MTL - President Daddy Super Awesome-Chapter 1974 Important dinner

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On the Court House, tonight's unusual excitement, the two families gathered together to discuss the wedding.

Being able to participate in dinner tonight is a great honor for Ling Sibai, but tonight, his identity here is not the people of this country, but a family.

"This wedding of Sijin must be done more grandly, and there are also many old friends who want to get together."

Xi Fenghan smiled and expressed his opinion.

In the eyes of the war, Xi Yang also expressed his approval. "Yes! There has been no happy event for a long time. This time it is time to call the old friends to come and have fun together."

Xi Xi’s innocent face, through his thoughts, “I want to see the two sisters of the palace and the night house! I haven’t seen them for a long time.”

Chu Yan and Chu Yue also smiled at each other. "This time, we will all come over and let your juniors take the opportunity to contact them and see each other."

In the eyes of Zhan Sijin, there is also a glimmer of expectation. "Yes, I have not seen it for a long time."

"Sie Bai, we are so happy with the wedding of Sijin, please don't mind if we have too many opinions."

Xi Feng Han Wei apologized.

Ling Sibai immediately went back. "Uncle Xi, you are too polite, you pay so much attention to the wedding of me and Sijin, I am too happy to come!"

The war brocade licked his lips and smiled. "Of course we don't have any opinions."

After a dinner, Zhan Sijin took Lingshibai to play the night view of Junfu, and some elders chatted in the back garden next to them. Xixi improvised to play the piano for them, making the atmosphere tonight exceptional. Wonderful.

"It’s been so many years of glare, even if you want to marry, the time flies!"

Chu Yue sighed.

Xi Fenghan reached out and held his wife's hand. "The next time, I will accompany you with my heart. Immediately, my son will take over. It is time for us."

Chu Yue smiled and nodded, and looked forward to seeing, "I have been thinking about going to a vacation with you, no state affairs, no phone calls, no all kinds of disturbances, just two of us, taking a walk, raising flowers and plants. ”

Xi Fenghan gazed softly at his wife and replied earnestly. "Well! After the wedding of Sijin is over, we are ready to go and buy the island. You have already arranged everything."

On the other side, Chu Yan and the war Xi Yang looked at each other. The wary West Yang asked his wife, "Do you want to go to the ferry next?"

Chu Yan is a workaholic, and, for her, the meaning of life lies in the achievements of the work, she shook her head. "At present, there is no plan, do you want to go?"

The war Xi Yang is also a person who gets great value and satisfaction in his work. He laughs, "I will accompany you at any time. If you don't want to go, we will continue to live here."

The life of Chu Yue and Xi Feng Han has always carried a greater responsibility than they are, so they are ready to withdraw from the battlefield, and their outstanding sons and daughters are ready.

"At that time, I will go to your island to play and relax."

Chu Yan Chao sister said.

Chu Yue readily nodded, "Okay! When you come, please come to you, and you will be together with Momo and return to our days when we were young."

"Yes! It’s very reminiscent of thinking about it!"

Chu Yan smiles.

Xi Fenghan also missed her sister very much. Now my sister and brother-in-law have already lived in a mountain village abroad and lived a leisurely life.

"Brother, please post on the other side of the palace. Please come to you."

Said Xi Yang.

Xi Feng Han nodded. "Good! I will definitely notice."

In the garden of the night, everywhere is neon, on the bluestone road, the flowers and plants on both sides are dark and fragrant.

Zhan Sijin and Ling Sibai are wandering around, and Shi Sijin seems to be full of feelings for the grass and trees here. She grew up here, and every corner here has her naughty figure.

At this moment, Zhan Sijin and Ling Sibai laughed at the place where she fell when she was a child. Ling Sibai looked at the fake rock. Even if she knew that she was standing intact, the heart could not help but tighten.

"Is there a fall?"

Zhan Sijin touched the place where the hair was touched. "No, there was a small wound and three stitches were stitched here, but it is now invisible."

Ling Sibai reached out in her injured position and gently stroked it.

Zhan Sijin immediately leaned in his arms, leaning on his gaze, sweetly curling his lips. "I am looking forward to our wedding!"

"I will not let you down."

Ling Sibai is low.

Zhan Sijin smiled and looked up. "I have not been disappointed since I met you."

"Shenjin, I have a worrying place. If our wedding is open, then your identity will be known. I am worried that you will be in danger in the future. I hope to have two weddings."

When I heard about it, I immediately understood what he meant. Indeed, the relatives and friends of this father’s side are not the same as the big names in the business world. They are the people with superior status in the military, not to mention the identity of uncles and uncles. It is honorable.

And Ling Sibai's guests, naturally have friends in the entire office building, and some people in the community, it is really not good for the guests on both sides to gather together, although her identity did not participate in the government, but her family's Identity is also enough to make people visit.

War thought nodded, "Okay, let's hold two weddings!"

Ling Sibai saw her promise, and he could not help but comfort a few points. "We will discuss it with our parents tomorrow."

Around nine o'clock, they left from the Court House, and the car headed for the direction of the community.

Zhan Sijin was sitting in Ling Sibai’s car, and his parents were in another car. In the heart of Zhan Sijin, he didn’t really want to go home. Although the wedding was only a month, she could be inside. I already wanted to be with Ling Sibai.

Just, how should she tell her parents?

She also does not want to hurt her parents' hearts.

It was annoying, her cell phone rang, and Zhan Sijin took a look, it was the mother who called, and she reached out and picked it up, "Hey, Mom.

"Shen Jin, I will do something with your dad for a while, maybe you have to go home very late, so!" Go back to Sibai! ”

The sound of Chu Yan came naturally.

War Sijin did not expect her to be relieved, she could not hide her joy, but she still suppressed and seriously answered, "Oh! Ok, then you pay attention to safety."

""Ok! You also go to bed early. ”

After hanging up the phone, I’m screaming and I’m so excited to look at the man around me.

Ling Sibai touched her smile and couldn't help but laugh. "What is so happy?"

Some of the shy and biting bites of the red lips, "My parents have something, don't go home so fast, so I am going to live in your house tonight."

Ling Sibai’s gaze immediately poured out with joy and joy. “Okay! I am thinking about being with you.”

Zhan Sijin touched Ling Sibai's gaze and shyly turned and shook his head. "Let's go shopping and go back!"

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