MTL - President Daddy Super Awesome-Chapter 2012 Bullied by him

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"Compared to me, you have counted the men you played!"

The man asked with gritted teeth.

Ji Qinglim's head was so hot that she thought that he wouldn't even touch him after marriage, and also wanted to prove that she was not the type that nobody loved. She was arrogant, "at least ten fingers were not enough."

"You ..." Huang Fu Quanche's palms were instantly strained.

Ji Qingmeng was sore with sweat that he reached out and pulled his palm. "It hurts."

At this moment, there were small footsteps flying in the corridor, and Huang Fu Quanche just let go. Ji Qinglim looked at the red circle on her wrist, Mei Yan blinked, and whispered, "What is the skill of bullying a woman? . "

Huangfu Quanche heard it, but was too lazy to step on her and turned back, looking at his son who came under the light tenderly, "Sister Xiao, sleep with Daddy tonight."

Ji Qinglim also concealed the pinched red wrist. In front of the son, neither of them wanted the son to see the contradiction of their adult.

"Mum, do you want me to sleep with you?"

The little guy asked with a cute crooked head.

"Go with your father! Mommy is a little tired."

Ji Qingmeng had to say so.

"All right! Good night, mommy, go to bed early! Don't stay up late to work."

The little guy ordered like a little grown-up.

The words of milk sound milky, but they warm the heart.

Ji Qingneng squatted down and opened her arms at him. The little boy came over and hugged her happily. Ji Qingneng kissed his little head and promised, "Mummy knows."

Huang Fu Quanche looked at the mother and son hugging together under the light, a halo shrouded, the picture warmed his heart.

He flicked his heartstring.

Ji Qinglim let go of the little one, and she got up and waved, "Good night, go to sleep!"

The little man held Daddy's big palm and waved his hand back, "Mummy, good night."

Looking at the door of the master bedroom closed, Ji Qingneng sighed. It was not tiring at first, but she was really tired after fighting with this man.

early morning.

Ji Qinglim opened her eyes and slept well all night.

During the holiday, she was relieved of stress for the time being, and she was completely relaxed.

At nine o'clock, she received a call from Lin Xuenuo. At the other end, she heard that Huangfu Quanche was in a row restaurant, and was surprised for a few seconds, but she was also looking forward to meeting her sister.

At the breakfast table, Lin Wei prepared a rich and nutritious breakfast. Ji Qinglim held a glass of milk and asked the opposite man, "I'm going to take Xiao Yao out at ten."

Huang Fuquan looked up, "Just a friend?"

"My best sister, is there a problem?"

Ji Qinglim asked.

"In the future, you are not allowed to take my son to see people who are indifferent."

Huang Fuquan pointed out something.

Her lovers.

Ji Qinglim understood, "I can do it, I hope you can too."

The little guy on the other side looked up curiously, and his mouth was covered with a layer of milk ring. "Daddy Mommy, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, we'll see you fucking."

Ji Qingmen laughed and pumped paper to wipe his mouth.

Huang Fu Quanche picked up the mobile phone next to him and pressed in line to the bodyguard in front of Ji Qingmeng.

At the same time, she called her assistant Qiao Min and asked her to book a fine restaurant.

His subordinates were very efficient in their work. Only two minutes later, Qiao Min called back and sent the address.

Huang Fuquan has not the number of the woman opposite him, he said to her, "Give me your number."

Ji Qingmeng reported the number in the past, the man dialed for a few seconds, the phone next to Ji Qingmeng rang, and a message sounded shortly after.

"The address was sent to you. Remember, this is my personal number. No one except you."

Men don't forget to remind me.

Ji Qingmen held his number on his mobile phone and looked up at him. "Rest assured, I didn't divulge the privacy preferences of others at will."

When saving the phone, Ji Qingmeng wrote only one word, "Huang."

Anyway, as long as I know it is him.

Huangfu Quanche also saved her number, the little guy looked at it, and his **** gem-like eyes flashed with some kind of happy signal.

Although he only hoped that Daddy would provide maintenance, but in his heart, what he really hoped was that one day, Daddy would remarry and build a complete home for him.

In the future, he must realize this wish through his own efforts.

At ten o'clock on time, Huangfu Quanche's two bodyguard cars arrived, and Ji Qingli took the little guy into the car.

The little guy turned back and waved at the man watching behind him, "Goodbye."

Ji Qinglim sat in the car, and the little guy still fell down the window and looked at the man outside, reluctantly.

Huangfu Quanche raised his palm, his handsome face showed a gentle pet smile, and watched his son leave.

Ji Qingli put the little guy into the prepared safety seat and fastened his seat belt. "Sit down."

The little guy turned to look at his mother, "Mum, it's good to live with Daddy!"

To be honest, it was not good at all. He was taught his ruthlessness five years ago and his overbearing years later.

But in front of her son, she was hard to say bad things about him.

"OK, as long as you like it."

Ji Qinglim considered everything for his son.

"I think Daddy is very gentle and good! Mommy, why are you divorcing Daddy?"

The little boy blinked his eyes and asked puzzledly.

Ji Qingneng could not help but hesitate. Can Huang Quanquan in her son's eyes and Huangfu Quanche in her eyes be one person?

"This is a grown-up problem! You still don't understand."

Ji Qingmeng can only fool a word.

"Mum, do you and Daddy get along a little longer?"


"Because you have been together for a long time, Daddy will know that Mummy is a good woman, and you will find Daddy a good man."

The little guy said confidently.

Ji Qingnang was silent. Of course, in the innocent world of his son, the other side of the man could not be seen, and Huang Fuquan ’s love for his son was like the father ’s love of the mountain, and for her, he was as cold as a diarrhea. For a long time, they will not look at each other.

Therefore, I am afraid to disappoint my son.

"In a moment Mommy will accompany you to pick a gift, OK?"


"Because Mommy hasn't been out shopping with you for so long, it is rare to go shopping once, and of course I have to buy you a gift!"

Ji Qingneng diverted his son's attention.

"Well, thank you Mommy."

The little guy came together happily and wanted to kiss her.

Ji Qinglim touched his cheek and felt his son's tender little mouth pouting. This feeling of being loved by his son wholeheartedly surpassed everything.

The bodyguard's car stopped at the entrance of the restaurant. The bodyguard got out of the car and pulled the door for her respectfully.

"Miss Ji, the restaurant is here."

"thank you all."

Ji Qingneng got out of the car first, and the little guy who got off the safety seat immediately took her hand and followed the car.

"Where's the fuck?"

The little guy glanced around.

Ji Qinglim was also thinking about where Lin Xuenuo had gone. At this time, a red car came over. From the driver's seat, Lin Xuenuo poked out his head, "I'm here!"


The little guy shouted excitedly and laughed like a cute little prince.