhou Yaoqin's treatment.

For this reason, Wang Zhixiu cried countless times secretly. After more than ten years passed, he still couldn't let it go. Only in this summer vacation, saw Zhou Yaoqin's character not so gloomy, so he carefully mentioned this topic. Surface.

Ji Chen'ai never thought about it. He always felt that Zhou Yaoxuan was very kind to him. This kind of luck made him feel lucky. But now, Wang Zhixiu and the incomplete memory of completion tell him that Zhou Yaoxuan's This is good, it's more of a compensation.

Ji Chen suddenly remembered the desperate mood of Zhou Yaoqin before his death, and in his heart he had a faint guess about the remaining memories that had not yet been received. No wonder he always felt that Zhou Yaoxuan's body had a strange sense of disobedience.

Seeing Ji Chen not talking, Wang Zhixiu was full of melancholy. She said, "Xiao Qin, don't blame your mother ..."

Ji Chen said, "Mom, I don't blame you." Zhou Yaoqin died, and the rest was Ji Chen. He was naturally not qualified to blame Wang Zhixiu. What he can do now is to compensate the Zhou family within his ability.

Wang Zhixiu heard the words, and her eyes began to burst into tears. She weeping and hugged Ji Chen, choking and said, "Mom waited for this sentence for you, ten years."

Ji Chen raised his hand and patted Wang Zhixiu's back gently.

Xiao Qi ’s memory for Ji Chen was very vague. Regarding the contents of the car accident, Ji Chen still only knew about it. Even if Wang Zhixiu helped him unlock a part, he still could n’t see it clearly. How the car accident happened. This memory seemed too painful for Zhou Yaoqin, so that his body naturally blurred the memory.

Ji Chen'ai knew that it was useless to count on Xiao Qi in this aspect of memory.

Wang Zhixiu is happy. She feels that her son who has returned this summer has changed a lot. Although she still does not like to talk to people, she is not as lonely as before. This change made Wang Zhixiu feel much better.

Wang Zhixiu said, "Xiao Qin, your father and I are worthy of my life. I have discussed with your father. The things at home are left to you after we leave. There are three houses in total. My dad and I saved them from the gap between the teeth. We are paying for the endowment insurance. Even if we are old in the future, we are not afraid of bullying you. "

This is the mother's love and guilt for his son. Ji Chen didn't taste it on his original mother, Shen Shuya. He could imagine that if Wang Zhixiu knew that Zhou Yaoqin was dead, he would probably fall into extreme sadness.

The mother and son talked about something, and time passed quickly. Zhou Yaozhen also played the ball and came back from the outside.

He was wearing a jersey and was covered with sweat. When he saw Ji Chen sitting in the living room, he didn't step forward to say hello, but turned to the bedroom to change clothes and take a bath.

Wang Zhixiu looked at Zhou Yaoxuan's back, and looked at Ji Chen again, and sighed without a trace.

Ji Chen knew that Zhou Yaozhen was angry, but he didn't know what he was angry at. He reasonably said he just gave a gift to someone and didn't do anything excessive.

Ji Chen didn't think about it, so he was too lazy to think about it. He simply went to his bedroom and asked why after Zhou Yaoyu took a shower.

When Zhou Yao saw Ji Chen entered his bedroom, he didn't say good or bad, but just blowing hair with a hairdryer, he didn't say a word.

Ji Chen said: "Xiao Yan ..."

Zhou Yaozhen didn't speak.

Ji Chen said again, "Xiao, why don't you ignore me?"

Zhou Yaozheng turned off the hair dryer switch: "What did you just say?"

Ji Chen'er: "... I ask you why you ignored me."

Zhou Yaozhen didn't speak, but turned to look at Ji Chen: "I didn't ignore my brother."

Ji Chen said: "So you regenerate my anger?" He was still slow, and also saw the coldness in Zhou Yao's eyes.

Zhou Yao said suddenly: "Brother, do you think I am good to you?"

Ji Chen was inexplicably asked by these words, he said, "Zhou Yaohuan, what do you mean by that?"

Zhou Yao stood up, closed the bedroom door, and walked in front of Ji Chen, looking down at his brother: "Do you think I'm good to you?"

Ji Chen nodded naturally.

Zhou Yaoxu bent down and slowly approached Ji Chen: "But, I'm not a good person."

Faced with Zhou Yaoxuan's closer and closer face, Ji Chen's jumping piece reflected back.

Seeing this, Zhou Yao reached out and gently supported Ji Chen's head. He reached Ji Chen's ear and whispered softly, "But it doesn't matter, I really like it, my brother now."

Suddenly Ji Chen's eyes seemed to be so strange. 2k novel reading network