MTL - Positive Energy System-Chapter 30 Redeemer of Defamator (1)

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This matter of Lu Yuanyuan cast a shadow over the entire Zhou family. But the final result was that Lu Yuanyuan still called the police and did not know how much Ji Chen played a role in it.

Zhou Yaoyi knew this matter somehow. He sent Ji Chen an e-mail and told Ji Chen that if anything happened at home, he must tell him.

Ji Chen could only respond. He also asked Zhou Yaozhen what he was doing recently. Zhou Yaozhen took a few photos of him. He was thinner than before, shaved a very short hairstyle, and made a look at the screen. Scissors, it looks pretty good.

Ji Chen's positive energy value is still more than 300 points away from level one. During this time, he went to visit Lu Yuanyuan while picking up rubbish. He hoped to reach level one within this month.

Lu Yuanyuan was discharged from the hospital a week later. In fact, she was not physically harmed, but her mental condition was very bad. In just a few days, her whole body was thin and out of shape.

According to Wang Zhixiu, Lu Yuanyuan originally had a boyfriend, but after this happened, he didn't even come to see Lu Yuanyuan except for a phone call.

As a man, Ji Chenye was very disdainful of Lu Yuanyuan's boyfriend's behavior. Now as soon as the sun's eyes cool down, he will go to Lu Yuanyuan to chat. As a result, his relationship with Lu Yuanyuan became familiar.

One morning in the middle of the month, Ji Chen went to Lu Yuanyuan to chat as usual. He knocked on the door and saw Wang Zhiping with tears on his face and opened the door.

Ji Chen said, "Aunt, what is ... what happened?"

Wang Zhiping shook his head and signaled that Ji Chen was coming.

After entering into the living room, Ji Chen did not see Lu Yuanyuan, but noticed that Lu Yuanyuan's bedroom door was tightly closed.

Ji Chen asked, "Aunt, what happened?"

Wang Zhiping sat down on the sofa in the living room with an ugly face: "Xiao Qin, how can it be so difficult today." Then, her eyes were dark and she said what happened in the house just now.

During this time, after the comfort of her family and her own psychological adjustment, Lu Yuanyuan's mental state was greatly relieved. She also began to try to go out and even willing to speak to her parents.

But the day before yesterday, a news on TV made Lu Yuanyuan's mood worse.

Ji Chen asked what news it was. Wang Zhiping told Ji Chen that it was a little girl who came back at night but was forced and violent.

Wang Zhiping also said that the identity of the **** / **** in the news was not revealed, but Lu Yuanyuan saw it, naturally he felt a sense of enmity with the enemy. Lu Yuanyuan did not go out during this time, but she was still on the Internet. She saw After this news was broadcast, it was naturally very angry.

However, when she searched online for news about the incident, she saw comments that made her unacceptable.

"It's definitely not a good thing to go out so late, it should be deserved to be raped or raped"

"Yeah, it ’s so showy to see through clothes, just go to work."

"This man is so unlucky, maybe he didn't talk about the business money before he was framed" ...

Such remarks directly stimulated Lu Yuanyuan's most sensitive nerve. She smashed her laptop in anger and rushed into the bedroom like crazy.

Wang Zhiping was terribly worried. He went to the key and opened the bedroom door, but saw Lu Yuanyuan sitting on the desktop computer in the bedroom with an expression of consternation, tapping the keyboard like crazy.

Wang Zhiping originally thought that Lu Yuanyuan was only stimulated. After a while, she calmed down and was okay, but she did not expect that Lu Yuanyuan was sitting for three days. She quarreled with those people on the Internet without eating or drinking. Constant typing became a little edema and refused to put down the keyboard.

After Wang Zhiping talked about the matter, tears flowed again. She said, "Xiao Qin, Yuanyuan will only talk to you. If you can ... persuade her. Both my father and I should say everything. That said, it's useless. "

Ji Chen nodded and went to the bedroom with Wang Zhiping.

Xiao Qi's voice suddenly came out: "Well, here comes the opportunity!"

Ji Chen said, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Qidao: "The insulting person will humiliate himself."

Ji Chen frowned slightly and wanted to say something to Xiao Qi, but she had already reached the bedroom. After Wang Zhiping pushed open the bedroom door, Ji Chen saw Lu Yuanyuan with disheveled hair and pale face at a glance.

Lu Yuanyuan was noticed that someone had opened the door and was typing desperately with her head down. Her eyes were all numb and she could see that the condition of the whole person was extremely bad.

Ji Chen sat behind Lu Yuanyuan and stared at the screen for a long time. After almost seeing what posts Lu Yuanyuan was replying to, he whispered, "Cousin?"

Lu Yuanyuan paused for a moment, slowly turning his head to look at Ji Chen.

Ji Chen was not stingy, and he used the sun's gaze directly on him. He said, "Cousin, take a rest, I will help you scold them."

Lu Yuanyuan pursed her lips and pulled out an extremely ugly smile. She said, "Xiao Qin, I really want these people to die, why are they ... not to die?"

Ji Chen said softly, "Cousin, take a rest first, and when you wake up, let's continue to scold them."

Lu Yuanyuan stared at Ji Chen for a long time, and finally nodded gently.

Almost as soon as she lay in bed, Lu Yuanyuan fell asleep, but even when she fell asleep, her brow frowned slightly, apparently she did not sleep well.

Ji Chen sits at Lu Yuanyuan's computer desk, and once again roughly browses her posts and responses.

On the Internet, because of their anonymity, most people will show the greatest maliciousness without any hesitation. For example, in the post in front of Ji Chen, some people even started to scold Lu Yuanyuan as a female watch. It will be so exciting. These swear words are that Ji Chen's man was uncomfortable when he saw it, not to mention Lu Yuanyuan who encountered those things.

Xiaoqi obviously saw it, and he said quietly, "Sometimes, I really want to cut off the fingers of these people."

Ji Chen thought deeply.

However, although Xiaoqi sometimes has a negative energy, it is a positive energy system in the end, so generally only these people will be punished mentally, and they will not directly hurt these people.

Xiao Qidao: "Severe negative energy has been detected, and it is recommended to turn on the 'salvation of the slanderer'."

This skill was started when Ji Chen was abducted, and it has not been used yet. He is also curious about what this skill does. If it is like the "self-awareness of the cruelty", it is quite good.

Just a few minutes after turning on this skill, Ji Chen heard a jingle, Xiao Qi's gentle voice sounded: "Congratulations, the positive energy value has reached the first level, and the skills 'primary healing', 'Holy Light of the Father' `` Love of the world '.' '

Ji Chen'er: "... Do you provide commentary services?"

Xiao Qidao: "Your permission is not enough for me to provide commentary services."

Ji Chen admires Xiao Qi's serious, nonsense spirit, and he can explain to himself the usefulness and effects of these skills, but to find a reason to evade it.

Ji Chen didn't expect that he could get more than 300 positive energies almost instantaneously. After researching it, he could almost understand why these people can provide him with so much positive energies ... Most people who scolded were actually sailors.

Ji Chen said that it is no wonder that the direction of public opinion is so strange. Even if there are so many wonderful men in this world, most of them are still normal. They say that women should be tasted by the deserving men.

Xiao Qi seemed to understand what Ji Chen was thinking, saying, "I checked the source of these posts ..."

Ji Chen said: "Who invited the navy?"

Xiao Qidao: "Do you remember the news that Wang Zhiping said?"

Ji Chen said: "Remember."

Xiaoqidao said, "These people are the strong and treacherous ones." Then it briefly described why that person asked the sailor to go online to build momentum.

After listening to Ji Chen, her mood became even more unpleasant. It turned out that the **** of that person was deliberately exposed to the media. It was mixed with some of the above struggles, so it seemed extra chaotic. Although his identity was not revealed Came out, but the current situation is very bad, so in order to control the Internet speech, to accurately shift the public's attention, he invited a group of naval forces, specifically with online Internet users who are not upset.

When netizens set their sights on these sailors who spread **** remarks, their attention will instead turn away from him.

This plan was actually successful, if Ji Chen and Xiao Qi were not encountered.

"The redeemer of the libelers"-let the navy continue to post, but this time the content of the post became "I am a navy and I said a lot of offensive words, I really feel sorry for everyone."

Most people's posts are like this, and a few of them even directly exposed the employer's name and requirements.

Netizens were stunned when they looked at this weird painting style.

Ji Chen supported her chin, and suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Lu Yuanyuan had a nightmare. She dreamed that she was constantly walking in a dark alley. A group of snakes were chasing her and biting her. She ran, ran, and saw that she would fall into the snake group, but suddenly Wake up.

She narrowed her eyes and opened her eyes. After a while, her eyes refocused.

Ji Chen heard Lu Yuanyuan's movement, he said, "Cousin, are you okay?"

Lu Yuanyuan turned his head to look at Ji Chen, her dull eyes softened, and she said, "I haven't ... are you still posting?"

Ji Chen nodded.

This feeling seemed to make Lu Yuanyuan calmer a lot, she said: "Forget it, don't post it, no matter how much it can be changed, let those people, love to say, how to say." 2k novel reading network

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